# /etc/rc.d/rc.icecream.conf
# This file contains the configuration settings for both iceccd and scheduler

# Defines the network name used to determine which nodes can be used for
# the compile processes. That way you can have several icecream clusters
# in the same network.
ICECC_NETWORK=$(hostname -d 2> /dev/null)

# If /etc/HOSTNAME isn't relected in /etc/hosts or through DNS for any reason,
# then the default ICECC_NETWORK=$(hostname -d) won't be set. So if that
# variable is empty here, output an error message and exit so that the
# rc.iceccd script doesn't hang:
if [ "$ICECC_NETWORK" = "" ]; then
  echo "ERROR: No network set in \$ICECC_NETWORK, so iceccd and/or icecc-scheduler"
  echo "will be unable to start. Please make sure that the hostname in /etc/HOSTNAME"
  echo "is reflected in /etc/hosts or through DNS. You should be able to run"
  echo "'hostname -d' and see your network domain."
  echo "This is the current output from 'hostname -d':"
  echo $(hostname -d)
  echo "Exiting..."
  exit 1

# Defines the options passed to icecc-scheduler:
ICECC_SCHEDULER_OPTIONS="-n $ICECC_NETWORK -d -l /var/log/icecream/icecc-scheduler.log"

# This is for adding any other custom options to icecc-scheduler.
# See "man icecc-scheduler" for available options.

# Defines the options passed to iceccd:
ICECCD_OPTIONS="-n $ICECC_NETWORK -d -b /var/cache/icecream -l /var/log/icecream/iceccd.log"

# Maximum number of compile jobs started in parallel on machine running the
# daemon. The default set below is the number of threads the CPU can handle,
# plus one.
ICECCD_JOBS="-m $(expr $(nproc) + 1)"

# The level of niceness to use. Default is 5.
# Lower values increase iceccd performance.

# This is for adding any other custom options to iceccd.
# See "man iceccd" for available options.