libxcb-render0-1.13-150000.3.11.1<>,(f5`p9|zF=1`n9혒E6An$xKWy*ԮA[}GVQ@?|d $ C-NR hy      *4X`   (8 9 : >c@rFGHIXY\]^bcd@eEfHlJu\vdwxyz,06xClibxcb-render01.13150000.3.11.1X11 Render Extension C libraryThe X protocol C-language Binding (XCB) is a replacement for Xlib featuring a small footprint, latency hiding, direct access to the protocol, improved threading support, and extensibility.f5`s390zl33SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC MIT    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/[r@Z1@Z_:ZS]@ZOhZ:PZ.s@ZW=VzU* u_don-t-flag-extra-reply-in-xcb_take_socket.patch * Fix IO errors with KWin in combination with NVIDIA driver. (bnc#1101560)- Update to version 1.13 * As with xcb-proto, this release mainly enables multi-planar buffers in DRI3 v1.2 via support for variable-sized lists of FDs, and enables sending GenericEvents to other clients. Present v1.2 and RandR v1.6 did not require any specific library changes. - supersedes U_add-support-for-eventstruct.patch, u_build_python3.patch- Really conditionalize the python3 option to allow us building without any python2 present * u_build_python3.patch - Convert to pkgconfig style deps - Format bit with spec-cleaner- Enable xinput extension. (bnc#1074249) - U_add-support-for-eventstruct.patch * Update xinput to the state when it was enabled by default upstream.- n_If-auth-with-credentials-for-hostname-fails-retry-with-XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME.patch * Prevent infinite loop also in case DISPLAY is non-local.- Use spaces instead of tabs in the patches (as does the original source code) to avoid confusion. - n_If-auth-with-credentials-for-hostname-fails-retry-with-XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME.patch * If authentication (with *stage == 0) failed and the variable XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME wasn't set, we were never getting to stage 2 in the original patch, causing calls to xcb_connect_to_display to be stuck in an infinite loop. Now we also go to stage 2 if the variable isn't set.- fixes build against python3 (package rename of python-xcb-proto-devel to python3-xcb-proto-devel)- n_If-auth-with-credentials-for-hostname-fails-retry-with-XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME.patch * Modify this patch to do what it say - retry not only if the current hostname is not found in the xauthority file, but also when it is rejected by X server. (bnc#1043221)- Update to version 1.12 * here is a new version of libxcb for you to enjoy. The highlights are the same as for the new xcb-proto release: xinput support, RandR 1.5 and an automatic alignment checker. - removed libxcb-xevie0/libxcb-xprint0 subpackages- n_If-auth-with-credentials-for-hostname-fails-retry-with-XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME.patch: If auth with credentials for hostname fails retry with XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME (boo#906622).- Update to version 1.11.1: This fixes some threading-related bugs with xcb_wait_for_special_event() and adds 64-bit versions of functions that work with sequence numbers./sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigs390zl33 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=3ef248711628279a01182bc07f1ebaf551e8840c, strippedPRRRR5lDfc!0kutf-80cbbab504c86a9fdd1b91233c903080c481070e4062694f372bc1c5e117673b4?7zXZ !t/']"k%ndK6e)܍gplkte3=Bq x Dc%#_\W(4!V:`8S- BӮ,kJ= f%+&^K+7^ŌiG%5l੐c4 xKf#;* 5p"}u`cEڶPXZR6Ɍ<9uV/΁DBo_Z:C䮚ʤf<+dfz>IHi%AT?ZC9bZpDnBz'@DN򇄔&r'ɝ)l6Ou8x\ˈ@˝(^ \x:_8+j<7tJt⋙)\LEF6|~!P BQgyBиL2ڡ1O)r@$QDibP`xK ?&TdeM-,{Wi%+V*T0=STshp> n|>xK32$ QQ;( RuuE(`g#L/C@|]W8K&W9x)T M4A%<P7ie B6`,a$GO/T͜6 `Fx'غɎ9HU#>nH8.Y(+y|ütad/~bCE|ɞ׮N8<(1l%.%#(¥|En(|Ĥ0Fv9M>uy B \_P= +fHs+E|Zf?V0A[;4FX8 bxQƸa%7{o,N'ui;GӇIg\#Ϭ &Ccl/*hFdFBsI% "`PS 9G:rj%Hc\eA79A\WDFWݞt>"ޛR5}H|cAe҈rZ Qib9ysOXL5ۻ6 O)Mv ϭ՚ j1_AF-g s*283NS~BLk ⳕ]j.F/bS!>0 =R05GRxYBTܠXŦU׼KdPِcTk d9ے\Ⱥ/ma&˼!,oƱ7b2Nh"='b"ovUQ"vM'3,ov:q0޺dDMY>JׂDbwCy/%$-ErOصsgg8Tx?w#Р,`7懏Ww%C YnhčRi:5"&Xd}jEMRMHTI;v5 H8t;w l R# . Ɉ! Ge[r8o銃-?#MCJy~sPSPfD!p9̱ؗbkzhSE@1ҳBH: wj~b2<կ]o13Z%(iP!#:B0{:HWZ|1bҟmdhjwfצ-ul@t~mG\&q\B 3ږ1P-VY.1ġ_|&Y3Q]@-lք7ޡA9dea%Xb~̨"[c} ̎Z͠rv%D{ɞ^~?0'_F]E'% 8*9/E|8O5˔&vAM>!%!F׋mJ1 SH6уZ3zbhѐ *ni_ZNOm:jEA)H ^"XF'*Q5W|^JGEyGpCtn8jȬE}H{øYW^BXOuVw jG YUN9> AyۃT۩ ~`nJ@ JS}۰*C^0JƷA H ؾ>A=SwS $:x[bid6%jypu0¢@8v" 3/s*-)M hxoz}{2 oEj3)G`dh5H'#8^Wxdso(=m[,fN!{Orلſ|)x`uw͔S;U^lD/bU^eÓ~BSSY43F߽>dCwu%Ȗc #n*ÆRP5֍d6 6N|K. U_8h3z>k@VEbCu GAp .9#[HZ?@Rt d~ \!դE|PZ=8NS$>Jcì. h*j | H%*5.6Jq>ֈ|<~UH_ȉ!$QRtOe6^YpRzNyq}Cx,Q%Z4WRkE6Qȗbg s tJWmK7qf-ځsYd`~WqD.ͯGћ8Br whK#'UE?b y5 iѮߦ@9~yQ'B>hhӺfN├7GH K  4=vx#'PM+d=ŔiEu%< D+*.?VP+xIFW4)Bn'~H)म:;sA?1<v~}t?l\M_I љytԁCL`+̣u<)%L\U; KLʘ.&7,н{*=Oz8XcPTQG>FU x`1Dq l:ZxM $M26{Jd&v |"^nTm(8 3H÷mvaX?z>T5j3iJhnXkM,8VMʢ]ܷ7‡iƄ"U7 Y~/BRަABax[e@%A|sWpGMSC\]M D~C%벓G3"%1,D08Pefs?H?~ȻLFL  !%H& lҒ΀>de Vs/*3: ;wֶg)^)wްe<',Siǎ944bxwśx7!_^B\>%T>h.uwDҴuVfJ&6h..~2/\t8zVȋu5X,p,,s.x#w5z|gbLAj'KpqBC94a|kбBUl{EN?5eS`,3S(9c5X}mY3txF*|r4W9Ul&O) YZ