Title:          xtrlock.tcz
Description:    Minimal X screen lock.
Version:        2.0-13
Author:         Ian Jackson
Original-site:  http://packages.debian.org/stable/x11/xtrlock
Copying-policy: GPL
Size:		8.0K
Extension_by:   Jason W
Tags:	    Minimal X screen lock.
Comments:       A word of warning: this extension disables the control
		key when xtrlock is in operation, so be sure to 
		remember your passwd as Ctrl-Alt-Backspace or
		Ctrl-Alt-Delete will not exit X or reboot the machine
		until you enter a passwd and return to your desktop.
Change-log:     2008/09/14 First version 2.0.12
		2008/10/22 Added JWM menu.     	
		2010/03/07 Renamed.
		2010/03/16 Updated to 2.0.13, source build.
Current:	2012/08/12 Added the safety feature of requiring the
				  current user's passwd to be entered before
				  launching to prevent unrecoverable screen locking.
				  Also added the --force option to overrule this for use
				  in booting and similar.