Title:          pcmanfm.tcz  TESTING
Description:    Graphical File Manager
Version:        1.2.3
Author:         Hong Jen Yee, Brian Tarricone
Original-site:  http://sourceforge.net/projects/pcmanfm/
Copying-policy: GPL v2
Size:		124K
Extension_by:   gordons64
Tags:           pcmanfm  file manager
Comments:       Graphical file manager normally for LXDE
                but can run as stand-alone. Runs on GTK2.

                Warning: all partitions may be automounted 
                but no umount in this app. 
                Use the mount tool to un-mount please.

                Running pcmanfm as root does allow un-mount.

                Adjust .config/pcmanfm/default/pcmanfm.conf if
                automount does not suit you, etc
                Compiled for x86 6.x
Change-log:     2015/07/05 First version, 1.2.3 bmarkus
Current:        2015/09/01 re-compiled for dependency updates