Title:          firmware-libertas.tcz
Description:    Redistributable firmware for Marvell Libertas 8xxx compact flash, 
		SDIO Wireless LAN and USB chips in OLPC devices 
Version:        2013-05-30
Author:		Various
Original-site:  https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git/
Copying-policy: Distributable
Size:		1.4M
Extension_by:   Curaga
Tags:	`	firmware
Comments:       This extension is PPI compatible
		May also need firmware-mrvl.tcz / sd8688.bin & sd8688_helper.bin
		are symlinked to original files in firmware-mrvl.tcz
Change-log:     --------------
		2011/08/06 Original
Current:	2013/07/01 Updated firmware for tc5.x by coreplayer2