Title:		openvpn.tcz
Description:	OpenVPN - Open Source Virtual Private Network
Version:	2.2.2
Author:		Various (see /usr/local/share/doc/License/openvpn-authors.txt)
Original-site:	http://openvpn.net
Copying-policy:	GPL (see /usr/local/share/doc/License/openvpn-copying.txt)
Size:		304K
Extension_by:	gutmensch
Tags:		VPN connection network OpenVPN
Comments:	Build your own VPN with the help of included easy-rsa scripts.
		For further information please visit
		For client access use:
		$ sudo openvpn --config /path/to/your/conf
		This extension is PPI compatible.
Change-log:	2010/10/24	Initial version 2.1.3
		2010/11/19	Resolved iproute2 dep, bump to 2.1.4
Current:	2012/03/09	Bump to 2.2.2, recompiled for TC4 against openssl-1.0.0, removed bash as needed shell