Title:			submitqc.tcz TESTING	
Description:	Extension audit tool for the TC (cross-repo)
Version:        2015/12/08	
Author:			Jason W and others 
Original-site:	www.tinycorelinux.net
Copying-policy: GPLv2
Size:		24K
Extension_by:   dentonlt	
Tags:	    	audit tool repo submit quality check submitqc
Comments:		This release (2016/03/17) is still under testing. It 
				aims to be cross-repository suitable TC5.x+ on x86, 
				x86_64, and armv7.

				In particular, armv7 testing is incomplete! Test data
				and bug reports welcome.	

        		submitqc is used to audit extensions before submission.  
        		Run the script in the same directory as the extensions 
        		you want to check. The script will report any issues 
        		with the structure, formatting, etc. Where possible,
        		simple errors will be fixed.
        		Results are echoed to the terminal and logged at 
        		The original script was written by Jason W. Various
        		updates and changes have been made over the years by 
        		gordonselfish, coreplayer2, dentonlt, and others. 
Change-log:     ----
                2010/12/06 First version as extension.
        		2011/09/17 Renamed to submitqc4.tcz for simplicity.
        		2012/02/12 Updated, removed dir perm check, .desktop file
        		check, simplified dependency check.
        		2013/01/26 Fixed dep file checking bugs (Thanks Rich)
        		2013/09/07 adapt for 5x repo (gordonselfish)
        		2014/02/08 busybox mount fix by coreplayer2
        		2014/02/10 miscellaneous fixes by coreplayer2
        		2014/06/24 updated for tc-5.x x86_64 by coreplayer2
        		2015/08/01 various updates for cross-platform use; dentonlt
        	 	2015/09/19 permission-checking bug fixes, add --fix; dentonlt
        		2015/09/20 first pre-release; dentonlt
        		2015/09/21 lots of bug fixes, add rotdash; dentonlt
        		2015/10/04 lots - see changelog in script; dentonlt, coreplayer2
        		2015/10/17 add dynamic library checking; var bugfixes; dentonlt
        		2015/12/08 fix concat & add error checking in checklibs()
				2016/02/04 updated script version check line 240 (juanito)
Current:		2016/03/17 bugfix (andyj), begin ARM support, self-pkg; dentonlt