#!/bin/bash # Copyright 1999 Patrick Volkerding, Moorhead, Minnesota, USA # Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Slackware Linux, Inc., Concord, California, USA # Copyright 2015 Michal Nazarewicz <mina86@mina86.com> # Copyright 2009, 2015, 2021, 2025 Patrick J. Volkerding, Sebeka, MN, USA # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use of this script, with or without modification, is # permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of this script must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO # EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; # OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF # ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Sat Feb 8 19:19:05 UTC 2025 # Export a unique $MCOOKIE to be used for both installpkg passes. # For the first pass, call installpkg with the --save-cookies option. This will # keep some data from installpkg's first pass to save time in the second pass. # # Fri Feb 7 22:13:15 UTC 2025 # Pass the --verbose option to installpkg/removepkg. # # Wed May 19 04:46:53 UTC 2021 # export PRE_INSTALL_PASS="true" if we'll be running installpkg a second time # for each package. Perhaps then we could skip some expensive install script # functions until the final pass. Thanks to Stuart Winter. # # Mon Jun 4 21:17:58 UTC 2018 # Use /var/lib/pkgtools, not /var/log. # # Thu May 24 20:23:55 UTC 2018 # Added --terselength option to set the line length in --terse mode. # Use a lockfile to prevent output collisions in --terse mode. # # Wed May 23 03:35:28 UTC 2018 # Added --terse, which limits screen output to one line per package. # # Sat 17 Jan 16:21:32 UTC 2015 mina86 # Various optimisation mostly resolving around avoiding having to fork # and call cut, basename and other helper commands. Slight # refactoring of code calling removepkg. # # Sat Apr 25 21:18:53 UTC 2009 # Support new compression types and package extensions. # Converted to use new pkgbase() function to remove pathname and # valid package extensions. # # Added --dry-run, Sat Apr 26 18:13:29 PDT 2003 # # Added --install-new and --reinstall, Fri May 31 14:11:14 PDT 2002 volkerdi # # Rewritten to clean out _all_ old packages of a given basename, not just # the first one found, Thu Apr 4 01:01:05 PST 2002 volkerdi # # Modified to handle either old 8.3 or new package-version-arch-build.tgz # packages, Sat Nov 17 14:25:58 PST 2001 volkerdi # Return a package name that has been stripped of the dirname portion # and any of the valid extensions (only): pkgbase() { PKGRETURN=${1##*/} case "$PKGRETURN" in *.t[gblx]z) PKGRETURN=${PKGRETURN%.*} esac echo "$PKGRETURN" } usage() { cat << EOF Usage: upgradepkg [options] <newpackage> ... upgradepkg [options] <oldpackage%newpackage> ... Upgrade, install, or reinstall Slackware packages (.tgz, .tbz, .tlz, .txz). To operate on an alternate directory, such as /mnt: ROOT=/mnt upgradepkg package.txz Options: --dry-run only display what would be done --warn same as --dry-run --install-new install new packages also --reinstall upgrade packages of the same version --terse display a single line for each package operation --terselength <length> maximum line length of terse output --verbose display all the gory details of the upgrade --help display this help For more details see upgradepkg(8). EOF } # Set the prefix for the package database directories (packages, scripts). ADM_DIR="$ROOT/var/lib/pkgtools" # Make sure there's a proper temp directory: TMP=$ADM_DIR/setup/tmp # If the $TMP directory doesn't exist, create it: if [ ! -d $TMP ]; then mkdir -p $TMP chmod 700 $TMP # no need to leave it open fi # This script expects an 022 umask: umask 022 # $ROOT defined? if [ -d "$ROOT" ]; then export ROOT else unset ROOT fi # --help or no args? if [ "$1" = "" -o "$1" = "-help" -o "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-?" ]; then usage; exit 1; fi # Create a lockfile directory if it doesn't exist. We can use it to prevent # output line collisions in --terse mode. INSTLOCKDIR=${INSTLOCKDIR:-/run/lock/pkgtools} if [ ! -d $INSTLOCKDIR ]; then mkdir -p $INSTLOCKDIR fi # Set default line length for terse mode: if tty -s && which tput 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then TERSELENGTH=$(tput cols) else TERSELENGTH=80 fi # Arg processing loop. These must come before any packages are listed. while [ 0 ]; do if [ "$1" = "-no-paranoia" -o "$1" = "--no-paranoia" ]; then # Enable --no-paranoia mode. This is so not-recommended that we're # not even going to document it. ;) If a file used to be directly # managed and now is moved into place, using --no-paranoia will cause # it to improperly disappear. It does slightly speed things up, though. # Don't use it. NOT_PARANOID="true" shift 1 elif [ "$1" = "-install-new" -o "$1" = "--install-new" ]; then # Install packages that do not already have an installed version. # The usual default is to skip them. INSTALL_NEW="yes" shift 1 elif [ "$1" = "-reinstall" -o "$1" = "--reinstall" ]; then # Reinstall packages even if the installed one is the same version. REINSTALL="true" shift 1 elif [ "$1" = "-verbose" -o "$1" = "--verbose" -o "$1" = "-v" ]; then # We're adding a --verbose mode that doesn't filter removepkg as much VERBOSE="verbose" shift 1 elif [ "$1" = "-dry-run" -o "$1" = "--dry-run" -o "$1" = "-warn" -o "$1" = "--warn" ]; then # Output a report about which packages would be installed or upgraded # but don't actually perform the upgrades. DRY_RUN="true" shift 1 elif [ "$1" = "-terse" -o "$1" = "--terse" ]; then # Output one line per installed/upgraded package by calling installpkg # with --terse. Use TERSE=0 for true, so we can check with test. TERSE=0 shift 1 elif [ "$1" = "-terselength" -o "$1" = "--terselength" ]; then # Set line length in --terse mode: TERSELENGTH=$2 shift 2 else # no more args break; fi done # processing args # A couple not-really-documented features to adjust the behavior of --terse # mode. These need to be used in addition to --terse, and passed in as # environment variables. # PLAINTERSE=0 (This outputs the standard terse line from installpkg, rather # than prefixing it with "Upgrading:" or "Installing:") # INFOBOX=0 (This outputs the installpkg --infobox instead of a terse line) # Here's a function to figure out the package name from one of those # new long filenames. We'll need this to double check the name of the # old package. package_name() { STRING=$(pkgbase "$1") case "$STRING" in *-*-*-*) # At least four segments, strip version arch and build and return name: echo "${STRING%-*-*-*}" # cruft for later ;) # BUILD=${STRING##*-} # STRING=${STRING%*-} # ARCH=${STRING##*-} # STRING=${STRING%*-} # VER=${STRING%*-} ;; *) # Old style package name with one segment or we don't have four # segments: return the old-style (or out of spec) package name. echo $STRING esac } ERRCODE=0 # Main processing loop: for ARG; do OLD=${ARG%'%'*} # first segment, = $ARG if no % NEW=${ARG#*'%'} # second segment, = $ARG if no % # Simple package integrity check: if ! [ -f "$NEW" ]; then ERRCODE=4 echo "Cannot install $NEW: file not found" continue; fi # Figure out the names of the old and new packages: INCOMINGDIR=$(dirname $NEW) # These are the package names with the extension: NNAME=${NEW##*/} ONAME=${OLD##*/} # These are the package names without the extension: OLD=$(pkgbase $OLD) NEW=$(pkgbase $NEW) # Make sure the extension is valid: if [ "$NNAME" = "$NEW" ]; then # We won't throw an ERRCODE for this, but the package is skipped: echo "Cannot install $OLD: invalid package extension" continue; fi # Check and fix the old package name: SHORT="$(package_name $OLD)" if [ ! -r $ADM_DIR/packages/$OLD ]; then if ls $ADM_DIR/packages/$SHORT* 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then for installed_package in $ADM_DIR/packages/$SHORT* ; do if [ "$(package_name $installed_package)" = "$SHORT" ]; then # found one OLD="${installed_package##*/}" break fi done fi fi # Test to see if both the old and new packages are where we expect them # to be - skip to the next package (or package pair) if anything's wrong: if [ ! -r $ADM_DIR/packages/$OLD ]; then if [ ! "$INSTALL_NEW" = "yes" ]; then if [ "$DRY_RUN" = "true" ]; then echo "$OLD would not be upgraded (no installed package named $SHORT)." else ! [ $TERSE ] && echo echo "Error: there is no installed package named $OLD." ! [ $TERSE ] && echo " (looking for $ADM_DIR/packages/$OLD)" ! [ $TERSE ] && echo fi ERRCODE=1 else # --install-new was given, so install the new package: if [ "$DRY_RUN" = "true" ]; then echo "$NEW would be installed (new package)." else if [ $PLAINTERSE ]; then /sbin/installpkg --terse --terselength $TERSELENGTH $INCOMINGDIR/$NNAME elif [ $INFOBOX ]; then /sbin/installpkg --infobox $INCOMINGDIR/$NNAME elif [ $TERSE ]; then OUTPUTLINE="$(/sbin/installpkg --terse --terselength $(expr $TERSELENGTH - 12) $INCOMINGDIR/$NNAME)" ( flock 9 || exit 11 echo "Installing: ${OUTPUTLINE}" ) 9> $INSTLOCKDIR/outputline.lock else BBAR="=======================================================================================================================================================" BLURB="| Installing new package $INCOMINGDIR/$NNAME |" echo echo "+$(echo $BBAR | cut -b 1-$(expr $(echo $BLURB | wc -c) - 3))+" echo $BLURB echo "+$(echo $BBAR | cut -b 1-$(expr $(echo $BLURB | wc -c) - 3))+" echo /sbin/installpkg $INCOMINGDIR/$NNAME fi fi fi continue; elif [ ! -r "$INCOMINGDIR/$NNAME" ]; then if [ "$DRY_RUN" = "true" ]; then echo "$NEW incoming package not found (command line)." else ! [ $TERSE ] && echo echo "Error: incoming package $INCOMINGDIR/$NNAME not found." ! [ $TERSE ] && echo fi ERRCODE=1 continue; fi # Unless --reinstall was given, compare the package names # and skip any exact matches: if [ ! "$REINSTALL" = "true" ]; then if [ "$OLD" = "$NEW" ]; then if [ "$DRY_RUN" = "true" ]; then echo "$NEW would be skipped (already installed)." else if ! [ $TERSE ]; then BBAR="=======================================================================================================================================================" BLURB="| Skipping package $NEW (already installed) |" echo echo "+$(echo $BBAR | cut -b 1-$(expr $(echo $BLURB | wc -c) - 3))+" echo $BLURB echo "+$(echo $BBAR | cut -b 1-$(expr $(echo $BLURB | wc -c) - 3))+" echo fi fi continue; fi fi # Showtime. Let's do the upgrade. First, we will rename all the # installed packages with this basename to make them easy to remove later: TIMESTAMP=$(date +%Y-%m-%d,%T) SHORT="$(package_name $OLD)" if [ "$DRY_RUN" = "true" ]; then echo -n "$NEW would upgrade:" for installed_package in $ADM_DIR/packages/$SHORT* ; do if [ "$(package_name $installed_package)" = "$SHORT" ]; then echo -n " $(pkgbase $installed_package)" fi done echo continue fi for installed_package in $ADM_DIR/packages/$SHORT* ; do if [ "$(package_name $installed_package)" = "$SHORT" ]; then mv $installed_package ${installed_package}-upgraded-$TIMESTAMP fi done for installed_script in $ADM_DIR/scripts/$SHORT* ; do if [ "$(package_name $installed_script)" = "$SHORT" ]; then if [ -r $installed_script ]; then mv $installed_script ${installed_script}-upgraded-$TIMESTAMP fi fi done # Print a banner for the current upgrade: if ! [ $TERSE ]; then BBAR="=======================================================================================================================================================" BLURB="| Upgrading $OLD package using $INCOMINGDIR/$NNAME |" echo echo "+$(echo $BBAR | cut -b 1-$(expr $(echo $BLURB | wc -c) - 3))+" echo $BLURB echo "+$(echo $BBAR | cut -b 1-$(expr $(echo $BLURB | wc -c) - 3))+" echo fi # Next, the new package is pre-installed: # Signal to the install script that this is a pre-install, in case it cares: if [ ! "$NOT_PARANOID" = "true" ]; then export PRE_INSTALL_PASS="true" fi # Export an MCOOKIE here for use by installpkg. This can be used to store # information from the first pass so that we don't have to do redundant # processing in the second pass. if which mcookie 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then MCOOKIE=$(mcookie) else # Well, we will make due with this: MCOOKIE=$$ fi export MCOOKIE # Unless we are using a BAD OPTION, we'll want to save the cookies after this # first pass: if [ ! "$NOT_PARANOID" = "true" ]; then SAVE_COOKIES="--save-cookies" fi if [ "$VERBOSE" = "verbose" ]; then if ! [ $TERSE ]; then /sbin/installpkg --verbose $SAVE_COOKIES $INCOMINGDIR/$NNAME RETCODE=$? else /sbin/installpkg $SAVE_COOKIES $INCOMINGDIR/$NNAME 1> /dev/null RETCODE=$? fi else if [ $PLAINTERSE ]; then /sbin/installpkg --terse --terselength $TERSELENGTH $SAVE_COOKIES $INCOMINGDIR/$NNAME elif [ $INFOBOX ]; then /sbin/installpkg --infobox $SAVE_COOKIES $INCOMINGDIR/$NNAME elif [ $TERSE ]; then OUTPUTLINE="$(/sbin/installpkg --terse --terselength $(expr $TERSELENGTH - 12) $SAVE_COOKIES $INCOMINGDIR/$NNAME)" RETCODE=$? ( flock 9 || exit 11 echo "Upgrading: ${OUTPUTLINE}" ) 9> $INSTLOCKDIR/outputline.lock else echo "Pre-installing package $NEW..." /sbin/installpkg --terse $SAVE_COOKIES $INCOMINGDIR/$NNAME | tail -n +2 RETCODE=$? fi fi # At this stage, if the operator supplied --no-paranoia, the package # installation process (as far as unpacking content and running setup scripts # is concerned) is complete. # By default there will be a second and final installation pass, and to avoid # executing expensive actions (such as re-generating data files or creating # a large number of symlinks) installpkg skips running the install script on # that first pass. Now we'll unset the PRE_INSTALL_PASS environment variable # so that installpkg will run the install script. unset PRE_INSTALL_PASS # Make sure that worked: if [ ! $RETCODE = 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Package $INCOMINGDIR/$NNAME did not install" echo "correctly. You may need to reinstall your old package" echo "to avoid problems. Make sure the new package is not" echo "corrupted." sleep 15 # Skip this package, but still try to proceed. Good luck... continue; fi # Now, the leftovers from the old package(s) can go. Pretty simple, huh? :) ( flock 9 || exit 11 for rempkg in "$ADM_DIR/packages/"*"-$TIMESTAMP"; do if [ "$VERBOSE" = "verbose" ]; then /sbin/removepkg --verbose "${rempkg##*/}" elif ! [ $TERSE ]; then /sbin/removepkg "${rempkg##*/}" | grep -v 'Skipping\.\|Removing files:' else /sbin/removepkg "${rempkg##*/}" > /dev/null fi done ) 9> $INSTLOCKDIR/removepkg.lock # Again! Again! # Seriously, the reinstalling of a package can be crucial if any files # shift location, so we should always reinstall as the final step: if [ ! "$NOT_PARANOID" = "true" ]; then if ! [ $TERSE ]; then /sbin/installpkg --no-overwrite $INCOMINGDIR/$NNAME else # Don't print the first line, as that's the (redundant) "Installing..." # but print any other lines that would be output from the install script: /sbin/installpkg --no-overwrite --terse $INCOMINGDIR/$NNAME | tail -n +2 fi fi ! [ $TERSE ] && echo "Package $OLD upgraded with new package $INCOMINGDIR/$NNAME." ERRCODE=0 done exit $ERRCODE