Title:          moc.tcz
Description:    Music on Console - console audio player for Linux
Version:        2.5.2
Author:         Damian Pietras / John Fitzgerald
Original-site:  http://moc.daper.net/
Copying-policy: GNU GPL v2
Size:		145K
Extension_by:   Lukasz032
Tags:	        MOC mocp console music player daemon
Comments:	Console audio player for Linux and other Unix-based systems.
                Features built-in background daemon and client functionality.
		Built with ALSA support and Wave, MP3, FLAC, OGG 
		and probably some other formats compiled in.
		You can configure your own MOC settings
		by putting options in the file ~/.moc/config
		See http://moc.daper.net
		for more information.
Change-log:     2017/10/27 : Initial release.
Current:        2017/10/27 : Initial release.