Title:          osmo.tcz
Description:    A personal information manager
                Osmo has calendar, address book, task manager and notes modules.
Version:        0.2.8
Author:         Various
Original-site:  http://sourceforge.net/projects/osmo-pim/
Copying-policy: GPL
Size:           416K
Extension_by:   perthie
Tags:	    personal information manager
Comments:       A TC menu item is included that pops up the Osmo calendar.
                On small screens, Osmo works better with tabs on the right side.
                See Options > General > Appearance
                Osmo has printer support, but the layout may not match your printer.
                Here is a work-around:
                  1. Install epdfview-cups.tcz
                  2. In Osmo, use Print Preview. This opens the document in epdfview.
                  3. Print from epdfview using your CUPS settings.
Change-log:     -------------
Current:        2009/11/27 first version