Title:		grub4dos.tcz
Description:	GRUB bootloader for use with the Microsoft Windows bootmanager
Version:	0.4.5b-2011-09-28 (weesetup: 2011-09-18)
Author:		chenall, tinybit1 and others
Original-site:	https://code.google.com/p/grub4dos-chenall/
Copying-policy:	GPL
Size:		384K
Extension_by:	SvOlli (using tcbuild: http://svolli.org/software/tinycore/)
Tags:		GRUB bootloader use Microsoft Windows bootmanager
Comments:	This package includes anything you need to install Tiny Core
		Linux inside a Windows NTFS partition without repartitioning as
		well as creating a native installation.
		All DOS stuff has been removed.
		A script for integration of ntfs-3g driver into initrd is
		available in the Programming & Scripting section of the forum.
Change-log:	2010/05/30 initial version
		2010/06/04 added chinese grldr
		2010/06/26 added bootlace.com to make grub4dos an alternative
		to grub-0.97-splash
		2010/07/25 upgrade to 0.4.5b-2010-07-22
		2010/07/30 upgrade to 0.4.5b-2010-07-25
		2010/08/28 upgrade to 0.4.5b-2010-08-09
		2011/05/20 upgrade to 0.4.5b-2011-05-19, weesetup 2011-05-19
		2011/07/14 upgrade to 0.4.5b-2011-07-14, weesetup 2011-06-27
Current:	2011/09/29 upgrade to 0.4.5b-2011-09-28, weesetup 2011-09-18
		and Tiny Core 4.x