Release Note - gnupack-pretest_devel-2018.06.10

  Change Log

  * gnupack 13.06をベースにしたpretest版のバージョンアップ。
  * cygwinを 2.10.0-1にバージョンアップ。
  * emacsを 26.1にバージョンアップ。
  * gvimを vim81-kaoriya-win32-8.1.0005-20180520にバージョンアップ。
  * nkfを 2.1.4にバージョンアップ。※1
  * globalを 6.6.2にバージョンアップ。
  * cocotを 2017-11-18 01:04:48にバージョンアップ。※1
  * sshpassを 1.06にバージョンアップ。※1
  * cmigemoを 2017-03-06 15:11:01にバージョンアップ。※1
  * バンドル ソフトウェアに highway(バージョン 2017-05-31 18:17:10)を追加。※1
  * man-pages-jaを 20180515にバージョンアップ。
  * apt-cygを 2018-05-17 16:24:40にバージョンアップ。
  * バンドル ソフトウェアに ansible(バージョン 2.5.4)を追加。
  * バンドル ソフトウェアに serverspec(バージョン 2.41.3)を追加。※1
  * silver searcherを個別ビルドから cygwin標準パッケージに変更。※1
  * cygwinのパッケージに tmux、pv、python3、moreutilsを追加。※1
  * デフォルト設定(home.default)とプリセット設定(home.preset)を追加。※1
  * tmux向けの環境変数(TMUX_TMPDIR)を追加。※1
  * tmuxの設定ファイル(.tmux.conf)を追加。※1
  * CYGWIN環境変数に proc_retry:5を追加。※1
  * ---
  * ※1 gnupack pretest 2017-09-11からの変更はなし

  Bundle Software

  * cygwin (https://www.cygwin.com/)
      alternatives-1.3.30c-10         inetutils-1.9.1-2               python3-3.6.4-1
      ascii-3.15-1                    less-530-1                      python3-devel-3.6.4-1
      attr-2.4.46-1                   libcroco0.6_3-0.6.12-1          python3-setuptools-34.3.2-1
      base-cygwin-3.8-1               libdatrie1-0.2.8-1              rebase-4.4.4-1
      base-files-4.2-4                libdbus1_3-1.10.22-1            ruby-2.3.6-1
      bash-4.4.12-3                   libgif4-4.1.6-10                ruby-io-console-0.4.6-1
      bc-1.06.95-2                    libgnutls28-3.3.27-1            ruby-json-2.0.4-1
      bzip2-1.0.6-3                   libgraphite2_3-1.3.10-1         ruby-minitest4-5.10.3-1
      ca-certificates-2.22-1          libharfbuzz0-1.7.6-1            ruby-psych-2.2.4-1
      colordiff-1.0.9-1               libjpeg8-1.5.3-1                ruby-rake-12.1.0-1
      connect-proxy-1.104-1           libpng16-1.6.34-1               ruby-rdoc-5.1.0-1
      ctags-5.8-1                     librsvg2_2-2.40.20-1            rubygems-2.6.13-1
      cvs-1.11.23-2                   libtiff6-4.0.9-1                sed-4.4-1
      cygutils-1.4.16-2               libxml2-2.9.4-2                 source-highlight-3.1.8-6
      cygutils-extra-1.4.16-2         libXpm-noX-3.5.12-1             subversion-1.10.0-2
      cygwin-2.10.0-1                 make-4.2.1-2                    tar-1.29-1
      dash-                  man-db-                the_silver_searcher-2.1.0-1
      diffutils-3.5-2                 mintty-2.8.5-0                  time-1.9-1
      dos2unix-7.4.0-1                moreutils-0.62-1                tmux-2.6-1
      editrights-1.03-1               ncurses-6.0-12.20171125         tree-1.7.0-1
      expect-5.45-3                   openssh-7.7p1-1                 tzcode-2018e-1
      file-5.32-1                     patch-2.7.4-1                   unzip-6.0-17
      findutils-4.6.0-1               perl-5.26.2-1                   util-linux-2.25.2-2
      gawk-4.2.1-1                    perl-Compress-Bzip2-2.26-2      vim-8.0.1567-1
      gcc-core-7.3.0-2                perl_manpages-5.26.2-1          vim-minimal-8.0.1567-1
      gcc-g++-7.3.0-2                 perl_pods-5.26.2-1              wget-1.19.1-2
      getent-2.18.90-4                ping-1.0.2-1                    which-2.20-2
      git-2.17.0-1                    popt-1.16-2                     xz-5.2.3-1
      gnupg-1.4.22-1                  procps-3.3.10-1                 zip-3.0-12
      grep-3.0-2                      pv-1.4.12-1                     _autorebase-001007-1
      groff-1.22.3-1                  python-2.7.14-1                 _update-info-dir-03000-1
      gzip-1.8-1                      python-devel-2.7.14-1
      hostname-3.13-1                 python-setuptools-34.3.2-1

  * emacs (http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/)

      configure --with-w32 --without-reconversion --without-documentfeed --prefix=/app/cygwin/emacs --host=i686-pc-cygwin CFLAGS='-O2' 
      gcc (GCC) 7.3.0
      Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
      Configured for 'i686-pc-cygwin'.
        Where should the build process find the source code?    .
        What compiler should emacs be built with?               i686-pc-cygwin-gcc -O2
        Should Emacs use the GNU version of malloc?             no (only before dumping)
        Should Emacs use a relocating allocator for buffers?    no
        Should Emacs use mmap(2) for buffer allocation?         no
        What window system should Emacs use?                    w32
        What toolkit should Emacs use?                          none
        Where do we find X Windows header files?                Standard dirs
        Where do we find X Windows libraries?                   Standard dirs
        Does Emacs use -lXaw3d?                                 no
        Does Emacs use -lXpm?                                   yes
        Does Emacs use -ljpeg?                                  yes
        Does Emacs use -ltiff?                                  yes
        Does Emacs use a gif library?                           yes -lgif
        Does Emacs use a png library?                           yes -L/usr/lib -lpng16
        Does Emacs use -lrsvg-2?                                yes
        Does Emacs use cairo?                                   no
        Does Emacs use -llcms2?                                 no
        Does Emacs use imagemagick (version 6)?                 no
        Does Emacs support sound?                               yes
        Does Emacs use -lgpm?                                   no
        Does Emacs use -ldbus?                                  yes
        Does Emacs use -lgconf?                                 no
        Does Emacs use GSettings?                               no
        Does Emacs use a file notification library?             yes -lgio (gfile)
        Does Emacs use access control lists?                    yes 
        Does Emacs use -lselinux?                               no
        Does Emacs use -lgnutls?                                yes
        Does Emacs use -lxml2?                                  yes
        Does Emacs use -lfreetype?                              no
        Does Emacs use -lm17n-flt?                              no
        Does Emacs use -lotf?                                   no
        Does Emacs use -lxft?                                   no
        Does Emacs use -lsystemd?                               no
        Does Emacs directly use zlib?                           yes
        Does Emacs have dynamic modules support?                no
        Does Emacs use toolkit scroll bars?                     yes
        Does Emacs support Xwidgets (requires gtk3)?            no
        Does Emacs have threading support in lisp?              yes
        Does Emacs support W32-IME?                             yes
        Does Emacs support RECONVERSION?                        no

  * emacs patch (https://gist.github.com/rzl24ozi/)
      7f3211aab3d52eb1401be7ce15474780 *emacs-26.1-rc1-cygwin-rsvg.diff
      e2732446cd75612cb4c428330ee4d56a *emacs-26.1-rc1-disable-w32-ime.diff
      0fc1dd0efb3ac40d061d286b01d6da7e *emacs-26.1-rc1-ImmDisableIME.diff
      c65bdb3a26b99fb06b5e5fa4a2a3394c *emacs-26.1-rc1-w32-ime.diff

  * gvim (http://www.kaoriya.net/software/vim/)

  * nkf (http://sourceforge.jp/projects/nkf/)

  * global (http://www.gnu.org/software/global/)

  * cocot (https://github.com/vmi/cocot/)
      2017-11-18 01:04:48

  * sshpass (http://sourceforge.net/projects/sshpass/)

  * cmigemo (https://github.com/koron/cmigemo/)
      2017-03-06 15:11:01

  * ttyrec (http://0xcc.net/ttyrec/)

  * sary (http://sary.sourceforge.net/)

  * highway (https://github.com/tkengo/highway/)
      2017-05-31 18:17:10

  * man-pages-ja (http://linuxjm.sourceforge.jp/)

  * Migu 1M (http://sourceforge.jp/projects/mix-mplus-ipa/)

  * apt-cyg (https://github.com/kou1okada/apt-cyg/)
      2018-05-17 16:24:40

  * ansible (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/)
    bundle only gnupack devel

  * serverspec (https://github.com/serverspec/serverspec/)
    bundle only gnupack devel

  Cygwin Package Information

    Package                    Version             Status
    _autorebase                001007-1            OK
    _update-info-dir           03000-1             OK
    alternatives               1.3.30c-10          OK
    ascii                      3.15-1              OK
    attr                       2.4.46-1            OK
    base-cygwin                3.8-1               OK
    base-files                 4.2-4               OK
    bash                       4.4.12-3            OK
    bc                         1.06.95-2           OK
    binutils                   2.29-1              OK
    bzip2                      1.0.6-3             OK
    ca-certificates            2.22-1              OK
    colordiff                  1.0.9-1             OK
    connect-proxy              1.104-1             OK
    coreutils                  8.26-2              OK
    crypt                      2.1-1               OK
    csih                       0.9.9-1             OK
    ctags                      5.8-1               OK
    cvs                        1.11.23-2           OK
    cygrunsrv                  1.62-1              OK
    cygutils                   1.4.16-2            OK
    cygutils-extra             1.4.16-2            OK
    cygwin                     2.10.0-1            OK
    cygwin-devel               2.10.0-1            OK
    dash                        OK
    dejavu-fonts               2.37-1              OK
    desktop-file-utils         0.23-1              OK
    diffutils                  3.5-2               OK
    dos2unix                   7.4.0-1             OK
    dri-drivers                18.0.5-1            OK
    editrights                 1.03-1              OK
    expect                     5.45-3              OK
    file                       5.32-1              OK
    findutils                  4.6.0-1             OK
    gamin                      0.1.10-15           OK
    gawk                       4.2.1-1             OK
    gcc-core                   7.3.0-2             OK
    gcc-g++                    7.3.0-2             OK
    getent                     2.18.90-4           OK
    git                        2.17.0-1            OK
    gnupg                      1.4.22-1            OK
    grep                       3.0-2               OK
    groff                      1.22.3-1            OK
    gsettings-desktop-schemas  3.24.1-1            OK
    gzip                       1.8-1               OK
    hostname                   3.13-1              OK
    inetutils                  1.9.1-2             OK
    inetutils-server           1.9.1-2             OK
    info                       6.5-2               OK
    less                       530-1               OK
    libapr1                    1.6.3-1             OK
    libaprutil1                1.6.1-1             OK
    libargp                    20110921-3          OK
    libatomic1                 7.3.0-2             OK
    libattr1                   2.4.46-1            OK
    libblkid1                  2.25.2-2            OK
    libboost_regex1.63         1.63.0-1            OK
    libboost_regex1.64         1.64.0-1            OK
    libboost_regex1.66         1.66.0-1            OK
    libbz2_1                   1.0.6-3             OK
    libcairo2                  1.14.12-1           OK
    libcom_err2                1.42.12-2           OK
    libcord1                   7.6.6-1             OK
    libcroco0.6_3              0.6.12-1            OK
    libcrypt0                  2.1-1               OK
    libcurl4                   7.59.0-1            OK
    libdatrie1                 0.2.8-1             OK
    libdb4.8                   4.8.30-1            OK
    libdb5.3                   5.3.28-2            OK
    libdbus1_3                 1.10.22-1           OK
    libedit0                   20130712-1          OK
    libEGL1                    18.0.5-1            OK
    libevent2.0_5              2.0.22-1            OK
    libexpat1                  2.2.3-1             OK
    libfam0                    0.1.10-15           OK
    libffi6                    3.2.1-1             OK
    libfontconfig-common       2.12.6-2            OK
    libfontconfig1             2.12.6-2            OK
    libfreetype6               2.8.1-1             OK
    libgc1                     7.6.6-1             OK
    libgc2                     7.6.2-3             OK
    libgcc1                    7.3.0-2             OK
    libgccpp1                  7.6.6-1             OK
    libgdbm4                   1.12-1              OK
    libgdk_pixbuf2.0_0         2.36.11-1           OK
    libgif4                    4.1.6-10            OK
    libGL1                     18.0.5-1            OK
    libglapi0                  18.0.5-1            OK
    libglib2.0_0               2.54.3-1            OK
    libgmp10                   6.1.2-1             OK
    libgnutls28                3.3.27-1            OK
    libgnutls30                3.5.18-1            OK
    libgomp1                   7.3.0-2             OK
    libgraphite2_3             1.3.10-1            OK
    libgssapi_krb5_2           1.15.2-2            OK
    libguile17                 1.8.8-3             OK
    libguile2.0_22             2.0.14-2            OK
    libharfbuzz0               1.7.6-1             OK
    libhogweed2                2.7.1-1             OK
    libhogweed4                3.4-1               OK
    libiconv                   1.14-3              OK
    libiconv2                  1.14-3              OK
    libicu58                   58.2-1              OK
    libicu60                   60.2-1              OK
    libicu61                   61.1-1              OK
    libidn2_0                  2.0.4-1             OK
    libintl-devel              OK
    libintl8                   OK
    libiodbc2                  3.52.8-2            OK
    libisl15                   0.16.1-1            OK
    libjasper4                 2.0.14-1            OK
    libjbig2                   2.0-14              OK
    libjpeg8                   1.5.3-1             OK
    libk5crypto3               1.15.2-2            OK
    libkrb5_3                  1.15.2-2            OK
    libkrb5support0            1.15.2-2            OK
    libllvm5.0                 5.0.1-1             OK
    libltdl7                   2.4.6-6             OK
    liblz4_1                   1.7.5-1             OK
    liblzma5                   5.2.3-1             OK
    liblzo2_2                  2.10-1              OK
    libmpc3                    1.1.0-1             OK
    libmpfr4                   3.1.6-1p1           OK
    libmpfr6                   4.0.1-3p6           OK
    libmysqlclient18           10.1.30-1           OK
    libncursesw10              6.0-12.20171125     OK
    libnettle4                 2.7.1-1             OK
    libnettle6                 3.4-1               OK
    libnghttp2_14              1.31.0-1            OK
    libopenldap2_4_2           2.4.42-1            OK
    libopenssl100              1.0.2o-1            OK
    libp11-kit0                0.23.10-1           OK
    libpango1.0_0              1.40.14-1           OK
    libpcre1                   8.40-3              OK
    libpipeline1               1.4.0-1             OK
    libpixman1_0               0.34.0-1            OK
    libpng16                   1.6.34-1            OK
    libpopt-common             1.16-2              OK
    libpopt0                   1.16-2              OK
    libpq5                     10.4-1              OK
    libprocps-ng5              3.3.11-1            OK
    libprocps-ng6              3.3.12-2            OK
    libpsl5                    0.18.0-1            OK
    libquadmath0               7.3.0-2             OK
    libreadline7               7.0.3-3             OK
    librsvg2_2                 2.40.20-1           OK
    libsasl2_3                 2.1.26-11           OK
    libserf1_0                 1.3.9-1             OK
    libsigsegv2                2.10-2              OK
    libsmartcols1              2.25.2-2            OK
    libsource-highlight-common 3.1.8-6             OK
    libsource-highlight4       3.1.8-6             OK
    libsqlite3_0               3.21.0-1            OK
    libssh2_1                  1.7.0-1             OK
    libssp0                    6.4.0-4             OK
    libstdc++6                 7.3.0-2             OK
    libtasn1_6                 4.13-1              OK
    libthai0                   0.1.26-1            OK
    libtiff6                   4.0.9-1             OK
    libunistring2              0.9.8-1             OK
    libusb0                     OK
    libuuid-devel              2.25.2-2            OK
    libuuid1                   2.25.2-2            OK
    libwrap0                   7.6-22              OK
    libX11-xcb1                1.6.5-1             OK
    libX11_6                   1.6.5-1             OK
    libXau6                    1.0.8-1             OK
    libxcb-dri2_0              1.12-2              OK
    libxcb-glx0                1.12-2              OK
    libxcb-render0             1.12-2              OK
    libxcb-shm0                1.12-2              OK
    libxcb-xfixes0             1.12-2              OK
    libxcb1                    1.12-2              OK
    libXdmcp6                  1.1.2-1             OK
    libXext6                   1.3.3-1             OK
    libXft2                    2.3.2-1             OK
    libxml2                    2.9.4-2             OK
    libXpm-noX                 3.5.12-1            OK
    libXpm-noX_4               3.5.12-1            OK
    libXrender1                0.9.9-1             OK
    libyaml0_2                 0.1.6-2             OK
    make                       4.2.1-2             OK
    man-db                      OK
    mintty                     2.8.5-0             OK
    moreutils                  0.62-1              OK
    mysql-common               10.1.30-1           OK
    ncurses                    6.0-12.20171125     OK
    openssh                    7.7p1-1             OK
    openssl                    1.0.2o-1            OK
    p11-kit                    0.23.10-1           OK
    p11-kit-trust              0.23.10-1           OK
    patch                      2.7.4-1             OK
    perl                       5.26.2-1            OK
    perl-Compress-Bzip2        2.26-2              OK
    perl-Error                 0.17025-2           OK
    perl-Scalar-List-Utils     1.50-1              OK
    perl-TermReadKey           2.37-2              OK
    perl-TimeDate              2.30-3              OK
    perl_autorebase            5.26.2-1            OK
    perl_base                  5.26.2-1            OK
    perl_manpages              5.26.2-1            OK
    perl_pods                  5.26.2-1            OK
    ping                       1.0.2-1             OK
    pkg-config                 0.29.1-1            OK
    popt                       1.16-2              OK
    procps                     3.3.10-1            OK
    procps-ng                  3.3.12-2            OK
    publicsuffix-list-dafsa    20180328-1          OK
    pv                         1.4.12-1            OK
    python                     2.7.14-1            OK
    python-devel               2.7.14-1            OK
    python-setuptools          34.3.2-1            OK
    python2                    2.7.14-1            OK
    python2-appdirs            1.4.3-1             OK
    python2-devel              2.7.14-1            OK
    python2-packaging          16.8-1              OK
    python2-pyparsing          2.1.10-1            OK
    python2-setuptools         34.3.2-1            OK
    python2-six                1.10.0-1            OK
    python3                    3.6.4-1             OK
    python3-appdirs            1.4.3-1             OK
    python3-devel              3.6.4-1             OK
    python3-packaging          16.8-1              OK
    python3-pyparsing          2.1.10-1            OK
    python3-setuptools         34.3.2-1            OK
    python3-six                1.10.0-1            OK
    rebase                     4.4.4-1             OK
    rsync                      3.1.2-1             OK
    ruby                       2.3.6-1             OK
    ruby-builder               3.2.3-1             OK
    ruby-did_you_mean          1.0.2-1             OK
    ruby-io-console            0.4.6-1             OK
    ruby-json                  2.0.4-1             OK
    ruby-minitest              5.10.3-1            OK
    ruby-minitest4             5.10.3-1            OK
    ruby-psych                 2.2.4-1             OK
    ruby-rake                  12.1.0-1            OK
    ruby-rdoc                  5.1.0-1             OK
    rubygems                   2.6.13-1            OK
    sed                        4.4-1               OK
    shared-mime-info           1.8-1               OK
    source-highlight           3.1.8-6             OK
    subversion                 1.10.0-2            OK
    tar                        1.29-1              OK
    tcl                        8.6.8-1             OK
    terminfo                   6.0-12.20171125     OK
    the_silver_searcher        2.1.0-1             OK
    time                       1.9-1               OK
    tmux                       2.6-1               OK
    tree                       1.7.0-1             OK
    tzcode                     2018e-1             OK
    tzdata                     2018e-1             OK
    unzip                      6.0-17              OK
    util-linux                 2.25.2-2            OK
    vim                        8.0.1567-1          OK
    vim-common                 8.0.1567-1          OK
    vim-minimal                8.0.1567-1          OK
    w32api-headers             5.0.4-1             OK
    w32api-runtime             5.0.3-1             OK
    wget                       1.19.1-2            OK
    which                      2.20-2              OK
    windows-default-manifest   6.4-1               OK
    xxd                        8.0.1567-1          OK
    xz                         5.2.3-1             OK
    zip                        3.0-12              OK
    zlib-devel                 1.2.11-1            OK
    zlib0                      1.2.11-1            OK