Title:          OSS.tcz
Description:    Open Sound System 4.2
Version:        build 2005
Author:         4Front Technologies
Original-site:  http://www.opensound.com
Copying-policy: GPL
Size:		692K
Extension_by:   Curaga
Tags:	    Open Sound System 4.2
Comments:       This is a really awesome application that does many 
		different things I think the Core community will benefit 
		from :)
		Sound will be configured automatically when you load the 
		extension. However if you wish to see the messages, the 
		command is "sudo soundon".
		The optional GUI mixer (ossxmix.tcz) depends on GTK2; 
		the command-line mixer, ossmix, works in all systems.
		Some of the included apps:
		ossplay		Wave player
		ossrecord	Wave recorder
		ossmix		Console mixer
		osstest		A sound test
		ossinfo		Displays information about your sound
		Detected hardware and saved volume settings are in 
		/usr/lib/oss/etc, so you might want to add that to your 
		Note: to compile apps that use OSS, no need to have OSS 
		loaded. The header file is in compiletc.
Change-log:     2008/07/06 Original for
		2008/07/23 Updated for 2.6.26-tinycore, added menu items
		2008/07/27 Updated menu items for the new /tmp/tcz.menu
		2008/10/10 Updated menu items to JWM format
                2009/04/11 Update to 4.1 for, gtk2 mixer
		2009/12/17 Updated startup script to handle non-standard module location
		2010/01/25 Added /etc/asound.conf, separated gtk2 mixer
		2010/03/25 Updated config files writable
		2010/05/12 Update to 4.2 for TC 3, modules separated
		2010/05/19 Made usr/lib/oss/etc writable
Current:        2011/09/09 Update to 4.2 b2005 for TC 4