Title: irssi-otr.tcz Description: irssi plugin for OTR off-the-record encrypted secure chat Version: 1.0.2 Author: Uli Meis <irssiotr@tuxfamily.org>, David Goulet <dgoulet@ev0ke.net> Original-site: https://github.com/cryptodotis/irssi-otr Copying-policy: GPL2 Size: 28K Extension_by: hiro Tags: irssi plugin OTR off-the-record encrypted encryption encrypt secure chat Comments: With this irssi plugin you can use irssi to chat securely over IRC and with the help of bitlbee also any IM like jabber, AIM, etc. Change-log: ---- 2015/12/13 1.0.1 Current: 2015/12/13 1.0.2