Release Note - gnupack_basic-13.06-2015.11.08

  Change Log

  * cygwinを 2.2.1にバージョンアップ。
  * コマンドプロンプト(環境変数 PS1)を変更。
  * ANSIカラーシーケンスの白の配色を変更(b3b3b3→808080、cccccc→bcbcbc)。
  * .emacs.d/init.elのコメントを修正。
  * emacsのカーソルカラーの動的変更を hookから adviceで設定するように変更。
  * emacsのバッファ切り替え時のカーソル状態引継ぎを有効に変更。
  * emacsのミニバッファのアクティブ時のIME無効化の設定を追加。

  Bundle Software

  * cygwin (https://www.cygwin.com/)
      alternatives-1.3.30c-10         grep-2.21-2                     perl-5.22.0-1
      ascii-3.12-1                    groff-1.22.3-1                  perl_manpages-5.22.0-1
      attr-2.4.46-1                   gzip-1.6-1                      perl_pods-5.22.0-1
      base-cygwin-3.8-1               hostname-3.13-1                 perl_vendor-5.14.4-1
      base-files-4.2-4                inetutils-1.9.1-2               ping-1.0.2-1
      bash-4.3.42-4                   less-481-1                      popt-1.16-1
      bc-1.06.95-2                    libcroco0.6_3-0.6.8-1           procps-3.2.8-4
      bzip2-1.0.6-2                   libdatrie1-0.2.8-1              rebase-4.4.1-1
      ca-certificates-2.5-1           libdbus1_3-1.8.16-1             sed-4.2.2-3
      colordiff-1.0.9-1               libgif4-4.1.6-10                source-highlight-3.1.8-2
      coreutils-8.24-3                libgnutls28-3.3.17-1            tar-1.28-1
      ctags-5.8-1                     libgraphite2_3-1.2.3-1          time-1.7.2-1
      cygutils-1.4.14-1               libharfbuzz0-1.0.5-1            tree-1.7.0-1
      cygutils-extra-1.4.14-1         libjpeg8-1.4.2-1                tzcode-2015g-1
      cygwin-2.2.1-1                  libpng15-1.5.22-1               unzip-6.0-15
      dash-0.5.8-3                    librsvg2_2-2.40.9-1             util-linux-2.25.2-2
      diffutils-3.3-3                 libtiff6-4.0.6-1                vim-7.4.891-1
      dos2unix-7.3.1-1                libxml2-2.9.2-1                 vim-minimal-7.4.891-1
      editrights-1.03-1               libXpm-noX-3.5.10-1             wget-1.16.3-1
      expect-5.45-1                   make-4.1-1                      which-2.20-2
      file-5.24-1                     man-db-2.7.4-1                  xz-5.2.1-1
      findutils-4.5.12-1              mintty-2.2.1-0                  zip-3.0-12
      gawk-4.1.3-1                    ncurses-6.0-1.20151017          _autorebase-001002-1
      getent-2.18.90-4                openssh-7.1p1-1                 _update-info-dir-01454-1
      gnupg-1.4.19-2                  patch-2.7.4-1

  * emacs (http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/)

      configure --with-w32 --without-reconversion --without-documentfeed --prefix=/app/cygwin/emacs CFLAGS='-O2 -pipe'
      Configured for `i686-pc-cygwin'.
        Where should the build process find the source code?    .
        What compiler should emacs be built with?               gcc -std=gnu99 -O2 -pipe
        Should Emacs use the GNU version of malloc?             yes
        Should Emacs use a relocating allocator for buffers?    no
        Should Emacs use mmap(2) for buffer allocation?         yes
        What window system should Emacs use?                    w32
        What toolkit should Emacs use?                          none
        Where do we find X Windows header files?                Standard dirs
        Where do we find X Windows libraries?                   Standard dirs
        Does Emacs use -lXaw3d?                                 no
        Does Emacs use -lXpm?                                   yes
        Does Emacs use -ljpeg?                                  yes
        Does Emacs use -ltiff?                                  yes
        Does Emacs use a gif library?                           yes -lgif
        Does Emacs use a png library?                           yes -lpng16 -lz -lm
        Does Emacs use -lrsvg-2?                                yes
        Does Emacs use imagemagick?                             no
        Does Emacs support sound?                               no
        Does Emacs use -lgpm?                                   no
        Does Emacs use -ldbus?                                  yes
        Does Emacs use -lgconf?                                 no
        Does Emacs use GSettings?                               no
        Does Emacs use a file notification library?             yes -lgio (gfile)
        Does Emacs use access control lists?                    yes 
        Does Emacs use -lselinux?                               no
        Does Emacs use -lgnutls?                                yes
        Does Emacs use -lxml2?                                  yes
        Does Emacs use -lfreetype?                              no
        Does Emacs use -lm17n-flt?                              no
        Does Emacs use -lotf?                                   no
        Does Emacs use -lxft?                                   no
        Does Emacs directly use zlib?                           yes
        Does Emacs use toolkit scroll bars?                     yes
        Does Emacs support W32-IME?                             yes
        Does Emacs support RECONVERSION?                        no

  * emacs patch (https://gist.github.com/rzl24ozi/)
      d0af76839fcf47a4e986c6dde4d5ec97 *emacs-24.5-cygwin-rsvg.diff
      1cfe243470899034dae920db6dd0c86d *emacs-24.5-disable-w32-ime.diff
      fbcb5b14471f05b0ca6abfbcf9baa126 *emacs-24.5-ImmDisableIME.diff
      818fa48eceec3ec275892575fe413600 *emacs-24.5-w32-ime.diff

  * gvim (http://www.kaoriya.net/software/vim/)

  * nkf (http://sourceforge.jp/projects/nkf/)

  * global (http://www.gnu.org/software/global/)

  * cocot (https://github.com/vmi/cocot/)
      latest commit 

  * sshpass (http://sourceforge.net/projects/sshpass/)

  * cmigemo (https://github.com/koron/cmigemo/)
      latest commit 

  * ttyrec (http://0xcc.net/ttyrec/)

  * sary (http://sary.sourceforge.net/)

  * silver searcher (https://github.com/ggreer/the_silver_searcher/)
      latest commit 

  * man-pages-ja (http://linuxjm.sourceforge.jp/)

  * Migu 1M (http://sourceforge.jp/projects/mix-mplus-ipa/)

  * apt-cyg (https://github.com/kou1okada/apt-cyg/)
      latest commit 

  Cygwin Package Information

    Package                               Version            Status
    _autorebase                           001002-1           OK
    _update-info-dir                      01454-1            OK
    alternatives                          1.3.30c-10         OK
    ascii                                 3.12-1             OK
    attr                                  2.4.46-1           OK
    base-cygwin                           3.8-1              OK
    base-files                            4.2-4              OK
    bash                                  4.3.42-4           OK
    bc                                    1.06.95-2          OK
    bzip2                                 1.0.6-2            OK
    ca-certificates                       2.5-1              OK
    colordiff                             1.0.9-1            OK
    coreutils                             8.24-3             OK
    crypt                                 1.2-1              OK
    csih                                  0.9.9-1            OK
    ctags                                 5.8-1              OK
    cygrunsrv                             1.62-1             OK
    cygutils                              1.4.14-1           OK
    cygutils-extra                        1.4.14-1           OK
    cygwin                                2.2.1-1            OK
    dash                                  0.5.8-3            OK
    diffutils                             3.3-3              OK
    dos2unix                              7.3.1-1            OK
    dri-drivers                           11.0.4-1           OK
    editrights                            1.03-1             OK
    expect                                5.45-1             OK
    file                                  5.24-1             OK
    findutils                             4.5.12-1           OK
    gamin                                 0.1.10-15          OK
    gawk                                  4.1.3-1            OK
    getent                                2.18.90-4          OK
    gnupg                                 1.4.19-2           OK
    grep                                  2.21-2             OK
    groff                                 1.22.3-1           OK
    gsettings-desktop-schemas             3.14.2-1           OK
    gzip                                  1.6-1              OK
    hostname                              3.13-1             OK
    inetutils                             1.9.1-2            OK
    inetutils-server                      1.9.1-2            OK
    less                                  481-1              OK
    libargp                               20110921-2         OK
    libattr1                              2.4.46-1           OK
    libblkid1                             2.25.2-2           OK
    libboost_regex1.58                    1.58.0-1           OK
    libbz2_1                              1.0.6-2            OK
    libcairo2                             1.14.2-1           OK
    libcatgets1                           1.1-2              OK
    libcom_err2                           1.42.12-2          OK
    libcroco0.6_3                         0.6.8-1            OK
    libcurl4                              7.45.0-1           OK
    libdatrie1                            0.2.8-1            OK
    libdb4.8                              4.8.30-1           OK
    libdbus1_3                            1.8.16-1           OK
    libedit0                              20130712-1         OK
    libEGL1                               11.0.4-1           OK
    libexpat1                             2.1.0-3            OK
    libfam0                               0.1.10-15          OK
    libffi6                               3.2.1-1            OK
    libfontconfig1                        2.11.1-3           OK
    libfreetype6                          2.5.5-2            OK
    libgcc1                               4.9.3-1            OK
    libgdbm4                              1.8.3-20           OK
    libgdk_pixbuf2.0_0                    2.31.7-1           OK
    libgif4                               4.1.6-10           OK
    libGL1                                11.0.4-1           OK
    libglapi0                             11.0.4-1           OK
    libglib2.0_0                          2.42.2-1           OK
    libgmp10                              6.1.0-1            OK
    libgnutls28                           3.3.17-1           OK
    libgraphite2_3                        1.2.3-1            OK
    libgssapi_krb5_2                      1.13.2-2           OK
    libguile17                            1.8.8-1            OK
    libharfbuzz0                          1.0.5-1            OK
    libhogweed2                           2.7-2              OK
    libiconv                              1.14-3             OK
    libiconv2                             1.14-3             OK
    libicu56                              56.1-1             OK
    libidn11                              1.29-1             OK
    libintl8                             OK
    libjasper1                            1.900.1-15         OK
    libjbig2                              2.0-14             OK
    libjpeg8                              1.4.2-1            OK
    libk5crypto3                          1.13.2-2           OK
    libkrb5_3                             1.13.2-2           OK
    libkrb5support0                       1.13.2-2           OK
    libllvm3.5                            3.5.2-1            OK
    libltdl7                              2.4.6-2            OK
    liblzma5                              5.2.1-1            OK
    liblzo2_2                             2.08-1             OK
    libmpfr4                              3.1.3-1            OK
    libncursesw10                         6.0-1.20151017     OK
    libnettle4                            2.7-2              OK
    libopenldap2_4_2                      2.4.40-2           OK
    libopenssl100                         1.0.2d-1           OK
    libp11-kit0                           0.22.1-1           OK
    libpango1.0_0                         1.36.8-1           OK
    libpcre1                              8.37-2             OK
    libpipeline1                          1.4.0-1            OK
    libpixman1_0                          0.32.8-1           OK
    libpng15                              1.5.22-1           OK
    libpng16                              1.6.18-1           OK
    libpopt0                              1.16-1             OK
    libreadline7                          6.3.8-1            OK
    librsvg2_2                            2.40.9-1           OK
    libsasl2_3                            2.1.26-9           OK
    libsigsegv2                           2.10-2             OK
    libsmartcols1                         2.25.2-2           OK
    libsource-highlight-common            3.1.8-2            OK
    libsource-highlight4                  3.1.8-2            OK
    libssh2_1                             1.5.0-1            OK
    libssp0                               4.9.3-1            OK
    libstdc++6                            4.9.3-1            OK
    libtasn1_6                            4.5-1              OK
    libthai0                              0.1.21-1           OK
    libtiff6                              4.0.6-1            OK
    libusb0                               OK
    libuuid1                              2.25.2-2           OK
    libwrap0                              7.6-22             OK
    libX11-xcb1                           1.6.3-1            OK
    libX11_6                              1.6.3-1            OK
    libXau6                               1.0.8-1            OK
    libxcb-glx0                           1.11.1-1           OK
    libxcb-render0                        1.11.1-1           OK
    libxcb-shm0                           1.11.1-1           OK
    libxcb1                               1.11.1-1           OK
    libXdmcp6                             1.1.2-1            OK
    libXext6                              1.3.3-1            OK
    libXft2                               2.3.2-1            OK
    libxml2                               2.9.2-1            OK
    libXpm-noX                            3.5.10-1           OK
    libXpm-noX_4                          3.5.10-1           OK
    libXrender1                           0.9.8-1            OK
    lynx                                  2.8.7-1            OK
    make                                  4.1-1              OK
    man-db                                2.7.4-1            OK
    mintty                                2.2.1-0            OK
    ncurses                               6.0-1.20151017     OK
    openssh                               7.1p1-1            OK
    p11-kit                               0.22.1-1           OK
    p11-kit-trust                         0.22.1-1           OK
    patch                                 2.7.4-1            OK
    perl                                  5.22.0-1           OK
    perl-Archive-Zip                      1.53-1             OK
    perl-B-Generate                       1.53-2             OK
    perl-Capture-Tiny                     0.30-2             OK
    perl-common-sense                     3.74-1             OK
    perl-Compress-Bzip2                   2.22-2             OK
    perl-Config-Perl-V                    0.24-2             OK
    perl-Config-Tiny                      2.23-1             OK
    perl-CPAN-DistnameInfo                0.12-5             OK
    perl-CPAN-Reporter                    1.2015-1           OK
    perl-CPAN-Testers-Report              1.999003-2         OK
    perl-Data-Alias                       1.18-2             OK
    perl-Data-GUID                        0.048-2            OK
    perl-Data-OptList                     0.109-2            OK
    perl-Data-UUID                        1.221-1            OK
    perl-Devel-Autoflush                  0.06-2             OK
    perl-Devel-Symdump                    2.15-1             OK
    perl-Digest-HMAC                      1.03-5             OK
    perl-Digest-SHA                       5.95-2             OK
    perl-Encode-Locale                    1.05-1             OK
    perl-File-Copy-Recursive              0.38-5             OK
    perl-File-HomeDir                     1.00-3             OK
    perl-File-Listing                     6.04-5             OK
    perl-File-pushd                       1.009-2            OK
    perl-File-Which                       1.19-1             OK
    perl-HTML-Parser                      3.71-3             OK
    perl-HTML-Tagset                      3.20-5             OK
    perl-HTTP-Cookies                     6.01-5             OK
    perl-HTTP-Daemon                      6.01-5             OK
    perl-HTTP-Date                        6.02-5             OK
    perl-HTTP-Message                     6.11-1             OK
    perl-HTTP-Negotiate                   6.01-5             OK
    perl-IO-CaptureOutput                 1.1104-2           OK
    perl-IO-HTML                          1.001-2            OK
    perl-IO-Prompt-Tiny                   0.003-2            OK
    perl-IO-Socket-INET6                  2.72-2             OK
    perl-IO-String                        1.08-5             OK
    perl-IO-Tty                           1.12-2             OK
    perl-IPC-Run                          0.94-2             OK
    perl-JSON                             2.90-3             OK
    perl-JSON-XS                          3.01-3             OK
    perl-libwww-perl                      6.13-2             OK
    perl-LWP-MediaTypes                   6.02-5             OK
    perl-Metabase-Client-Simple           0.010-2            OK
    perl-Metabase-Fact                    0.024-2            OK
    perl-Module-ScanDeps                  1.20-1             OK
    perl-Module-Signature                 0.79-1             OK
    perl-Net-DNS                          1.02-1             OK
    perl-Net-HTTP                         6.09-1             OK
    perl-Net-IP                           1.26-3             OK
    perl-PadWalker                        2.1-2              OK
    perl-PAR-Dist                         0.49-3             OK
    perl-Params-Util                      1.07-5             OK
    perl-Pod-Coverage                     0.23-3             OK
    perl-Pod-Escapes                      1.07-2             OK
    perl-Pod-Simple                       3.31-1             OK
    perl-Probe-Perl                       0.03-3             OK
    perl-Proc-ProcessTable                0.53-1             OK
    perl-Socket6                          0.25-2             OK
    perl-Sub-Exporter                     0.987-3            OK
    perl-Sub-Install                      0.928-2            OK
    perl-Tee                              0.14-5             OK
    perl-Term-ReadLine-Gnu                1.28-1             OK
    perl-Term-ReadLine-Perl               1.0303-5           OK
    perl-TermReadKey                      2.33-1             OK
    perl-Test-NoWarnings                  1.04-4             OK
    perl-Test-Pod                         1.51-1             OK
    perl-Test-Pod-Coverage                1.10-2             OK
    perl-Test-Reporter                    1.62-2             OK
    perl-Test-Reporter-Transport-Metabase 1.999009-2         OK
    perl-Test-Simple                      1.001014-2         OK
    perl-Types-Serialiser                 1.0-3              OK
    perl-URI                              1.69-1             OK
    perl-WWW-RobotRules                   6.02-5             OK
    perl-XML-LibXML                       2.0122-2           OK
    perl-XML-NamespaceSupport             1.11-5             OK
    perl-XML-Parser                       2.44-2             OK
    perl-XML-SAX                          0.99-5             OK
    perl-XML-SAX-Base                     1.08-5             OK
    perl-YAML                             1.15-2             OK
    perl_autorebase                       5.22.0-1           OK
    perl_base                             5.22.0-1           OK
    perl_manpages                         5.22.0-1           OK
    perl_pods                             5.22.0-1           OK
    perl_vendor                           5.14.4-1           OK
    ping                                  1.0.2-1            OK
    popt                                  1.16-1             OK
    procps                                3.2.8-4            OK
    rebase                                4.4.1-1            OK
    sed                                   4.2.2-3            OK
    shared-mime-info                      1.4-1              OK
    source-highlight                      3.1.8-2            OK
    tar                                   1.28-1             OK
    tcl                                   8.5.18-1           OK
    tcsh                                  6.19.00-2          OK
    terminfo                              6.0-1.20151017     OK
    time                                  1.7.2-1            OK
    tree                                  1.7.0-1            OK
    tzcode                                2015g-1            OK
    unzip                                 6.0-15             OK
    util-linux                            2.25.2-2           OK
    vim                                   7.4.891-1          OK
    vim-common                            7.4.891-1          OK
    vim-minimal                           7.4.891-1          OK
    wget                                  1.16.3-1           OK
    which                                 2.20-2             OK
    xxd                                   7.4.891-1          OK
    xz                                    5.2.1-1            OK
    zip                                   3.0-12             OK
    zlib0                                 1.2.8-3            OK