Title:          mpg123.tcz
Description:    Mp3 player and decoder library.
Version:        1.15.4
Author:         Michael Hipp
Original-site:  http://mpg123.org
Copying-policy: LGPL
Size: 168KB
Extension_by:   Jason W
Tags:	        mp3 player decoder alsa openal oss pulseaudio sdl
Comments:       contains devs as mpg123 will not work without *la files
                default audio is alsa, but optionally will work with:
                openal, oss, pulseaudio or SDL
Change-log:     2008/11/05 First version (i486 compatible)
	        2008/12/04 Combined with -dev extension and added
		libltdl.so.* to enable useage
        	2009/02/18 Fixed broken symlink found by mikshaw.
	        2009/03/28 Upgraded to 1.7.0
       		2009/3/30 Combined -devs again to make it work (Thanks again to Curaga)
        	2009/06/19 Upgraded to 1.8.1 and ALSA output module.
                2010/03/06 Upgraded to 1.10.1 and put in /usr/local.
Current:	2013/09/17 upgraded 1.10.1 -> 1.15.4 (juanito)