Title:          getFlash10.tcz
Description:    Download - Setup - Create flash10.tcz script.
Version:        0.1
Author:         roberts
Original-site:  http://www.tinycorelinux.com
Copying-policy: GPL
Size:		12K
Extension_by:   roberts, Jason W, robc, coreplayer2
Tags: 		adobe flash player flashplayer flash10

Comments:       *** getFlash10 created for compatibility with older hardware, 
		otherwise use the latest getFlash11 ***

		Downloads from Adobe.
                Extracts linux libflashplayer.so
                Setup libflashplayer for either Minefield, Firefox, Opera, 
		Seamonkey or all four. Also includes compiled libflashsupport.so 
		for OSS sound. libflashsupport is licensed under Creative 
		Commons Attribution 3.0.
		Added newly compiled libflashsupport.so with Alsa & pulseaudio support.
		System installed sound modules (OSS or ALSA) will be dectected on
		initial run, required libflashsupport.so for system will then 
		be installed to flash10 extension.
		NOTE: Re-run this extension/script if sound modules are changed,
		to include system specific libflashsupport module.

                Finally packages a flash10.tcz to add to your tcz collection.
                NOTE:  Upon first time loading of this extension, the getflash10.sh
		script is automatically run.
                If you already have your tce directory setup, then a flash10.tcz
                will be installed there, otherwise it is in /tmp/tce/.  flash10.tcz
		will be loaded upon completion of the getflash script.
                CAUTION: Flash10 requires gtk2 which is quite large.
		This extension is PPI compatible.
Change-log:     2008/12/11 Original
                2009/04/04 Now a smaller download from Adobe Site.
	        2009/04/11 Added Seamonkey and Firefox support.
		2009/04/16 Updated to Flash 10
        	2009/05/06 Converted to tcz (Jason W)
        	2009/05/18 Fix for 2.0 - Added structure to menu item
		2009/07/31 Change in archive at Macromedia
		2009/10/16 Changed to create tcz extension and to 
			   make PPI compatible. (Jason W)
		2010/09/06 Added /usr/local/lib/mozilla/plugins to install path 
			   and create directory /usr/lib/mozilla if not found
			   and symlink /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins to support mozillas 
			   that do not have /usr/local/lib/mozilla/plugins specified 
			   in their plugin path.
		2011/07/10 Removed unneeded squashfs-tools dependency on the 
			   resulting flash($VER).tcz.dep  (Jason W)
		2011/08/07 Added check for already running flash install. (Jason w)
		2011/08/14 Added auto installing when first run. (Jason W)
		2011/10/29 Updated to flash 11.
		2011/11/11 Fixed broken download link.
		2011/11/12 Added option to select version.
		2012/03/11 Download current Flash 11 version or user specified.
			   If flash11 is already installed, the updated extension is
			   put in the upgrade dir to be updated on next boot. Other
			   misc script updates. (robc)
		2012/03/19 Fixed startup script (robc)
		2013/01/10 To reflect Adobe's change in download file name. (roberts)
		2014/09/15 Updated with libflashsupport for latest Alsa/Pulseaudio v4.0 (by coreplayer2)
Current:	2015/05/23 getFlash10 Created for compatability with older hardware (by coreplayer2)