Title: libvpx114-dev.tcz Description: libvpx - Free VP8 video en-/decoder library - dev files Version: 1.14.1 Author: Various Original-site: http://www.webmproject.org/code/ Copying-policy: Special Size: 56KB Extension_by: gutmensch Tags: matroska webm vp8 vp9 video encode decode dev Comments: --- This extension is PPI compatible. Change-log: 2010/06/30 Initial version from git repository 2010/08/20 Bump to new git revision 2010/09/25 Bump to new git version (without memory bug hopefully) 2010/09/29 Omit --enable-psnr because of huge memory adressing BUG 2010/11/16 Bump to new revision 0.9.5+ 2011/07/28 Bump to 0.9.6 2012/05/21 Bump to 1.1.0 2018/12/11 updated 1.1.0 -> 1.7.0, renamed (juanito) 2020/01/17 updated 1.7.0 -> 1.8.2, renamed (juanito) Current: 2024/10/02 updated 1.8.2 -> 1.14.1, renamed (juanito)