Title: connman.tcz Description: a daemon for managing internet connections Version: 1.20 Author: Marcel Holtmann and Samuel Ortiz Original-site: http://connman.net Copying-policy: GPL-2 Size: 292K Extension_by: jls_legalize <jlslegalize@gmail.com> Tags: daemon internet connections Comments: Add to /opt/bootlocal.sh : /usr/local/etc/init.d/dbus start connmand In case u need a wifi connection load wpa_supplicant-dbus.tcz To save settings add /var/lib/connman to /opt/.filetool.lst optional dep if u use wifi: wpa_supplicant-dbus.tcz Change-log: 2011/11/16 first version 0.76 2012/04/29 Updated to 0.77 Current: 2013/12/05 Updated to 1.20, fixed dbus permissions