Title:          aspell-ru.tcz
Description:    Russian dictionary for aspell
Version:        0.99f7-1
Author:         Alexander Lebedev
Original-site:  aspell.net
Copying-policy: GPL v2
Size:		2.4M
Extension_by:   aus9
Tags:	        aspell spell checker dictionary
Comments:       Russian dictionary for aspell
		Default lang is set by locale, If you need help with locale see
		Summary: download and run getlocale.tcz and select your locale
		Add created mylocale.tcz to your onboot.lst and  edit your bootloader
		to set your language and/or keyboard mappings
		Consider changing the aspell dep for dictionary to your dictionary
		Alternatively try
		$ aspell --lang=ru -c filename
		If no errors exits without message. Otherwise shows wrong words in terminal.
Change-log:	2012/11/20 First Version
Current:        2012/11/20 version 0.99f7-1 built against TC 4.x