Title:          php5-dev.tcz
Description:    PHP with cgi/fcgi development files
Version:        5.4.45
Author:         PHP Group (http://www.php.net/credits.php)
Original-site:  http://www.php.net/
Copying-policy: PHP License v3.01 (http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt)
Size:		1.3M
Extension_by:   Lukasz032
Tags:	        PHP cgi fcgi devs
Comments:	PHP hypertext preprocessor for TC 5.x, working
                with cgi/fcgi webservers such as lighttpd or apache.
                Development headers, build files, and test files.
		Please see the man page for additional 
		Also see http://www.php.net/
		for more information.
Change-log:     2015/10/08 : Initial release.
                2017/01/14 : Update to 5.4 branch - old release moved to php5-5.3.tcz.
Current:        2017/01/14 : Update to 5.4 branch - old release moved to php5-5.3.tcz.