Title:          sox.tcz
Description:    Sound eXchange - audio player/converter
Version:        14.4.2
Author:         Chris Bagwell, Rob Sykes, Pascal Giard
Original-site:  http://sourceforge.net/projects/sox/
Copying-policy: GPL v2 / LGPL v2.1
Size:		992K
Extension_by:   Lukasz032
Tags:	        console sound sox play soxi
Comments:	SoX reads and writes audio files in most popular formats 
                and can optionally apply effects to them. It can combine 
                multiple input sources, synthesise audio, and, 
                on many systems, act as a general purpose audio player 
                or a multi-track audio recorder. 
                It also has limited ability to split the input 
                into multiple output files.
                All SoX functionality is available using just 
                the sox command. To simplify playing and recording audio, 
                if SoX is invoked as play, the output file 
                is automatically set to be the default sound device, 
                and if invoked as rec, the default sound device is used 
                as an input source. Additionally, the soxi command 
                provides a convenient way to just query audio 
                file header information.
                The heart of SoX is a library called libSoX.
                Those interested in extending SoX or using it 
                in other programs should refer to the libSoX manual page.
                SoX is a command-line audio processing tool,
                particularly suited to making quick,
                simple edits and to batch processing.
                Compiled from source for TC 5.x/6.x.

Change-log:     2015/10/14 : Initial release.
Current:        2015/10/14 : Initial release.