Title:          xf86-video-ati.tcz
Description:    xorg modesetting video driver
Version:        7.5.0
Author:         see COPYING.xf86-video-ati
Original-site:  http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/driver/xf86-video-ati-7.5.0.tar.bz2
Copying-policy: see COPYING.xf86-video-ati
Size:		128KB
Extension_by:   dentonlt
Tags:	        x xorg driver video 2d ati radeon
Comments:       video driver for ATI Radeon video cards including all chipsets ranging from
                R100 to R900 and the newer RAxx chipsets
		For build notes, see build-dep.
                Some cards require firmware-radeon.tcz when the kernel driver is loaded.
		X2300 (RV516) may hang/panic when this driver is loaded. Reboot with kernel arg
		radeon.modeset=0, load the tcz/module, rmmod it, then modprobe with arg modeset=1.
Change-log:     2014/01/01 first version
                2014/10/28 updated 7.1.0 -> 7.5.0 (juanito)
Current:        2015/02/13 recompiled for xorg-server-1.17.1 (juanito)