Title:          bleachbit-locale.tcz
Description:    File System Cleaner Locales (TESTING)
Version:        1.1
Author:         Andrew Ziem
Original-site:  http://bleachbit.sourceforge.net/
Copying-policy: GPLv3
Size:		428K
Extension_by:   robc
Tags:	    	File System Cleaner Locales
Comments:	This package requires bleachbit and
		its deps.
		Use at your own risk. Use the preview option
		to see the files that are to be removed.
		To get full functionality bleachbit needs to
		be ran as root user.
		Please see the man page for additional
		Also see http://bleachbit.sourceforge.net/
		for more information.
Change-log:     2009/12/03 Original
		2010/06/09 Updated to 0.8.0.
		2010/10/08 Updated to v0.8.1, built with
		2011/01/03 Updated to v0.8.5
		2011/03/11 Updated to v0.8.7
		2014/06/05 Updated to v1.1    moB (the whale)
Current:	2014/06/05 Updated to v1.1