Title:		sc101-nbd.tcz
Description:    Netgear SC101 'Toaster' driver translates psan to nbd.
Version:        Alpha
Author:         Iain Wade <iwade@optusnet.com.au>
Original-site:  http://code.google.com/p/sc101-nbd/downloads/list
Copying-policy: GPL v2
Size:		12K
Extension_by:   gerald_clark
Tags:           NBD SC101
Comments:       Install the man package to read the ut man page or
		see the website for instructions on 'ut' usage.
		Sample config file is /usr/local/etc/sc101-nbd.conf.sample.
		Make a custom sc101-nbd.conf file.
		Config file consists of lines with:
		LABEL Device-Name Optional-Mount-Point
		Add usr/local/ext/sc101-nbd.conf to /opt/filetool.lst.
		Use '/usr/local/etc/init.d/sc101-nbd start' to attach and mount
		the SC101 drives listed in /usr/local/etc/sc101-nbd.conf.
		Use '/usr/local/etc/init.d/sc101-nbd stop' to umount and detach
		the drives.
		HD install - use a pretce install of sc101-ndb.tcz per wiki.
		NETBOOT   -  use tftp or http to load sc101-ndb.tcz per wiki.
		Boot code: sc101=Drive[,Drive]...
		Where Drive is: Label or Label:Mount-Point or Label:-
		Mount point defaults to /mnt/nbdX where X is the number of this Label in the comma seperated list.
		Mount point of '-' means connect the drive to /dev/nbdX but don't mount it.
		If a mount point is specified, it is relative to /mnt unless it starts with a '/'.
		Use 'ut listall' to see the current labels..
		You can specify tce=nbd0 opt=nbd0 home=nbd0 ( or any specified mount point in /mnt).
		For use with md RAID, use boot option like sc101=Label1:-,Label2:- so nbd0 and nbd1 will not be mounted.
		Do not include devices in the config file that are specified in the boot code.
Change-log:     04/19/13 Original
Current:        04/19/13