Title:		firmware-radeon.tcz
Description:	Proprietary, redistributable firmware for Radeon Graphics Cards
Version:        2016/01/10
Author:		various
Original-site:	git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git
Copying-policy:	AMD Redistribution License (see LICENSE.radeon)
Size:		1.7M
Extension_by:	dentonlt
Tags:		redistributable firmware ati radeon binary
Comments:	----------
		This is a collection built from git checkout. Version is by
		git checkout date. 
		This Package contains firmware for Kernel-3.16 and older
Change-log:	2014/01/02 first version for x86_64
		2014/08/18 fixed startup file by coreplayer2
		2015/03/05 Updated to support recent hardware by coreplayer2
		2015/06/01 Updated from linux/kernel/git by coreplayer2
Current:        2016/01/14 Updated firmware by coreplayer2