.\" -*- nroff -*-
.ds g \" empty
.ds G \" empty
.\" Like TP, but if specified indent is more than half
.\" the current line-length - indent, use the default indent.
.de Tp
.ie \\n(.$=0:((0\\$1)*2u>(\\n(.lu-\\n(.iu)) .TP
.el .TP "\\$1"
.TH INSTALLPKG 8 "22 Nov 2001" "Slackware Version 8.1.0"
installpkg \- install Slackware packages.
.B installpkg
.B \--warn
.B \--dry-run
.B \--md5sum
.B \--root /otherroot
.B \--infobox
.B \--menu
.B \--terse
.B \--terselength <length>
.B \--verbose
.B \--ask
.B \--priority ADD|REC|OPT|SKP
.B \--tagfile /somedir/tagfile
.B \--threads <number>
.B \--no-overwrite
.B \--save-cookies
.BI packagename
.B packagename2 ...
.B installpkg
installs single or multiple *.txz (or .tbz, .tgz, .tlz) binary packages designed
for use with the Slackware Linux distribution onto your system.
.B \--warn packagename
Generate a list of files that would be overwritten to the standard output, but do
not actually install the package.  The list is formatted in a suitable fashion to
use as a list of files to backup.
.B \--dry-run packagename
This option does the same thing as --warn.
.B \--md5sum packagename
Record the package md5sum in the metadata written in /var/lib/pkgtools/packages.
.B \--root /otherroot
Install using a location other than / (the default) as the root of the
filesystem to install on.  In the example given, use /otherroot instead.  Setting
the ROOT environment variable does the same thing.
.B \--infobox
Use /bin/dialog to display an informational dialog as the package is installed.
Primarily used when installpkg is called from other scripts.
.B \--menu
Use /bin/dialog to display a menu asking the user if they would like to install the
package(s) or not.  Generally used when installpkg is called from other scripts.
.B \--terse
Install the package displaying only a single description line to stdout.
.B \--terselength <length>
Maximum line length of --terse mode output. Default is the number of terminal columns.
.B \--verbose
Display the complete file list as the package is installed.
.B \--ask
Used with -menu mode.  When selected, always ask if a package should be
installed regardless of what the package's priority is.
.B \--priority ADD|REC|OPT|SKP
When installing with the \-menu option, package priority levels (found in the file
"tagfile" in the package directory) are used to automatically install (ADD) or 
skip (SKP) a package, or to suggest recommended (REC) or optional (OPT) to the user
if a menu is displayed.  If a priority is set on the command line, it will override
the values set in the tagfile for the entire package list.
.B \--tagfile /somedir/tagfile
Specify a different file to use for package priorities (in this example, /somedir/tagfile
will be used).  The default is "tagfile" in the package's directory.
.B \--threads <number>
For xz/plzip compressed packages, set the maximum number of threads to be used for
decompression. Only has an effect if a multithreaded compressor was used, and then
only on large packages. The default for plzip and xz is the number of CPU threads available.
.B \--no-overwrite
When extracting the package, do not overwrite existing files. Usually, this option
should not be used. It exists so that upgradepkg can use it for the second installation
pass. The first pass has already overwritten the previous package's files, and this will
catch the few corner cases without generating unnecessary writes.
.B \--save-cookies
When called by upgradepkg, save some data in the temp directory after the first installpkg
pass so that the second pass can use it (avoiding redundant processing).
.B Install a font package for X:
installpkg font-bh-ttf-1.0.3-noarch-1.txz
Note that if a package is already installed, upgradepkg(8) should be used instead.
.B Create a backup of the files that would be overwritten if the package is installed:
tar czvf /tmp/backup.tar.gz \\
  $(installpkg --warn font-bh-ttf-1.0.3-noarch-1.txz)
Patrick J. Volkerding <volkerdi@slackware.com>
.BR makepkg(8),
.BR removepkg(8),
.BR explodepkg(8),
.BR pkgtool(8), 
.BR upgradepkg(8)