Title:          util-linux.tcz
Description:    Miscellaneous system utilities for Linux
Version:        2.25.1
Author:         Karel Zak 
Original-site:  http://userweb.kernel.org/~kzak/util-linux-ng/
Copying-policy: GPL
Size:		948KB
Extension_by:   Jason W
Tags:	        Miscellaneous system utilities Linux
Comments:	Also patched to look for helper programs (like mount.nfs)
		in /usr/local/sbin.
Change-log:     2009/07/01 First version 2.14.2
		2009/11/15 Added back in loop-aes patched mount and losetup.
		2009/11/16 Updated to 2.16.1 and patched with loop-aes-3.2h.
                2010/05/29 Updated to 2.17.2
		2011/08/19 Updated to 2.19.1, renamed (juanito)
                2011/11/19 Split out cfdisk. (Jason W)
                2013/07/09 updated 2.19.1 -> 2.23.1 (juanito)
Current:	2014/09/18 updated 2.23.1 -> 2.25.1 (juanito)