Title:          rtorrent.tcz
Description:    rTorrent torrent client
Version:        0.9.4
Author:         Jari Sundell <jaris@ifi.uio.no>
Original-site:  http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no
Copying-policy: GNU GPL V2
Size:		636K
Extension_by:   rrgida <rrgida@gmail.com>
		kvzacc <kvzacc01@gmail.com>
Tags:		rtorrent torrent client
Comments:       Sample rc file: /usr/local/share/doc/rtorrent/rtorrent.rc.sample
		Sample options file: /usr/local/share/doc/rtorrent/rtorrent.sample
		  Copy this file to /usr/local/etc, rename rtorrent, and overwrite the
		  "user=tc" line (if you wish).
		  Dont forget it save the file !
		Start/stop script: /usr/local/etc/init.d/rtorrent
		rutorrent front-end: https://code.google.com/p/rutorrent/
Change-log:     2014/05/02
		    First version.
		    Remove xmlrpc-c from this package.
		    Move options file (rtorrent) location from /etc/sysconfig to
		    Recompile under TC 5.3.
		    New version: 0.9.4 (compile under TC 5.3).
		    Remove apache2 scgi module.
		    Remove libtorrent library, and we made a separate package (libtorrent.tcz).
Current:        2014/08/22