Title:		findshares.tcz
Description:	Searches the local network for shared directories on other computers.
Version:	1.08
Author:		Richard Rost
Copying-policy:	Free for any use except resale.
Size:		8.0K
Extension_by:	Rich
Tags:		Searches local network shared directories other computers.
Comments:	This program scans subnets 1 to 254 on the LAN looking for Windows, Samba, and NFS
		shares being offered by other computers and lists them. If more than one configured
		network card is found, they too will be scanned. It also lists which shares
		are currently mounted and where they are mounted.
	   	Use: findshares -h  will list command line options.
	   	Windows and Samba: findshares queries remote computers using anonymous and guest
	   	access. If you lock the remote machines down too tightly, they won't respond.
	   	Tested against Win98, WinXP, Windows Server 2008, WinXP, Samba3.4.5
	   	NFS: Although NFS4 does not require the mountd program to function, it is required
	   	to retrieve which directories are being exported. Findshares uses the UDP protocol
	   	to talk to mountd.
	   	Errors: If a computer either fails to respond to or responds incorrectly to a
	   	query, the program will print out which line number in findshares failed if
		invoked with the  --debug  switch..
		This extension is PPI compatible.
Change-log:	2011/12/15  Original release
		2015/2/9    Added support for multiple NICs, added cli switch to enable error reporting
Current:	2016/7/24   Added logic to ignore PPP modems (http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,16735.msg125510.html#msg125510)