Title:		spacefm.tcz
Description:	gtk2 file manager 
Version:        1.0.4
Author:         Various, see AUTHORS
Original-site:  https://github.com/IgnorantGuru/spacefm
Copying-policy: GPL v3
Size:		668K
Extension_by:   aus9
Tags:	        file manager spacefm gtk2
Comments:	SpaceFM is a multi-panel tabbed file manager for Linux
       			with built-in VFS, udev-based device manager,
        		highly customizable system, bash integration and
        		custom plugins.

        		v1.0.0 built against udevil and fakeroot providing auto
        		mounting mount removable drives without password  
        		This version is a gtk2 build
        		video thumbnail support is disabled
        		OPTIONAL dependencies
        		cifs-utils sshfs davfs2

        		udevil.tcz for Auto-mounting of
        		removable (USB drives, DVD/CD's etc. etc.)
	        	After install,
        		1. be sure to set a root editor in  
        		View > Preferences > Advanced
        		2. Also set tinycore root password to facilitate opening a
			root window: File > Root Window  (note: a root window opens at the 
			current user file system location)
        		3. If a browser is not auto-detected, set web browser in
        		Help -> Options -> browser.
        		Insert the actual executable name pls (eg chromium-browser).

			Usage hints:
			spacefm-doc.tcz provides the offline manual. While online, selecting
			F1 or Help > User's Manual will open the latest manual in your 
			current internet browser window.
			F4 brings up a terminal window in the current tab location

			Selecting (double click) a tar archive will extract contents
			into a directory of current location

Change-log:		2013/02/09 First version 0.8.5
			2013/03/07 Fix wbar icons
		       	2015/04/22 Updated v1.0.0 with gtk2 for tc-6.x (by coreplayer2)
Current: 		2015/12/01 Updated to v1.0.4 (by coreplayer2)