Title:          cyrus-sasl-dev.tcz
Description:    Simple Authentication and Security Layer Protocol Development Files
Version:        2.1.25
Author:         Tim Martin, Rob Earhart, Rob Siemborski
Original-site:  http://asg.web.cmu.edu/sasl/
Copying-policy: Copyright Carnegie Mellon University
Size:		40K
Extension_by:   robc
Tags:	    Simple Authentication Security Layer Protocol Development Files
		Please see the man page for additional 
		Also see http://asg.web.cmu.edu/sasl/
		for more information.
Change-log:     2010/01/26 Original
		2010/04/05 Rebuilt with updated openssl-0.9.8
		2011/11/15 Updated to 2.1.25
Current:	2011/11/15 Updated to 2.1.25