Title:          hackedbox.tcz
Description:    Hackedbox Window Manager
Version:        0.8.5
Author:         Larry Owen
Original-site:  http://scrudgeware.org/projects/Hackedbox/
Copying-policy: GPL
Size:		360K
Extension_by:   roberts
Tags:	        hackedbox window manager wm
Comments:       Requires Tiny Core v6.x or newer.
                Includes interface programs that are compatible with fluxbox & blackbox
Change-log:     2009/05/20 Original
                2009/05/23 Fixed typos in backgrounds section, added backgrounds directory
                2009/05/24 Removed backgrounds section. Now works with Control Panel
                2009/08/31 Added startup script for auto desktop and updated menu.
                2010/05/22 Updated for freedesktop and ondemand.
		2010/11/07 Updated to allow img files in ondemand dir
		2011/11/19 Updated to Core 4.2 standards.
		2012/01/07 Corrected permissions.
                2012/01/14 Improved dynamic menu handling.
	        2013/08/05 recompiled for tc-5.x (juanito)
Current:        2014/12/01 recompiled for tc-6.x (coreplayer2)