java-17-openjdk-devel-<>,f p9|EH`lej?9c#%1l",w\{)xYdv"jˇ ' |Tu:%&XǞ$Ql8wdoζʦCq/\/ 6*I?LWfTϳ7>qGCpoՖźcž GEP$Mӻ iZ5-eCMЫ+Hk@npdDm~~HXdHwU@N_@4&p._Pːt4>B@?@d" 0 Sx|} H0H H PH pH 'xH (H)H+XH,,H. ..0(0V80`(91(:3(>|@FGHHHIHX ( Y P \ H]!H^& b'c(<d(e(f(l(u(Hv*w=Hx>8Hy?XJz@@@@@Cjava-17-openjdk-devel17.0.12.0150400.3.45.1OpenJDK 17 Development EnvironmentThe OpenJDK 17 development tools.f s390zp39[SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC Apache-1.1 AND Apache-2.0 AND GPL-1.0-or-later AND GPL-2.0-only AND GPL-2.0-only WITH Classpath-exception-2.0 AND LGPL-2.0-only AND MPL-1.0 AND MPL-1.1 AND SUSE-Public-Domain AND W3C update-alternatives \ --install /usr/bin/javac javac /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/javac 2705 \ --slave /usr/lib64/jvm/java java_sdk /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk \ --slave /usr/bin/jar jar /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/jar \ --slave /usr/bin/jarsigner jarsigner /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/jarsigner \ --slave /usr/bin/javadoc javadoc /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/javadoc \ --slave /usr/bin/javap javap /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/javap \ --slave /usr/bin/jcmd jcmd /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/jcmd \ --slave /usr/bin/jconsole jconsole /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/jconsole \ --slave /usr/bin/jdb jdb /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/jdb \ --slave /usr/bin/jdeprscan jdeprscan /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/jdeprscan \ --slave /usr/bin/jdeps jdeps /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/jdeps \ --slave /usr/bin/jimage jimage /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/jimage \ --slave /usr/bin/jinfo jinfo /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/jinfo \ --slave /usr/bin/jlink jlink /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/jlink \ --slave /usr/bin/jmap jmap /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/jmap \ --slave /usr/bin/jmod jmod /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/jmod \ --slave /usr/bin/jps jps /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/jps \ --slave /usr/bin/jpackage jpackage /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/jpackage \ --slave /usr/bin/jrunscript jrunscript /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/jrunscript \ --slave /usr/bin/jshell jshell /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/jshell \ --slave /usr/bin/jstack jstack /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/jstack \ --slave /usr/bin/jstat jstat /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/jstat \ --slave /usr/bin/jstatd jstatd /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/jstatd \ --slave /usr/bin/serialver serialver /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/serialver \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jar.1$ext jar.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jar-java-17-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jarsigner.1$ext jarsigner.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jarsigner-java-17-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/javac.1$ext javac.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/javac-java-17-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/javadoc.1$ext javadoc.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/javadoc-java-17-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/javap.1$ext javap.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/javap-java-17-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jcmd.1$ext jcmd.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jcmd-java-17-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jconsole.1$ext jconsole.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jconsole-java-17-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jdb.1$ext jdb.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jdb-java-17-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jdeprscan.1$ext jdeprscan.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jdeprscan-java-17-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jdeps.1$ext jdeps.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jdeps-java-17-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jinfo.1$ext jinfo.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jinfo-java-17-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jlink.1$ext jlink.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jlink-java-17-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jmap.1$ext jmap.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jmap-java-17-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jmod.1$ext jmod.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jmod-java-17-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jpackage.1$ext jpackage.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jpackage-java-17-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jps.1$ext jps.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jps-java-17-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jrunscript.1$ext jrunscript.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jrunscript-java-17-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jshell.1$ext jshell.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jshell-java-17-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jstack.1$ext jstack.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jstack-java-17-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jstat.1$ext jstat.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jstat-java-17-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/jstatd.1$ext jstatd.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/jstatd-java-17-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/man/man1/serialver.1$ext serialver.1$ext \ /usr/share/man/man1/serialver-java-17-openjdk.1$ext \ --slave /usr/share/applications/jconsole.desktop jconsole.desktop \ /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk-17/lib/desktop/jconsole.desktop update-alternatives \ --install /usr/lib64/jvm/java-openjdk \ java_sdk_openjdk /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk 2705 update-alternatives \ --install /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17 \ java_sdk_17 /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk 2705if [ $1 -eq 0 ] then update-alternatives --remove javac /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk/bin/javac update-alternatives --remove java_sdk_openjdk /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk update-alternatives --remove java_sdk_17 /usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk fi(((((((8((((((((((((((((V0'?=~7`BW< W}9NV@4N zV  %W u% 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   /bin/sh/bin/! @e@eԔ@epe@e1@e/e/edd@d@dm@d\d\dI@cl@c1c=@cca @cRc%b?b_b=b8hb7@a@aa@araHwaC1a@a?=@a#fstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comschwab@suse.defstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comjsilva@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.comfstrba@suse.co Update to upstream tag jdk-17.0.12+7 (July 2024 CPU) * Security fixes + JDK-8314794, CVE-2024-21131, bsc#1228046: Improve UTF8 String supports + JDK-8319859, CVE-2024-21138, bsc#1228047: Better symbol storage + JDK-8320097: Improve Image transformations + JDK-8320548, CVE-2024-21140, bsc#1228048: Improved loop handling + JDK-8323231, CVE-2024-21147, bsc#1228052: Improve array management + JDK-8323390: Enhance mask blit functionality + JDK-8324559, CVE-2024-21145, bsc#1228051: Improve 2D image handling + JDK-8325600: Better symbol storage + JDK-8327413: Enhance compilation efficiency * Other fixes + JDK-8015739: Background of JInternalFrame is located out of JInternalFrame + JDK-8042380: Test javax/swing/JFileChooser/4524490/ / fails with InvocationTargetException + JDK-8159927: Add a test to verify JMOD files created in the images do not have debug symbols + JDK-8163229: several regression tests have a main method that is never executed + JDK-8163921: HttpURLConnection default Accept header is malformed according to HTTP/1.1 RFC + JDK-8177107: Reduce memory footprint of java.lang.reflect.Constructor/Method + JDK-8185862: AWT Assertion Failure in ::GetDIBits(hBMDC, hBM, 0, 1, 0, gpBitmapInfo, 0) 'awt_Win32GraphicsDevice.cpp', at line 185 + JDK-8187759: Background not refreshed when painting over a transparent JFrame + JDK-8213714: AttachingConnector/attach/attach001 failed due to "bind failed: Address already in use" + JDK-8223696: java/net/httpclient/ failed with didn't finish within the time-out + JDK-8256660: Disable DTLS 1.0 + JDK-8260540: serviceability/jdwp/ failed with "Debuggee error: 'ERROR: transport error 202: bind failed: Address already in use'" + JDK-8263940: NPE when creating default file system when default file system provider is packaged as JAR file on class path + JDK-8264322: Generate CDS archive when creating custom JDK image + JDK-8266242: java/awt/GraphicsDevice/ failing on macOS 11 ARM + JDK-8267796: vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/scenarios/hotswap/HS201/ /hs201t002/ fails with NoClassDefFoundError + JDK-8268974: GetJREPath() JLI function fails to locate if not standard Java launcher is used + JDK-8269914: Factor out heap printing for G1 young and full gc + JDK-8270018: Add scoped object for g1 young gc JFR notification + JDK-8272315: Improve assert_different_registers + JDK-8272651: G1 heap region info print order changed by JDK-8269914 + JDK-8272903: Missing license header in + JDK-8272916: Copyright year was modified unintentionally in and + JDK-8273153: Consolidate file_exists into os:file_exists + JDK-8273774: CDSPluginTest should only expect classes_nocoops.jsa exists on supported 64-bit platforms + JDK-8275334: Move class loading Events to a separate section in hs_err files + JDK-8275868: ciReplay: Inlining fails with "unloaded signature classes" due to wrong protection domains + JDK-8276227: ciReplay: SIGSEGV if classfile for replay compilation is not present after JDK-8275868 + JDK-8278893: Parallel: Remove GCWorkerDelayMillis + JDK-8280030: [REDO] Parallel: More precise boundary in ObjectStartArray::object_starts_in_range + JDK-8280056: gtest/ failed "os.release_one_mapping_multi_commits_vm" + JDK-8280113: (dc) DatagramSocket.receive does not always throw when the channel is closed + JDK-8280377: MethodHandleProxies does not correctly invoke default methods with varags + JDK-8280546: Remove hard-coded loopback address + JDK-8280835: jdk/javadoc/tool/ depends on source hierarchy + JDK-8281658: Add a security category to the java - XshowSettings option + JDK-8282094: [REDO] Parallel: Refactor PSCardTable::scavenge_contents_parallel + JDK-8283349: Robustness improvements to java/util/prefs/AddNodeChangeListener.jar + JDK-8285452: Add a new test library API to replace a file content using + JDK-8286045: Use ForceGC for cleaner test cases + JDK-8286311: remove boilerplate from use of runTests + JDK-8286490: JvmtiEventControllerPrivate::set_event_callbacks CLEARING_MASK computation is incorrect + JDK-8286740: JFR: Active Setting event emitted incorrectly + JDK-8286781: Replace the deprecated/obsolete gethostbyname and inet_addr calls + JDK-8289401: Add dump output to + JDK-8289643: File descriptor leak with ProcessBuilder.startPipeline + JDK-8290126: Add a check in JavadocTester for "javadoc should not crash" + JDK-8290885: java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ fail: More or fewer pipes than expected + JDK-8290901: Reduce use of -source in langtools tests + JDK-8291753: Add JFR event for GC CPU Time + JDK-8294137: Review running times of java.math tests + JDK-8294156: Allow PassFailJFrame.Builder to create test UI + JDK-8294699: Launcher causes lingering busy cursor + JDK-8295026: Remove unused fields in StyleSheet + JDK-8295343: sun/security/pkcs11 tests fail on Linux RHEL 8.6 and newer + JDK-8295944: Move the Http2TestServer and related classes into a package of its own + JDK-8296137: diags-examples.xml is broken + JDK-8296190: TestMD5Intrinsics and TestMD5MultiBlockIntrinsics don't test the intrinsics + JDK-8296610: java/net/HttpURLConnection/SetAuthenticator/ / failed with "BindException: Address already in use: connect" + JDK-8297082: Remove sun/tools/jhsdb/ from problem list + JDK-8297292: java/nio/channels/FileChannel/ / is too slow + JDK-8297445: PPC64: Represent Registers as values + JDK-8297449: Update JInternalFrame Metal Border code + JDK-8297645: Drop the test/jdk/java/net/httpclient/ /reactivestreams-tck-tests/ test + JDK-8297695: Fix typos in test/langtools files + JDK-8298413: [s390] CPUInfoTest fails due to uppercase feature string + JDK-8298939: Refactor open/test/jdk/javax/rmi/ssl/ / to jtreg java test + JDK-8299023: and are failing intermittently + JDK-8299858: [Metrics] Swap memory limit reported incorrectly when too large + JDK-8301183: (zipfs) jdk/jdk/nio/zipfs/ / failing with ZipException:R0 on OL9 + JDK-8301381: Verify DTLS 1.0 cannot be negotiated + JDK-8301753: AppendFile/WriteFile has differences between make 3.81 and 4+ + JDK-8302069: javax/management/remote/mandatory/notif/ / update + JDK-8302512: Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2023-02-14 + JDK-8302907: [PPC64] Use more constexpr in class Register + JDK-8303457: Introduce convenience test library APIs for creating test servers for tests in test/jdk/java/net/httpclient + JDK-8303466: C2: failed: malformed control flow. Limit type made precise with MaxL/MinL + JDK-8303972: (zipfs) Make test/jdk/jdk/nio/zipfs/ / independent of the zip command line + JDK-8304761: Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2023-03-22 + JDK-8304927: Update java/net/httpclient/ to check basic auth over HTTP/2 + JDK-8305169: java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/OCSP/ / -- test server didn't start in timely manner + JDK-8305645: System Tray icons get corrupted when Windows primary monitor changes + JDK-8305819: LogConfigurationTest intermittently fails on AArch64 + JDK-8305874: Open source AWT Key, Text Event related tests + JDK-8305931: jdk/jfr/jcmd/ failed with "Expected chains but found none" + JDK-8305942: Open source several AWT Focus related tests + JDK-8305943: Open source few AWT Focus related tests + JDK-8306031: Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2023-04-13 + JDK-8306040: HttpResponseInputStream.available() returns 1 on empty stream + JDK-8306067: Open source AWT Graphics,GridBagLayout related tests + JDK-8306634: Open source AWT Event related tests + JDK-8306714: Open source few Swing event and AbstractAction tests + JDK-8306838: GetGraphicsTest needs to be headful + JDK-8307411: Test java/foreign/channels/ / failed: IllegalStateException: Already closed + JDK-8307423: [s390x] Represent Registers as values + JDK-8308021: Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2023-05-11 + JDK-8309409: Update HttpInputStreamTest and BodyProcessorInputStreamTest to use + JDK-8309527: Improve test proxy performance + JDK-8309630: Clean up tests that reference deploy modules + JDK-8309763: Move tests in test/jdk/sun/misc/URLClassPath directory to test/jdk/jdk/internal/loader + JDK-8309890: waits for the wrong condition + JDK-8310031: Parallel: Implement better work distribution for large object arrays in old gen + JDK-8310818: Refactor more Locale tests to use JUnit + JDK-8311893: Interactive component with ARIA role 'tabpanel' does not have a programmatically associated name + JDK-8311964: Some jtreg tests failing on x86 with error 'unrecognized VM options' (C2 flags) + JDK-8312194: test/hotspot/jtreg/applications/ctw/modules/ / cannot handle empty modules + JDK-8312320: Remove javax/rmi/ssl/ from ProblemList + JDK-8312383: Log X509ExtendedKeyManager implementation class name in TLS/SSL connection + JDK-8312916: Remove remaining usages of -Xdebug from test/hotspot/jtreg + JDK-8313307: java/util/Formatter/ fails on some Locales + JDK-8313702: Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2023-08-02 + JDK-8314283: Support for NSS tests on aarch64 platforms + JDK-8314832: Few runtime/os tests ignore vm flags + JDK-8314835: gtest wrappers should be marked as flagless + JDK-8315071: Modify, to use new PassFailJFrame's builder pattern usage + JDK-8315117: Update Zlib Data Compression Library to Version 1.3 + JDK-8315609: Open source few more swing text/html tests + JDK-8315652: RISC-V: Features string uses wrong separator for jtreg + JDK-8315663: Open source misc awt tests + JDK-8315677: Open source few swing JFileChooser and other tests + JDK-8315726: Open source several AWT applet tests + JDK-8315741: Open source few swing JFormattedTextField and JPopupMenu tests + JDK-8315824: Open source several Swing Text/HTML related tests + JDK-8315834: Open source several Swing JSpinner related tests + JDK-8315889: Open source several Swing HTMLDocument related tests + JDK-8315898: Open source swing JMenu tests + JDK-8316017: Refactor timeout handler in PassFailJFrame + JDK-8316053: Open some swing tests 3 + JDK-8316138: Add GlobalSign 2 TLS root certificates + JDK-8316142: Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/nsk/monitoring/stress/lowmem tests + JDK-8316154: Opensource JTextArea manual tests + JDK-8316164: Opensource JMenuBar manual test + JDK-8316186: RISC-V: Remove PlatformCmpxchg<4> + JDK-8316242: Opensource SwingGraphics manual test + JDK-8316462: sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm/ / ignores VM flags + JDK-8316563: test tools/jpackage/linux/ fails on CentOS Linux release 8.5.2111 and Fedora 27 + JDK-8316608: Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/gc/vector tests + JDK-8317287: [macos14] Child VM: abnormal termination + JDK-8318322: Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2023-10-16 + JDK-8318580: "javax/swing/MultiMonitor/ failing with Error. Can't find library: /open/test/jdk/java/ /awt/regtesthelpers" after JDK-8316053 + JDK-8318599: HttpURLConnection cache issues leading to crashes in JGSS w/ native GSS introduced by 8303809 + JDK-8318727: Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/vm/gc/concurrent tests + JDK-8318809: java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentLinkedQueue/ / shows intermittent failures on linux ppc64le and aarch64 + JDK-8318854: [macos14] Running any AWT app prints Secure coding warning + JDK-8319048: Monitor deflation unlink phase prolongs time to safepoint + JDK-8319128: sun/security/pkcs11 tests fail on OL 7.9 aarch64 + JDK-8319136: Skip pkcs11 tests on linux-aarch64 + JDK-8319268: Build failure with GCC8.3.1 after 8313643 + JDK-8319338: tools/jpackage/share/ fails with -XX:+UseZGC + JDK-8319372: C2 compilation fails with "Bad immediate dominator info" + JDK-8320005: Allow loading of shared objects with .a extension on AIX + JDK-8320113: [macos14] : fails intermittently on macOS 14 + JDK-8320129: "top" command during jtreg failure handler does not display CPU usage on OSX + JDK-8320303: Allow PassFailJFrame to accept single window creator + JDK-8320342: Use PassFailJFrame for + JDK-8320570: NegativeArraySizeException decoding >1G UTF8 bytes with non-ascii characters + JDK-8320681: [macos] Test tools/jpackage/macosx/ / timed out on macOS + JDK-8320712: Rewrite BadFactoryTest in pure Java + JDK-8320943: Files/probeContentType/ fails on latest Windows 11 - content type mismatch + JDK-8321107: Add more test cases for JDK-8319372 + JDK-8321489: Update LCMS to 2.16 + JDK-8321925: sun/security/mscapi/ fails with "Alias <246810> does not exist" + JDK-8322239: [macos] a11y : java.lang.NullPointerException is thrown when focus is moved on the JTabbedPane + JDK-8322503: Shenandoah: Clarify gc state usage + JDK-8322858: compiler/c2/aarch64/ fails on AArch64 due to unexpected PrintAssembly output + JDK-8322920: Some ProcessTools.execute* functions are declared to throw Throwable + JDK-8323210: Update the usage of cmsFLAGS_COPY_ALPHA + JDK-8323519: Add applications/ctw/modules to Hotspot tiered testing + JDK-8323717: Introduce test keyword for tests that need external dependencies + JDK-8323994: gtest runner repeats test name for every single gtest assertion + JDK-8324050: Issue store-store barrier after re-materializing objects during deoptimization + JDK-8324238: [macOS] java/awt/Frame/ShapeNotSetSometimes/ / fails with the shape has not been applied msg + JDK-8324243: Compilation failures in java.desktop module with gcc 14 + JDK-8324598: use mem_unit when working with sysinfo memory and swap related information + JDK-8324632: Update Zlib Data Compression Library to Version 1.3.1 + JDK-8324723: GHA: Upgrade some actions to avoid deprecated Node 16 + JDK-8324733: [macos14] Problem list tests which fail due to macOS bug described in JDK-8322653 + JDK-8324824: AArch64: Detect Ampere-1B core and update default options for Ampere CPUs + JDK-8325137: com/sun/management/ThreadMXBean/ / can fail in Xcomp with out of expected range + JDK-8325203: System.exit(0) kills the launched 3rd party application + JDK-8325213: Flags introduced by configure script are not passed to ADLC build + JDK-8325254: CKA_TOKEN private and secret keys are not necessarily sensitive + JDK-8325326: [PPC64] Don't relocate in case of allocation failure + JDK-8325372: Shenandoah: SIGSEGV crash in unnecessary_acquire due to LoadStore split through phi + JDK-8325432: enhance assert message "relocation addr must be in this section" + JDK-8325496: Make TrimNativeHeapInterval a product switch + JDK-8325579: Inconsistent behavior in com.sun.jndi.ldap.Connection::createSocket + JDK-8325862: set -XX:+ErrorFileToStderr when executing java in containers for some container related jtreg tests + JDK-8325876: crashes in docker container tests on Linuxppc64le Power8 machines + JDK-8325972: Add -x to bash for building with LOG=debug + JDK-8326006: Allow TEST_VM_FLAGLESS to set flagless mode + JDK-8326101: [PPC64] Need to bailout cleanly if creation of stubs fails when code cache is out of space + JDK-8326140: src/jdk.accessibility/windows/native/ /libjavaaccessbridge/AccessBridgeJavaEntryPoints.cpp ReleaseStringChars might be missing in early returns + JDK-8326201: [S390] Need to bailout cleanly if creation of stubs fails when code cache is out of space + JDK-8326351: Update the Zlib version in open/src/java.base/share/legal/ to 1.3.1 + JDK-8326521: JFR: CompilerPhase event test fails on windows 32 bit + JDK-8326529: JFR: Test for CompilerCompile events fails due to time out + JDK-8326591: New test fails on Windows when --with-external-symbols-in-bundles=public is used + JDK-8326638: Crash in PhaseIdealLoop::remix_address_expressions due to unexpected Region instead of Loop + JDK-8326643: JDK server does not send a dummy change_cipher_spec record after HelloRetryRequest message + JDK-8326661: sun/java2d/cmm/ColorConvertOp/ assumes profiles were generated by LCMS + JDK-8326794: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-17.0.12 + JDK-8326891: Prefer RPATH over RUNPATH for $ORIGIN rpaths in internal JDK binaries + JDK-8326936: RISC-V: Shenandoah GC crashes due to incorrect atomic memory operations + JDK-8326942: [17u] Backout "8325254: CKA_TOKEN private and secret keys are not necessarily sensitive" + JDK-8326960: GHA: RISC-V sysroot cannot be debootstrapped due to ongoing Debian t64 transition + JDK-8327036: [macosx-aarch64] SIGBUS in MarkActivationClosure::do_code_blob reached from Unsafe_CopySwapMemory0 + JDK-8327059: os::Linux::print_proc_sys_info add swappiness information + JDK-8327136: javax/management/remote/mandatory/notif/ / fails on libgraal + JDK-8327631: Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2024-03-07 + JDK-8327989: java/net/httpclient/ should not use "localhost" in URIs + JDK-8327998: Enable java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ / on Mac + JDK-8328066: WhiteBoxResizeTest failure on linux-x86: Could not reserve enough space for 2097152KB object heap + JDK-8328165: improve assert(idx < _maxlrg) failed: oob + JDK-8328166: Epsilon: 'EpsilonHeap::allocate_work' misuses the parameter 'size' as size in bytes + JDK-8328168: Epsilon: Premature OOM when allocating object larger than uncommitted heap size + JDK-8328194: Add a test to check default rendering engine + JDK-8328524: [x86] failure on linux-x86: Could not reserve enough space for 2097152KB object heap + JDK-8328540: test javax/swing/JSplitPane/4885629/ / fails on windows hidpi + JDK-8328638: Fallback option for POST-only OCSP requests + JDK-8328705: GHA: Cross-compilation jobs do not require build JDK + JDK-8328812: Update and move siphash license + JDK-8328825: Google CAInterop test failures + JDK-8328948: GHA: Restoring sysroot from cache skips the build after JDK-8326960 + JDK-8328988: [macos14] Problem list which fails due to macOS bug described in JDK-8322653 + JDK-8328997: Remove unnecessary template parameter lists in GrowableArray + JDK-8329013: StackOverflowError when starting Apache Tomcat with signed jar + JDK-8329213: Better validation for option + JDK-8329223: Parallel: Parallel GC resizes heap even if -Xms = -Xmx + JDK-8329570: G1: Excessive is_obj_dead_cond calls in verification + JDK-8329823: RISC-V: Need to sync CPU features with related JVM flags + JDK-8330094: RISC-V: Save and restore FRM in the call stub + JDK-8330156: RISC-V: Range check auipc + signed 12 imm instruction + JDK-8330242: RISC-V: Simplify and remove CORRECT_COMPILER_ATOMIC_SUPPORT in atomic_linux_riscv.hpp + JDK-8330523: Reduce runtime and improve efficiency of KeepAliveTest + JDK-8330815: Use pattern matching for instanceof in KeepAliveCache + JDK-8331113: support configurable maven repo mirror + JDK-8331352: error: template-id not allowed for constructor/destructor in C++20 + JDK-8331641: [17u]: Bump GHA bootstrap JDK to 17.0.11 + JDK-8331942: On Linux aarch64, CDS archives should be using 64K alignment by default + JDK-8334441: Mark tests in jdk_security_infra group as manual + JDK-8335963: [17u] Remove designator DEFAULT_PROMOTED_VERSION_PRE=ea for release 17.0.12 - Modified patch: * fips.patch + rediff to changed context- Require file for posttrans phase of the headless subpackage (bsc#1227298)- Added patch: * reproducible-jlink.patch + make the timestamp in jmods reproducible- Update to upstream tag jdk-17.0.11+9 (April 2024 CPU) * Security fixes + JDK-8315708, CVE-2024-21012, bsc#1222987: Enhance HTTP/2 client usage + JDK-8317507, JDK-8325348, CVE-2024-21094, bsc#1222986: C2 compilation fails with "Exceeded _node_regs array" + JDK-8318340: Improve RSA key implementations + JDK-8319851, CVE-2024-21011, bsc#1222979: Improve exception logging + JDK-8322122, CVE-2024-21068, bsc#1222983: Enhance generation of addresses * Other changes + JDK-6928542: Chinese characters in RTF are not decoded + JDK-7132796: [macosx] closed/javax/swing/JComboBox/4517214/ / fails on MacOS + JDK-7148092: [macosx] When Alt+down arrow key is pressed, the combobox popup does not appear. + JDK-7167356: (javac) investigate failing tests in JavacParserTest + JDK-8054022: HttpURLConnection timeouts with Expect: 100-Continue and no chunking + JDK-8054572: [macosx] JComboBox paints the border incorrectly + JDK-8169475: fails by timeout + JDK-8205076: [17u] Inet6AddressImpl.c: `lookupIfLocalHost` accesses `int InetAddress.preferIPv6Address` as a boolean + JDK-8209595: timed out + JDK-8210410: Refactor java.util.Currency:i18n shell tests to plain java tests + JDK-8261404: Class.getReflectionFactory() is not thread-safe + JDK-8261837: SIGSEGV in ciVirtualCallTypeData::translate_from + JDK-8263256: Test java/net/Inet6Address/serialize/ / fails due to dynamic reconfigurations of network interface during test + JDK-8269258: java/net/httpclient/ failed with connection timeout + JDK-8271118: C2: StressGCM should have higher priority than frequency-based policy + JDK-8271616: oddPart in MutableBigInteger::mutableModInverse contains info on final result + JDK-8272811: Document the effects of building with _GNU_SOURCE in os_posix.hpp + JDK-8272853: improve `JavadocTester.runTests` + JDK-8273454: C2: Transform (-a)*(-b) into a*b + JDK-8274060: C2: Incorrect computation after JDK-8273454 + JDK-8274122: java/io/File/createTempFile/ fails in Windows 11 + JDK-8274621: NullPointerException because listenAddress[0] is null + JDK-8274632: Possible pointer overflow in PretouchTask chunk claiming + JDK-8274634: Use String.equals instead of String.compareTo in java.desktop + JDK-8276125: SIGSEGV in JfrThreadGroup::thread_group_id + JDK-8278028: [test-library] Warnings cleanup of the test library + JDK-8278312: Update SimpleSSLContext keystore to use SANs for localhost IP addresses + JDK-8278363: Create extented container test groups + JDK-8280241: (aio) AsynchronousSocketChannel init fails in IPv6 only Windows env + JDK-8281377: Remove vmTestbase/nsk/monitoring/ThreadMXBean/ /ThreadInfo/Deadlock/JavaDeadlock001/ from problemlist. + JDK-8281543: Remove unused code/headerfile dtraceAttacher.hpp + JDK-8281585: Remove unused imports under test/lib and jtreg/gc + JDK-8283400: [macos] a11y : Screen magnifier does not reflect JRadioButton value change + JDK-8283626: AArch64: Set relocInfo::offset_unit to 4 + JDK-8283994: Make Xerces DatatypeException stackless + JDK-8286312: Stop mixing signed and unsigned types in bit operations + JDK-8286846: test/jdk/javax/swing/plaf/aqua/ / fails on mac aarch64 + JDK-8287832: jdk/jfr/event/runtime/ failed with "Expected two batches of Active Setting events" + JDK-8288663: JFR: Disabling the JfrThreadSampler commits only a partially disabled state + JDK-8288846: misc tests fail "assert(ms < 1000) failed: Un-interruptable sleep, short time use only" + JDK-8289764: gc/lock tests failed with "OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space: failed reallocation of scalar replaced objects" + JDK-8290041: ModuleDescriptor.hashCode is inconsistent + JDK-8290203: ProblemList vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/scenarios/ /capability/CM03/cm03t001/ on linux-all + JDK-8290399: [macos] Aqua LAF does not fire an action event if combo box menu is displayed + JDK-8292458: Atomic operations on scoped enums don't build with clang + JDK-8292946: GC lock/jni/jnilock001 test failed "assert(gch->gc_cause() == GCCause::_scavenge_alot || !gch->incremental_collection_failed()) failed: Twice in a row" + JDK-8293117: Add atomic bitset functions + JDK-8293547: Add relaxed add_and_fetch for macos aarch64 atomics + JDK-8294158: HTML formatting for PassFailJFrame instructions + JDK-8294254: [macOS] javax/swing/plaf/aqua/ / failure + JDK-8294535: Add screen capture functionality to PassFailJFrame + JDK-8295068: SSLEngine throws NPE parsing CertificateRequests + JDK-8295124: Atomic::add to pointer type may return wrong value + JDK-8295274: fails "assert(event->should_commit()) failed: invariant" from compiled frame" + JDK-8296631: NSS tests failing on OL9 linux-aarch64 hosts + JDK-8297968: Crash in PrintOptoAssembly + JDK-8298087: XML Schema Validation reports an required attribute twice via ErrorHandler + JDK-8299494: Test vmTestbase/nsk/stress/except/ failed: ExceptionInInitializerError: target class not found + JDK-8300269: The selected item in an editable JComboBox with titled border is not visible in Aqua LAF + JDK-8301306: java/net/httpclient/* fail with -Xcomp + JDK-8301310: The SendRawSysexMessage test may cause a JVM crash + JDK-8301787: java/net/httpclient/SpecialHeadersTest failing after JDK-8301306 + JDK-8301846: Invalid TargetDataLine after screen lock when using JFileChooser or COM library + JDK-8302017: Allocate BadPaddingException only if it will be thrown + JDK-8302149: Speed up compiler/jsr292/methodHandleExceptions/ / + JDK-8303605: Memory leaks in Metaspace gtests + JDK-8304074: [JMX] Add an approximation of total bytes allocated on the Java heap by the JVM + JDK-8304696: Duplicate class names in dynamicArchive tests can lead to test failure + JDK-8305356: Fix ignored bad CompileCommands in tests + JDK-8305900: Use loopback IP addresses in security policy files of httpclient tests + JDK-8305906: HttpClient may use incorrect key when finding pooled HTTP/2 connection for IPv6 address + JDK-8305962: update jcstress to 0.16 + JDK-8305972: Update XML Security for Java to 3.0.2 + JDK-8306014: Update TLS tests to use SSLContextTemplate or SSLEngineTemplate + JDK-8306408: Fix the format of several tables in + JDK-8307185: pkcs11 native libraries make JNI calls into java code while holding GC lock + JDK-8307926: Support byte-sized atomic bitset operations + JDK-8307955: Prefer to PTRACE_GETREGSET instead of PTRACE_GETREGS in method 'ps_proc.c::process_get_lwp_regs' + JDK-8307990: jspawnhelper must close its writing side of a pipe before reading from it + JDK-8308043: Deadlock in due to blocking GC while allocating + JDK-8308245: Add -proc:full to describe current default annotation processing policy + JDK-8308336: Test java/net/HttpURLConnection/ / failed: Address already in use + JDK-8309302: java/net/Socket/ fails with AssertionError on test temporal post condition + JDK-8309305: sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/ / fails with jtreg test timeout + JDK-8309462: [AIX] vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/RunAgentThread/ /agentthr001/ crashing due to empty while loop + JDK-8309733: [macOS, Accessibility] VoiceOver: Incorrect announcements of JRadioButton + JDK-8309870: Using -proc:full should be considered requesting explicit annotation processing + JDK-8310106: .getHandshakeProducer() incorrectly checks handshakeConsumers + JDK-8310238: [test bug] javax/swing/JTableHeader/6889007/ / fails + JDK-8310380: Handle problems in core-related tests on macOS when codesign tool does not work + JDK-8310631: test/jdk/sun/nio/cs/ is spuriously passing + JDK-8310807: java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/ timed out + JDK-8310838: Correct range notations in MethodTypeDesc specification + JDK-8310844: [AArch64] C1 compilation fails because monitor offset in OSR buffer is too large for immediate + JDK-8310923: Refactor Currency tests to use JUnit + JDK-8311081: fail on localized Windows platform + JDK-8311160: [macOS, Accessibility] VoiceOver: No announcements on JRadioButtonMenuItem and JCheckBoxMenuItem + JDK-8311581: Remove obsolete code and comments in + JDK-8311645: Memory leak in jspawnhelper spawnChild after JDK-8307990 + JDK-8311986: Disable runtime/os/ for ShenandoahGC + JDK-8312428: PKCS11 tests fail with NSS 3.91 + JDK-8312434: SPECjvm2008/xml.transform with CDS fails with "can't seal package nu.xom" + JDK-8313081: MonitoringSupport_lock should be unconditionally initialized after 8304074 + JDK-8313082: Enable CreateCoredumpOnCrash for testing in makefiles + JDK-8313206: PKCS11 tests silently skip execution + JDK-8313575: Refactor PKCS11Test tests + JDK-8313621: test/jdk/jdk/internal/math/FloatingDecimal/ /TestFloatingDecimal should use RandomFactory + JDK-8313643: Update HarfBuzz to 8.2.2 + JDK-8313816: Accessing jmethodID might lead to spurious crashes + JDK-8314164: java/net/HttpURLConnection/ / fails intermittently in timeout + JDK-8314220: Configurable InlineCacheBuffer size + JDK-8314830: runtime/ErrorHandling/ tests ignore external VM flags + JDK-8315034: File.mkdirs() occasionally fails to create folders on Windows shared folder + JDK-8315042: NPE in PKCS7.parseOldSignedData + JDK-8315594: Open source few headless Swing misc tests + JDK-8315600: Open source few more headless Swing misc tests + JDK-8315602: Open source swing security manager test + JDK-8315611: Open source swing text/html and tree test + JDK-8315680: java/lang/ref/ should run with -Xbatch + JDK-8315731: Open source several Swing Text related tests + JDK-8315761: Open source few swing JList and JMenuBar tests + JDK-8315920: C2: "control input must dominate current control" assert failure + JDK-8315986: [macos14] javax/swing/JMenuItem/4654927/ / component must be showing on the screen to determine its location + JDK-8316001: GC: Make TestArrayAllocatorMallocLimit use createTestJvm + JDK-8316028: Update FreeType to 2.13.2 + JDK-8316030: Update Libpng to 1.6.40 + JDK-8316106: Open source few swing JInternalFrame and JMenuBar tests + JDK-8316304: (fs) Add support for BasicFileAttributes .creationTime() for Linux + JDK-8316392: compiler/interpreter/ / failed with SIGBUS in PcDescContainer::find_pc_desc_internal + JDK-8316414: C2: large byte array clone triggers "failed: malformed control flow" assertion failure on linux-x86 + JDK-8316415: Parallelize sun/security/rsa/ subtests + JDK-8316418: containers/docker/ get OOM killed with Parallel GC + JDK-8316445: Mark com/sun/management/HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean/ / as vm.flagless + JDK-8316679: C2 SuperWord: wrong result, load should not be moved before store if not comparable + JDK-8316693: Simplify at-requires checkDockerSupport() + JDK-8316929: Shenandoah: Shenandoah degenerated GC and full GC need to cleanup old OopMapCache entries + JDK-8316947: Write a test to check textArea triggers MouseEntered/MouseExited events properly + JDK-8317039: Enable specifying the JDK used to run jtreg + JDK-8317144: Exclude sun/security/pkcs11/sslecc/ / on Linux ppc64le + JDK-8317307: test/jdk/com/sun/jndi/ldap/ / fails with ConnectException: Connection timed out: no further information + JDK-8317603: Improve exception messages thrown by native methods (win) + JDK-8317771: [macos14] Expand/collapse a JTree using keyboard freezes the application in macOS 14 Sonoma + JDK-8317807: JAVA_FLAGS removed from jtreg running in JDK-8317039 + JDK-8317960: [17u] Excessive CPU usage on AbstractQueuedSynchronized.isEnqueued + JDK-8318154: Improve stability of test + JDK-8318183: C2: VM may crash after hitting node limit + JDK-8318410: jdk/java/lang/instrument/BootClassPath/ / fails on Japanese Windows + JDK-8318468: compiler/tiered/ fails with -XX:CompileThreshold=100 -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1 + JDK-8318490: Increase timeout for JDK tests that are close to the limit when run with libgraal + JDK-8318603: Parallelize sun/java2d/marlin/ + JDK-8318607: Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/nsk/stress/jni tests + JDK-8318608: Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/nsk/stress/threads tests + JDK-8318689: jtreg is confused when folder name is the same as the test name + JDK-8318736: com/sun/jdi/ failed with "transport error 202: bind failed: Address already in use" + JDK-8318951: Additional negative value check in JPEG decoding + JDK-8318955: Add ReleaseIntArrayElements in Java_sun_awt_X11_XlibWrapper_SetBitmapShape XlbWrapper.c to early return + JDK-8318957: Enhance agentlib:jdwp help output by info about allow option + JDK-8318961: increase javacserver connection timeout values and max retry attempts + JDK-8318971: Better Error Handling for Jar Tool When Processing Non-existent Files + JDK-8318983: Fix comment typo in + JDK-8319124: Update XML Security for Java to 3.0.3 + JDK-8319213: reads both stdout and stderr of JdkUtils + JDK-8319436: Proxy.newProxyInstance throws NPE if loader is null and interface not visible from class loader + JDK-8319456: jdk/jfr/event/gc/collection/ /TestGCCauseWith[Serial|Parallel].java : GC cause 'GCLocker Initiated GC' not in the valid causes + JDK-8319668: Fixup of jar filename typo in + JDK-8319922: fails to link in JDK 21 + JDK-8319961: JvmtiEnvBase doesn't zero _ext_event_callbacks + JDK-8320001: javac crashes while adding type annotations to the return type of a constructor + JDK-8320168: handle setsocktopt return values + JDK-8320208: Update Public Suffix List to b5bf572 + JDK-8320300: Adjust hs_err output in malloc/mmap error cases + JDK-8320363: ppc64 TypeEntries::type_unknown logic looks wrong, missed optimization opportunity + JDK-8320597: RSA signature verification fails on signed data that does not encode params correctly + JDK-8320798: Console read line with zero out should zero out underlying buffer + JDK-8320885: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-17.0.11 + JDK-8320921: GHA: Parallelize hotspot_compiler test jobs + JDK-8320937: support latest VS2022 MSC_VER in abstract_vm_version.cpp + JDK-8321151: JDK-8294427 breaks Windows L&F on all older Windows versions + JDK-8321215: Incorrect x86 instruction encoding for VSIB addressing mode + JDK-8321408: Add Certainly roots R1 and E1 + JDK-8321480: ISO 4217 Amendment 176 Update + JDK-8321599: Data loss in AVX3 Base64 decoding + JDK-8321815: Shenandoah: gc state should be synchronized to java threads only once per safepoint + JDK-8321972: test runtime/Unsafe/ timeout on linux-riscv64 platform + JDK-8322098: os::Linux::print_system_memory_info enhance the THP output with /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/hpage_pmd_size + JDK-8322321: Add man page doc for -XX:+VerifySharedSpaces + JDK-8322417: Console read line with zero out should zero out when throwing exception + JDK-8322583: RISC-V: Enable fast class initialization checks + JDK-8322725: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2023d + JDK-8322750: Test "api/java_awt/interactive/ /SystemTrayTests.html" failed because A blue ball icon is added outside of the system tray + JDK-8322772: Clean up code after JDK-8322417 + JDK-8322783: prioritize /etc/os-release over /etc/SuSE-release in hs_err/info output + JDK-8322968: [17u] Amend Atomics gtest with 1-byte tests + JDK-8323008: filter out harmful -std* flags added by autoconf from CXX + JDK-8323021: Shenandoah: Encountered reference count always attributed to first worker thread + JDK-8323086: Shenandoah: Heap could be corrupted by oom during evacuation + JDK-8323243: JNI invocation of an abstract instance method corrupts the stack + JDK-8323331: fix typo hpage_pdm_size + JDK-8323428: Shenandoah: Unused memory in regions compacted during a full GC should be mangled + JDK-8323515: Create test alias "all" for all test roots + JDK-8323637: Capture hotspot replay files in GHA + JDK-8323640: [TESTBUG]testMemoryFailCount in jdk/internal/platform/docker/ always fail because OOM killed + JDK-8323806: [17u] VS2017 build fails with warning after 8293117. + JDK-8324184: Windows VS2010 build failed with "error C2275: 'int64_t'" + JDK-8324280: RISC-V: Incorrect implementation in VM_Version::parse_satp_mode + JDK-8324347: Enable "maybe-uninitialized" warning for FreeType 2.13.1 + JDK-8324514: ClassLoaderData::print_on should print address of class loader + JDK-8324647: Invalid test group of lib-test after JDK-8323515 + JDK-8324659: GHA: Generic jtreg errors are not reported + JDK-8324937: GHA: Avoid multiple test suites per job + JDK-8325096: Test java/security/cert/CertPathBuilder/akiExt/ / is failing + JDK-8325150: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2024a + JDK-8325585: Remove no longer necessary calls to set/unset-in-asgct flag in JDK 17 + JDK-8326000: Remove obsolete comments for class + JDK-8327036: [macosx-aarch64] SIGBUS in MarkActivationClosure::do_code_blob reached from Unsafe_CopySwapMemory0 + JDK-8327391: Add SipHash attribution file + JDK-8329836: [17u] Remove designator DEFAULT_PROMOTED_VERSION_PRE=ea for release 17.0.11- Removed patch: * alternative-tzdb_dat.patch + Remove the possibility to use the system timezone-java. It creates more problems then it solves (bsc#1213470)- Use %patch -P N instead of deprecated %patchN.- Recommend mozilla-nss-sysinit in order to have available the /etc/pki/nssdb directory and its content, required in fips mode (bsc#1219662) - Do not install our crafted nss.fips.cfg file, but use the one that the build produces with our fips.patch applied - Removed patch: * nss-security-provider.patch + this DISABLED nss security provider was not used for years and is largely rendered obsolete by the NSS-FIPS provider - Modified patch: * fips.patch + adapt to the removal of the nss security provider- Update to upstream tag jdk-17.0.10+7 (January 2024 CPU) * CVEs + CVE-2024-20918, bsc#1218907 + CVE-2024-20919, bsc#1218903 + CVE-2024-20921, bsc#1218905 + CVE-2024-20932, bsc#1218908 + CVE-2024-20945, bsc#1218909 + CVE-2024-20952, bsc#1218911 * Security fixes + JDK-8276123, JDK-8316613: ZipFile::getEntry will not return a file entry when there is a directory entry of the same name within a Zip File + JDK-8308204: Enhanced certificate processing + JDK-8314295: Enhance verification of verifier + JDK-8314307: Improve loop handling + JDK-8314468: Improve Compiler loops + JDK-8316976: Improve signature handling + JDK-8317547: Enhance TLS connection support * Other changes + JDK-6445283: ProgressMonitorInputStream not large file aware (>2GB) + JDK-8041447: Test javax/swing/dnd/7171812/ fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: Test failed, scroll on drag doesn't work + JDK-8061729: Update java/net tests to eliminate dependency on and some other internal APIs + JDK-8161536: sun/security/pkcs11/sslecc/ / fails with ProviderException + JDK-8168469: Memory leak in JceSecurity + JDK-8176567: nsk/jdi/ReferenceType/instances/instances002: TestFailure: Unexpected size of referenceType .instances(nsk.share.jdi.TestInterfaceImplementer1): 11, expected: 10 + JDK-8193543: Regression automated test '/open/test/jdk/java/ /awt/TrayIcon/SystemTrayInstance/' fails + JDK-8198668: MemoryPoolMBean/isUsageThresholdExceeded/ /isexceeded001/ still failing + JDK-8202790: DnD test does not clean up + JDK-8202931: [macos] java/awt/Choice/ChoicePopupLocation/ / fails + JDK-8207166: jdk/jshell/ / - launch timeout + JDK-8225313: serviceability/jvmti/HeapMonitor/MyPackage/ / failed with Unexpected high difference percentage + JDK-8228990: JFR: expects 2+ Network interfaces on Linux but finding 1 + JDK-8232839: JDI failed due to "FAILED: Did not get expected IllegalThreadStateException on a StepRequest.enable()" + JDK-8232933: Javac inferred type does not conform to equality constraint + JDK-8239801: [macos] java/awt/Focus/UnaccessibleChoice/ / fails + JDK-8244289: fatal error: Possible safepoint reached by thread that does not allow it + JDK-8247351: [aarch64] NullPointerException during stack walking (clhsdb "where -a") + JDK-8249826: 5 javax/net/ssl/SSLEngine tests use @ignore w/o bug-id + JDK-8258951: java/net/httpclient/ failed with "RuntimeException: Not found expected SSLHandshakeException in" + JDK-8262186: Call X509KeyManager.chooseClientAlias once for all key types + JDK-8262901: [macos_aarch64] NativeCallTest expected:<-3.8194101E18> but was:<3.02668882E10> + JDK-8265586: [windows] last button is not shown in AWT Frame with BorderLayout and MenuBar set. + JDK-8266593: vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/PopFrame/popframe011 fails with "assert(java_thread == _state->get_thread()) failed: Must be" + JDK-8268433: serviceability/dcmd/framework/ fails with Unable to send object throw not established PipeIO Listener Thread connection + JDK-8268916: Tests for AffirmTrust roots + JDK-8269425: 2 jdk/jfr/api/consumer/streaming tests failed to attach + JDK-8270199: Most SA tests are skipped on macosx-aarch64 because all executables are signed + JDK-8270447: [IR Framework] Add missing compilation level restriction when using FlipC1C2 stress option + JDK-8271073: Improve testing with VM option VerifyArchivedFields + JDK-8271566: DSA signature length value is not accurate in P11Signature + JDK-8271824: mark hotspot runtime/CompressedOops tests which ignore external VM flags + JDK-8271826: mark hotspot runtime/condy tests which ignore external VM flags + JDK-8271828: mark hotspot runtime/classFileParserBug tests which ignore external VM flags + JDK-8271829: mark hotspot runtime/Throwable tests which ignore external VM flags + JDK-8271886: mark hotspot runtime/InvocationTests tests which ignore external VM flags + JDK-8271887: mark hotspot runtime/CDSCompressedKPtrs tests which ignore external VM flags + JDK-8271890: mark hotspot runtime/Dictionary tests which ignore external VM flags + JDK-8271891: mark hotspot runtime/Safepoint tests which ignore external VM flags + JDK-8271892: mark hotspot runtime/PrintStringTableStats/ / test as ignoring external VM flags + JDK-8271893: mark hotspot runtime/PerfMemDestroy/ / test as ignoring external VM flags + JDK-8271904: mark hotspot runtime/ClassFile tests which ignore external VM flags + JDK-8271905: mark hotspot runtime/Metaspace tests which ignore external VM flags + JDK-8272099: mark hotspot runtime/Monitor tests which ignore external VM flags + JDK-8272291: mark hotspot runtime/logging tests which ignore external VM flags + JDK-8272551: mark hotspot runtime/modules tests which ignore external VM flags + JDK-8272552: mark hotspot runtime/cds tests which ignore external VM flags + JDK-8272998: throws incorrect exception type + JDK-8273456: Do not hold ttyLock around stack walking + JDK-8273522: Rename test property to + JDK-8273629: compiler/uncommontrap/ fails with release VMs + JDK-8273831: PrintServiceLookup spawns 2 threads in the current classloader, getting orphaned + JDK-8273921: Refactor NSK/JDI tests to create thread using factory + JDK-8274211: Test man page that options are documented + JDK-8274345: make build-test-lib is broken + JDK-8275329: ZGC: vmTestbase/gc/gctests/SoftReference/soft004/ / fails with assert(_phases->length() <= 1000) failed: Too many recored phases? + JDK-8275333: Print count in "Too many recored phases?" assert + JDK-8275440: Remove VirtualSpaceList::is_full() + JDK-8275509: ModuleDescriptor.hashCode isn't reproducible across builds + JDK-8276036: The value of full_count in the message of insufficient codecache is wrong + JDK-8276054: JMH benchmarks for Fences + JDK-8276711: compiler/codecache/cli tests failing when SegmentedCodeCache used with -Xint + JDK-8276819: javax/print/PrintServiceLookup/ / fails to free + JDK-8277307: Pre shared key sent under both session_ticket and pre_shared_key extensions + JDK-8279856: Parallel: Use PreservedMarks to record promotion-failed objects + JDK-8281015: Further simplify NMT backend + JDK-8281149: (fs) java/nio/file/FileStore/ fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: values differ by more than 1GB + JDK-8281874: Can't unpack msi installers from test/jdk/tools/ /jpackage/windows/test/jdk/tools/jpackage/windows/ / test + JDK-8282011: test/jdk/tools/jpackage/windows/ test fails if light.exe is not in %PATH% + JDK-8282017: sun/net/www/protocol/https/HttpsURLConnection/ / fails with "SocketException: Unexpected end of file from server" + JDK-8283670: gtest os.release_multi_mappings_vm is still racy + JDK-8284047: Harmonize/Standardize the SSLSocket/SSLEngine/SSLSocketSSLEngine test templates + JDK-8285516: clearPassword should be called in a finally try block + JDK-8285785: CheckCleanerBound test fails with PasswordCallback object is not released + JDK-8285867: Convert applet manual tests to Frame and automate + JDK-8286430: make test TEST="gtest:" exits with error when it shouldn't + JDK-8286473: Drop --enable-preview from Record related tests + JDK-8286474: Drop --enable-preview from Sealed Classes related tests + JDK-8286475: Drop --enable-preview from instanceof pattern matching related tests + JDK-8286969: Add a new test library API to execute kinit in + JDK-8287596: Reorg jdk.test.lib.util.ForceGC + JDK-8287671: Adjust ForceGC to invoke System::gc fewer times for negative case + JDK-8287867: Bad merge of jdk/test/lib/util/ causing test compilation error + JDK-8288325: [windows] Actual and Preferred Size of AWT Non-resizable frame are different + JDK-8288961: jpackage: test MSI installation fix + JDK-8288993: Make AwtFramePackTest generic by removing @requires tag + JDK-8289584: (fs) Print size values in java/nio/file/ /FileStore/ when they differ by > 1GiB + JDK-8289745: JfrStructCopyFailed uses heap words instead of bytes for object sizes + JDK-8290909: MemoryPoolMBean/isUsageThresholdExceeded tests failed with "isUsageThresholdExceeded() returned false, and is still false, while threshold = MMMMMMM and used peak = NNNNNNN" + JDK-8291154: Create a non static nested class without enclosing class throws VerifyError + JDK-8291550: RISC-V: jdk uses misaligned memory access when AvoidUnalignedAccess enabled + JDK-8291911: java/io/File/ fails with "53687091200 != 161051996160" + JDK-8292067: Convert test/sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap shell tests to java version + JDK-8292072: NMT: repurpose Tracking overhead counter as global malloc counter + JDK-8292261: adjust timeouts in JLI + JDK-8292381: java/net/httpclient/ fails with "ERROR: Shutting down connection: HTTP/2 client stopped" + JDK-8292636: (dc) Problem listing of java/nio/channels/ /DatagramChannel/ has incorrect issue ID + JDK-8292717: Clean up checking of testing requirements in configure + JDK-8293156: Dcmd VM.classloaders fails to print the full hierarchy + JDK-8293335: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/ / with "Agent communication error:" + JDK-8293343: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/ / failed with "Agent communication error:" + JDK-8293563: [macos-aarch64] SA core file tests failing with sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.UnknownOopException + JDK-8293579: tools/jpackage/share/jdk/jpackage/tests/ / fails on Japanese Windows platform + JDK-8294402: Add diagnostic logging to VMProps.checkDockerSupport + JDK-8294427: Check boxes and radio buttons have rendering issues on Windows in High DPI env + JDK-8294881: test/hotspot/jtreg/vmTestbase/nsk/jdi( /VirtualMachine/dispose/dispose003/ fails + JDK-8295229: Try to verify gtest version + JDK-8295424: adjust timeout for another JLI subtest + JDK-8296275: Write a test to verify setAccelerator method of JMenuItem + JDK-8296437: NMT incurs costs if disabled + JDK-8296821: compiler/jvmci/ /code/test/ fails after JDK-8262901 + JDK-8297142: jdk/jfr/event/runtime/ fails on Linux ppc64le and Linux aarch64 + JDK-8297296: java/awt/Mouse/EnterExitEvents/ / fails with "No MouseReleased event on label!" + JDK-8297367: disable in slowdebug mode + JDK-8297640: Increase buffer size for buf (insert_features_names) in Abstract_VM_Version::insert_features_names + JDK-8297798: Timeout with DTLSOverDatagram test template + JDK-8297958: NMT: Display peak values + JDK-8298298: NMT: count deltas are printed with 32-bit signed size + JDK-8298619: java/io/File/ is failing + JDK-8298735: Some tools/jpackage/windows/* tests fails with jtreg test timeout + JDK-8298867: fails with SSL handshake exception + JDK-8298868: Update for changes to TLS implementation + JDK-8298869: Update for changes to TLS implementation + JDK-8298872: Update for changes to TLS implementation + JDK-8298873: Update for changes to TLS implementation + JDK-8298874: Update for TLS v1.2 and 1.3 + JDK-8298905: Test "java/awt/print/PrinterJob/ImagePrinting/ /" fails because the frames of instruction does not display + JDK-8299075: fails because extra deduplication + JDK-8299207: [Testbug] Add back test/jdk/java/awt/Graphics2D/ / + JDK-8299241: jdk/jfr/api/consumer/streaming/ generates unnecessary core file + JDK-8299255: Unexpected round errors in FreetypeFontScaler + JDK-8299677: Formatter.format might take a long time to format an integer or floating-point + JDK-8299748: java/util/zip/ failing on s390x + JDK-8300259: Add test coverage for processing of pending block files in signed JARs + JDK-8300272: Improve readability of the test JarWithOneNonDisabledDigestAlg + JDK-8300727: java/awt/List/ListGarbageCollectionTest/ / failed with "List wasn't garbage collected" + JDK-8300997: Add curl support to + JDK-8301065: Handle control characters in java_lang_String::print + JDK-8301189: validate-source fails after JDK-8298873 + JDK-8301247: JPackage app-image exe launches multiple exe's in JDK 17+ + JDK-8301377: adjust timeout for JLI subtest again + JDK-8301455: comments in TestTypeAnnotations still refer to resolved JDK-8068737 + JDK-8301457: Code in is uncommented even after JDK-8236852 was fixed + JDK-8301489: C1: ShortLoopOptimizer might lift instructions before their inputs + JDK-8301570: Test runtime/jni/nativeStack/ needs to detach the native thread + JDK-8301701: java/net/DatagramSocket/ / should be hardened + JDK-8302017: Allocate BadPaddingException only if it will be thrown + JDK-8302109: Trivial fixes to btree tests + JDK-8302525: Write a test to check various components send Events while mouse and key are used simultaneously + JDK-8302607: increase timeout for + JDK-8303607: SunMSCAPI provider leaks memory and keys + JDK-8303922: build-test-lib target is broken + JDK-8304174: Remove delays from httpserver tests + JDK-8304954: SegmentedCodeCache fails when using large pages + JDK-8305502: adjust timeouts in three more M&M tests + JDK-8305505: NPE in javazic compiler + JDK-8305646: compile error on Alpine with gcc12 after 8298619 in libGetXSpace.c + JDK-8306280: Open source several choice AWT tests + JDK-8307123: Fix deprecation warnings in DPrinter + JDK-8307311: Timeouts on one macOS 12.6.1 host of two Swing JTableHeader tests + JDK-8307403: java/util/zip/ timed out + JDK-8307732: build-test-lib is broken + JDK-8308047: java/util/concurrent/ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor/ / timed out and also had jcmd pipe errors + JDK-8308103: Massive (up to ~30x) increase in C2 compilation time since JDK 17 + JDK-8308116: jdk.test.lib.compiler .InMemoryJavaCompiler.compile does not close files + JDK-8308223: failure handler missed command + JDK-8308592: Framework for CA interoperability testing + JDK-8308593: Add KEEPALIVE Extended Socket Options Support for Windows + JDK-8308910: Allow executeAndLog to accept running process + JDK-8309032: jpackage does not work for module projects unless --module-path is specified + JDK-8309104: [JVMCI] compiler/unsafe/ /UnsafeGetStableArrayElement test asserts wrong values with Graal + JDK-8309216: Cast from jchar* to char* in test java/io/ + JDK-8309258: RISC-V: Add riscv_hwprobe syscall + JDK-8309502: RISC-V: String.indexOf intrinsic may produce misaligned memory loads + JDK-8309778: java/nio/file/Files/ fails when using second test directory + JDK-8309974: some JVMCI tests fail when VM options include - XX:+EnableJVMCI + JDK-8310233: Fix THP detection on Linux + JDK-8310265: (process) jspawnhelper should not use argv[0] + JDK-8310268: RISC-V: misaligned memory access in String.Compare intrinsic + JDK-8310321: make JDKOPT_CHECK_CODESIGN_PARAMS more verbose + JDK-8310656: RISC-V: __builtin___clear_cache can fail silently. + JDK-8310687: JDK-8303215 is incomplete + JDK-8311511: Improve description of NativeLibrary JFR event + JDK-8311514: Incorrect regex in + JDK-8311585: Add JRadioButtonMenuItem to + JDK-8311592: ECKeySizeParameterSpec causes too many exceptions on third party providers + JDK-8311631: When multiple users run tools/jpackage/share/ /, Permission denied for writing /var/tmp/*.files + JDK-8311813: C1: Uninitialized PhiResolver::_loop field + JDK-8312065: Socket.connect does not timeout when profiling + JDK-8312078: [PPC] Failing on AIX + JDK-8312126: NullPointerException in CertStore.getCRLs after 8297955 + JDK-8312182: THPs cause huge RSS due to thread start timing issue + JDK-8312394: [linux] SIGSEGV if kernel was built without hugepage support + JDK-8312395: Improve assertions in growableArray + JDK-8312440: assert(cast != nullptr) failed: must have added a cast to pin the node + JDK-8312467: relax the builddir check in make/autoconf/basic.m4 + JDK-8312489: Increase jdk.jar.maxSignatureFileSize default which is too low for JARs such as WhiteSource/Mend unified agent jar + JDK-8312535: MidiSystem.getSoundbank() throws unexpected SecurityException + JDK-8312573: Failure during CompileOnly parsing leads to ShouldNotReachHere + JDK-8312585: Rename DisableTHPStackMitigation flag to THPStackMitigation + JDK-8312592: New parentheses warnings after HarfBuzz 7.2.0 update + JDK-8312612: handle WideCharToMultiByte return values + JDK-8312620: WSL Linux build crashes after JDK-8310233 + JDK-8312625: Test serviceability/dcmd/vm/ failed: RSS use increased + JDK-8312909: C1 should not inline through interface calls with non-subtype receiver + JDK-8312974: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-17.0.10 + JDK-8313164: src/java.desktop/windows/native/libawt/windows/ /awt_Robot.cpp GetRGBPixels adjust releasing of resources + JDK-8313252: Java_sun_awt_windows_ThemeReader_paintBackground release resources in early returns + JDK-8313322: RISC-V: implement MD5 intrinsic + JDK-8313626: C2 crash due to unexpected exception control flow + JDK-8313657: com.sun.jndi.ldap.Connection.cleanup does not close connections on SocketTimeoutErrors + JDK-8313691: use close after failing os::fdopen in vmError and ciEnv + JDK-8313779: RISC-V: use andn / orn in the MD5 instrinsic + JDK-8313781: Add regression tests for large page logging and user-facing error messages + JDK-8313782: Add user-facing warning if THPs are enabled but cannot be used + JDK-8313792: Verify 4th party information in src/jdk.internal.le/share/legal/ + JDK-8314024: SIGSEGV in PhaseIdealLoop::build_loop_late_post_work due to bad immediate dominator info + JDK-8314045: ArithmeticException in GaloisCounterMode + JDK-8314063: The socket is not closed in Connection::createSocket when the handshake failed for LDAP connection + JDK-8314094: java/lang/ProcessHandle/ fails on Windows when run as user with Administrator privileges + JDK-8314121: test tools/jpackage/share/ / fails on RHEL8 + JDK-8314139: TEST_BUG: runtime/os/ / could fail on machine with large number of cores + JDK-8314144: gc/g1/ihop/ fails due to extra concurrent mark with -Xcomp + JDK-8314242: Update applications/scimark/ to accept VM flags + JDK-8314263: Signed jars triggering Logger finder recursion and StackOverflowError + JDK-8314495: Update to use jtreg 7.3.1 + JDK-8314679: SA fails to properly attach to JVM after having just detached from a different JVM + JDK-8314883: Java_java_util_prefs_FileSystemPreferences_lockFile0 write result errno in missing case + JDK-8315020: The macro definition for LoongArch64 zero build is not accurate. + JDK-8315062: [GHA] get-bootjdk action should return the abolute path + JDK-8315195: RISC-V: Update hwprobe query for new extensions + JDK-8315206: RISC-V: hwprobe query is_set return wrong value + JDK-8315214: Do not run sun/tools/jhsdb tests concurrently + JDK-8315377: C2: assert(u->find_out_with(Op_AddP) == nullptr) failed: more than 2 chained AddP nodes? + JDK-8315415: OutputAnalyzer.shouldMatchByLine() fails in some cases + JDK-8315499: build using devkit on Linux ppc64le RHEL puts path to devkit into libsplashscreen + JDK-8315549: CITime misreports code/total nmethod sizes + JDK-8315606: Open source few swing text/html tests + JDK-8315644: increase timeout of sun/security/tools/jarsigner/ + JDK-8315683: Parallelize java/util/concurrent/tck/ + JDK-8315692: Parallelize gc/stress/ test + JDK-8315696: test failed + JDK-8315751: RandomTestBsi1999 fails often with timeouts on Linux ppc64le + JDK-8315766: Parallelize gc/stress/ test + JDK-8315770: serviceability/sa/ should run with -XX:-VerifyDependencies + JDK-8315863: [GHA] Update checkout action to use v4 + JDK-8315937: Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/nsk/stress/numeric tests + JDK-8316087: Test is still failing + JDK-8316178: Better diagnostic header for CodeBlobs + JDK-8316206: Test fails for Baekmuk font + JDK-8316461: Fix: make test outputs TEST SUCCESS after unsuccessful exit + JDK-8316514: Better diagnostic header for VtableStub + JDK-8316566: RISC-V: Zero extended narrow oop passed to Atomic::cmpxchg + JDK-8316645: RISC-V: Remove dependency on libatomic by adding cmpxchg 1b + JDK-8316710: Exclude java/awt/font/Rotate/ + JDK-8316743: RISC-V: Change UseVectorizedMismatchIntrinsic option result to warning + JDK-8316746: Top of lock-stack does not match the unlocked object + JDK-8316778: test hprof lib: invalid array element type from JavaValueArray.elementSize + JDK-8316859: RISC-V: Disable detection of V through HWCAP + JDK-8316906: Clarify TLABWasteTargetPercent flag + JDK-8317121: vector_masked_load instruction is moved too early after JDK-8286941 + JDK-8317327: Remove JT_JAVA dead code in jib-profiles.js + JDK-8317373: Add Telia Root CA v2 + JDK-8317374: Add Let's Encrypt ISRG Root X2 + JDK-8317705: ProblemList sun/tools/jstat/ on linux-ppc64le and aix due to JDK-8248691 + JDK-8317706: Exclude java/awt/Graphics2D/DrawString/ on linux + JDK-8317772: NMT: Make peak values available in release builds + JDK-8317834: java/lang/Thread/ timed out + JDK-8317920: JDWP-agent sends broken exception event with onthrow option + JDK-8317967: Enhance test/jdk/javax/net/ssl/TLSCommon/ to handle default cases + JDK-8318669: Target OS detection in 'test-prebuilt' makefile target is incorrect when running on MSYS2 + JDK-8318705: [macos] ProblemList java/rmi/registry/ /multipleRegistries/ + JDK-8318759: Add four DigiCert root certificates + JDK-8318855: Extra file added by mistake during the backport of JDK-8283326 + JDK-8318889: C2: add bailout after assert Bad graph detected in build_loop_late + JDK-8318953: RISC-V: Small refactoring for MacroAssembler::test_bit + JDK-8319184: RISC-V: improve MD5 intrinsic + JDK-8319187: Add three eMudhra emSign roots + JDK-8319525: RISC-V: Rename * files to * under riscv/gc + JDK-8319958: test/jdk/java/io/File/libGetXSpace.c does not compile on Windows 32-bit + JDK-8320053: GHA: Cross-compile gtest code + JDK-8320209: VectorMaskGen clobbers rflags on x86_64 + JDK-8320597: RSA signature verification fails on signed data that does not encode params correctly + JDK-8320601: ProblemList java/lang/invoke/lambda/ / on linux-all + JDK-8323422: [17u] Remove designator DEFAULT_PROMOTED_VERSION_PRE=ea for release 17.0.10 - Modified patch: * fips.patch + regenerate to fix one file with substantial changes- Update to upstream tag jdk-17.0.9+9 (October 2023 CPU) * Security fixes + JDK-8286503, JDK-8312367: Enhance security classes + JDK-8296581: Better system proxy support + JDK-8297856: Improve handling of Bidi characters + JDK-8305815, JDK-8307278: Update Libpng to 1.6.39 + JDK-8306881, JDK-8307286: Update FreeType to 2.13.0 + JDK-8309966, CVE-2023-22081, bsc#1216374: Enhanced TLS connections + JDK-8312248: Enhanced archival support redux + JDK-8314649: Enhanced archival support redux + JDK-8317121, CVE-2023-22025, bsc#1216339: vector_masked_load instruction is moved too early after JDK-8286941 * New features + JDK-8276799: Implementation of JEP 422: Linux/RISC-V Port * Other changes + JDK-6176679: Application freezes when copying an animated gif image to the system clipboard + JDK-6381945: (cal) Japanese calendar unit test system should avoid multiple static imports + JDK-8040793: vmTestbase/nsk/monitoring/stress/lowmem fails on calling isCollectionUsageThresholdExceeded() + JDK-8153837: AArch64: Handle special cases for MaxINode & MinINode + JDK-8156889: fails in some virtualized environments + JDK-8171221: Remove -XX:+CheckMemoryInitialization + JDK-8180266: Convert sun/security/provider/KeyStore/ to Java Jtreg Test + JDK-8195589: failed after JDK-8189997 + JDK-8209398: sun/security/pkcs11/KeyStore/ failed with "PKCS11Exception: CKR_ATTRIBUTE_SENSITIVE" + JDK-8225012: sanity/client/SwingSet/src/ fails on Windows + JDK-8229147: Linux os::create_thread() overcounts guardpage size with newer glibc (>=2.27) + JDK-8252713: jtreg time out of seems to hang the Xserver. + JDK-8255548: Missing coverage for javax.xml.crypto.dom.DOMCryptoContext + JDK-8263044: jdk/jfr/jvm/ timed out + JDK-8267188: gc/stringdedup/ / fails with Shenandoah + JDK-8267341: macos attempt_reserve_memory_at(arg1, arg2, true) failure + JDK-8267517: async logging for stdout and stderr + JDK-8267860: Off-by-one bug when searching arrays in AlpnGreaseTest + JDK-8268852: AsyncLogWriter should not overide is_Named_thread() + JDK-8269091: javax/sound/sampled/Clip/ failed with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Array index out of range: -4 + JDK-8269466: Factor out the common code for initializing and starting internal VM JavaThreads + JDK-8270331: [TESTBUG] Error: Not a test or directory containing tests: java/awt/print/PrinterJob/ + JDK-8270794: Avoid loading Klass* twice in TypeArrayKlass::oop_size() + JDK-8270894: Use acquire semantics in ObjectSynchronizer::read_stable_mark() + JDK-8271707: migrate tests to use jdk.test.whitebox.WhiteBox + JDK-8271898: disable os.release_multi_mappings_vm on macOS-X64 + JDK-8272586: emit abstract machine code in hs-err logs + JDK-8272654: Mark word accesses should not use Access API + JDK-8273092: Sort classlist in JDK image + JDK-8273803: Zero: Handle "zero" variant in + JDK-8274986: max code printed in hs-err logs should be configurable + JDK-8275031: runtime/ErrorHandling/ / fails when hsdis is present + JDK-8275303: sun/java2d/pipe/ fails with D3D basic render driver + JDK-8275415: Prepare Leak Profiler for Lilliput + JDK-8275662: remove test/lib/sun/hotspot + JDK-8276333: jdk/jfr/event/oldobject/ failed "assert(!contains(edge->reference())) failed: invariant" + JDK-8276651: java/lang/ProcessHandle tests fail with "RuntimeException: Input/output error" in java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl$Info.info0 + JDK-8276696: ParallelObjectIterator freed at the wrong time in VM_HeapDumper + JDK-8277102: Dubious PrintCompilation output + JDK-8277353: java/security/MessageDigest/ test times out + JDK-8277417: C1 LIR instruction for load-klass + JDK-8277427: Update jib-profiles.js to use JMH 1.33 devkit + JDK-8277654: Shenandoah: Don't produce new memory state in C2 LRB runtime call + JDK-8277860: PPC: Remove duplicate info != NULL check + JDK-8278141: LIR_OpLoadKlass::_info shadows the field of the same name from LIR_Op + JDK-8278456: Define jtreg jdk_desktop test group time-based sub-tasks for use by headful testing. + JDK-8279545: Buffer overrun in reverse_words of sharedRuntime_x86_64.cpp:3517 + JDK-8280032: Update jib-profiles.js to use JMH 1.34 devkit + JDK-8280396: G1: Full gc mark stack draining should prefer to make work available to other threads + JDK-8280885: Shenandoah: Some tests failed with "EA: missing allocation reference path" + JDK-8281507: Two javac tests have bad jtreg `@clean` tags + JDK-8281717: Cover logout method for several LoginModule + JDK-8282404: failed with "RuntimeException: drawString with InfiniteXform transform takes long time" + JDK-8282651: ZGC: vmTestbase/gc/ArrayJuggle/ tests fails intermittently with exit code 97 + JDK-8282665: [REDO] replace endless recursion with RuntimeException in void ck(double x, double y) + JDK-8283056: show abstract machine code in hs-err for all VM crashes + JDK-8283276: java/io/ObjectStreamClass/ / fails with various GCs + JDK-8283326: Implement SafeFetch statically + JDK-8283724: Incorrect description for jtreg-failure-handler option + JDK-8283756: (zipfs) ZipFSOutputStreamTest.testOutputStream should only check inflated bytes + JDK-8283865: riscv: Break down -XX:+UseRVB into seperate options for each bitmanip extension + JDK-8283929: GHA: Add RISC-V build config + JDK-8284068: riscv: should call Atomic::release_store in JavaThread::set_thread_state + JDK-8284090: com/sun/security/auth/module/ fails to compile + JDK-8284273: Early crashes in os::print_context on AArch64 + JDK-8284760: Correct type/array element offset in LibraryCallKit::get_state_from_digest_object() + JDK-8284772: GHA: Use GCC Major Version Dependencies Only + JDK-8284910: Buffer clean in PasswordCallback + JDK-8284937: riscv: should not allocate special register for temp + JDK-8284997: arm32 build crashes since JDK-8283326 + JDK-8285303: riscv: Incorrect register mask in call_native_base + JDK-8285437: riscv: Fix MachNode size mismatch for MacroAssembler::verify_oops* + JDK-8285630: Fix a configure error in RISC-V cross build + JDK-8285675: Temporary fix for arm32 SafeFetch + JDK-8285699: riscv: Provide information when hitting a HaltNode + JDK-8285711: riscv: RVC: Support disassembler show-bytes option + JDK-8285756: clean up use of bad arguments for `@clean` in langtools tests + JDK-8285980: Several tests in compiler/c2/irTests miss @requires vm.compiler2.enabled + JDK-8286481: Exception printed to stdout on Windows when storing transparent image in clipboard + JDK-8286620: Create regression test for verifying setMargin() of JRadioButton + JDK-8286623: Bundle zlib by default with JDK on macos aarch64 + JDK-8287227: Shenandoah: A couple of virtual thread tests failed with iu mode even without Loom enabled. + JDK-8287418: riscv: Fix correctness issue of MacroAssembler::movptr + JDK-8287552: riscv: Fix comment typo in li64 + JDK-8287970: riscv: jdk/incubator/vector/*VectorTests failing + JDK-8288719: [arm32] SafeFetch32 thumb interleaving causes random crashes + JDK-8289077: Add manual tests to open + JDK-8289238: Refactoring changes to PassFailJFrame Test Framework + JDK-8289510: Improve test coverage for XPath Axes: namespace + JDK-8289512: Fix GCC 12 warnings for adlc output_c.cpp + JDK-8289547: Update javax/swing/Popup/ + JDK-8289646: configure script failed on WSL + JDK-8289688: jfr command hangs when it processes invalid file + JDK-8289748: C2 compiled code crashes with SIGFPE with - XX:+StressLCM and -XX:+StressGCM + JDK-8289797: tools/launcher/ fails on Japanese Windows environment + JDK-8289917: Metadata for regionsRefilled of G1EvacuationStatistics event is wrong + JDK-8290137: riscv: small refactoring for add_memory_int32/64 + JDK-8290164: compiler/runtime/ fails on riscv + JDK-8290464: Optimize ResourceArea zapping on ResourceMark release + JDK-8290469: Add new positioning options to PassFailJFrame test framework + JDK-8290496: riscv: Fix build warnings-as-errors with GCC 11 + JDK-8291444: GHA builds/tests won't run manually if disabled from automatic running + JDK-8291830: jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefine failed: assert(!is_null(v)) failed: narrow klass value can never be zero + JDK-8291893: riscv: remove fence.i used in user space + JDK-8291947: riscv: fail to build after JDK-8290840 + JDK-8291952: riscv: Remove PRAGMA_NONNULL_IGNORED + JDK-8292182: [TESTLIB] Enhance JAXPPolicyManager to setup required permissions for jtreg version 7 jar + JDK-8292315: Tests should not rely on specific JAR file names (hotspot) + JDK-8292316: Tests should not rely on specific JAR file names (jpackage) + JDK-8292683: Remove from Problem List + JDK-8292698: Improve performance of DataInputStream + JDK-8292716: Configure should check that jtreg is of the required version + JDK-8292763: JDK-8292716 breaks configure without jtreg + JDK-8292867: RISC-V: Simplify weak CAS return value handling + JDK-8293012: ConstantPool::print_on can crash if _cache is NULL + JDK-8293050: RISC-V: Remove redundant non-null assertions about macro-assembler + JDK-8293098: GHA: Harmonize GCC version handling for host and cross builds + JDK-8293100: RISC-V: Need to save and restore callee-saved FloatRegisters in StubGenerator::generate_call_stub + JDK-8293107: GHA: Bump to Ubuntu 22.04 + JDK-8293114: JVM should trim the native heap + JDK-8293166: jdk/jfr/jvm/ fails on Linux ppc64le and Linux aarch64 + JDK-8293177: Verify version numbers in legal files + JDK-8293180: JQuery UI license file not updated + JDK-8293252: Shenandoah: ThreadMXBean synchronizer tests crash with aggressive heuristics + JDK-8293361: GHA: dump config.log in case of configure failure + JDK-8293474: RISC-V: Unify the way of moving function pointer + JDK-8293524: RISC-V: Use macro-assembler functions as appropriate + JDK-8293566: RISC-V: Clean up push and pop registers + JDK-8293811: Provide a reason for PassFailJFrame.forceFail + JDK-8293851: hs_err should print more stack in hex dump + JDK-8294012: RISC-V: get/put_native_u8 missing the case when address&7 is 6 + JDK-8294083: RISC-V: Minimal build failed with - -disable-precompiled-headers + JDK-8294086: RISC-V: Cleanup InstructionMark usages in the backend + JDK-8294087: RISC-V: RVC: Fix a potential alignment issue and add more alignment assertions for the patchable calls/nops + JDK-8294149: JMH 1.34 and later requires jopt-simple 5.0.4 + JDK-8294187: RISC-V: Unify all relocations for the backend into AbstractAssembler::relocate() + JDK-8294366: RISC-V: Partially mark out incompressible regions + JDK-8294430: RISC-V: Small refactoring for movptr_with_offset + JDK-8294492: RISC-V: Use li instead of patchable movptr at non-patchable callsites + JDK-8294679: RISC-V: Misc crash dump improvements + JDK-8294941: GHA: Cut down cross-compilation sysroots + JDK-8294956: GHA: qemu-debootstrap is deprecated, use the regular one + JDK-8295110: RISC-V: Mark out relocations as incompressible + JDK-8295213: Run GHA manually with user-specified make and configure arguments + JDK-8295270: RISC-V: Clean up and refactoring for assembler functions + JDK-8295396: RISC-V: Cleanup useless CompressibleRegions + JDK-8295657: SA: Allow larger object alignments + JDK-8295737: macOS: Print content cut off when width > height with portrait orientation + JDK-8295811: serviceability/sa/ fails on x86_32 + JDK-8295812: Skip the "half float" support in LittleCMS during the build + JDK-8295894: Remove SECOM certificate that is expiring in September 2023 + JDK-8295926: RISC-V: C1: Fix LIRGenerator::do_LibmIntrinsic + JDK-8295968: RISC-V: Rename some assembler intrinsic functions for RVV 1.0 + JDK-8296384: [TESTBUG] sun/security/provider/SecureRandom/ /AbstractDrbg/ intermittently timeout + JDK-8296435: RISC-V: Small refactoring for increment/decrement + JDK-8296447: RISC-V: Make the operands order of vrsub_vx/vrsub_vi consistent with RVV 1.0 spec + JDK-8296448: RISC-V: Fix temp usages of heapbase register killed by MacroAssembler::en/decode_klass_not_null + JDK-8296602: RISC-V: improve performance of copy_memory stub + JDK-8296771: RISC-V: C2: assert(false) failed: bad AD file + JDK-8296796: Provide clean, platform-agnostic interface to C-heap trimming + JDK-8296916: RISC-V: Move some small macro-assembler functions to header file + JDK-8297350: Update JMH devkit to 1.36 + JDK-8297359: RISC-V: improve performance of floating Max Min intrinsics + JDK-8297476: Increase InlineSmallCode default from 1000 to 2500 for RISC-V + JDK-8297644: RISC-V: Compilation error when shenandoah is disabled + JDK-8297681: Unnecessary color conversion during 4BYTE_ABGR_PRE to INT_ARGB_PRE blit + JDK-8297697: RISC-V: Add support for SATP mode detection + JDK-8297715: RISC-V: C2: Use single-bit instructions from the Zbs extension + JDK-8297887: Update Siphash + JDK-8297923: java.awt.ScrollPane broken after multiple scroll up/down + JDK-8298138: Shenandoah: HdrSeq asserts "sub-bucket index (512) overflow for value ( 1.00)" + JDK-8298921: Create a regression test for JDK-8139581 + JDK-8298974: Add ftcolor.c to imported freetype sources + JDK-8299158: Improve MD5 intrinsic on AArch64 + JDK-8299168: RISC-V: Fix MachNode size mismatch for MacroAssembler::_verify_oops* + JDK-8299330: Minor improvements in MSYS2 Workflow handling + JDK-8299617: is missing the copyright notice + JDK-8299658: C1 compilation crashes in LinearScan::resolve_exception_edge + JDK-8299713: Test javax/swing/JTableHeader/6889007/ / failed: Wrong type of cursor + JDK-8299827: Add resolved IP address in connection exception for sockets + JDK-8299847: RISC-V: Improve PrintOptoAssembly output of CMoveI/L nodes + JDK-8299962: Speed up compiler/intrinsics/unsafe/ / and + JDK-8300053: Shenandoah: Handle more GCCauses in ShenandoahControlThread::request_gc + JDK-8300098: java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentHashMap/ / fails with internal timeout when executed with TieredCompilation1/3 + JDK-8300109: RISC-V: Improve code generation for MinI/MaxI nodes + JDK-8300405: Screen capture for test, failure case + JDK-8300584: Accelerate AVX-512 CRC32C for small buffers + JDK-8300659: Refactor TestMemoryAwareness to use WhiteBox api for host values + JDK-8300693: Lower the compile threshold and reduce the iterations of warmup loop in VarHandles tests + JDK-8301033: RISC-V: Handle special cases for MinI/MaxI nodes for Zbb + JDK-8301036: RISC-V: Factor out functions baseOffset & baseOffset32 from MacroAssembler + JDK-8301067: RISC-V: better error message when reporting unsupported satp modes + JDK-8301074: Replace NULL with nullptr in share/opto/ + JDK-8301097: Update GHA XCode to 12.5.1 + JDK-8301153: RISC-V: pipeline class for several instructions is not set correctly + JDK-8301167: Update VerifySignedJar to actually exercise and test verification + JDK-8301187: Memory leaks in OopMapCache + JDK-8301269: Update Commons BCEL to Version 6.7.0 + JDK-8301313: RISC-V: C2: assert(false) failed: bad AD file due to missing match rule + JDK-8301367: Add exception handler method to the BaseLdapServer + JDK-8301628: RISC-V: c2 fix pipeline class for several instructions + JDK-8301700: Increase the default TLS Diffie-Hellman group size from 1024-bit to 2048-bit + JDK-8301818: RISC-V: Factor out function mvw from MacroAssembler + JDK-8301852: RISC-V: Optimize class atomic when order is memory_order_relaxed + JDK-8301959: Compile command in compiler.loopopts.TestRemoveEmptyCountedLoop does not work + JDK-8302114: RISC-V: Several foreign jtreg tests fail with debug build after JDK-8301818 + JDK-8302150: Speed up compiler/codegen/ + JDK-8302161: Upgrade jQuery UI to version 1.13.2 + JDK-8302182: Update Public Suffix List to 88467c9 + JDK-8302289: RISC-V: Use bgez instruction in arraycopy_simple_check when possible + JDK-8302736: Major performance regression in Math.log on aarch64 + JDK-8302776: RISC-V: Fix typo CSR_INSTERT to CSR_INSTRET + JDK-8303047: avoid NULL after 8301661 + JDK-8303154: Investigate and improve instruction cache flushing during compilation + JDK-8303215: Make thread stacks not use huge pages + JDK-8303279: C2: crash in SubTypeCheckNode::sub() at IGVN split if + JDK-8304293: RISC-V: JDK-8276799 missed atomic intrinsic support for C1 + JDK-8304314: fails after CODETOOLS-7903373 + JDK-8304353: Add lib-test tier1 testing in GHA + JDK-8304725: AsyncGetCallTrace can cause SIGBUS on M1 + JDK-8304845: Update PCSC-Lite for Suse Linux to 1.9.9 and fix incomplete license wording + JDK-8304976: Optimize DateTimeFormatterBuilder.ZoneTextPrinterParser.getTree() + JDK-8305006: Use correct register in riscv_enc_fast_unlock() + JDK-8305008: RISC-V: Factor out immediate checking functions from assembler_riscv.inline.hpp + JDK-8305112: RISC-V: Typo fix for RVC description + JDK-8305236: Some LoadLoad barriers in the interpreter are unnecessary after JDK-8220051 + JDK-8305421: Work around JDK-8305420 in + JDK-8305425: Thread.isAlive0 doesn't need to call into the VM + JDK-8305512: RISC-V: Enable RVC extension by default on supported hardware + JDK-8305670: Performance regression in LockSupport.unpark with lots of idle threads + JDK-8305728: RISC-V: Use bexti instruction to do single-bit testing + JDK-8305763: Parsing a URI with an underscore goes through a silent exception, negatively impacting performance + JDK-8305766: ProblemList runtime/CompressedOops/ / + JDK-8305858: Resolve multiple definition of 'handleSocketError' when statically linking with JDK native libraries + JDK-8305950: Have -XshowSettings option display tzdata version + JDK-8305995: Footprint regression from JDK-8224957 + JDK-8306060: Open source few AWT Insets related tests + JDK-8306076: Open source AWT misc tests + JDK-8306134: Open source some AWT tests relating to Button and a few other classes + JDK-8306135: Clean up and open source some AWT tests + JDK-8306137: Open source several AWT ScrollPane related tests + JDK-8306281: function isWsl() returns false on WSL2 + JDK-8306372: Open source AWT CardLayout and Checkbox tests + JDK-8306428: crashed with assert(early->flag() == current->flag() || early->flag() == mtNone) + JDK-8306430: Open source some AWT tests related to TextComponent and Toolkit + JDK-8306435: Juggle04/ should be a booleanArr test and not a byteArr one + JDK-8306484: Open source several AWT Choice jtreg tests + JDK-8306566: Open source several clipboard AWT tests + JDK-8306575: Clean up and open source four Dialog related tests + JDK-8306636: Disable compiler/c2/ with - XX:TieredStopAtLevel=3 + JDK-8306638: Open source some AWT tests related to datatransfer and Toolkit + JDK-8306667: RISC-V: Fix storeImmN0 matching rule by using zr register + JDK-8306682: Open source a few more AWT Choice tests + JDK-8306718: Optimize and opensource some old AWT tests + JDK-8306738: Select num workers for safepoint ParallelCleanupTask + JDK-8306765: Some client related jtreg problem list entries are malformed + JDK-8306812: Open source several AWT Miscellaneous tests + JDK-8307067: remove broken EnableThreadSMRExtraValidityChecks option + JDK-8307068: store a JavaThread* in the java.lang.Thread object after the JavaThread* is added to the main ThreadsList + JDK-8307078: Opensource and clean up five more AWT Focus related tests + JDK-8307079: Update test java/awt/Choice/ + JDK-8307083: Open source some drag and drop tests 3 + JDK-8307147: [x86] Dangling pointer warning for Assembler::_attributes + JDK-8307150: RISC-V: Remove remaining StoreLoad barrier with UseCondCardMark for Serial/Parallel GC + JDK-8307156: native_thread not protected by TLH + JDK-8307165: java/awt/dnd/NoFormatsDropTest/ / timed out + JDK-8307299: Move more DnD tests to open + JDK-8307301: Update HarfBuzz to 7.2.0 + JDK-8307348: Parallelize heap walk for ObjectCount(AfterGC) JFR event collection + JDK-8307395: Add missing STS to Shenandoah + JDK-8307446: RISC-V: Improve performance of floating point to integer conversion + JDK-8307526: [JFR] Better handling of tampered JFR repository + JDK-8307555: Reduce memory reads in x86 MD5 intrinsic + JDK-8307569: Build with gcc8 is broken after JDK-8307301 + JDK-8307572: AArch64: Vector registers are clobbered by some macroassemblers + JDK-8307603: [AIX] Broken build after JDK-8307301 + JDK-8307604: gcc12 based Alpine build broken build after JDK-8307301 + JDK-8307651: RISC-V: stringL_indexof_char instruction has wrong format string + JDK-8307653: Adjust delay time and gc log argument in TestAbortOnVMOperationTimeout + JDK-8307683: Loop Predication should not hoist range checks with trap on success projection by negating their condition + JDK-8307766: Linux: Provide the option to override the timer slack + JDK-8308089: [riscv-port-jdk17u] Intrinsify Unsafe.storeStoreFence + JDK-8308090: Add container tests for on-the-fly resource quota updates + JDK-8308152: PropertyDescriptor should work with overridden generic getter method + JDK-8308156: misses blank in error output + JDK-8308192: Error in parsing replay file when staticfield is an array of single dimension + JDK-8308232: nsk/jdb tests don't pass -verbose flag to the debuggee + JDK-8308277: RISC-V: Improve vectorization of Match.sqrt() on floats + JDK-8308283: Build failure with GCC12 & GCC13 + JDK-8308300: enhance exceptions in MappedMemoryUtils.c + JDK-8308643: Incorrect value of 'used' jvmstat counter + JDK-8308766: TLAB initialization may cause div by zero + JDK-8308803: Improve java/util/UUID/ + JDK-8308872: enhance logging and some exception in krb5/ + JDK-8308997: RISC-V: Sign extend when comparing 32-bit value with zero instead of testing the sign bit + JDK-8309088: security/infra/java/security/cert/ /CertPathValidator/certification/ fails + JDK-8309095: Remove UTF-8 character from + JDK-8309107: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-17.0.9 + JDK-8309119: [17u/11u] Redo JDK-8297951: C2: Create skeleton predicates for all If nodes in loop predication + JDK-8309138: Fix container tests for jdks with symlinked conf dir + JDK-8309228: Clarify EXPERIMENTAL flags comment in hotspot/share/runtime/globals.hpp + JDK-8309254: Implement fast-path for ASCII-compatible CharsetEncoders on RISC-V + JDK-8309266: C2: assert(final_con == (jlong)final_int) failed: final value should be integer + JDK-8309297: Adjust ShenandoahHeap print_heap_regions_on + JDK-8309340: Provide sctpHandleSocketErrorWithMessage + JDK-8309427: [riscv-port-jdk17u] Remove unused RoundDoubleModeV C2 node + JDK-8309550: jdk.jfr.internal.Utils::formatDataAmount method should gracefully handle amounts equal to Long.MIN_VALUE + JDK-8309591: Socket.setOption(TCP_QUICKACK) uses wrong level + JDK-8309613: [Windows] hs_err files sometimes miss information about the code containing the error + JDK-8309746: Reconfigure check should include make/conf/version-numbers.conf + JDK-8309862: Unsafe list operations in JfrStringPool + JDK-8309956: Shenandoah: Strengthen the mark word check in string dedup + JDK-8309959: JFR: Display N/A for missing data amount + JDK-8310054: ScrollPane insets are incorrect + JDK-8310126: C1: Missing receiver null check in Reference::get intrinsic + JDK-8310259: Pin msys2/setup-msys2 github action to a specific commit + JDK-8310549: avoid potential leaks in KeystoreImpl.m related to JNU_CHECK_EXCEPTION early returns + JDK-8310551: vmTestbase/nsk/jdb/interrupt/interrupt001/ / timed out due to missing prompt + JDK-8310873: Re-enable locked_create_entry symbol check in runtime/NMT/ for RISC-V + JDK-8311033: [macos] PrinterJob does not take into account Sides attribute + JDK-8311249: Remove unused MemAllocator::obj_memory_range + JDK-8311285: report some fontconfig related environment variables in hs_err file + JDK-8311689: Wrong visible amount in Adjustable of ScrollPane + JDK-8311862: RISC-V: small improvements to shift immediate instructions + JDK-8311923: fails on RISC-V + JDK-8312029: Add CriticalNative tests to ProblemList for 8312028 + JDK-8312511: GHA: Bump cross-compile runner to Ubuntu 22.04 + JDK-8312525: New test runtime/os/ is failing: did not see the expected RSS reduction + JDK-8312555: Ideographic characters aren't stretched by AffineTransform.scale(2, 1) + JDK-8313262: C2: Sinking node may cause required cast to be dropped + JDK-8313402: C1: Incorrect LoadIndexed value numbering + JDK-8313428: GHA: Bump GCC versions for July 2023 updates + JDK-8313576: GCC 7 reports compiler warning in bundled freetype 2.13.0 + JDK-8313676: Amend TestLoadIndexedMismatch test to target intrinsic directly + JDK-8313678: SymbolTable can leak Symbols during cleanup + JDK-8313701: GHA: RISC-V should use the official repository for bootstrap + JDK-8313707: GHA: Bootstrap sysroots with --variant=minbase + JDK-8313796: AsyncGetCallTrace crash on unreadable interpreter method pointer + JDK-8313815: The exception messages printed by jcmd ManagementAgent.start are corrupted on Japanese Windows + JDK-8313874: JNI NewWeakGlobalRef throws exception for null arg + JDK-8314020: Print instruction blocks in byte units + JDK-8314117: RISC-V: Incorrect VMReg encoding in + JDK-8314118: Update JMH devkit to 1.37 + JDK-8314262: GHA: Cut down cross-compilation sysroots deeper + JDK-8314426: runtime/os/ is failing on slow machines + JDK-8314501: Shenandoah: sun/tools/jhsdb/heapconfig/ / fails + JDK-8314517: some tests fail in case ipv6 is disabled on the machine + JDK-8314552: Fix javadoc tests to work with jtreg 7 + JDK-8314658: [17u] GHA: Sync up debian-version for cross-builds + JDK-8314730: GHA: Drop libfreetype6-dev transitional package in favor of libfreetype-dev + JDK-8314960: Add Certigna Root CA - 2 + JDK-8317040: Exclude cleaner test failing on older releases + JDK-8317643: [17u] Remove designator DEFAULT_PROMOTED_VERSION_PRE=ea for release 17.0.9 - Modified patches: * nss-security-provider.patch * fips.patch + rediff- Enable JIT on riscv64- Compiler flags to realign stack on ix86 (bsc#1214790)- Added patch: * reproducible-properties.patch + use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for timestamp in the generated properties files- Update to upstream tag jdk- (August 2023 emergency release fixing a regression in July 2023 CPU) * Changes: + JDK-8313765: Invalid CEN header (invalid zip64 extra data field size) + JDK-8314677: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk- Added patch: * reproducible-javadoc-timestamp.patch + use SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in javadoc and make the javadoc generation more reproducible- Update to upstream tag jdk-17.0.8+7 (July 2023 CPU) * CVEs + CVE-2023-22006, bsc#1213473 + CVE-2023-22036, bsc#1213474 + CVE-2023-22041, bsc#1213475 + CVE-2023-22044, bsc#1213479 + CVE-2023-22045, bsc#1213481 + CVE-2023-22049, bsc#1213482 + CVE-2023-25193, bsc#1207922 * Security fixes + JDK-8294323: Improve Shared Class Data + JDK-8296565: Enhanced archival support + JDK-8298676, JDK-8300891: Enhanced Look and Feel + JDK-8300285: Enhance TLS data handling + JDK-8300596: Enhance Jar Signature validation + JDK-8301998, JDK-8302084: Update HarfBuzz to 7.0.1 + JDK-8302475: Enhance HTTP client file downloading + JDK-8302483: Enhance ZIP performance + JDK-8303376: Better launching of JDI + JDK-8304460: Improve array usages + JDK-8304468: Better array usages + JDK-8305312: Enhanced path handling + JDK-8308682: Enhance AES performance * Other changes + JDK-8178806: Better exception logging in crypto code + JDK-8201516: DebugNonSafepoints generates incorrect information + JDK-8224768: Test fails + JDK-8227060: Optimize safepoint cleanup subtask order + JDK-8227257: javax/swing/JFileChooser/4847375/ fails with AssertionError + JDK-8238274: (sctp) JDK-7118373 is not fixed for SctpChannel + JDK-8244976: vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/Event/request/ doesn' initialize eName + JDK-8245877: assert(_value != __null) failed: resolving NULL _value in JvmtiExport::post_compiled_method_load + JDK-8248001: javadoc generates invalid HTML pages whose ftp:// links are broken + JDK-8252990: Intrinsify Unsafe.storeStoreFence + JDK-8254711: Add JFR Event + JDK-8257856: Make robust to JDK version updates + JDK-8261495: Shenandoah: reconsider update references memory ordering + JDK-8268288: jdk/jfr/api/consumer/streaming/ / fails with "Error: ShouldNotReachHere()" + JDK-8268298: jdk/jfr/api/consumer/log/ fails: unexpected log message + JDK-8268582: javadoc throws NPE with --ignore-source-errors option + JDK-8269821: Remove is-queue-active check in inner loop of write_ref_array_pre_work + JDK-8270434: JDI+UT: Unexpected event in JDI tests + JDK-8270859: Post JEP 411 refactoring: client libs with maximum covering > 10K + JDK-8270869: G1ServiceThread may not terminate + JDK-8271519: java/awt/event/SequencedEvent/ / failed with "Total [200] - Expected [400]" + JDK-8273909: vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/Event/request/request001 can still fail with "ERROR: new event is not ThreadStartEvent" + JDK-8274243: Implement fast-path for ASCII-compatible CharsetEncoders on aarch64 + JDK-8274615: Support relaxed atomic add for linux-aarch64 + JDK-8274864: Remove Amman/Cairo hacks in ZoneInfoFile + JDK-8275233: Incorrect line number reported in exception stack trace thrown from a lambda expression + JDK-8275287: Relax memory ordering constraints on updating instance class and array class counters + JDK-8275721: Name of UTC timezone in a locale changes depending on previous code + JDK-8275735: [linux] Remove deprecated Metrics api (kernel memory limit) + JDK-8276058: Some swing test fails on specific CI macos system + JDK-8277407: javax/swing/plaf/synth/SynthButtonUI/6276188/ / fails to compile after JDK-8276058 + JDK-8277775: Fixup bugids in - add 4357905 + JDK-8278146: G1: Rework VM_G1Concurrent VMOp to clearly identify it as pause + JDK-8278434: timeouts in test java/time/test/java/time/ /format/ + JDK-8278834: Error "Cannot read field "sym" because "this.lvar[od]" is null" when compiling + JDK-8282077: PKCS11 provider C_sign() impl should handle CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL error + JDK-8282201: Consider removal of expiry check in test + JDK-8282227: Locale information for nb is not working properly + JDK-8282704: runtime/Thread/ may leak memory + JDK-8283057: Update GCC to version 11.2.0 for Oracle builds on Linux + JDK-8283062: Uninitialized warnings in libgtest with GCC 11.2 + JDK-8283520: JFR: Memory leak in dcmd_arena + JDK-8283566: G1: Improve G1BarrierSet::enqueue performance + JDK-8284331: Add sanity check for signal handler modification warning. + JDK-8285635: javax/swing/JRootPane/ failed with Default Button not pressed for L&F: + JDK-8285987: executing shell scripts without #! fails on Alpine linux + JDK-8286191: misc tests fail due to JDK-8285987 + JDK-8286287: Reading file as UTF-16 causes Error which "shouldn't happen" + JDK-8286331: jni_GetStringUTFChars() uses wrong heap allocator + JDK-8286346: 3-parameter version of AllocateHeap should not ignore AllocFailType + JDK-8286398: Address possibly lossy conversions in jdk.internal.le + JDK-8287007: [cgroups] Consistently use stringStream throughout parsing code + JDK-8287246: DSAKeyValue should check for missing params instead of relying on KeyFactory provider + JDK-8287541: Files.writeString fails to throw IOException for charset "windows-1252" + JDK-8287854: Dangling reference in ClassVerifier::verify_class + JDK-8287876: The recently de-problemlisted TestTitledBorderLeak test is unstable + JDK-8287897: Augment src/jdk.internal.le/share/legal/ with information on 4th party dependencies + JDK-8288589: Files.readString ignores encoding errors for UTF-16 + JDK-8289509: Improve test coverage for XPath Axes: descendant, descendant-or-self, following, following-sibling + JDK-8289735: UTIL_LOOKUP_PROGS fails on pathes with space + JDK-8289949: Improve test coverage for XPath: operators + JDK-8290822: C2: assert in PhaseIdealLoop::do_unroll() is subject to undefined behavior + JDK-8291226: Create Test Cases to cover scenarios for JDK-8278067 + JDK-8291637: HttpClient default keep alive timeout not followed if server sends invalid value + JDK-8291638: Keep-Alive timeout of 0 should close connection immediately + JDK-8292206: fails as getMemoryUsage() is lower than expected + JDK-8292301: [REDO v2] C2 crash when allocating array of size too large + JDK-8292407: Improve Weak CAS VarHandle/Unsafe tests resilience under spurious failures + JDK-8292713: Unsafe.allocateInstance should be intrinsified without UseUnalignedAccesses + JDK-8292755: Non-default method in interface leads to a stack overflow in JShell + JDK-8292990: Improve test coverage for XPath Axes: parent + JDK-8293295: Add type check asserts to java_lang_ref_Reference accessors + JDK-8293492: ShenandoahControlThread missing from hs-err log and thread dump + JDK-8293858: Change PKCS7 code to use default SecureRandom impl instead of SHA1PRNG + JDK-8293887: AArch64 build failure with GCC 12 due to maybe-uninitialized warning in libfdlibm k_rem_pio2.c + JDK-8294183: AArch64: Wrong macro check in SharedRuntime::generate_deopt_blob + JDK-8294281: Allow warnings to be disabled on a per-file basis + JDK-8294673: JFR: Add SecurityProviderService#threshold to + JDK-8294717: (bf) DirectByteBuffer constructor will leak if allocating Deallocator or Cleaner fails with OOME + JDK-8294906: Memory leak in PKCS11 NSS TLS server + JDK-8295564: Norwegian Nynorsk Locale is missing formatting + JDK-8295974: jni_FatalError and Xcheck:jni warnings should print the native stack when there are no Java frames + JDK-8296084: javax/swing/JSpinner/4788637/ fails intermittently on a VM + JDK-8296318: use-def assert: special case undetected loops nested in infinite loops + JDK-8296343: CPVE thrown on missing content-length in OCSP response + JDK-8296412: Special case infinite loops with unmerged backedges in IdealLoopTree::check_safepts + JDK-8296545: C2 Blackholes should allow load optimizations + JDK-8296934: Write a test to verify whether Undecorated Frame can be iconified or not + JDK-8297000: [jib] Add more friendly warning for proxy issues + JDK-8297154: Improve safepoint cleanup logging + JDK-8297450: fails when run with -show parameter + JDK-8297587: Upgrade JLine to 3.22.0 + JDK-8297730: C2: Arraycopy intrinsic throws incorrect exception + JDK-8297955: LDAP CertStore should use LdapName and not String for DNs + JDK-8298488: [macos13] tools/jpackage tests failing with "Exit code: 137" on macOS + JDK-8298887: On the latest macOS+XCode the Robot API may report wrong colors + JDK-8299179: ArrayFill with store on backedge needs to reduce length by 1 + JDK-8299259: C2: Div/Mod nodes without zero check could be split through iv phi of loop resulting in SIGFPE + JDK-8299544: Improve performance of CRC32C intrinsics (non-AVX-512) for small inputs + JDK-8299570: [JVMCI] Insufficient error handling when CodeBuffer is exhausted + JDK-8299959: C2: CmpU::Value must filter overflow computation against local sub computation + JDK-8300042: Improve CPU related JFR events descriptions + JDK-8300079: SIGSEGV in LibraryCallKit::inline_string_copy due to constant NULL src argument + JDK-8300823: UB: Compile::_phase_optimize_finished is initialized too late + JDK-8300939: sun/security/provider/certpath/OCSP/ / fails due to network errors + JDK-8301050: Detect Xen Virtualization on Linux aarch64 + JDK-8301119: Support for GB18030-2022 + JDK-8301123: Enable Symbol refcounting underflow checks in PRODUCT + JDK-8301190: [vectorapi] The typeChar of LaneType is incorrect when default locale is tr + JDK-8301216: ForkJoinPool invokeAll() ignores timeout + JDK-8301338: Identical branch conditions in CompileBroker::print_heapinfo + JDK-8301491: C2: java.lang.StringUTF16::indexOfChar intrinsic called with negative character argument + JDK-8301637: ThreadLocalRandom.current().doubles().parallel() contention + JDK-8301661: Enhance os::pd_print_cpu_info on macOS and Windows + JDK-8302151: BMPImageReader throws an exception reading BMP images + JDK-8302172: [JVMCI] HotSpotResolvedJavaMethodImpl.canBeInlined must respect ForceInline + JDK-8302320: AsyncGetCallTrace obtains too few frames in sanity test + JDK-8302491: NoClassDefFoundError omits the original cause of an error + JDK-8302508: Add timestamp to the output TraceCompilerThreads + JDK-8302594: use-after-free in Node::destruct + JDK-8302595: use-after-free related to GraphKit::clone_map + JDK-8302791: Add specific ClassLoader object to Proxy IllegalArgumentException message + JDK-8302849: SurfaceManager might expose partially constructed object + JDK-8303069: Memory leak in CompilerOracle::parse_from_line + JDK-8303102: jcmd: ManagementAgent.status truncates the text longer than O_BUFLEN + JDK-8303130: Document required Accessibility permissions on macOS + JDK-8303354: addCertificatesToKeystore in KeystoreImpl.m needs CFRelease call in early potential CHECK_NULL return + JDK-8303433: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-17.0.8 + JDK-8303440: The "ZonedDateTime.parse" may not accept the "UTC+XX" zone id + JDK-8303465: KeyStore of type KeychainStore, provider Apple does not show all trusted certificates + JDK-8303476: Add the runtime version in the release file of a JDK image + JDK-8303482: Update LCMS to 2.15 + JDK-8303508: Vector.lane() gets wrong value on x86 + JDK-8303511: C2: assert(get_ctrl(n) == cle_out) during unrolling + JDK-8303564: C2: "Bad graph detected in build_loop_late" after a CMove is wrongly split thru phi + JDK-8303575: adjust Xen handling on Linux aarch64 + JDK-8303576: addIdentitiesToKeystore in KeystoreImpl.m needs CFRelease call in early potential CHECK_NULL return + JDK-8303588: [JVMCI] make JVMCI source directories conform with standard layout + JDK-8303809: Dispose context in SPNEGO NegotiatorImpl + JDK-8303822: gtestMain should give more helpful output + JDK-8303861: Error handling step timeouts should never be blocked by OnError and others + JDK-8303937: Corrupted heap dumps due to missing retries for os::write() + JDK-8303949: gcc10 warning Linux ppc64le - note: the layout of aggregates containing vectors with 8-byte alignment has changed in GCC 5 + JDK-8304054: Linux: NullPointerException from FontConfiguration.getVersion in case no fonts are installed + JDK-8304063: tools/jpackage/share/ fails when checking LD_LIBRARY_PATH + JDK-8304134: jib bootstrapper fails to quote filename when checking download filetype + JDK-8304291: [AIX] Broken build after JDK-8301998 + JDK-8304295: harfbuzz build fails with GCC 7 after JDK-8301998 + JDK-8304350: Font.getStringBounds calculates wrong width for TextAttribute.TRACKING other than 0.0 + JDK-8304671: javac regression: Compilation with --release 8 fails on underscore in enum identifiers + JDK-8304683: Memory leak in WB_IsMethodCompatible + JDK-8304760: Add 2 Microsoft TLS roots + JDK-8304867: Explicitly disable dtrace for ppc builds + JDK-8304880: [PPC64] VerifyOops code in C1 doesn't work with ZGC + JDK-8305088: SIGSEGV in Method::is_method_handle_intrinsic + JDK-8305113: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2023c + JDK-8305400: ISO 4217 Amendment 175 Update + JDK-8305403: Shenandoah evacuation workers may deadlock + JDK-8305481: gtest is_first_C_frame failing on ARM + JDK-8305690: [X86] Do not emit two REX prefixes in Assembler::prefix + JDK-8305711: Arm: C2 always enters slowpath for monitorexit + JDK-8305721: add `make compile-commands` artifacts to .gitignore + JDK-8305975: Add TWCA Global Root CA + JDK-8305993: Add handleSocketErrorWithMessage to extend nio Net.c exception message + JDK-8305994: Guarantee eventual async monitor deflation + JDK-8306072: Open source several AWT MouseInfo related tests + JDK-8306133: Open source few AWT Drag & Drop related tests + JDK-8306409: Open source AWT KeyBoardFocusManger, LightWeightComponent related tests + JDK-8306432: Open source several AWT Text Component related tests + JDK-8306466: Open source more AWT Drag & Drop related tests + JDK-8306489: Open source AWT List related tests + JDK-8306543: GHA: MSVC installation is failing + JDK-8306640: Open source several AWT TextArea related tests + JDK-8306652: Open source AWT MenuItem related tests + JDK-8306658: GHA: MSVC installation could be optional since it might already be pre-installed + JDK-8306664: GHA: Update MSVC version to latest stepping + JDK-8306681: Open source more AWT DnD related tests + JDK-8306683: Open source several clipboard and color AWT tests + JDK-8306752: Open source several container and component AWT tests + JDK-8306753: Open source several container AWT tests + JDK-8306755: Open source few Swing JComponent and AbstractButton tests + JDK-8306768: CodeCache Analytics reports wrong threshold + JDK-8306774: Make runtime/Monitor/ / more reliable + JDK-8306825: Monitor deflation might be accidentally disabled by zero intervals + JDK-8306850: Open source AWT Modal related tests + JDK-8306871: Open source more AWT Drag & Drop tests + JDK-8306883: Thread stacksize is reported with wrong units in os::create_thread logging + JDK-8306941: Open source several datatransfer and dnd AWT tests + JDK-8306943: Open source several dnd AWT tests + JDK-8306954: Open source five Focus related tests + JDK-8306955: Open source several JComboBox jtreg tests + JDK-8306976: UTIL_REQUIRE_SPECIAL warning on grep + JDK-8306996: Open source Swing MenuItem related tests + JDK-8307080: Open source some more JComboBox jtreg tests + JDK-8307128: Open source some drag and drop tests 4 + JDK-8307130: Open source few Swing JMenu tests + JDK-8307133: Open source some JTable jtreg tests + JDK-8307134: Add GTS root CAs + JDK-8307135: java/awt/dnd/NotReallySerializableTest/ / failed + JDK-8307331: Correctly update line maps when class redefine rewrites bytecodes + JDK-8307346: Add missing gc+phases logging for ObjectCount(AfterGC) JFR event collection code + JDK-8307347: serviceability/sa/ could leave files owned by root on macOS + JDK-8307378: Allow collectors to provide specific values for GC notifications' actions + JDK-8307381: Open Source JFrame, JIF related Swing Tests + JDK-8307425: Socket input stream read burns CPU cycles with back-to-back poll(0) calls + JDK-8307799: Newly added java/awt/dnd/ has invalid jtreg `@requires` clause + JDK-8308554: [17u] Fix commit of 8286191. vm.musl was not removed from ExternalEditorTest + JDK-8308880: [17u] micro bench ZoneStrings missed in backport of 8278434 + JDK-8308884: [17u/11u] Backout JDK-8297951 + JDK-8311467: [17u] Remove designator DEFAULT_PROMOTED_VERSION_PRE=ea for release 17.0.8- Bring back our nss.fips.cfg file, since the variable expansion in the upstream file does not work (fixes: bsc#1211679)- Fix for SG#65673, bsc#1210392: * unsigned-sni-server-name.patch: In SSLSessionImpl, interpret length of SNIServerName as an unsigned byte so that it can have length up to 255 rather than 127.- Do not install a separate nss.fips.cfg file, since there is now one in the tree and the install happens automatically - Modified patch: * fips.patch + enable system property file by default, without which the FIPS mode would never get enabled (bsc#1211259)- Update to upstrem tag jdk-17.0.7+7 (April 2023 CPU) * Security fixes: + JDK-8287404: Improve ping times + JDK-8288436: Improve Xalan supports + JDK-8294474, CVE-2023-21930, bsc#1210628: Better AES support + JDK-8295304, CVE-2023-21938, bsc#1210632: Runtime support improvements + JDK-8296676, CVE-2023-21937, bsc#1210631: Improve String platform support + JDK-8296684, CVE-2023-21937, bsc#1210631: Improve String platform support + JDK-8296692, CVE-2023-21937, bsc#1210631: Improve String platform support + JDK-8296832, CVE-2023-21939, bsc#1210634: Improve Swing platform support + JDK-8297371: Improve UTF8 representation redux + JDK-8298191, CVE-2023-21954, bsc#1210635: Enhance object reclamation process + JDK-8298310, CVE-2023-21967, bsc#1210636: Enhance TLS session negotiation + JDK-8298667, CVE-2023-21968, bsc#1210637: Improved path handling + JDK-8299129: Enhance NameService lookups * Fixes: + JDK-6528710: sRGB-ColorSpace to sRGB-ColorSpace Conversion + JDK-6779701: Wrong defect ID in the code of test + JDK-8008243: Zero: Implement fast bytecodes + JDK-8048190: NoClassDefFoundError omits original ExceptionInInitializerError + JDK-8065097: [macosx] javax/swing/Popup/ / fails because Popup is one pixel off + JDK-8144030: [macosx] test java/awt/Frame/ /ShapeNotSetSometimes/ fails (again) + JDK-8155246: Throw error if default file is missing + JDK-8186765: Speed up test sun/net/www/protocol/https/ /HttpsClient/ + JDK-8192931: Regression test java/awt/font/TextLayout/ / fails + JDK-8195809: [TESTBUG] jps and jcmd -l support for containers is not tested + JDK-8208077: File.listRoots performance degradation + JDK-8209935: Test to cover CodeSource.getCodeSigners() + JDK-8210927: JDB tests do not update source path after doing a redefine class + JDK-8212961: [TESTBUG] vmTestbase/nsk/stress/jni/ native code cleanup + JDK-8213531: Test javax/swing/border/ fails + JDK-8223783: sun/net/www/http/HttpClient/ sometimes detect threads+1 connections + JDK-8230374: maxOutputSize, instead of javatest.maxOutputSize, should be used in + JDK-8231491: JDI tc02x004 failed again due to wrong # of breakpoints + JDK-8235297: sun/security/ssl/SSLSessionImpl/ / fails intermittent + JDK-8242115: C2 SATB barriers are not safepoint-safe + JDK-8244669: convert clhsdb "mem" command from javascript to java + JDK-8245654: Add Certigna Root CA + JDK-8251177: [macosx] The text "big" is truncated in JTabbedPane + JDK-8254267: javax/xml/crypto/dsig/ failed with "RuntimeException: Unexpected log output:" + JDK-8258512: serviceability/sa/ timed out on macOS 10.13.6 + JDK-8262386: resourcehogs/serviceability/sa/ / timed out + JDK-8266974: duplicate property key in java.sql.rowset resource bundle + JDK-8267038: Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2022-03-02 + JDK-8270156: Add "randomness" and "stress" keys to JTreg tests which use StressGCM, StressLCM and/or StressIGVN + JDK-8270476: Make floating-point test infrastructure more lambda and method reference friendly + JDK-8271471: [IR Framework] Rare occurrence of "" in PrintIdeal/PrintOptoAssembly can let tests fail + JDK-8271838: interop test fails + JDK-8272702: Resolving URI relative path with no / may lead to incorrect toString + JDK-8272985: Reference discovery is confused about atomicity and degree of parallelism + JDK-8273154: Provide a JavadocTester method for non-overlapping, unordered output matching + JDK-8273410: IR verification framework fails with "Should find method name in validIrRulesMap" + JDK-8274911: testlibrary_tests/ir_framework/tests/ / fails with "java.lang.RuntimeException: Should have thrown exception" + JDK-8275173: testlibrary_tests/ir_framework/tests/ / fails after JDK-8274911 + JDK-8275320: NMT should perform buffer overrun checks + JDK-8275301: Unify C-heap buffer overrun checks into NMT + JDK-8275582: Don't purge metaspace mapping lists + JDK-8275704: Metaspace::contains() should be threadsafe + JDK-8275843: Random crashes while the UI code is executed + JDK-8276064: CheckCastPP with raw oop input floats below a safepoint + JDK-8276086: Increase size of metaspace mappings + JDK-8277485: Zero: Fix _fast_{i,f}access_0 bytecodes handling + JDK-8277822: Remove debug-only heap overrun checks in os::malloc and friends + JDK-8277946: NMT: Remove VM.native_memory shutdown jcmd command option + JDK-8277990: NMT: Remove NMT shutdown capability + JDK-8278961: Enable debug logging in java/net/ /DatagramSocket/ + JDK-8279024: Remove javascript references from clhsdb.html + JDK-8279119: src/jdk.hotspot.agent/doc/index.html file contains references to scripts that no longer exist + JDK-8279351: [TESTBUG] does not handle "Address already in use" error + JDK-8279614: The left line of the TitledBorder is not painted on 150 scale factor + JDK-8280007: Enable Neoverse N1 optimizations for Arm Neoverse V1 & N2 + JDK-8280048: Missing comma in copyright header + JDK-8280132: Incorrect comparator com.sun.beans.introspect .MethodInfo.MethodOrder + JDK-8280166: Extend java/lang/instrument/ / test cases + JDK-8280553: resourcehogs/serviceability/sa/ / can fail if GC occurs + JDK-8280703: CipherCore.doFinal(...) causes potentially massive byte[] allocations during decryption + JDK-8280784: VM_Cleanup unnecessarily processes all thread oops + JDK-8280868: creates and discards too many clients + JDK-8280889: java/lang/instrument/ / fails with - XX:-UseCompressedOops + JDK-8280896: java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/ / fails on Windows 11 + JDK-8281122: [IR Framework] Cleanup IR matching code in preparation for JDK-8280378 + JDK-8281170: Test jdk/tools/jpackage/windows/ /WinInstallerIconTest always fails on Windows 11 + JDK-8282036: Change java/util/zip/ZipFile/ to stop HttpServer cleanly in case of exceptions + JDK-8282143: Objects.requireNonNull should be ForceInline + JDK-8282577: ICC_Profile.setData(int, byte[]) invalidates the profile + JDK-8282771: Create test case for JDK-8262981 + JDK-8282958: Rendering Issues with Borders on Windows High-DPI systems + JDK-8283606: Tests may fail with zh locale on MacOS + JDK-8283717: vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/ThreadStartEvent/thread/ /thread001 failed due to SocketTimeoutException + JDK-8283719: java/util/logging/ failing intermittently + JDK-8283870: jdeprscan --help causes an exception when the locale is ja, zh_CN or de + JDK-8284115: [IR Framework] Compilation is not found due to rare safepoint while dumping PrintIdeal/PrintOptoAssembly + JDK-8284165: Add pid to process reaper thread name + JDK-8284524: Create an automated test for JDK-4422362 + JDK-8284726: Print active locale settings in hs_err reports and in + JDK-8284767: Create an automated test for JDK-4422535 + JDK-8285399: JNI exception pending in awt_GraphicsEnv.c:1432 + JDK-8285690: CloneableReference subtest should not throw CloneNotSupportedException + JDK-8285755: JDK-8285093 changed the default for - -with-output-sync + JDK-8285835: SIGSEGV in PhaseIdealLoop::build_loop_late_post_work + JDK-8285919: Remove debug printout from JDK-8285093 + JDK-8285965: does not check for "" correctly + JDK-8286030: Avoid JVM crash when containers share the same /tmp dir + JDK-8286154: Fix 3rd party notices in test files + JDK-8286562: GCC 12 reports some compiler warnings + JDK-8286694: Incorrect argument processing in java launcher + JDK-8286705: GCC 12 reports use-after-free potential bugs + JDK-8286707: JFR: Don't commit JFR internal jdk.JavaMonitorWait events + JDK-8286800: Assert in PhaseIdealLoop::dump_real_LCA is too strong + JDK-8286844: com/sun/jdi/ failed with 1 threads completed while VM suspended + JDK-8286873: Improve websocket test execution time + JDK-8286962: java/net/httpclient/ failed once with ConnectException + JDK-8287180: Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2022-08-08 + JDK-8287217: C2: PhaseCCP: remove not visited nodes, prevent type inconsistency + JDK-8287491: compiler/jvmci/errors/ fails new assert: assert((uint)t < T_CONFLICT + 1) failed: invalid type # + JDK-8287593: ShortResponseBody could be made more resilient to rogue connections + JDK-8287754: Update jib GNU make dependency on Windows to latest cygwin build + JDK-8288005: HotSpot build with disabled PCH fails for Windows AArch64 + JDK-8288130: compiler error with AP and explicit record accessor + JDK-8288332: Tier1 validate-source fails after 8279614 + JDK-8288415: java/awt/PopupMenu/ is unstable in MacOS machines + JDK-8288854: getLocalGraphicsEnvironment() on for multi-screen setups throws exception NPE + JDK-8289400: Improve com/sun/jdi/TestScaffold error reporting + JDK-8289440: Remove vmTestbase/nsk/monitoring/MemoryPoolMBean/ /isCollectionUsageThresholdExceeded/isexceeded003 from ProblemList.txt + JDK-8289508: Improve test coverage for XPath Axes: ancestor, ancestor-or-self, preceding, and preceding-sibling + JDK-8289511: Improve test coverage for XPath Axes: child + JDK-8289647: AssertionError during annotation processing of record related tests + JDK-8289948: Improve test coverage for XPath functions: Node Set Functions + JDK-8290067: Show stack dimensions in UL logging when attaching threads + JDK-8290083: ResponseBodyBeforeError: AssertionError or SSLException: Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message + JDK-8290197: test/jdk/java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/ / fails on some systems for the ".rar" extension + JDK-8290322: Optimize Vector.rearrange over byte vectors for AVX512BW targets. + JDK-8290836: Improve test coverage for XPath functions: String Functions + JDK-8290837: Improve test coverage for XPath functions: Boolean Functions + JDK-8290838: Improve test coverage for XPath functions: Number Functions + JDK-8290850: C2: create_new_if_for_predicate() does not clone pinned phi input nodes resulting in a broken graph + JDK-8290899: java/lang/String/ test requests too much heap on windows x86 + JDK-8290964: C2 compilation fails with assert "non-reduction loop contains reduction nodes" + JDK-8291825: java/time/nontestng/java/time/zone/ / fails if defaultLocale and defaultFormatLocale are different + JDK-8292033: Move jdk.X509Certificate event logic to JCA layer + JDK-8292066: Convert and to java version + JDK-8292159: TYPE_USE annotations on generic type arguments of record components discarded + JDK-8292177: InitialSecurityProperty JFR event + JDK-8292285: C2: remove unreachable block after NeverBranch-to-Goto conversion + JDK-8292297: Fix up loading of override properties file + JDK-8292328: test instruction for show popup on JLabel did not specify shift key + JDK-8292443: Weak CAS VarHandle/Unsafe tests should test always-failing cases + JDK-8292602: ZGC: C2 late barrier analysis uses invalid dominator information + JDK-8292660: C2: blocks made unreachable by NeverBranch-to-Goto conversion are removed incorrectly + JDK-8292780: misc tests failed "assert(false) failed: graph should be schedulable" + JDK-8292877: java/util/concurrent/atomic/ uses {Double,Long}Accumulator incorrectly + JDK-8293000: Review running times of jshell regression tests + JDK-8293326: jdk/sun/security/tools/jarsigner/compatibility/ / slow on Windows + JDK-8293466: libjsig should ignore non-modifying sigaction calls + JDK-8293493: Signal Handlers printout should show signal block state + JDK-8293531: C2: some vectorapi tests fail assert "Not monotonic" with flag -XX:TypeProfileLevel=222 + JDK-8293562: KeepAliveCache Blocks Threads while Closing Connections + JDK-8293691: converting a defined BasicType value to a string should not crash the VM + JDK-8293767: AWT test has old SCCS markings + JDK-8293819: sun/util/logging/ failed with "RuntimeException: Retrieved backing PlatformLogger level null is not the expected CONFIG" + JDK-8293965: Code signing warnings after JDK-8293550 + JDK-8293996: C2: fix and simplify IdealLoopTree::do_remove_empty_loop + JDK-8294160: misc crash dump improvements + JDK-8294217: Assertion failure: parsing found no loops but there are some + JDK-8294310: fails on macos after JDK-8293550 + JDK-8294378: URLPermission constructor exception when using tr locale + JDK-8294538: missing is_unloading() check in SharedRuntime::fixup_callers_callsite() + JDK-8294548: Problem list SA core file tests on macosx-x64 due to JDK-8294316 + JDK-8294580: frame::interpreter_frame_print_on() crashes if free BasicObjectLock exists in frame + JDK-8294677: chunklevel::MAX_CHUNK_WORD_SIZE too small for some applications + JDK-8294705: Disable an assertion in test/jdk/java/util/ /DoubleStreamSums/ + JDK-8294902: Undefined Behavior in C2 regalloc with null references + JDK-8294947: Use 64bit atomics in patch_verified_entry on x86_64 + JDK-8294958: java/net/httpclient/ConnectTimeout tests are slow + JDK-8295000: java/util/Formatter/Basic test cleanup + JDK-8295066: Folding of loads is broken in C2 after JDK-8242115 + JDK-8295116: C2: assert(dead->outcnt() == 0 && !dead->is_top()) failed: node must be dead + JDK-8295211: Fix autoconf 2.71 warning "AC_CHECK_HEADERS: you should use literals" + JDK-8295413: com/sun/jdi/ fails with compiler flag -XX:+StressReflectiveCode + JDK-8295414: [Aarch64] C2: assert(false) failed: bad AD file + JDK-8295530: Update Zlib Data Compression Library to Version 1.2.13 + JDK-8295685: Update Libpng to 1.6.38 + JDK-8295724: VirtualMachineError: Out of space in CodeCache for method handle intrinsic + JDK-8298947: compiler/codecache/ / fails intermittently + JDK-8295774: Write a test to verify List sends ItemEvent/ActionEvent + JDK-8295777: java/net/httpclient/ should not rely on system resolver + JDK-8295788: C2 compilation hits "assert((mode == ControlAroundStripMined && use == sfpt) || !use->is_reachable_from_root()) failed: missed a node" + JDK-8296136: Use correct register in aarch64_enc_fast_unlock() + JDK-8296239: ISO 4217 Amendment 174 Update + JDK-8296329: jar validator doesn't account for minor class file version + JDK-8296389: C2: PhaseCFG::convert_NeverBranch_to_Goto must handle both orders of successors 8298568: Fastdebug build fails after JDK-8296389 + JDK-8296548: Improve MD5 intrinsic for x86_64 + JDK-8296611: Problemlist several sun/security tests until JDK-8295343 is resolved + JDK-8296619: Upgrade jQuery to 3.6.1 + JDK-8296675: Exclude linux-aarch64 in NSS tests + JDK-8296878: Document Filter attached to JPasswordField and setText("") is not cleared instead inserted characters replaced with unicode null characters + JDK-8296904: Improve handling of macos xcode toolchain + JDK-8296912: C2: CreateExNode::Identity fails with assert(i < _max) failed: oob: i=1, _max=1 + JDK-8296924: C2: assert(is_valid_AArch64_address( failed: bad address + JDK-8297088: Update LCMS to 2.14 + JDK-8297211: Expensive fillInStackTrace operation in HttpURLConnection.getOutputStream0 when no content-length in response + JDK-8297259: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-17.0.7 + JDK-8297264: C2: Cast node is not processed again in CCP and keeps a wrong too narrow type which is later replaced by top + JDK-8297431: [JVMCI] HotSpotJVMCIRuntime.encodeThrowable should not throw an exception + JDK-8297437: javadoc cannot link to old docs (with old style anchors) + JDK-8297480: GetPrimitiveArrayCritical in imageioJPEG misses result - NULL check + JDK-8297489: Modify as to verify the content change of TextComponent sends TextEvent + JDK-8297523: Various GetPrimitiveArrayCritical miss result - NULL check + JDK-8297569: URLPermission constructor throws IllegalArgumentException: Invalid characters in hostname after JDK-8294378 + JDK-8297642: PhaseIdealLoop::only_has_infinite_loops must detect all loops that never lead to termination + JDK-8297951: C2: Create skeleton predicates for all If nodes in loop predication + JDK-8297959: Provide better descriptions for some Operating System JFR events + JDK-8297963: Partially fix string expansion issues in UTIL_DEFUN_NAMED and related macros + JDK-8298027: Remove SCCS id's from awt jtreg tests + JDK-8298035: Provide better descriptions for JIT compiler JFR events + JDK-8298073: gc/metaspace/ / causes test task timeout on macosx + JDK-8241293: time out after 8 minutes + JDK-8298093: improve cleanup and error handling of awt_parseColorModel in awt_parseImage.c + JDK-8298108: Add a regression test for JDK-8297684 + JDK-8298129: Let checkpoint event sizes grow beyond u4 limit + JDK-8298271: java/security/SignedJar/spi-calendar-provider/ / failing on Windows + JDK-8298459: Fix msys2 linking and handling out of tree build directory for source zip creation + JDK-8298472: AArch64: Detect Ampere-1 and Ampere-1A CPUs and set default options + JDK-8298527: Cygwin's uname -m returns different string than before + JDK-8298588: WebSockets: HandshakeUrlEncodingTest unnecessarily depends on a response body + JDK-8298649: JFR: RemoteRecordingStream support for checkpoint event sizes beyond u4 + JDK-8298726: (fs) Change PollingWatchService to record last modified time as FileTime rather than milliseconds + JDK-8299015: Ensure that HttpResponse.BodySubscribers.ofFile writes all bytes + JDK-8299018: java/net/httpclient/ fails with HTTP/1.1 header parser received no bytes + JDK-8299194: may fail at future date + JDK-8299296: Write a test to verify the components selection sends ItemEvent + JDK-8299388: java/util/regex/ fails on Alpine and sometimes Windows + JDK-8299424: containers/docker/ fails on SLES12 ppc64le when testing Memory and Swap Limit + JDK-8299439: java/text/Format/NumberFormat/ / fails for hr_HR + JDK-8299483: ProblemList java/text/Format/NumberFormat/ / + JDK-8299470: sun/jvm/hotspot/ handling of negative rmiport args + JDK-8299497: Usage of constructors of primitive wrapper classes should be avoided in java.desktop API docs + JDK-8299520: output error messages in case compare fails + JDK-8299597: [17u] Remove designator DEFAULT_PROMOTED_VERSION_PRE=ea for release 17.0.7 + JDK-8299657: sun/tools/jhsdb/ fails after 8299470 + JDK-8299671: Speed up compiler/intrinsics/string/ / + JDK-8299789: Compilation of gtest causes build to fail if runtime libraries are in different dirs + JDK-8299957: Enhance error logging in instrument coding with additional jplis_assert_msg + JDK-8299970: Speed up compiler/arraycopy/ / + JDK-8300119: CgroupMetrics.getTotalMemorySize0() can report invalid results on 32 bit systems + JDK-8300205: Swing test bug8078268 make latch timeout configurable + JDK-8300266: Detect Virtualization on Linux aarch64 + JDK-8300490: Spaces in name of MacOS Code Signing Identity are not correctly handled after JDK-8293550 + JDK-8300590: [JVMCI] BytecodeFrame.equals is broken + JDK-8300642: [17u,11u] Fix DEFAULT_PROMOTED_VERSION_PRE=ea for -dev + JDK-8300692: GCC 12 reports some compiler warnings in bundled freetype + JDK-8300751: [17u] Remove duplicate entry in + JDK-8300773: Address the inconsistency between the constant array and pool size + JDK-8301170: perfMemory_windows.cpp add free_security_attr to early returns + JDK-8301342: Prefer ArrayList to LinkedList in LayoutComparator + JDK-8301397: [11u, 17u] Bump jtreg to fix issue with build JDK 11.0.18 + JDK-8301760: Fix possible leak in SpNegoContext dispose + JDK-8301842: JFR: increase checkpoint event size for stacktrace and string pool + JDK-8302152: Speed up tests with infinite loops, sleep less + JDK-8302692: [17u] Update GHA Boot JDK to 17.0.6 + JDK-8302879: doc/ update link to jtreg builds + JDK-8304871: Use default visibility for static library builds - Modified patch: * fips.patch + refetch from git repository with our changes merged in - Added patch: * JDK-8303509.patch + upstream fix for JDK-8303509, bsc#1209333: Socket setTrafficClass does not work for IPv4 connections when IPv6 is enabled- Remove the accessibility sub-package, since it was never really working and creates another problems (bsc#1206549). It can eventually be built as standalone if needed - Removed patches: * jaw-jdk10.patch * jaw-misc.patch * jaw-nogtk.patch + not needed after the removal of the accessibility sub-package- Modified patch: * fips.patch + avoid calling C_GetInfo() too early, before cryptoki is initialized (bsc#1205916)- Update to upstream tag jdk-17.0.6+10 (January 2023 CPU) * CVEs + CVE-2023-21835, bsc#1207246 + CVE-2023-21843, bsc#1207248 * Security fixes + JDK-8286070: Improve UTF8 representation + JDK-8286496: Improve Thread labels + JDK-8287411: Enhance DTLS performance + JDK-8288516: Enhance font creation + JDK-8289350: Better media supports + JDK-8293554: Enhanced DH Key Exchanges + JDK-8293598: Enhance InetAddress address handling + JDK-8293717: Objective view of ObjectView + JDK-8293734: Improve BMP image handling + JDK-8293742: Better Banking of Sounds + JDK-8295687: Better BMP bounds * Other changes + JDK-6829250: Reg test: java/awt/Toolkit/ScreenInsetsTest/ / fails in Windows + JDK-7001973: java/awt/Graphics2D/ fails + JDK-7188098: TEST_BUG: closed/javax/sound/midi/Synthesizer/ /Receiver/ fails + JDK-8022403: sun/java2d/DirectX/OnScreenRenderingResizeTest/ / fails + JDK-8029633: Raw inner class constructor ref should not perform diamond inference + JDK-8030121: java/awt/dnd/MissingDragExitEventTest/ / fails + JDK-8065422: Trailing dot in hostname causes TLS handshake to fail with SNI disabled + JDK-8129827: [TEST_BUG] Test java/awt/Robot/RobotWheelTest/ / fails + JDK-8159599: [TEST_BUG] java/awt/Modal/ModalInternalFrameTest/ / + JDK-8169187: [macosx] Aqua: java/awt/image/multiresolution/ / + JDK-8178698: javax/sound/midi/Sequencer/ failed with timeout + JDK-8202836: [macosx] test java/awt/Graphics/ fails + JDK-8210558: serviceability/sa/ fails to find '^\s+- waiting to lock <0x[0-9a-f]+> \(a java\.lang\.Class ...' + JDK-8222323: fails with "RuntimeException: Failed to unset alwaysOnTop" + JDK-8233557: [TESTBUG] fails on macOs + JDK-8233558: [TESTBUG] fails on macos + JDK-8233648: [TESTBUG] failing on macos + JDK-8244670: convert clhsdb "whatis" command from javascript to java + JDK-8251466: test/java/io/File/ fails on Windows with mapped network drives. + JDK-8255439: System Tray icons get corrupted when Windows scaling changes + JDK-8256811: Delayed/missed jdwp class unloading events + JDK-8257722: Improve "keytool -printcert -jarfile" output + JDK-8262721: Add Tests to verify single iteration loops are properly optimized + JDK-8265489: Stress test times out because of long ObjectSynchronizer::monitors_iterate(...) operation + JDK-8266082: AssertionError in Annotate.fromAnnotations with - Xdoclint + JDK-8266519: Cleanup resolve() leftovers from BarrierSet et al + JDK-8267138: Stray suffix when starting gtests via + JDK-8268033: compiler/intrinsics/bmi/verifycode/ / fails with "fatal error: Not compilable at tier 3: CodeBuffer overflow" + JDK-8268276: Base64 Decoding optimization for x86 using AVX-512 + JDK-8268297: jdk/jfr/api/consumer/streaming/ / times out + JDK-8268779: ZGC: runtime/InternalApi/ / failed with "OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" + JDK-8269029: compiler/codegen/ fails for client VMs + JDK-8269404: Base64 Encoding optimization enhancements for x86 using AVX-512 + JDK-8269571: NMT should print total malloc bytes and invocation count + JDK-8269743: test/hotspot/jtreg/vmTestbase/vm/mlvm/meth/ /stress/jni/nativeAndMH/ crash with small heap (-Xmx50m) + JDK-8270086: ARM32-softfp: Do not load CONSTANT_double using the condy helper methods in the interpreter + JDK-8270155: ARM32: Improve register dump in hs_err + JDK-8270609: [TESTBUG] java/awt/print/Dialog/ does not show instruction + JDK-8270848: Redundant unsafe opmask register allocation in some instruction patterns. + JDK-8270947: AArch64: C1: use zero_words to initialize all objects + JDK-8271015: Split cds/ test into smaller parts + JDK-8271834: TestStringDeduplicationAgeThreshold intermittent failures on Shenandoah + JDK-8271956: AArch64: C1 build failed after JDK-8270947 + JDK-8272094: compiler/codecache/ crashes with "failed to allocate space for trampoline" + JDK-8272123: Problem list 4 jtreg tests which regularly fail on macos-aarch64 + JDK-8272608: java_lang_System::allow_security_manager() doesn't set its initialization flag + JDK-8272776: NullPointerException not reported + JDK-8272791: java -XX:BlockZeroingLowLimit=1 crashes after 8270947 + JDK-8272809: JFR thread sampler SI_KERNEL SEGV in metaspace::VirtualSpaceList::contains + JDK-8273043: [TEST_BUG] Automate + JDK-8273108: RunThese24H crashes with SEGV in markWord::displaced_mark_helper() after JDK-8268276 + JDK-8273236: keytool does not accurately warn about algorithms that are disabled but have additional constraints + JDK-8273380: ARM32: Default to {ldrexd,strexd} in StubRoutines::atomic_{load|store}_long + JDK-8273459: Update code segment alignment to 64 bytes + JDK-8273497: should link to both md and html + JDK-8273553: also has similar error of JDK-8253368 + JDK-8273578: javax/swing/JMenu/4515762/ fails on macOS 12 + JDK-8273685: Remove jtreg tag manual=yesno for java/awt/Graphics/ & show test instruction + JDK-8273880: Zero: Print warnings when unsupported intrinsics are enabled + JDK-8273881: Metaspace: test repeated deallocations + JDK-8274029: Remove jtreg tag manual=yesno for java/awt/print/Dialog/ + JDK-8274032: Remove jtreg tag manual=yesno for java/awt/print/ /PrinterJob/ImagePrinting/ & show test UI + JDK-8274160: java/awt/Window/ShapedAndTranslucentWindows/ / delay is too high + JDK-8274296: Update or Problem List tests which may fail with uiScale=2 on macOS + JDK-8274456: Remove jtreg tag manual=yesno java/awt/print/PrinterJob/ + JDK-8274527: Minimal VM build fails after JDK-8273459 + JDK-8274563: jfr/event/oldobject/ fails when GC cycles are not happening + JDK-8274903: Zero: Support AsyncGetCallTrace + JDK-8275170: Some jtreg sound tests should be marked with sound keyword + JDK-8275234: java/awt/GraphicsDevice/DisplayModes/ / is entered twice in ProblemList + JDK-8275535: Retrying a failed authentication on multiple LDAP servers can lead to users blocked + JDK-8275569: Add linux-aarch64 to test-make profiles + JDK-8276108: Wrong instruction generation in aarch64 backend + JDK-8276904: Optional.toString() is unnecessarily expensive + JDK-8277092: fails with "RuntimeException: Committed seems high: NNNN expected at most MMMM" + JDK-8277346: ProblemList 7 serviceability/sa tests on macosx-x64 + JDK-8277351: ProblemList runtime/jni/checked/ / on macosx-x64 + JDK-8277358: Accelerate CRC32-C + JDK-8277411: C2 fast_unlock intrinsic on AArch64 has unnecessary ownership check + JDK-8277576: ProblemList runtime/ErrorHandling/ / on macosx-X64 + JDK-8277577: ProblemList compiler/onSpinWait/ / on linux-aarch64 + JDK-8277578: ProblemList applications/jcstress/ on linux-aarch64 + JDK-8277866: gc/epsilon/ failed with wrong initial heap size + JDK-8277881: Missing SessionID in TLS1.3 resumption in compatibility mode + JDK-8277928: Fix compilation on macosx-aarch64 after 8276108 + JDK-8277970: Test jdk/sun/security/ssl/SSLSessionImpl/ / fails with "tag mismatch" + JDK-8278826: Print error if Shenandoah flags are empty (instead of crashing) + JDK-8279066: entries.remove(entry) is useless in PKCS12KeyStore + JDK-8279398: jdk/jfr/api/recording/time/ failed with "RuntimeException: getStopTime() > afterStop" + JDK-8279536: jdk/nio/zipfs/ timed out + JDK-8279662: serviceability/sa/ can fail due to unexpected GC + JDK-8279941: sun/security/pkcs11/Signature/ / fails when NSS version detection fails + JDK-8280016: gc/g1/TestShrinkAuxiliaryData30 test fails on large machines + JDK-8280124: Reduce branches decoding latin-1 chars from UTF-8 encoded bytes + JDK-8280234: AArch64 "core" variant does not build after JDK-8270947 + JDK-8280391: NMT: Correct NMT tag on CollectedHeap + JDK-8280511: AArch64: Combine shift and negate to a single instruction + JDK-8280554: resourcehogs/serviceability/sa/ / can fail if GC is triggered + JDK-8280555: serviceability/sa/ is failing due to ObjectMonitor referencing a null Object + JDK-8280872: Reorder code cache segments to improve code density + JDK-8280890: Cannot use '-Djava.system.class.loader' with class loader in signed JAR + JDK-8280948: Write a regression test for JDK-4659800 + JDK-8281296: Create a regression test for JDK-4515999 + JDK-8281744: x86: Use short jumps in TIG::set_vtos_entry_points + JDK-8282049: AArch64: Use ZR for integer zero immediate volatile stores + JDK-8282276: Problem list failing two Robot Screen Capture tests + JDK-8282347: AARCH64: Untaken branch in has_negatives stub + JDK-8282398: test fails because SSL cert expired + JDK-8282402: Create a regression test for JDK-4666101 + JDK-8282511: Use fixed certificate validation date in SSLExampleCert template + JDK-8282528: AArch64: Incorrect replicate2L_zero rule + JDK-8282600: SSLSocketImpl should not use user_canceled workaround when not necessary + JDK-8282642: vmTestbase/gc/gctests/LoadUnloadGC2/ / fails intermittently with exit code 1 + JDK-8282730: LdapLoginModule throw NPE from logout method after login failure + JDK-8282777: Create a Regression test for JDK-4515031 + JDK-8282857: Create a regression test for JDK-4702690 + JDK-8283059: Uninitialized warning in check_code.c with GCC 11.2 + JDK-8283199: Linux os::cpu_microcode_revision() stalls cold startup + JDK-8283298: Make CodeCacheSegmentSize a product flag + JDK-8283337: Posix signal handler modification warning triggering incorrectly + JDK-8283353: compiler/c2/cr6865031/ and compiler/runtime/ fails on x86_32 + JDK-8283383: [macos] a11y : Screen magnifier shows extra characters (0) at the end JButton accessibility name + JDK-8283999: Update JMH devkit to 1.35 + JDK-8284533: Improve InterpreterCodelet data footprint + JDK-8284681: compiler/c2/aarch64/ fails with "RuntimeException: for CodeHeap < 250MB the far jump is expected to be encoded with a single branch instruction" + JDK-8284690: [macos] VoiceOver : Getting java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid location on Editable JComboBox + JDK-8284732: FFI_GO_CLOSURES macro not defined but required for zero build on Mac OS X + JDK-8284752: Zero does not build on Mac OS X due to missing os::current_thread_enable_wx implementation + JDK-8284771: java/util/zip/ failed with "AssertionError: Expected IOException to be thrown, but nothing was thrown" + JDK-8284892: java/net/httpclient/http2/ fails intermittently + JDK-8284980: Test vmTestbase/nsk/stress/except/ times out with -Xcomp -XX:+DeoptimizeALot + JDK-8285093: Introduce UTIL_ARG_WITH + JDK-8285305: Create an automated test for JDK-4495286 + JDK-8285373: Create an automated test for JDK-4702233 + JDK-8285604: closed sun/java2d/GdiRendering/ / failed with "Incorrect color ffeeeeee instead of ff0000ff in pixel (100, 100)" + JDK-8285612: Remove jtreg tag manual=yesno for java/awt/print/PrinterJob/ImagePrinting/ + JDK-8285687: Remove jtreg tag manual=yesno for java/awt/print/PrinterJob/ + JDK-8285698: Create a test to check the focus stealing of JPopupMenu from JComboBox + JDK-8285794: AsyncGetCallTrace might acquire a lock via JavaThread::thread_from_jni_environment + JDK-8285836: sun/net/www/http/KeepAliveCache/ / failed with "RuntimeException: Failed in server" + JDK-8286172: Create an automated test for JDK-4516019 + JDK-8286263: compiler/c1/ failed with "RuntimeException: testCurrentTimeMillis failed with -3" + JDK-8286313: [macos] Voice over reads the boolean value as null in the JTable + JDK-8286452: The array length of testSmallConstArray should be small and const + JDK-8286460: Remove dependence on JAR filename in CDS tests + JDK-8286551: JDK-8286460 causes tests to fail to compile in Tier2 + JDK-8286624: Regression Test fails on OL8.3 + JDK-8286663: Resolve IDE warnings in WTrayIconPeer and SystemTray + JDK-8286772: java/awt/dnd/DropTargetInInternalFrameTest/ /DropTargetInInternalFrameTest.html times out and fails in Windows + JDK-8286872: Refactor add/modify notification icon (TrayIcon) + JDK-8287011: Improve container information + JDK-8287076: Document.normalizeDocument() produces different results + JDK-8287349: AArch64: Merge LDR instructions to improve C1 OSR performance + JDK-8287425: Remove unnecessary register push for MacroAssembler::check_klass_subtype_slow_path + JDK-8287609: macOS: SIGSEGV at [CoreFoundation] CFArrayGetCount / sun.font.CFont.getTableBytesNative + JDK-8287740: NSAccessibilityShowMenuAction not working for text editors + JDK-8287826: javax/accessibility/4702233/ / fails to compile + JDK-8288132: Update test artifacts in QuoVadis CA interop tests + JDK-8288302: Shenandoah: SIGSEGV in vm maybe related to jit compiling xerces + JDK-8288377: [REDO] DST not applying properly with zone id offset set with TZ env variable + JDK-8288445: AArch64: C2 compilation fails with guarantee(!true || (true && (shift != 0))) failed: impossible encoding + JDK-8288651: CDS test should not use literal string as ClassLoader name + JDK-8289044: ARM32: missing LIR_Assembler::cmove metadata type support + JDK-8289146: containers/docker/ fails on linux ppc64le machine with missing Memory and Swap Limit output + JDK-8289257: Some custom loader tests failed due to symbol refcount not decremented + JDK-8289301: P11Cipher should not throw out of bounds exception during padding + JDK-8289524: Add JFR JIT restart event + JDK-8289559: java/awt/a11y/ test fails with java.lang.NullPointerException + JDK-8289562: Change and URL's to https + JDK-8290207: Missing notice in + JDK-8290209: missing additional text + JDK-8290374: Shenandoah: Remove inaccurate comment on SBS::load_reference_barrier() + JDK-8290451: Incorrect result when switching to C2 OSR compilation from C1 + JDK-8290529: C2: assert(BoolTest(btest).is_canonical()) failure + JDK-8290532: Adjust PKCS11Exception and handle more PKCS11 error codes + JDK-8290687: serviceability/sa/ could leave files owned by root on macOS + JDK-8290705: StringConcat::validate_mem_flow asserts with "unexpected user: StoreI" + JDK-8290711: assert(false) failed: infinite loop in PhaseIterGVN::optimize + JDK-8290781: Segfault at PhaseIdealLoop::clone_loop_handle_data_uses + JDK-8290839: jdk/jfr/event/compiler/ failed with "RuntimeException: No JIT restart event found: expected true, was false" + JDK-8290908: misc tests fail: assert(!thread->owns_locks()) failed: must release all locks when leaving VM + JDK-8290920: sspi_bridge.dll not built if BUILD_CRYPTO is false + JDK-8291456: com/sun/jdi/ failed with: Wrong number of class unload events: expected 10 got 4 + JDK-8291459: JVM crash with GenerateOopMap::error_work(char const*, __va_list_tag*) + JDK-8291599: Assertion in PhaseIdealLoop::skeleton_predicate_has_opaque after JDK-8289127 + JDK-8291650: Add delay to ClassUnloadEventTest before exiting to give time for JVM to send all events before VMDeath + JDK-8291775: C2: assert(r != __null && r->is_Region()) failed: this phi must have a region + JDK-8292083: Detected container memory limit may exceed physical machine memory + JDK-8292158: AES-CTR cipher state corruption with AVX-512 + JDK-8292385: assert(ctrl == kit.control()) failed: Control flow was added although the intrinsic bailed out + JDK-8292541: [Metrics] Reported memory limit may exceed physical machine memory + JDK-8292586: simplify cleanups in NTLMAuthSequence getCredentialsHandle + JDK-8292682: Code change of JDK-8282730 not updated to reflect CSR update + JDK-8292695: SIGQUIT and jcmd attaching mechanism does not work with signal chaining library + JDK-8292778: EncodingSupport_md.c convertUtf8ToPlatformString wrong placing of free + JDK-8292816: GPL Classpath exception missing from assemblyprefix.h + JDK-8292866: Java_sun_awt_shell_Win32ShellFolder2_getLinkLocation check MultiByteToWideChar return value for failures + JDK-8292879: com/sun/jdi/ failed due to classes not unloading + JDK-8292880: Improve debuggee logging for com/sun/jdi/ + JDK-8292888: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-17.0.6 + JDK-8292899: testcase failed on AIX platform + JDK-8292903: enhance round_up_power_of_2 assertion output + JDK-8293010: JDI ObjectReference/referringObjects/ /referringObjects001 fails: assert(env->is_enabled(JVMTI_EVENT_OBJECT_FREE)) failed: checking + JDK-8293044: C1: Missing access check on non-accessible class + JDK-8293232: Fix race condition in pkcs11 SessionManager + JDK-8293319: [C2 cleanup] Remove unused other_path arg in Parse::adjust_map_after_if + JDK-8293472: Incorrect container resource limit detection if manual cgroup fs mounts present + JDK-8293489: Accept CAs with BasicConstraints without pathLenConstraint + JDK-8293535: jdk/javadoc/doclet/testJavaFX/ / fail with jfx + JDK-8293540: [Metrics] Incorrectly detected resource limits with additional cgroup fs mounts + JDK-8293550: Optionally add get-task-allow entitlement to macos binaries + JDK-8293578: Duplicate ldc generated by javac + JDK-8293657: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/ / failed with "SSLHandshakeException: Remote host terminated the handshake" + JDK-8293659: Improve UnsatisfiedLinkError error message to include dlopen error details + JDK-8293672: Update freetype md file + JDK-8293701: jdeps InverseDepsAnalyzer runs into NoSuchElementException: No value present + JDK-8293808: mscapi destroyKeyContainer enhance KeyStoreException: Access is denied exception + JDK-8293815: P11PSSSignature.engineUpdate should not print debug messages during normal operation + JDK-8293816: CI: ciBytecodeStream::get_klass() is not consistent + JDK-8293826: Closed test fails after JDK-8276108 on aarch64 + JDK-8293828: JFR: jfr/event/oldobject/ still fails when GC cycles are not happening + JDK-8293834: Update CLDR data following tzdata 2022c update + JDK-8293891: gc/g1/mixedgc/ (still) assumes that GCs take 1ms minimum + JDK-8293965: Code signing warnings after JDK-8293550 + JDK-8293998: [PPC64] JfrGetCallTrace: assert(_pc != nullptr) failed: must have PC + JDK-8294307: ISO 4217 Amendment 173 Update + JDK-8294310: fails on macos after JDK-8293550 + JDK-8294357: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2022d + JDK-8294578: [PPC64] C2: Missing is_oop information when using disjoint compressed oops mode + JDK-8294740: Add cgroups keyword to + JDK-8294837: unify Windows 2019 version check in os_windows and java_props_md + JDK-8294840: langtools use File.pathSeparator + JDK-8295173: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2022e + JDK-8295288: Some vm_flags tests associate with a wrong BugID + JDK-8295405: Add cause in a couple of IllegalArgumentException and InvalidParameterException shown by sun/security/pkcs11 tests + JDK-8295412: support latest VS2022 MSC_VER in abstract_vm_version.cpp + JDK-8295419: JFR: Change name of jdk.JitRestart + JDK-8295429: Update harfbuzz md file + JDK-8295469: S390X: Optimized builds are broken + JDK-8295554: Move the "sizecalc.h" to the correct location + JDK-8295641: Fix DEFAULT_PROMOTED_VERSION_PRE=ea for -dev + JDK-8295714: GHA ::set-output is deprecated and will be removed + JDK-8295723: security/infra/wycheproof/ fails with Assertion Error + JDK-8295872: [PPC64] JfrGetCallTrace: Need pc == nullptr check before frame constructor + JDK-8295952: Problemlist existing compiler/rtm tests also on x86 + JDK-8296083: javax/swing/JTree/6263446/ fails intermittently on a VM + JDK-8296108: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2022f + JDK-8296239: ISO 4217 Amendment 174 Update + JDK-8296480: java/security/cert/pkix/policyChanges/ / is failing + JDK-8296485: test fails with SunCertPathBuilderException + JDK-8296496: Overzealous check in sizecalc.h prevents large memory allocation + JDK-8296632: Write a test to verify the content change of TextArea sends TextEvent + JDK-8296715: CLDR v42 update for tzdata 2022f + JDK-8296733: JFR: File Read event for RandomAccessFile::write(byte[]) is incorrect + JDK-8296945: PublicMethodsTest is slow due to dependency verification with debug builds + JDK-8296956: [JVMCI] HotSpotResolvedJavaFieldImpl.getIndex returns wrong value + JDK-8296957: One more cast in SAFE_SIZE_NEW_ARRAY2 + JDK-8296958: [JVMCI] add API for retrieving ConstantValue attributes + JDK-8296960: [JVMCI] list HotSpotConstantPool.loadReferencedType to ConstantPool + JDK-8296961: [JVMCI] Access to j.l.r.Method/Constructor/Field for ResolvedJavaMethod/ResolvedJavaField + JDK-8296967: [JVMCI] rationalize relationship between getCodeSize and getCode in ResolvedJavaMethod + JDK-8297147: UnexpectedSourceImageSize test times out on slow machines when fastdebug is used + JDK-8297153: sun/java2d/DirectX/OnScreenRenderingResizeTest/ / fails again + JDK-8297241: Update sun/java2d/DirectX/ /OnScreenRenderingResizeTest/ + JDK-8297309: Memory leak in ShenandoahFullGC + JDK-8297481: Create a regression test for JDK-4424517 + JDK-8297530: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Negative length on strings concatenation + JDK-8297590: [TESTBUG] HotSpotResolvedJavaFieldTest does not run + JDK-8297656: AArch64: Enable AES/GCM Intrinsics + JDK-8297804: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2022g + JDK-8299392: [17u] Remove designator DEFAULT_PROMOTED_VERSION_PRE=ea for release 17.0.6 + JDK-8299439: java/text/Format/NumberFormat/ fails for hr_HR + JDK-8299483: ProblemList java/text/Format/NumberFormat/ / - Modified patch: * fips.patch + update to newest level - Removed patch: * fix_armv6_build.patch + does not apply and at least a part of the fix is in this version- Removed patch: * system-crypto-policy.patch + folded into the fips.patch, since they are patching the same places - Modified patches: * fips.patch + revert to the version used with, since the newest changes are buggy (bsc#1205916) + fold in the system-crypto-policy.patch * nss-security-provider.patch + apply after the fips.patch and thus rediff the hunk to changed context.- Fix jconsole.desktop icon- Update to upstream tag jdk-17.0.5+8 (October 2022 CPU) * Security fixes + JDK-8282252: Improve BigInteger/Decimal validation + JDK-8285662: Better permission resolution + JDK-8286077, CVE-2022-21618, bsc#1204468: Wider MultiByte conversions + JDK-8286511: Improve macro allocation + JDK-8286519: Better memory handling + JDK-8286526, CVE-2022-21619, bsc#1204473: Improve NTLM support + JDK-8286910, CVE-2022-21624, bsc#1204475: Improve JNDI lookups + JDK-8286918, CVE-2022-21628, bsc#1204472: Better HttpServer service + JDK-8287446: Enhance icon presentations + JDK-8288508: Enhance ECDSA usage + JDK-8289366, CVE-2022-39399, bsc#1204480: Improve HTTP/2 client usage + JDK-8289853: Update HarfBuzz to 4.4.1 + JDK-8290334: Update FreeType to 2.12.1 * Other changes + JDK-6782021: It is not possible to read local computer certificates with the SunMSCAPI provider + JDK-6854300: [TEST_BUG] java/awt/event/MouseEvent/ /SpuriousExitEnter/ fails in jdk6u14 & jdk7 + JDK-7131823: bug in GIFImageReader + JDK-8017175: [TESTBUG] javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4634626/ / sometimes failed on ac + JDK-8028265: Add legacy tz tests to OpenJDK + JDK-8028998: [TEST_BUG] [macosx] java/awt/dnd/ /DropTargetEnterExitTest/ failed + JDK-8079267: [TEST_BUG] Test java/awt/Frame/MiscUndecorated/ / fails + JDK-8159694: HiDPI, Unity, java/awt/dnd/ /DropTargetEnterExitTest/ + JDK-8169468: fails because FS Window didn't receive all resizes! + JDK-8172065: javax/swing/JTree/4908142/ The selected index should be "aad" + JDK-8178969: [TESTBUG] Wrong reporting of gc/g1/humongousObjects/TestHeapCounters test. + JDK-8211002: test/jdk/java/lang/Math/ skips testing for non-corner-case values + JDK-8212096: javax/net/ssl/ServerName/ / failed intermittently due to SSLException: Tag mismatch + JDK-8223543: [TESTBUG] Regression test java/awt/Graphics2D/ /DrawString/ has issues + JDK-8225122: Test fails when Windows desktop is scaled. + JDK-8227651: Tests fail with SSLProtocolException: Input record too big + JDK-8240903: Add test to check that jmod hashes are reproducible + JDK-8254318: Remove .hgtags + JDK-8255724: [XRender] the BlitRotateClippedArea test fails on Linux in the XR pipeline + JDK-8256844: Make NMT late-initializable + JDK-8257534: misc tests failed with "NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom" + JDK-8264666: Change implementation of safeAdd/safeMult in the LCMSImageLayout class + JDK-8264792: The NumberFormat for locale sq_XK formats price incorrectly. + JDK-8265360: several compiler/whitebox tests fail with "private compiler.whitebox.SimpleTestCaseHelper(int) must be compiled" + JDK-8269039: Disable SHA-1 Signed JARs + JDK-8269556: sun/tools/jhsdb/ fails with RuntimeException 'JShellToolProvider' missing from stdout/stderr + JDK-8270090: C2: LCM may prioritize CheckCastPP nodes over projections + JDK-8270312: Error: Not a test or directory containing tests: java/awt/print/PrinterJob/ + JDK-8271078: jdk/incubator/vector/ failed a subtest + JDK-8271344: Windows product version issue + JDK-8272352: Java launcher can not parse Chinese character when system locale is set to UTF-8 + JDK-8272417: ZGC: fastdebug build crashes when printing ClassLoaderData + JDK-8272736: [JVMCI] Add API for reading and writing JVMCI thread locals + JDK-8272815: jpackage --type rpm produces an error: Invalid or unsupported type: [null] + JDK-8273040: Turning off JpAllowDowngrades (or Upgrades) + JDK-8273115: CountedLoopEndNode::stride_con crash in debug build with -XX:+TraceLoopOpts + JDK-8273506: java Robot API did the 'm' keypress and caused /awt/event/KeyEvent/KeyCharTest/KeyCharTest.html is timing out on macOS 12 + JDK-8274434: move os::get_default_process_handle and os::dll_lookup to os_posix for POSIX platforms + JDK-8274517: java/util/DoubleStreamSums/ fails with expected [true] but found [false] + JDK-8274597: Some of the dnd tests time out and fail intermittently + JDK-8274856: Failing jpackage tests with fastdebug/release build + JDK-8275689: [TESTBUG] Use color tolerance only for XRender in BlitRotateClippedArea test + JDK-8275887: jarsigner prints invalid digest/signature algorithm warnings if keysize is weak/disabled + JDK-8276546: [IR Framework] Whitelist and ignore CompileThreshold + JDK-8276837: [macos]: Error when signing the additional launcher + JDK-8277429: Conflicting jpackage static library name + JDK-8277493: [REDO] Quarantined jpackage apps are labeled as "damaged" + JDK-8278067: Make HttpURLConnection default keep alive timeout configurable + JDK-8278233: [macos] tools/jpackage tests timeout due to /usr/bin/osascript + JDK-8278311: Debian packaging doesn't work + JDK-8278609: [macos] accessibility frame is misplaced on a secondary monitor on macOS + JDK-8278612: [macos] test/jdk/java/awt/dnd/ /RemoveDropTargetCrashTest crashes with VoiceOver on macOS + JDK-8279032: compiler/loopopts/ / times out with - XX:TieredStopAtLevel < 4 + JDK-8279370: jdk.jpackage/share/native/applauncher/ /JvmLauncher.cpp fails to build with GCC 6.3.0 + JDK-8279622: C2: miscompilation of map pattern as a vector reduction + JDK-8280233: Temporarily disable Unix domain sockets in Windows PipeImpl + JDK-8280550: SplittableRandom#nextDouble(double,double) can return result >= bound + JDK-8280696: C2 compilation hits assert(is_dominator(c, n_ctrl)) failed + JDK-8280863: Update build README to reflect that MSYS2 is supported + JDK-8280913: Create a regression test for JRootPane.setDefaultButton() method + JDK-8280944: Enable Unix domain sockets in Windows Selector notification mechanism + JDK-8280950: RandomGenerator:NextDouble() default behavior non conformant after JDK-8280550 fix + JDK-8281181: Do not use CPU Shares to compute active processor count + JDK-8281183: RandomGenerator:NextDouble() default behavior partially fixed by JDK-8280950 + JDK-8281297: TestStressG1Humongous fails with guarantee(is_range_uncommitted) + JDK-8281535: Create a regression test for JDK-4670051 + JDK-8281569: Create tests for Frame.setMinimumSize() method + JDK-8281628: KeyAgreement : generateSecret intermittently not resetting + JDK-8281738: Create a regression test for checking the 'Space' key activation of focused Button + JDK-8281745: Create a regression test for JDK-4514331 + JDK-8281988: Create a regression test for JDK-4618767 + JDK-8282007: Assorted enhancements to jpackage testing framework + JDK-8282046: Create a regression test for JDK-8000326 + JDK-8282214: Upgrade JQuery to version 3.6.0 + JDK-8282234: Create a regression test for JDK-4532513 + JDK-8282280: Update Xerces to Version 2.12.2 + JDK-8282306: os::is_first_C_frame(frame*) crashes on invalid link access + JDK-8282343: Create a regression test for JDK-4518432 + JDK-8282351: jpackage does not work if class file has `$$` in the name on windows + JDK-8282407: Missing ')' in + JDK-8282467: add extra diagnostics for JDK-8268184 + JDK-8282477: [x86, aarch64] vmassert(_last_Java_pc == NULL, "already walkable"); fails with async profiler + JDK-8282538: PKCS11 tests fail on CentOS Stream 9 + JDK-8282548: Create a regression test for JDK-4330998 + JDK-8282555: Missing memory edge when spilling MoveF2I, MoveD2L etc + JDK-8282640: Create a test for JDK-4740761 + JDK-8282778: Create a regression test for JDK-4699544 + JDK-8282789: Create a regression test for the JTree usecase of JDK-4618767 + JDK-8282860: Write a regression test for JDK-4164779 + JDK-8282933: Create a test for JDK-4529616 + JDK-8282936: Write a regression test for JDK-4615365 + JDK-8282937: Write a regression test for JDK-4820080 + JDK-8282947: JFR: Dump on shutdown live-locks in some conditions + JDK-8283015: Create a test for JDK-4715496 + JDK-8283087: Create a test or JDK-4715503 + JDK-8283245: Create a test for JDK-4670319 + JDK-8283277: ISO 4217 Amendment 171 Update + JDK-8283441: C2: segmentation fault in ciMethodBlocks::make_block_at(int) + JDK-8283457: [macos] libpng build failures with Xcode13.3 + JDK-8283493: Create an automated regression test for RFE 4231298 + JDK-8283507: Create a regression test for RFE 4287690 + JDK-8283562: JDK-8282306 breaks gtests on zero + JDK-8283597: [REDO] Invalid generic signature for redefined classes + JDK-8283621: Write a regression test for CCC4400728 + JDK-8283623: Create an automated regression test for JDK-4525475 + JDK-8283624: Create an automated regression test for RFE-4390885 + JDK-8283712: Create a manual test framework class + JDK-8283723: Update Visual Studio 2022 to version 17.1.0 for Oracle builds on Windows + JDK-8283803: Remove jtreg tag manual=yesno for java/awt/print/ /PrinterJob/ and fix test + JDK-8283849: AsyncGetCallTrace may crash JVM on guarantee + JDK-8283903: GetContainerCpuLoad does not return the correct result in share mode + JDK-8283911: DEFAULT_PROMOTED_VERSION_PRE not reset to 'ea' for jdk-17.0.4 + JDK-8284014: Menu items with submenus in JPopupMenu are not spoken on macOS + JDK-8284067: jpackage'd launcher reports non-zero exit codes with error prompt + JDK-8284077: Create an automated test for JDK-4170173 + JDK-8284294: Create an automated regression test for RFE 4138746 + JDK-8284358: Unreachable loop is not removed from C2 IR, leading to a broken graph + JDK-8284367: JQuery UI upgrade from 1.12.1 to 1.13.1 + JDK-8284521: Write an automated regression test for RFE 4371575 + JDK-8284535: Fix test that is failing with Parse Exception + JDK-8284675: "jpackage.exe" creates application launcher without Windows Application Manifest + JDK-8284680: sun.font.FontConfigManager.getFontConfig() leaks charset + JDK-8284686: Interval of < 1 ms disables ExecutionSample events + JDK-8284694: Avoid evaluating SSLAlgorithmConstraints twice + JDK-8284883: JVM crash: guarantee(sect->end() <= sect->limit()) failed: sanity on AVX512 + JDK-8284898: Enhance PassFailJFrame + JDK-8284944: assert(cnt++ < 40) failed: infinite cycle in loop optimization + JDK-8284950: CgroupV1 detection code should consider memory.swappiness + JDK-8284956: Potential leak awtImageData/color_data when initializes X11GraphicsEnvironment + JDK-8284977: MetricsTesterCgroupV2.getLongValueEntryFromFile fails when named value doesn't exist + JDK-8285081: Improve XPath operators count accuracy + JDK-8285097: Duplicate XML keys in and + JDK-8285301: C2: assert(!requires_atomic_access) failed: can't ensure atomicity + JDK-8285380: Fix typos in security + JDK-8285398: Cache the results of constraint checks + JDK-8285617: Fix java/awt/print/PrinterJob/ImagePrinting/ / manual test + JDK-8285693: Create an automated test for JDK-4702199 + JDK-8285696: AlgorithmConstraints:permits not throwing IllegalArgumentException when 'alg' is null + JDK-8285730: unify _WIN32_WINNT settings + JDK-8285820: C2: LCM prioritizes locally dependent CreateEx nodes over projections after 8270090 + JDK-8285923: [REDO] JDK-8285802 AArch64: Consistently handle offsets in MacroAssembler as 64-bit quantities + JDK-8286114: [test] show real exception in bomb call in sun/rmi/runtime/Log/checkLogging/ + JDK-8286122: [macos]: App bundle cannot upload to Mac App Store due to info.plist embedded in java exe + JDK-8286177: C2: "failed: non-reduction loop contains reduction nodes" assert failure + JDK-8286211: Update PCSC-Lite for Suse Linux to 1.9.5 + JDK-8286266: [macos] Voice over moving JTable column to be the first column JVM crashes + JDK-8286277: CDS VerifyError when calling clone() on object array + JDK-8286314: Trampoline not created for far runtime targets outside small CodeCache + JDK-8286429: jpackageapplauncher build fails intermittently in Tier[45] + JDK-8286573: Remove the unnecessary method Attr#attribTopLevel and its usage + JDK-8286582: Build fails on macos aarch64 when using - -with-zlib=bundled + JDK-8286625: C2 fails with assert(!n->is_Store() && !n->is_LoadStore()) failed: no node with a side effect + JDK-8286638: C2: CmpU needs to do more precise over/underflow analysis + JDK-8286869: unify os::dir_is_empty across posix platforms + JDK-8286870: Memory leak with RepeatCompilation + JDK-8287016: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-17.0.5 + JDK-8287073: NPE from CgroupV2Subsystem.getInstance() + JDK-8287091: aarch64 : guarantee(val < (1ULL << nbits)) failed: Field too big for insn + JDK-8287107: CgroupSubsystemFactory.setCgroupV2Path asserts with freezer controller + JDK-8287113: JFR: Periodic task thread uses period for method sampling events + JDK-8287125: [macos] Multiple jpackage tests fail/timeout on same host + JDK-8287202: GHA: Add macOS aarch64 to the list of default platforms for workflow_dispatch event + JDK-8287223: C1: Inlining attempt through MH::invokeBasic() with null receiver + JDK-8287366: Improve test failure reporting in GHA + JDK-8287396: LIR_Opr::vreg_number() and data() can return negative number + JDK-8287432: C2: assert(tn->in(0) != __null) failed: must have live top node + JDK-8287463: JFR: Disable on Windows + JDK-8287663: Add a regression test for JDK-8287073 + JDK-8287672: jtreg test com/sun/jndi/ldap/ / fails intermittently in nightly run + JDK-8287724: Fix various issues with msys2 + JDK-8287735: Provide separate event category for dll operations + JDK-8287741: Fix of JDK-8287107 (unused cgv1 freezer controller) was incomplete + JDK-8287824: The MTPerLineTransformValidation tests has a typo in the @run tag + JDK-8287895: Some langtools tests fail on msys2 + JDK-8287896: fail on msys2 + JDK-8287902: UnreadableRB case in MissingResourceCauseTest is not working reliably on Windows + JDK-8287906: Rewrite of GitHub Actions (GHA) sanity tests + JDK-8287917: System.loadLibrary does not work on Big Sur if JDK is built with macOS SDK 10.15 and earlier + JDK-8288000: compiler/loopopts/ fails with release VMs + JDK-8288003: log events for os::dll_unload + JDK-8288303: C1: Miscompilation due to broken Class.getModifiers intrinsic + JDK-8288360: CI: ciInstanceKlass::implementor() is not consistent for well-known classes + JDK-8288399: MacOS debug symbol files not always deterministic in reproducible builds + JDK-8288467: remove memory_operand assert for spilled instructions + JDK-8288499: Restore cancel-in-progress in GHA + JDK-8288599: com/sun/management/OperatingSystemMXBean/ / Expected total swap size ... but getTotalSwapSpaceSize returned ... + JDK-8288754: GCC 12 fails to build zReferenceProcessor.cpp + JDK-8288781: C1: LIR_OpVisitState::maxNumberOfOperands too small + JDK-8288985: P11TlsKeyMaterialGenerator should work with ChaCha20-Poly1305 + JDK-8288992: AArch64: CMN should be handled the same way as CMP + JDK-8289127: Apache Lucene triggers: DEBUG MESSAGE: duplicated predicate failed which is impossible + JDK-8289147: unify os::infinite_sleep on posix platforms + JDK-8289197: [17u] Push of backport of 8286177 did not remove assertion + JDK-8289471: Issue in Initialization of keys in and + JDK-8289477: Memory corruption with CPU_ALLOC, CPU_FREE on muslc + JDK-8289486: Improve XSLT XPath operators count efficiency + JDK-8289549: ISO 4217 Amendment 172 Update + JDK-8289569: [test] java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ fails on Alpine/musl + JDK-8289695: [TESTBUG] fails on cgroups v2 and crun + JDK-8289697: buffer overflow in MTLVertexCache.m: MTLVertexCache_AddGlyphQuad + JDK-8289799: Build warning in methodData.cpp memset zero-length parameter + JDK-8289856: [PPC64] SIGSEGV in C2Compiler::init_c2_runtime() after JDK-8289060 + JDK-8289910: unify os::message_box across posix platforms + JDK-8290000: Bump macOS GitHub actions to macOS 11 + JDK-8290004: [PPC64] JfrGetCallTrace: assert(_pc != nullptr) failed: must have PC + JDK-8290020: Deadlock in leakprofiler::emit_events during shutdown + JDK-8290082: [PPC64] ZGC C2 load barrier stub needs to preserve vector registers + JDK-8290246: test fails "assert(init != __null) failed: initialization not found" + JDK-8290417: CDS cannot archive lamda proxy with useImplMethodHandle + JDK-8290456: remove os::print_statistics() + JDK-8291595: [17u] Delete files missed in backport of 8269039 + JDK-8291633: Build failures with GCC 11, Alpine 3 due to incompatible casts from nullptr + JDK-8292579: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2022c + JDK-8295056: [17u] Remove designator DEFAULT_PROMOTED_VERSION_PRE=ea for release 17.0.5 - Modified patch: * fips.patch + sync with newest RedHat version- Package the JAVA_HOME/release files in *-headless package * fixes boo#1203476- Update to upstream tag jdk-17.0.4+8 (July 2022 CPU) * Security fixes: + JDK-8272243: Improve DER parsing + JDK-8272249: Better properties of loaded Properties + JDK-8277608: Address IP Addressing + JDK-8281859, CVE-2022-21540, bsc#1201694: Improve class compilation + JDK-8281866, CVE-2022-21541, bsc#1201692: Enhance MethodHandle invocations + JDK-8283190: Improve MIDI processing + JDK-8284370: Improve zlib usage + JDK-8285407, CVE-2022-34169, bsc#1201684: Improve Xalan supports * Other fixes: + JDK-8139173: [macosx] JInternalFrame shadow is not properly drawn + JDK-8181571: printing to CUPS fails on mac sandbox app + JDK-8193682: Infinite loop in ZipOutputStream.close() + JDK-8206187:javax/management/remote/mandatory/connection/ / fails with Port already in use + JDK-8209776: Refactor jdk/security/JavaDotSecurity/ to plain java test + JDK-8214733: runtime/8176717/ timed out + JDK-8236136: tests which use CompilationMode shouldn't be run w/ TieredStopAtLevel + JDK-8240756: [macos] SwingSet2:TableDemo:Printed Japanese characters were garbled + JDK-8249592: Robot.mouseMove moves cursor to incorrect location when display scale varies and Java runs in DPI Unaware mode + JDK-8251904: vmTestbase/nsk/sysdict/vm/stress/btree/btree010/ / fails with ClassNotFoundException: nsk.sysdict.share.BTree0LLRLRLRRLR + JDK-8255266: Update Public Suffix List to 3c213aa + JDK-8256368: Avoid repeated upcalls into Java to re-resolve MH/VH linkers/invokers + JDK-8258814: Compilation logging crashes for thread suspension / debugging tests + JDK-8263461: jdk/jfr/event/gc/detailed/ / uses wrong mechanism to cause evacuation failure + JDK-8263538: should test - Xshare:auto as well + JDK-8264605: vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/SuspendThread/ /suspendthrd003/ failed with "agent_tools.cpp, 471: (foundThread = (jthread) jni_env->NewGlobalRef(foundThread)) != NULL" + JDK-8265261: java/nio/file/Files/ fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: Copy was not interrupted + JDK-8265317: [vector] assert(payload->is_object()) failed: expected 'object' value for scalar-replaced boxed vector but got: NULL + JDK-8267163: Rename anonymous loader tests to hidden loader tests + JDK-8268231: Aarch64: Use Ldp in intrinsics for String.compareTo + JDK-8268558: [TESTBUG] Case 2 in TestP11KeyFactoryGetRSAKeySpec is skipped + JDK-8268595: java/io/Serializable/serialFilter/ / failed in timeout + JDK-8268773: Improvements related to: Failed to start thread - pthread_create failed (EAGAIN) + JDK-8268906: gc/g1/mixedgc/ assumes that GCs take 1ms minimum + JDK-8269077: TestSystemGC uses "require vm.gc.G1" for large pages subtest + JDK-8269129: Multiple tier1 tests in hotspot/jtreg/compiler are failing for client VMs + JDK-8269135: TestDifferentProtectionDomains runs into timeout in client VM + JDK-8269373: some tests in jdk/tools/launcher/ fails on localized Windows platform + JDK-8269753: Misplaced caret in PatternSyntaxException's detail message + JDK-8269933: test/jdk/javax/net/ssl/compatibility/JdkInfo incorrect verification of protocol and cipher support + JDK-8270021: Incorrect log decorators in gc/g1/plab/ + JDK-8270336: [TESTBUG] Fix initialization in NonbranchyTree + JDK-8270435: UT: MonitorUsedDeflationThresholdTest failed: did not find too_many string in output + JDK-8270468: TestRangeCheckEliminated fails because methods are not compiled + JDK-8270797: test is not complete + JDK-8270837: fix typos in test + JDK-8271008: appcds/*/ tests time out because of excessive GC (CodeCache GC Threshold) in loom + JDK-8271055: Crash during deoptimization with "assert(bb->is_reachable()) failed: getting result from unreachable basicblock" with -XX:+VerifyStack + JDK-8271224: runtime/EnclosingMethodAttr/ doesn't check exit code + JDK-8271302: Regex Test Refresh + JDK-8272146: Disable Fibonacci test on memory constrained systems + JDK-8272168: some hotspot runtime/logging tests don't check exit code + JDK-8272169: runtime/logging/ doesn't build test.Empty + JDK-8272358: Some tests may fail when executed with other locales than the US + JDK-8272493: Suboptimal code generation around Preconditions.checkIndex intrinsic with AVX2 + JDK-8272908: Missing coverage for certain classes in + JDK-8272964: java/nio/file/Files/ fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: Copy was not interrupted + JDK-8273056, CVE-2022-21549, bsc#1201685: java.util.random does not correctly sample exponential or Gaussian distributions + JDK-8273095: vmTestbase/vm/mlvm/anonloader/stress/oome/heap/ / fails with "wrong OOME" + JDK-8273139: C2: assert(f <= 1 && f >= 0) failed: Incorrect frequency + JDK-8273142: Remove dependancy of TestHttpServer, HttpTransaction, HttpCallback from open/test/jdk/sun/net/www/ /protocol/http/ tests + JDK-8273169: java/util/regex/ failed after JDK-8271302 + JDK-8273804: Platform.isTieredSupported should handle the no-compiler case + JDK-8274172: Convert JavadocTester to use NIO + JDK-8274233: Minor cleanup for ToolBox + JDK-8274244: fails on rerun + JDK-8274561: sun/net/ftp/ timed out on slow machines + JDK-8274687: JDWP deadlocks if some Java thread reaches wait in blockOnDebuggerSuspend + JDK-8274735: javax.imageio.IIOException: Unsupported Image Type while processing a valid JPEG image + JDK-8274751: Drag And Drop hangs on Windows + JDK-8274855: vectorapi tests failing with assert(!vbox->is_Phi()) failed + JDK-8274939: Incorrect size of the pixel storage is used by the robot on macOS + JDK-8274983: C1 optimizes the invocation of private interface methods + JDK-8275037: Test vmTestbase/nsk/sysdict/vm/stress/btree/ /btree011/ crashes with memory exhaustion on Windows + JDK-8275337: C1: assert(false) failed: live_in set of first block must be empty + JDK-8275638: GraphKit::combine_exception_states fails with "matching stack sizes" assert + JDK-8275745: Reproducible copyright headers + JDK-8275830: C2: Receiver downcast is missing when inlining through method handle linkers + JDK-8275854: C2: assert(stride_con != 0) failed: missed some peephole opt + JDK-8276260: (se) Remove java/nio/channels/Selector/ / from ProblemList (win) + JDK-8276657: XSLT compiler tries to define a class with empty name + JDK-8276796: gc/ large pages subtest fails with ZGC + JDK-8276825: hotspot/runtime/SelectionResolution test errors + JDK-8276863: Remove test/jdk/sun/security/ec/ / + JDK-8276880: Remove java/lang/RuntimeTests/exec/ExecWithDir as unnecessary + JDK-8276990: Memory leak in invoker.c fillInvokeRequest() during JDI operations + JDK-8277055: Assert "missing inlining msg" with - XX:+PrintIntrinsics + JDK-8277072: ObjectStreamClass caches keep ClassLoaders alive + JDK-8277087: ZipException: zip END header not found at ZipFile#Source.findEND + JDK-8277165: jdeps --multi-release --print-module-deps fails if module-info.class in different versioned directories + JDK-8277166: Data race in jdeps VersionHelper + JDK-8277123: jdeps does not report some exceptions correctly + JDK-8277396: [TESTBUG] In, frame is accessed from main thread + JDK-8277422: tools/jar/ fails with modified time mismatch + JDK-8277893: Arraycopy stress tests + JDK-8277906: Incorrect type for IV phi of long counted loops after CCP + JDK-8277922: Unable to click JCheckBox in JTable through Java Access Bridge + JDK-8278014: [vectorapi] Remove test run script + JDK-8278065: Refactor subclassAudits to use ClassValue + JDK-8278186: .parseIdFromSameDocumentURI throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when calling substring method + JDK-8278472: Invalid value set to CANDIDATEFORM structure + JDK-8278519: serviceability/jvmti/FieldAccessWatch/ / failed "assert(handle != __null) failed: JNI handle should not be null" + JDK-8278549: UNIX sun/font coding misses SUSE distro detection on recent distro SUSE 15 + JDK-8278766: Enable OpenJDK build support for reproducible jars and jmods using --date + JDK-8278794: Infinite loop in DeflaterOutputStream.finish() + JDK-8278796: Incorrect behavior of FloatVector.withLane on X86 + JDK-8278851: Correct signer logic for jars signed with multiple digestalgs + JDK-8278948: compiler/vectorapi/reshape/ / crashes in assembler + JDK-8278966: two microbenchmarks tests fail "assert(!jvms->method()->has_exception_handlers()) failed: no exception handler expected" after JDK-8275638 + JDK-8279182: MakeZipReproducible ZipEntry timestamps not localized to UTC + JDK-8279219: [REDO] C2 crash when allocating array of size too large + JDK-8279227: Access Bridge: Wrong frame position and hit test result on HiDPI display + JDK-8279356: Method linking fails with guarantee(mh->adapter() != NULL) failed: Adapter blob must already exist! + JDK-8279437: [JVMCI] exception in HotSpotJVMCIRuntime.translate can exit the VM + JDK-8279515: C1: No inlining through invokedynamic and invokestatic call sites when resolved class is not linked + JDK-8279520: SPNEGO has not passed channel binding info into the underlying mechanism + JDK-8279529: ProblemList java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/ / on macosx-aarch64 + JDK-8279532: ProblemList sun/security/ssl/SSLSessionImpl/ / + JDK-8279560: AArch64: generate_compare_long_string_same_encoding and LARGE_LOOP_PREFETCH alignment + JDK-8279586: [macos] custom JCheckBox and JRadioBox with custom icon set: focus is still displayed after unchecking + JDK-8279597: [TESTBUG] fails with -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1 on machines with many cores + JDK-8279668: x86: AVX2 versions of vpxor should be asserted + JDK-8279822: CI: Constant pool entries in error state are not supported + JDK-8279834: Alpine Linux fails to build when - -with-source-date enabled + JDK-8279837: C2: assert(is_Loop()) failed: invalid node class: Region + JDK-8279842: HTTPS Channel Binding support for Java GSS/Kerberos + JDK-8279958: Provide configure hints for Alpine/apk package managers + JDK-8280004: DCmdArgument::parse_value() should handle NULL input + JDK-8280041: Retry loop issues in + JDK-8280123: C2: Infinite loop in CMoveINode::Ideal during IGVN + JDK-8280401: [sspi] gss_accept_sec_context leaves output_token uninitialized + JDK-8280476: [macOS] : hotspot arm64 bug exposed by latest clang + JDK-8280543: Update the "java" and "jcmd" tool specification for CDS + JDK-8280593: [PPC64, S390] redundant allocation of MacroAssembler in StubGenerator ctor + JDK-8280600: C2: assert(!had_error) failed: bad dominance + JDK-8280684: JfrRecorderService failes with guarantee(num_written > 0) when no space left on device. + JDK-8280799: С2: assert(false) failed: cyclic dependency prevents range check elimination + JDK-8280867: Cpuid1Ecx feature parsing is incorrect for AMD CPUs + JDK-8280901: MethodHandle::linkToNative stub is missing w/ - Xint + JDK-8280940: gtest os.release_multi_mappings_vm is racy + JDK-8280941: os::print_memory_mappings() prints segment preceeding the inclusion range + JDK-8280956: Re-examine copyright headers on files in src/java.desktop/macosx/native/libawt_lwawt/awt/a11y + JDK-8280964: [Linux aarch64] : drawImage dithers TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED images incorrectly + JDK-8281043: Intrinsify recursive ObjectMonitor locking for PPC64 + JDK-8281168: Micro-optimize VarForm.getMemberName for interpreter + JDK-8281262: Windows builds in different directories are not fully reproducible + JDK-8281266: [JVMCI] MetaUtil.toInternalName() doesn't handle hidden classes correctly + JDK-8281274: deal with ActiveProcessorCount in os::Linux::print_container_info + JDK-8281275: Upgrading from 8 to 11 no longer accepts '/' as filepath separator in gc paths + JDK-8281318: Improve jfr/event/allocation tests reliability + JDK-8281338: NSAccessibilityPressAction action for tree node and NSAccessibilityShowMenuAcgtion action not working + JDK-8281450: Remove unnecessary operator new and delete from ObjectMonitor + JDK-8281522: Rename ADLC classes which have the same name as hotspot variants + JDK-8281544: assert(VM_Version::supports_avx512bw()) failed for Tests jdk/incubator/vector/ + JDK-8281615: Deadlock caused by jdwp agent + JDK-8281638: jfr/event/allocation tests fail with release VMs after JDK-8281318 due to lack of -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions + JDK-8281771: Crash in java_lang_invoke_MethodType::print_signature + JDK-8281811: assert(_base == Tuple) failed: Not a Tuple after JDK-8280799 + JDK-8281822: Test failures on non-DTrace builds due to incomplete DTrace* flags handling + JDK-8282008: Incorrect handling of quoted arguments in ProcessBuilder + JDK-8282045: When loop strip mining fails, safepoints are removed from loop anyway + JDK-8282142: [TestCase] compiler/inlining/ / will fail when - -with-jvm-features=-compiler1 + JDK-8282170: JVMTI SetBreakpoint metaspace allocation test + JDK-8282172: CompileBroker::log_metaspace_failure is called from non-Java/compiler threads + JDK-8282225: GHA: Allow one concurrent run per PR only + JDK-8282231: x86-32: runtime call to SharedRuntime::ldiv corrupts registers + JDK-8282293: Domain value for system property jdk.https.negotiate.cbt should be case-insensitive + JDK-8282295: SymbolPropertyEntry::set_method_type fails with assert + JDK-8282312: Minor corrections to evbroadcasti32x4 intrinsic on x86 + JDK-8282345: handle latest VS2022 in abstract_vm_version + JDK-8282382: Report glibc malloc tunables in error reports + JDK-8282422: JTable.print() failed with UnsupportedCharsetException on AIX ko_KR locale + JDK-8282444: Module finder incorrectly assumes default file system path-separator character + JDK-8282499: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-17.0.4 + JDK-8282509: [exploded image] ResolvedClassTest fails with similar output + JDK-8282551: Properly initialize L32X64MixRandom state + JDK-8282583: Update BCEL md to include the copyright notice + JDK-8282590: C2: assert(addp->is_AddP() && addp->outcnt() > 0) failed: Don't process dead nodes + JDK-8282592: C2: assert(false) failed: graph should be schedulable + JDK-8282628: Potential memory leak in sun.font.FontConfigManager.getFontConfig() + JDK-8282874: Bad performance on gather/scatter API caused by different IntSpecies of indexMap + JDK-8282887: Potential memory leak in sun.util.locale.provider .HostLocaleProviderAdapterImpl.getNumberPattern() on Windows + JDK-8282929: Localized monetary symbols are not reflected in 'toLocalizedPattern' return value + JDK-8283017: GHA: Workflows break with update release versions + JDK-8283187: C2: loop candidate for superword not always unrolled fully if superword fails + JDK-8283217: Leak FcObjectSet in getFontConfigLocations() in fontpath.c + JDK-8283249: fails on ppc with 'Narrow klass shift: 0' missing + JDK-8283279: [Testbug] Improve TestGetSwapSpaceSize + JDK-8283315: jrt-fs.jar not always deterministically built + JDK-8283323: libharfbuzz optimization level results in extreme build times + JDK-8283347: [macos] Bad JNI lookup accessibilityHitTest is shown when Screen magnifier is enabled + JDK-8283350: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2022a + JDK-8283408: Fix a C2 crash when filling arrays with unsafe + JDK-8283422: Create a new test for JDK-8254790 + JDK-8283451: C2: assert(_base == Long) failed: Not a Long + JDK-8283469: Don't use memset to initialize members in FileMapInfo and fix memory leak + JDK-8283497: [windows] print TMP and TEMP in hs_err and + JDK-8283641: Large value for CompileThresholdScaling causes assert + JDK-8283725: Launching java with "-Xlog:gc*=trace,safepoint*=trace,class*=trace" crashes the JVM + JDK-8283834: Unmappable character for US-ASCII encoding in TestPredicateInputBelowLoopPredicate + JDK-8284023: java.sun.awt.X11GraphicsDevice .getDoubleBufferVisuals() leaks XdbeScreenVisualInfo + JDK-8284033: Leak XVisualInfo in getAllConfigs in awt_GraphicsEnv.c + JDK-8284094: Memory leak in invoker_completeInvokeRequest() + JDK-8284369: TestFailedAllocationBadGraph fails with - XX:TieredStopAtLevel < 4 + JDK-8284389: Improve stability of GHA Pre-submit testing by caching cygwin installer + JDK-8284437: Building from different users/workspace is not always deterministic + JDK-8284458: CodeHeapState::aggregate() leaks blob_name + JDK-8284507: GHA: Only check test results if testing was not skipped + JDK-8284532: Memory leak in BitSet::BitMapFragmentTable in JFR leak profiler + JDK-8284549: JFR: FieldTable leaks FieldInfoTable member + JDK-8284603: [17u] Update Boot JDK used in GHA to 17.0.2 + JDK-8284620: CodeBuffer may leak _overflow_arena + JDK-8284622: Update versions of some Github Actions used in JDK workflow + JDK-8284661: Reproducible assembly builds without relative linking + JDK-8284754: print more interesting env variables in hs_err and + JDK-8284758: [linux] improve print_container_info + JDK-8284848: C2: Compiler blackhole arguments should be treated as globally escaping + JDK-8284866: Add test to JDK-8273056 + JDK-8284884: Replace polling with waiting in javax/swing/text/html/parser/Parser/8078268/ + JDK-8284992: Fix misleading Vector API doc for LSHR operator + JDK-8285342: Zero build failure with clang due to values not handled in switch + JDK-8285394: Compiler blackholes can be eliminated due to stale ciMethod::intrinsic_id() + JDK-8285397: JNI exception pending in CUPSfuncs.c:250 + JDK-8285445: cannot open file "NUL:" + JDK-8285515: (dc) DatagramChannel.disconnect fails with "Invalid argument" on macOS 12.4 + JDK-8285523: Improve test java/io/FileOutputStream/ + JDK-8285686: Update FreeType to 2.12.0 + JDK-8285726: [11u, 17u] Unify fix for JDK-8284548 with version from head + JDK-8285727: [11u, 17u] Unify fix for JDK-8284920 with version from head + JDK-8285728: Alpine Linux build fails with busybox tar + JDK-8285828: runtime/execstack/ fails with zipped debug symbols + JDK-8285921: serviceability/dcmd/jvmti/AttachFailed/ / fails on Alpine + JDK-8285956: (fs) Excessive default poll interval in PollingWatchService + JDK-8286013: Incorrect test configurations for compiler/stable/ + JDK-8286029: Add classpath exemption to globals_vectorApiSupport_*** + JDK-8286198: [linux] Fix process-memory information + JDK-8286293: Tests ShortResponseBody and ShortResponseBodyWithRetry should use less resources + JDK-8286444: javac errors after JDK-8251329 are not helpful enough to find root cause + JDK-8286594: (zipfs) Mention paths with dot elements in ZipException and cleanups + JDK-8286601: Mac Aarch: Excessive warnings to be ignored for build jdk + JDK-8286855: javac error on invalid jar should only print filename + JDK-8287109: failed with CertificateExpiredException + JDK-8287119: Add to ProblemList + JDK-8287162: (zipfs) Performance regression related to support for POSIX file permissions + JDK-8287336: GHA: Workflows break on patch versions + JDK-8287362: FieldAccessWatch testcase failed on AIX platform + JDK-8287378: GHA: Update cygwin to fix issues in langtools tests on Windows - Removed patch: * JDK-8282004.patch + integrated upstream as JDK-8282231- Update to upstream tag jdk-17.0.3+7 (April 2022 CPU) * Security fixes: + JDK-8284920: Incorrect Token type causes XPath expression to return empty result + JDK-8284548: Invalid XPath expression causes StringIndexOutOfBoundsException + JDK-8281388: Change wrapping of EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo + JDK-8282397: createTempFile method of is failing when called with suffix of spaces character + JDK-8278356: Improve file creation + JDK-8270504, bsc#1198672, CVE-2022-21426: Better Xpath expression handling + JDK-8272588: Enhanced recording parsing + JDK-8272594: Better record of recordings + JDK-8277672, bsc#1198674, CVE-2022-21434: Better invocation handler handling + JDK-8282300: Throws NamingException instead of InvalidNameException after JDK-8278972 + JDK-8278972, bsc#1198673, CVE-2022-21496: Improve URL supports + JDK-8272261: Improve JFR recording file processing + JDK-8269938: Enhance XML processing passes redux + JDK-8272255: Completely handle MIDI files + JDK-8278805: Enhance BMP image loading + JDK-8278449: Improve keychain support + JDK-8277227: Better identification of OIDs + JDK-8275151, bsc#1198675, CVE-2022-21443: Improved Object Identification + JDK-8274221: More definite BER encodings + JDK-8277233, bsc#1198670, CVE-2022-21449: Improve ECDSA signature support + JDK-8278798: Improve supported intrinsic * Other changes: + JDK-8282761: XPathFactoryImpl remove setProperty and getProperty methods + JDK-8277795: ldap connection timeout not honoured under contention + JDK-8276141: XPathFactory set/getProperty method + JDK-8274471: Add support for RSASSA-PSS in OCSP Response + JDK-8282219: jdk/java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ fails on AIX + JDK-8279669: test/jdk/com/sun/jdi/ uses wrong condition + JDK-8276841: Add support for Visual Studio 2022 + JDK-8272866: java.util.random package summary contains incorrect mixing function in table + JDK-8272996: JNDI DNS provider fails to resolve SRV entries when IPV6 stack is enabled + JDK-8278185: Custom JRE cannot find non-ASCII named module inside + JDK-8281460: Let ObjectMonitor have its own NMT category + JDK-8278163: --with-cacerts-src variable resolved after GenerateCacerts recipe setup + JDK-8277383: VM.metaspace optionally show chunk freelist details + JDK-8271721: Split gc/g1/TestMixedGCLiveThreshold into separate tests + JDK-8277488: Add expiry exception for Digicert (geotrustglobalca) expiring in May 2022 + JDK-8270117: Broken jtreg link in "Building the JDK" page + JDK-8279695: [TESTBUG] modify compiler/loopopts/ / to run on C1 also + JDK-8278080: Add --with-cacerts-src='user cacerts folder' to enable deterministic cacerts generation + JDK-8277762: Allow configuration of HOTSPOT_BUILD_USER + JDK-8274524: SSLSocket.close() hangs if it is called during the ssl handshake + JDK-8278346: java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/ fails on Linux SLES15 machine + JDK-8274171: java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/ failed on "Content type" mismatches + JDK-8274562: (fs) UserDefinedFileAttributeView doesn't correctly determine if supported when using OverlayFS + JDK-8273655: files are missing some common types + JDK-8279385: [test] Adjust sun/security/pkcs12/ / after 8278344 + JDK-8280373: Update Xalan serializer / SystemIDResolver to align with JDK-8270492 + JDK-8272541: Incorrect overflow test in Toom-Cook branch of BigInteger multiplication + JDK-8278951: containers/cgroup/ fails on Ubuntu 21.10 + JDK-8272600: (test) Use native "sleep" in + JDK-8271199: Mutual TLS handshake fails signing client certificate with custom sensitive PKCS11 key + JDK-8277299: STACK_OVERFLOW in Java_sun_awt_shell_Win32ShellFolder2_getIconBits + JDK-8281061: [s390] JFR runs into assertions while validating interpreter frames + JDK-8275330: C2: assert(n->is_Root() || n->is_Region() || n->is_Phi() || n->is_MachMerge() || def_block->dominates(block)) failed: uses must be dominated by definitions + JDK-8190748: java/text/Format/DateFormat/ and NonGregorianFormatTest fail intermittently + JDK-8274750: java/io/File/ failed: '/dev': 191488 != 190976 + JDK-8273387: remove some unreferenced gtk-related functions + JDK-8279702: [macosx] ignore xcodebuild warnings on M1 + JDK-8277180: Intrinsify recursive ObjectMonitor locking for C2 x64 and A64 + JDK-8277449: compiler/vectorapi/ fails with release VMs + JDK-8275643: C2's unaryOp vector intrinsic does not properly handle LongVector.neg + JDK-8271056: C2: "assert(no_dead_loop) failed: dead loop detected" due to cmoving identity + JDK-8275847: Scheduling fails with "too many D-U pinch points" on small method + JDK-8274944: AppCDS dump causes SEGV in VM thread while adjusting lambda proxy class info + JDK-8275874: [JVMCI] only support aligned reads in c2v_readFieldValue + JDK-8271506: Add ResourceHashtable support for deleting selected entries + JDK-8278381: [GCC 11] Address::make_raw() does not initialize rspec + JDK-8279124: VM does not handle SIGQUIT during initialization + JDK-8277497: Last column cell in the JTable row is read as empty cell + JDK-8278604: SwingSet2 table demo does not have accessible description set for images 8278526: [macos] Screen reader reads SwingSet2 JTable row selection as null, dimmed row for last column + JDK-8275645: [JVMCI] avoid unaligned volatile reads on AArch64 + JDK-8280414: Memory leak in DefaultProxySelector + JDK-8273381: Assert in PtrQueueBufferAllocatorTest.stress_free_list_allocator_vm + JDK-8269616: serviceability/dcmd/framework/ fails with Address already in use error + JDK-8280155: [PPC64, s390] frame size checks are not yet correct + JDK-8279924: [PPC64, s390] implement frame::is_interpreted_frame_valid checks + JDK-8280526: x86_32 Math.sqrt performance regression with - XX:UseSSE={0,1} + JDK-8279076: C2: Bad AD file when matching SqrtF with UseSSE=0 + JDK-8279445: Update JMH devkit to 1.34 + JDK-8274753: ZGC: SEGV in MetaspaceShared::link_shared_classes 8274935: dumptime_table has stale entry + JDK-8251216: Implement MD5 intrinsics on AArch64 + JDK-8278241: Implement JVM SpinPause on linux-aarch64 + JDK-8275608: runtime/Metaspace/elastic/ /TestMetaspaceAllocationMT2 too slow + JDK-8276057: Update JMH devkit to 1.33 + JDK-8275082, bsc#1198671, CVE-2022-21476: Update XML Security for Java to 2.3.0 + JDK-8177814: jdk/editpad is not in jdk TEST.groups + JDK-8253197: vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/StopThread/stopthrd007/ / fails with "ERROR: DebuggeeSleepingThread: ThreadDeath lost" + JDK-8236505: Mark jdk/editpad/ as @headful + JDK-8272553: several hotspot runtime/CommandLine tests don't check exit code + JDK-8275687: runtime/CommandLine/PrintTouchedMethods test shouldn't catch RuntimeException + JDK-8278344: sun/security/pkcs12/ / test fails because of different openssl output + JDK-8273972: Multi-core choke point in CMM engine (LCMSTransform.doTransform) + JDK-8273438: Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/metaspace/stressHierarchy tests + JDK-8278389: SuspendibleThreadSet::_suspend_all should be volatile/atomic + JDK-8273433: Enable parallelism in vmTestbase_nsk_sysdict tests + JDK-8277503: compiler/onSpinWait/ / failed with "OnSpinWaitInst with the expected value 'isb' not found." + JDK-8277137: Set OnSpinWaitInst/OnSpinWaitInstCount defaults to "isb"/1 for Arm Neoverse N1 + JDK-8273341: Update Siphash to version 1.0 + JDK-8269032: Stringdedup tests are failing if the ergonomically select GC does not support it + JDK-8186670: Implement _onSpinWait() intrinsic for AArch64 + JDK-8276766: Enable jar and jmod to produce deterministic timestamped content 8279453: Disable tools/jar/ / on 32-bit platforms + JDK-8279998: PPC64 debug builds fail with "untested: RangeCheckStub: predicate_failed_trap_id" + JDK-8280002: jmap -histo may leak stream + JDK-8277069: [REDO] JDK-8276743 Make openjdk build Zip Archive generation "reproducible" + JDK-8279833: Loop optimization issue in String.encodeUTF8_UTF16 + JDK-8273277: C2: Move conditional negation into rc_predicate + JDK-8279412: [JVMCI] failed speculations list must outlive any nmethod that refers to it + JDK-8271202: C1: assert(false) failed: live_in set of first block must be empty + JDK-8263567: gtests don't terminate the VM safely + JDK-8269206: A small typo in comment in test/lib/sun/hotspot/ + JDK-8278309: [windows] use of uninitialized OSThread::_state + JDK-8274506: and fail with podman run as root + JDK-8276764: Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod + JDK-8273967: gtest os.dll_address_to_function_and_library_name_vm fails on macOS12 + JDK-8273366: [testbug] javax/swing/UIDefaults/6302464/ / fails on macOS12 + JDK-8277846: Implement fast-path for ASCII-compatible CharsetEncoders on ppc64 + JDK-8273526: Extend the OSContainer API pids controller with pids.current + JDK-8269849: vmTestbase/gc/gctests/PhantomReference/ /phantom002/ failed with "OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space: failed reallocation of scalar replaced objects" + JDK-8269087: CheckSegmentedCodeCache test fails in an emulated-client VM + JDK-8278871: [JVMCI] assert((uint)reason < 2* _trap_hist_limit) failed: oob + JDK-8277447: Hotspot C1 compiler crashes on Kotlin suspend fun with loop + JDK-8279505: Update documentation for RETRY_COUNT and REPEAT_COUNT + JDK-8225559: assertion error at TransTypes.visitApply + JDK-8276654: element-list order is non deterministic + JDK-8279300: [arm32] SIGILL when running GetObjectSizeIntrinsicsTest + JDK-8273682: Upgrade Jline to 3.20.0 + JDK-8278758: runtime/BootstrapMethod/ fails with release VMs after JDK-8262134 + JDK-8262134: compiler/uncommontrap/ failed with "guarantee(false) failed: wrong number of expression stack elements during deopt" + JDK-8269037: jsig/ doesn't have to be restricted to linux only + JDK-8269523: runtime/Safepoint/ / failed when expecting 'VM operation took too long' + JDK-8244602: Add JTREG_REPEAT_COUNT to repeat execution of a test + JDK-8272398: Update DockerTestUtils.buildJdkDockerImage() + JDK-8278384: Bytecodes::result_type() for arraylength returns T_VOID instead of T_INT + JDK-8278020: ~13% variation in Renaissance-Scrabble + JDK-8279225: [arm32] C1 longs comparison operation destroys argument registers + JDK-8266490: Extend the OSContainer API to support the pids controller of cgroups + JDK-8279379: GHA: Print tests that are in error + JDK-8278987: failed with EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in __write_sample_info__ + JDK-8278627: Shenandoah: TestHeapDump test failed + JDK-8278824: Uneven work distribution when scanning heap roots in G1 + JDK-8278239: vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/RedefineClasses/ /StressRedefine failed with EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION at 0x000000000000000d + JDK-8277919: OldObjectSample event causing bloat in the class constant pool in JFR recording + JDK-8277342: vmTestbase/nsk/stress/strace/ fails with SIGSEGV in InstanceKlass::jni_id_for + JDK-8278104: C1 should support the compiler directive 'BreakAtExecute' + JDK-8274465: Fix javax/swing/text/ParagraphView/6364882/ / failures + JDK-8273933: [TESTBUG] Test must run without preallocated exceptions + JDK-8278172: java/nio/channels/FileChannel/ / should only run on Linux + JDK-8275800: Redefinition leaks MethodData::_extra_data_lock + JDK-8273634: [TEST_BUG] Improve javax/swing/text/ /ParagraphView/6364882/ + JDK-8239502: [TEST_BUG] Test javax/swing/text/FlowView/ /6318524/ never fails + JDK-8275326: C2: assert(no_dead_loop) failed: dead loop detected + JDK-8274130: C2: MulNode::Ideal chained transformations may act on wrong nodes + JDK-8279011: JFR: JfrChunkWriter incorrectly handles int64_t chunk size as size_t + JDK-8276662: Scalability bottleneck in SymbolTable::lookup_common() + JDK-8275536: Add test to check that File::lastModified returns same time stamp as Files.getLastModifiedTime + JDK-8273895: compiler/ciReplay/ fails due to wrong data size with TieredStopAtLevel=2,3 + JDK-8272167: should skip *.dSYM directories + JDK-8270874: JFrame paint artifacts when dragged from standard monitor to HiDPI monitor + JDK-8275610: C2: Object field load floats above its null check resulting in a segfault + JDK-8278099: two sun/security/pkcs11/Signature tests failed with AssertionError + JDK-8276623: JDK-8275650 accidentally pushed "out" file + JDK-8277328: jdk/jshell/ failures on Windows + JDK-8277441: CompileQueue::add fails with assert(_last->next() == __null) failed: not last + JDK-8274714: Incorrect verifier protected access error message + JDK-8274658: ISO 4217 Amendment 170 Update + JDK-8274795: AArch64: avoid spilling and restoring r18 in macro assembler + JDK-8277777: [Vector API] assert(r->is_XMMRegister()) failed: must be in + JDK-8276314: [JVMCI] check alignment of call displacement during code installation + JDK-8265150: AsyncGetCallTrace crashes on ResourceMark + JDK-8276177: nsk/jvmti/RedefineClasses/ /StressRedefineWithoutBytecodeCorruption failed with "assert(def_ik->is_being_redefined()) failed: should be being redefined to get here" + JDK-8275650: Problemlist java/io/File/createTempFile/ / for Windows 11 + JDK-8273704: failed: drawString with InfiniteXform transform takes long time + JDK-8273162: AbstractSplittableWithBrineGenerator does not create a random salt + JDK-8273351: bad tag in jdk.random + JDK-8247980: Exclusive execution of java/util/stream tests slows down tier1 + JDK-8272327: Shenandoah: Avoid enqueuing duplicate string candidates + JDK-8278115: gc/stress/gclocker/ has duplicate -Xmx + JDK-8278116: runtime/modules/ has duplicate -Xmx + JDK-8277992: Add fast jdk_svc subtests to jdk:tier3 + JDK-8278016: Add compiler tests to tier{2,3} + JDK-8277385: Zero: Enable CompactStrings support + JDK-8275586: Zero: Simplify interpreter initialization + JDK-8269175: [macosx-aarch64] wrong CPU speed in hs_err file - Do not include back the JavaEE modules in the JDK - Removed patches: * activation-module.patch * annotation-module.patch + The pached JavaEE modules do not exist any more- Set a non-zero alternatives priority for Factory builds - Added patch: * JDK-8282004.patch + fix missing CALL effects on x86_32- Added patch: * JDK-8282944.patch + Upstream fix for JDK-8281944: JavaDoc throws java.lang.IllegalStateException: ERRONEOUS- Modified patch: * disable-doclint-by-default.patch + try actually disable the doclint by default- Update to upstream tag jdk-17.0.2+8 (January 2022 CPU) * Security fixes + JDK-8251329: (zipfs) Files.walkFileTree walks infinitely if zip has dir named "." inside + JDK-8264934, CVE-2022-21248, bnc#1194926: Enhance cross VM serialization + JDK-8268488: More valuable DerValues + JDK-8268494: Better inlining of inlined interfaces + JDK-8268512: More content for ContentInfo + JDK-8268813, CVE-2022-21283, bnc#1194937: Better String matching + JDK-8269151: Better construction of EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo + JDK-8269944: Better HTTP transport redux + JDK-8270386, CVE-2022-21291, bsc#1194925: Better verification of scan methods + JDK-8270392, CVE-2022-21293, bsc#1194935: Improve String constructions + JDK-8270416, CVE-2022-21294, bsc#1194934: Enhance construction of Identity maps + JDK-8270492, CVE-2022-21282, bsc#1194933: Better resolution of URIs + JDK-8270498, CVE-2022-21296, bsc#1194932: Improve SAX Parser configuration management + JDK-8270646, CVE-2022-21299, bsc#1194931: Improved scanning of XML entities + JDK-8270952, CVE-2022-21277, bsc#1194930: Improve TIFF file handling + JDK-8271962: Better TrueType font loading + JDK-8271968: Better canonical naming + JDK-8271987: Manifest improved manifest entries + JDK-8272014, CVE-2022-21305, bsc#1194939: Better array indexing + JDK-8272026, CVE-2022-21340, bsc#1194940: Verify Jar Verification + JDK-8272236, CVE-2022-21341, bsc#1194941: Improve serial forms for transport + JDK-8272272: Enhance jcmd communication + JDK-8272462: Enhance image handling + JDK-8273290: Enhance sound handling + JDK-8273756, CVE-2022-21360, bsc#1194929: Enhance BMP image support + JDK-8273838, CVE-2022-21365, bsc#1194928: Enhanced BMP processing + JDK-8274096, CVE-2022-21366, bsc#1194927: Improve decoding of image files * Other changes + JDK-4819544: SwingSet2 JTable Demo throws NullPointerException + JDK-8137101: [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicHTML/ /4251579/ failure due to timing + JDK-8140241: (fc) Data transfer from FileChannel to itself causes hang in case of overlap + JDK-8174819: java/nio/file/WatchService/ fails intermittently + JDK-8190753: (zipfs): Accessing a large entry (> 2^31 bytes) leads to a negative initial size for ByteArrayOutputStream + JDK-8214761: Bug in parallel Kahan summation implementation + JDK-8223923: C2: Missing interference with mismatched unsafe accesses + JDK-8233020: (fs) UnixFileSystemProvider should use StaticProperty.userDir(). + JDK-8238649: Call new Win32 API SetThreadDescription in os::set_native_thread_name + JDK-8244675: assert(IncrementalInline || (_late_inlines.length() == 0 && !has_mh_late_inlines())) + JDK-8261236: C2: ClhsdbJstackXcompStress test fails when StressGCM is enabled + JDK-8261579: AArch64: Support for weaker memory ordering in Atomic + JDK-8262031: Create implementation for NSAccessibilityNavigableStaticText protocol + JDK-8262095: NPE in Flow$FlowAnalyzer.visitApply: Cannot invoke getThrownTypes because tree.meth.type is null + JDK-8263059: security/infra/java/security/cert/ /CertPathValidator/certification/ fails due to revoked cert + JDK-8263364: sun/net/www/http/KeepAliveStream/ / wedged in getInputStream + JDK-8263375: Support stack watermarks in Zero VM + JDK-8263773: Reenable German localization for builds at Oracle + JDK-8264286: Create implementation for NSAccessibilityColumn protocol peer + JDK-8264287: Create implementation for NSAccessibilityComboBox protocol peer + JDK-8264291: Create implementation for NSAccessibilityCell protocol peer + JDK-8264292: Create implementation for NSAccessibilityList protocol peer + JDK-8264293: Create implementation for NSAccessibilityMenu protocol peer + JDK-8264294: Create implementation for NSAccessibilityMenuBar protocol peer + JDK-8264295: Create implementation for NSAccessibilityMenuItem protocol peer + JDK-8264296: Create implementation for NSAccessibilityPopUpButton protocol peer + JDK-8264297: Create implementation for NSAccessibilityProgressIndicator protocol peer + JDK-8264298: Create implementation for NSAccessibilityRow protocol peer + JDK-8264303: Create implementation for NSAccessibilityTabGroup protocol peer + JDK-8266239: Some duplicated javac command-line options have repeated effect + JDK-8266510: Nimbus JTree default tree cell renderer does not use selected text color + JDK-8266988: compiler/jvmci/compilerToVM/ fails with Unexpected isMature state for multiple times invoked method: expected false to equal true + JDK-8267256: Extend minimal retry for loopback connections on Windows to PlainSocketImpl + JDK-8267385: Create NSAccessibilityElement implementation for JavaComponentAccessibility + JDK-8267387: Create implementation for NSAccessibilityOutline protocol + JDK-8267388: Create implementation for NSAccessibilityTable protocol + JDK-8268284: javax/swing/JComponent/7154030/ fails with "Exception: Failed to hide opaque button" + JDK-8268294: Reusing HttpClient in a WebSocket.Listener hangs. + JDK-8268361: Fix the infinite loop in next_line + JDK-8268457: XML Transformer outputs Unicode supplementary character incorrectly to HTML + JDK-8268464: Remove dependancy of TestHttpsServer, HttpTransaction, HttpCallback from open/test/jdk/sun/net/www/protocol/https/ tests + JDK-8268626: Remove native pre-jdk9 support for jtreg failure handler + JDK-8268860: Windows-Aarch64 build is failing in GitHub actions + JDK-8268882: C2: assert(n->outcnt() != 0 || C->top() == n || n->is_Proj()) failed: No dead instructions after post-alloc + JDK-8268885: duplicate checkcast when destination type is not first type of intersection type + JDK-8268893: jcmd to trim the glibc heap + JDK-8268894: forged ASTs can provoke an AIOOBE at + JDK-8268927: Windows: link error: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl convert_to_unicode(char const *,wchar_t * *)" + JDK-8269031: linux x86_64 check for binutils 2.25 or higher after 8265783 + JDK-8269113: Javac throws when compiling switch (null) + JDK-8269216: Useless initialization in com/sun/crypto/provider/ + JDK-8269269: [macos11] SystemIconTest fails with ClassCastException + JDK-8269280: (bf) Replace StringBuffer in *Buffer.toString() + JDK-8269481: SctpMultiChannel never releases own file descriptor + JDK-8269637: javax/swing/JFileChooser/FileSystemView/ / fails on windows + JDK-8269656: The test test/langtools/tools/javac/versions/ / has duplicate test cycles + JDK-8269687: pauth_aarch64.hpp include name is incorrect + JDK-8269850: Most JDK releases report macOS version 12 as 10.16 instead of 12.0 + JDK-8269924: Shenandoah: Introduce weak/strong marking asserts + JDK-8269951: [macos] Focus not painted in JButton when setBorderPainted(false) is invoked + JDK-8270110: Shenandoah: Add test for JDK-8269661 + JDK-8270116: Expand to run in all LaFs, including Aqua on macOS + JDK-8270171: Shenandoah: Cleanup TestStringDedup and TestStringDedupStress tests + JDK-8270290: NTLM authentication fails if HEAD request is used + JDK-8270317: Large Allocation in CipherSuite + JDK-8270320: JDK-8270110 committed invalid copyright headers + JDK-8270517: Add Zero support for LoongArch + JDK-8270533: AArch64: size_fits_all_mem_uses should return false if its output is a CAS + JDK-8270886: Crash in PhaseIdealLoop::verify_strip_mined_scheduling + JDK-8270893: IndexOutOfBoundsException while reading large TIFF file + JDK-8270901: Typo PHASE_CPP in CompilerPhaseType + JDK-8270946: X509CertImpl.getFingerprint should not return the empty String + JDK-8271071: accessibility of a table on macOS lacks cell navigation + JDK-8271121: ZGC: stack overflow (segv) when - Xlog:gc+start=debug + JDK-8271142: package help is not displayed for missing X11/extensions/Xrandr.h + JDK-8271170: Add unit test for what jpackage app launcher puts in the environment + JDK-8271215: Fix data races in G1PeriodicGCTask + JDK-8271254: javac generates unreachable code when using empty semicolon statement + JDK-8271287: jdk/jshell/ fails with "lists don't have the same size expected" + JDK-8271308: (fc) FileChannel.transferTo() transfers no more than Integer.MAX_VALUE bytes in one call + JDK-8271315: Redo: Nimbus JTree renderer properties persist across L&F changes + JDK-8271323: [TESTBUG] serviceability/sa/ fails with -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1 + JDK-8271340: Crash PhaseIdealLoop::clone_outer_loop + JDK-8271341: Opcode() != Op_If && Opcode() != Op_RangeCheck) || outcnt() == 2 assert failure with + JDK-8271459: C2: Missing NegativeArraySizeException when creating StringBuilder with negative capacity + JDK-8271463: Updating RE Configs for Upcoming CPU Release 17.0.2 on master branch for jdk17u-cpu and jdk17u-cpu-open repos. + JDK-8271490: [ppc] [s390]: Crash in JavaThread::pd_get_top_frame_for_profiling + JDK-8271560: sun/security/ssl/DHKeyExchange/ / still fails due to "An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine" + JDK-8271567: AArch64: AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using vector instructions + JDK-8271600: C2: CheckCastPP which should closely follow Allocate is sunk of a loop + JDK-8271605: Update JMH devkit to 1.32 + JDK-8271718: Crash when during color transformation the color profile is replaced + JDK-8271722: [TESTBUG] gc/g1/ can fail if G1 Full GC uses >1 workers + JDK-8271855: [TESTBUG] Wrong weakCompareAndSet assumption in UnsafeIntrinsicsTest + JDK-8271862: C2 intrinsic for Reference.refersTo() is often not used + JDK-8271868: Warn user when using mac-sign option with unsigned app-image. + JDK-8271895: UnProblemList javax/swing/JComponent/7154030/ in JDK18 + JDK-8271954: C2: assert(false) failed: Bad graph detected in build_loop_late + JDK-8272047: java/nio/channels/FileChannel/ failed with Unexpected transfer size: 2147418112 + JDK-8272095: ProblemList java/nio/channels/FileChannel/ / on linux-aarch64 + JDK-8272114: Unused _last_state in osThread_windows + JDK-8272170: Missing memory barrier when checking active state for regions + JDK-8272305: several hotspot runtime/modules don't check exit codes + JDK-8272318: Improve performance of HeapDumpAllTest + JDK-8272328: java.library.path is not set properly by Windows jpackage app launcher + JDK-8272335: runtime/cds/appcds/ doesn't check exit codes + JDK-8272342: [TEST_BUG] java/awt/print/PrinterJob/ / catches all exceptions + JDK-8272345: macos doesn't check `os::set_boot_path()` result + JDK-8272369: java/io/File/ failed with "RuntimeException: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /run/user/0" + JDK-8272391: Undeleted debug information + JDK-8272413: Incorrect num of element count calculation for vector cast + JDK-8272473: Parsing epoch seconds at a DST transition with a non-UTC parser is wrong + JDK-8272562: C2: assert(false) failed: Bad graph detected in build_loop_late + JDK-8272570: C2: crash in PhaseCFG::global_code_motion + JDK-8272574: C2: assert(false) failed: Bad graph detected in build_loop_late + JDK-8272639: jpackaged applications using microphone on mac + JDK-8272703: StressSeed should be set via FLAG_SET_ERGO + JDK-8272720: Fix the implementation of loop unrolling heuristic with LoopPercentProfileLimit + JDK-8272783: Epsilon: Refactor tests to improve performance + JDK-8272836: Limit run time for java/lang/invoke/LFCaching tests + JDK-8272838: Move CriticalJNI tests out of tier1 + JDK-8272846: Move some runtime/Metaspace/elastic/ tests out of tier1 + JDK-8272850: Drop zapping values in the Zap* option descriptions + JDK-8272854: split runtime/CommandLine/ test + JDK-8272856: DoubleFlagWithIntegerValue uses G1GC-only flag + JDK-8272859: Javadoc external links should only have feature version number in URL + JDK-8272914: Create hotspot:tier2 and hotspot:tier3 test groups + JDK-8272970: Parallelize runtime/InvocationTests/ + JDK-8272973: Incorrect compile command used by TestIllegalArrayCopyBeforeInfiniteLoop + JDK-8273021: C2: Improve Add and Xor ideal optimizations + JDK-8273026: Slow LoginContext.login() on multi threading application + JDK-8273135: java/awt/color/ICC_ColorSpace/ / crashes in liblcms.dylib with NULLSeek+0x7 + JDK-8273165: GraphKit::combine_exception_states fails with "matching stack sizes" assert + JDK-8273176: handle latest VS2019 in abstract_vm_version + JDK-8273229: Update OS detection code to recognize Windows Server 2022 + JDK-8273234: extended 'for' with expression of type tvar causes the compiler to crash + JDK-8273235: tools/launcher/ Fails on Windows 32bit + JDK-8273278: Support XSLT on GraalVM Native Image--deterministic bytecode generation in XSLT + JDK-8273308: fails on CI + JDK-8273314: Add tier4 test groups + JDK-8273315: Parallelize and increase timeouts for java/foreign/ test + JDK-8273318: Some containers/docker/ configs are running out of memory + JDK-8273333: Zero should warn about unimplemented - XX:+LogTouchedMethods + JDK-8273335: compiler/blackhole tests should not run with interpreter-only VMs + JDK-8273342: Null pointer dereference in classFileParser.cpp:2817 + JDK-8273359: CI: ciInstanceKlass::get_canonical_holder() doesn't respect instance size + JDK-8273361: InfoOptsTest is failing in tier1 + JDK-8273373: Zero: Cannot invoke JVM in primordial threads on Zero + JDK-8273375: Remove redundant 'new String' calls after concatenation in java.desktop + JDK-8273376: Zero: Disable vtable/itableStub gtests + JDK-8273378: Shenandoah: Remove the remaining uses of os::is_MP + JDK-8273408: java.lang.AssertionError: typeSig ERROR on generated class property of record + JDK-8273416: C2: assert(false) failed: bad AD file after JDK-8252372 with UseSSE={0,1} + JDK-8273440: Zero: Disable runtime/Unsafe/ + JDK-8273450: Fix the copyright header of SVML files + JDK-8273451: Remove unreachable return in mutexLocker::wait + JDK-8273483: Zero: Clear pending JNI exception check in native method handler + JDK-8273486: Zero: Handle DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses VM option + JDK-8273487: Zero: Handle "zero" variant in runtime tests + JDK-8273489: Zero: Handle UseHeavyMonitors on all monitorenter paths + JDK-8273498: compiler/c2/ timed out + JDK-8273505: runtime/cds/appcds/loaderConstraints/ / crashed with SIGSEGV in MetaspaceShared::link_shared_classes + JDK-8273514: java/util/DoubleStreamSums/ failure + JDK-8273575: memory leak in appendBootClassPath(), paths must be deallocated + JDK-8273592: Backout JDK-8271868 + JDK-8273593: [REDO] Warn user when using mac-sign option with unsigned app-image. + JDK-8273595: tools/jpackage tests do not work on apt-based Linux distros like Debian + JDK-8273606: Zero: SPARC64 build fails with si_band type mismatch + JDK-8273614: Shenandoah: intermittent timeout with ConcurrentGCBreakpoint tests + JDK-8273638: javax/swing/JTable/4235420/ fails in GTK L&F + JDK-8273646: Add openssl from path variable also in to Default System Openssl Path in OpensslArtifactFetcher + JDK-8273678: TableAccessibility and TableRowAccessibility miss autorelease + JDK-8273695: Safepoint deadlock on VMOperation_lock + JDK-8273790: Potential cyclic dependencies between Gregorian and CalendarSystem + JDK-8273806: compiler/cpuflags/ should test for CPU feature explicitly + JDK-8273807: Zero: Drop incorrect test block from compiler/startup/ + JDK-8273808: Cleanup AddFontsToX11FontPath + JDK-8273826: Correct Manifest file name and NPE checks + JDK-8273887: [macos] java/awt/color/ICC_ColorSpace/ / timed out + JDK-8273894: ConcurrentModificationException raised every time ReferralsCache drops referral + JDK-8273902: Memory leak in OopStorage due to bug in OopHandle::release() + JDK-8273924: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException thrown in java.util.JapaneseImperialCalendar.add() + JDK-8273935: (zipfs) Files.getFileAttributeView() throws UOE instead of returning null when view not supported + JDK-8273958: gtest/MetaspaceGtests executes unnecessary tests in debug builds + JDK-8273961: jdk/nio/zipfs/ fails if file path contains '+' character + JDK-8273965: some testlibrary_tests/ir_framework tests fail when c1 disabled + JDK-8273968: JCK javax_xml tests fail in CI + JDK-8274056: JavaAccessibilityUtilities leaks JNI objects + JDK-8274074: SIGFPE with C2 compiled code with -XX:+StressGCM + JDK-8274083: Update testing docs to mention tiered testing + JDK-8274087: Windows DLL path not set correctly. + JDK-8274145: C2: condition incorrectly made redundant with dominating main loop exit condition + JDK-8274205: Handle KDC_ERR_SVC_UNAVAILABLE error code from KDC + JDK-8274215: Remove globalsignr2ca root from 17.0.2 + JDK-8274242: Implement fast-path for ASCII-compatible CharsetEncoders on x86 + JDK-8274265: Suspicious string concatenation in logTestUtils.inline.hpp + JDK-8274293: Build failure on macOS with Xcode 13.0 as vfork is deprecated + JDK-8274325: C4819 warning at vm_version_x86.cpp on Windows after JDK-8234160 + JDK-8274326: [macos] Ensure initialisation of sun/lwawt/ /macosx/CAccessibility in JavaComponentAccessibility.m + JDK-8274329: Fix non-portable HotSpot code in MethodMatcher::parse_method_pattern + JDK-8274338: com/sun/jdi/ failed "assert(m != __null) failed: NULL mirror" + JDK-8274347: Passing a *nested* switch expression as a parameter causes an NPE during compile + JDK-8274349: ForkJoinPool.commonPool() does not work with 1 CPU + JDK-8274381: missing CAccessibility definitions in JNI code + JDK-8274383: JNI call of getAccessibleSelection on a wrong thread + JDK-8274401: C2: GraphKit::load_array_element bypasses Access API + JDK-8274406: failed "assert(!LCA_orig->dominates(pred_block) || early->dominates(pred_block)) failed: early is high enough" + JDK-8274407: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2021c + JDK-8274435: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in BFSClosure::closure_impl + JDK-8274467: fails with tzdata2021b + JDK-8274468: fails with tzdata2021b + JDK-8274501: c2i entry barriers read int as long on AArch64 + JDK-8274521: jdk/jfr/event/gc/detailed/ fails when other GC is selected + JDK-8274522: java/lang/management/ManagementFactory/ / test fails with Shenandoah + JDK-8274523: java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/ / test should handle Shenandoah + JDK-8274550: c2i entry barriers read int as long on PPC + JDK-8274560: JFR: Add test for OldObjectSample event when using Shenandoah + JDK-8274606: Fix jaxp/javax/xml/jaxp/unittest/transform/ / test + JDK-8274642: jdk/jshell/ fails with NoSuchElementException after JDK-8271287 + JDK-8274716: JDWP Spec: the description for the Dispose command confuses suspend with resume. + JDK-8274736: Concurrent read/close of SSLSockets causes SSLSessions to be invalidated unnecessarily + JDK-8274770: [PPC64] resolve_jobject needs a generic implementation to support load barriers + JDK-8274773: [TESTBUG] UnsafeIntrinsicsTest intermittently fails on weak memory model platform + JDK-8274779: HttpURLConnection: HttpClient and HttpsClient incorrectly check request method when set to POST + JDK-8274840: Update OS detection code to recognize Windows 11 + JDK-8274848: LambdaMetaFactory::metafactory on REF_invokeSpecial impl method has incorrect behavior + JDK-8274851: [ppc64] Port zgc to linux on ppc64le + JDK-8274942: AssertionError at jdk.compiler/ + JDK-8275008: gtest build failure due to stringop-overflow warning with gcc11 + JDK-8275049: [ZGC] missing null check in ZNMethod::log_register + JDK-8275051: Shenandoah: Correct ordering of requested gc cause and gc request flag + JDK-8275071: [macos] A11y cursor gets stuck when combobox is closed + JDK-8275104: IR framework does not handle client VM builds correctly + JDK-8275110: Correct RE Configs for CPU Release 17.0.2 on master branch for jdk17u-cpu and jdk17u-cpu-open repos. + JDK-8275131: Exceptions after a touchpad gesture on macOS + JDK-8275141: recover corrupted line endings for the version-numbers.conf + JDK-8275145: file.encoding system property has an incorrect value on Windows + JDK-8275226: Shenandoah: Relax memory constraint for worker claiming tasks/ranges + JDK-8275302: unexpected compiler error: cast, intersection types and sealed + JDK-8275426: PretouchTask num_chunks calculation can overflow + JDK-8275604: Zero: Reformat opclabels_data + JDK-8275666: serviceability/jvmti/ shouldn't have vm.flagless + JDK-8275703: System.loadLibrary fails on Big Sur for libraries hidden from filesystem + JDK-8275720: CommonComponentAccessibility.createWithParent isWrapped causes mem leak + JDK-8275766: (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2021e + JDK-8275809: crash in [CommonComponentAccessibility getCAccessible:withEnv:] + JDK-8275811: Incorrect instance to dispose + JDK-8275819: [TableRowAccessibility accessibilityChildren] method is ineffective + JDK-8275849: fails with tzdata2021e + JDK-8275863: Use encodeASCII for ASCII-compatible DoubleByte encodings + JDK-8275872: Sync J2DBench run and analyze Makefile targets with build.xml + JDK-8276025: Hotspot's may conflict with user dependency + JDK-8276066: Reset LoopPercentProfileLimit for x86 due to suboptimal performance + JDK-8276076: Updating RE Configs for BUILD REQUEST 17.0.2+3 + JDK-8276105: C2: Conv(D|F)2(I|L)Nodes::Ideal should handle rounding correctly + JDK-8276112: Inconsistent scalar replacement debug info at safepoints + JDK-8276122: Change openjdk project in jcheck to jdk-updates + JDK-8276130: Fix Github Actions of JDK17u to account for update version scheme + JDK-8276139: not reliable, better to expand test + JDK-8276157: C2: Compiler stack overflow during escape analysis on Linux x86_32 + JDK-8276201: Shenandoah: Race results degenerated GC to enter wrong entry point + JDK-8276205: Shenandoah: CodeCache_lock should always be held for initializing code cache iteration + JDK-8276306: jdk/jshell/ fails intermittently on storage acquisition + JDK-8276536: Update TimeZoneNames files to follow the changes made by JDK-8275766 + JDK-8276550: Use SHA256 hash in + JDK-8276572: Fake library causes tooling issues + JDK-8276774: Cookie stored in CookieHandler not sent if user headers contain cookie + JDK-8276801: gc/stress/ fails intermittently with Shenandoah + JDK-8276805: java/awt/print/PrinterJob/ fails due to disabled SecurityManager + JDK-8276845: (fs) java/nio/file/spi/ fails on x86_32 + JDK-8276846: JDK-8273416 is incomplete for UseSSE=1 + JDK-8276854: Windows GHA builds fail due to broken Cygwin + JDK-8276864: Update boot JDKs to 17.0.1 in GHA + JDK-8276905: Use appropriate macosx_version_minimum value while compiling metal shaders + JDK-8276927: [ppc64] Port shenandoahgc to linux on ppc64le + JDK-8277029: JMM GetDiagnosticXXXInfo APIs should verify output array sizes + JDK-8277093: Vector should throw ClassNotFoundException for a missing class of an element + JDK-8277159: Fix java/nio/file/FileStore/ test by ignoring /run/user/* mount points + JDK-8277195: missing CAccessibility definition in [CommonComponentAccessibility accessibilityHitTest] + JDK-8277212: GC accidentally cleans valid megamorphic vtable inline caches + JDK-8277224: throws NPE + JDK-8277529: SIGSEGV in C2 CompilerThread Node::rematerialize() compiling Packet::readUnsignedTrint + JDK-8277981: String Deduplication table is never cleaned up due to bad dead_factor_for_cleanup - Modified patch: * fips.patch + Rediff to changed context- Modified patch: * fips.patch + return in native code after generating Modified patches: * PStack-808293.patch * adlc-parser.patch * alternative-tzdb_dat.patch * disable-doclint-by-default.patch * java-atk-wrapper-security.patch * jaw-jdk10.patch * jaw-misc.patch * loadAssistiveTechnologies.patch * memory-limits.patch * multiple-pkcs11-library-init.patch * ppc_stack_overflow_fix.patch * system-crypto-policy.patch * system-pcsclite.patch * zero-ranges.patch + Rediff to apply all hunks without shifts * fips.patch + Fix unused function compiler warning found in systemconf.c + Allow plain key import- Update to upstream tag jdk-17.0.1+12 (October 2021 CPU) * Security fixes + JDK-8263314: Enhance XML Dsig modes + JDK-8265167, CVE-2021-35556, bsc#1191910: Richer Text Editors + JDK-8265574: Improve handling of sheets + JDK-8265580, CVE-2021-35559, bsc#1191911: Enhanced style for RTF kit + JDK-8265776: Improve Stream handling for SSL + JDK-8266097, CVE-2021-35561, bsc#1191912: Better hashing support + JDK-8266103: Better specified spec values + JDK-8266109: More Resilient Classloading + JDK-8266115: More Manifest Jar Loading + JDK-8266137, CVE-2021-35564, bsc#1191913: Improve Keystore integrity + JDK-8266689, CVE-2021-35567, bsc#1191903: More Constrained Delegation + JDK-8267086: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in + JDK-8267712: Better LDAP reference processing + JDK-8267729, CVE-2021-35578, bsc#1191904: Improve TLS client handshaking + JDK-8267735, CVE-2021-35586, bsc#1191914: Better BMP support + JDK-8268199: Correct certificate requests + JDK-8268205: Enhance DTLS client handshake + JDK-8268506: More Manifest Digests + JDK-8269618, CVE-2021-35603, bsc#1191906: Better session identification + JDK-8269624: Enhance method selection support + JDK-8270398: Enhance canonicalization + JDK-8270404: Better canonicalization * Other changes: + JDK-8225082: Remove IdenTrust certificate that is expiring in September 2021 + JDK-8225083: Remove Google certificate that is expiring in December 2021 + JDK-8243543: jtreg test security/infra/java/security/cert/ /CertPathValidator/certification/ fails + JDK-8248899: security/infra/java/security/cert/ /CertPathValidator/certification/ fails, Certificate has been revoked + JDK-8261088: Repeatable annotations without @Target cannot have containers that target module declarations + JDK-8262731: [macOS] Exception from "Printable.print" is swallowed during "PrinterJob.print" + JDK-8263531: Remove unused buffer int + JDK-8266182: Automate manual steps listed in the test jdk/sun/security/pkcs12/ + JDK-8267625: AARCH64: typo in LIR_Assembler::emit_profile_type + JDK-8267666: Add option to jcmd GC.heap_dump to use existing file + JDK-8268019: C2: assert(no_dead_loop) failed: dead loop detected + JDK-8268261: C2: assert(n != __null) failed: Bad immediate dominator info. + JDK-8268427: Improve AlgorithmConstraints:checkAlgorithm performance + JDK-8268500: Better specified ParameterSpecs + JDK-8268963: [IR Framework] Some default regexes matching on PrintOptoAssembly in do not work on all platforms + JDK-8269297: Bump version numbers for JDK 17.0.1 + JDK-8269478: Shenandoah: gc/shenandoah/mxbeans tests should be more resilient + JDK-8269574: C2: Avoid redundant uncommon traps in GraphKit::builtin_throw() for JVMTI exception events + JDK-8269763: The JEditorPane is blank after JDK-8265167 + JDK-8269851: OperatingSystemMXBean getProcessCpuLoad reports incorrect process cpu usage in containers + JDK-8269882: stack-use-after-scope in NewObjectA + JDK-8269897: Shenandoah: Resolve UNKNOWN access strength, where possible + JDK-8269934: failed with EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in java_lang_Thread::get_thread_status + JDK-8269993: [Test]: java/net/httpclient/ / contains redundant @run tags + JDK-8270094: Shenandoah: Provide human-readable labels for test configurations + JDK-8270096: Shenandoah: Optimize gc/shenandoah/ for interpreter mode + JDK-8270098: ZGC: ZBarrierSetC2::clone_at_expansion fails with "Guard against surprises" assert + JDK-8270137: Kerberos Credential Retrieval from Cache not Working in Cross-Realm Setup + JDK-8270280: security/infra/java/security/cert/ /CertPathValidator/certification/ OCSP response error + JDK-8270344: Session resumption errors + JDK-8271203: C2: assert(iff->Opcode() == Op_If || iff->Opcode() == Op_CountedLoopEnd || iff->Opcode() == Op_RangeCheck) failed: Check this code when new subtype is added + JDK-8271276: C2: Wrong JVM state used for receiver null check + JDK-8271335: Updating RE Configs for BUILD REQUEST 17.0.1+4 + JDK-8271589: fatal error with variable shift count integer rotate operation. + JDK-8271723: Unproblemlist runtime/InvocationTests/ + JDK-8271730: Client authentication using RSASSA-PSS fails after correct certificate requests + JDK-8271925: ZGC: Arraycopy stub passes invalid oop to load barrier + JDK-8272124: Cgroup v1 initialization causes NullPointerException when cgroup path contains colon + JDK-8272131: PhaseMacroExpand::generate_slow_arraycopy crash when clone null CallProjections.fallthrough_ioproj + JDK-8272326: java/util/Random/ had two Gaussian fails + JDK-8272332: --with-harfbuzz=system doesn't add -lharfbuzz after JDK-8255790 + JDK-8272472: StackGuardPages test doesn't build with glibc 2.34 + JDK-8272581: sun/security/pkcs11/Provider/ fails after JDK-8266182 + JDK-8272602: [macos] not all KEY_PRESSED events sent when control modifier is used + JDK-8272700: [macos] Build failure with Xcode 13.0 after JDK-8264848 + JDK-8272708: [Test]: Cleanup: test/jdk/security/infra/java/ /security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/ no longer needs ocspEnabled + JDK-8272806: [macOS] "Apple AWT Internal Exception" when input method is changed + JDK-8273150: Revert "8225083: Remove Google certificate that is expiring in December 2021" + JDK-8273358: macOS Monterey does not have the font Times needed by Serif - Remove the unneeded icedtea-sound provider - Removed patches: * icedtea-sound-1.0.1-jdk9.patch * icedtea-sound-soundproperties.patch + not needed since the icedtea-sound provider is removed * harfbuzz-libs.patch * openjdk-glibc234.patch + integrated upstream- Added patch: * openjdk-glibc234.patch + fix build with glibc-2.34 (bsc#1189201)- Added patch: * fips.patch + implement FIPS support in OpenJDK- jdk-17+35 is official release of OpenJDK 17 (jsc#SLE-18742)- Modified patch: * nss-security-provider.patch + revert recent changes making NSS provider the default one + fixes bsc#1190252- Initial release of the last release candidate of OpenJDK 17, the next LTS release of OpenJDK * Features: + JEP-306: Restore Always-Strict Floating-Point Semantics + JEP-356: Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators + JEP-382: New macOS Rendering Pipeline + JEP-391: macOS/AArch64 Port + JEP-398: Deprecate the Applet API for Removal + JEP-403: Strongly Encapsulate JDK Internals + JEP-406: Pattern Matching for switch (Preview) + JEP-407: Remove RMI Activation + JEP-409: Sealed Classes + JEP-410: Remove the Experimental AOT and JIT Compiler + JEP-411: Deprecate the Security Manager for Removal + JEP-412: Foreign Function & Memory API (Incubator) + JEP-414: Vector API (Second Incubator) + JEP-415: Context-Specific Deserialization Filters/bin/sh/bin/shs390zp39 1721300493  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGH17. java-17-openjdkbinjarjarsignerjavacjavadocjavapjcmdjconsolejdbjdeprscanjdepsjimagejinfojlinkjmapjmodjpackagejpsjrunscriptjshelljstackjstatjstatdserialverincludeclassfile_constants.hjawt.hjdwpTransport.hjni.hjvmti.hjvmticmlr.hlinuxjawt_md.hjni_md.hlibct.symlibattach.sotapsethotspot-17.stphotspot_gc-17.stphotspot_jni-17.stpjstack-17.stpjar-java-17-openjdk.1.gzjarsigner-java-17-openjdk.1.gzjavac-java-17-openjdk.1.gzjavadoc-java-17-openjdk.1.gzjavap-java-17-openjdk.1.gzjcmd-java-17-openjdk.1.gzjconsole-java-17-openjdk.1.gzjdb-java-17-openjdk.1.gzjdeprscan-java-17-openjdk.1.gzjdeps-java-17-openjdk.1.gzjinfo-java-17-openjdk.1.gzjlink-java-17-openjdk.1.gzjmap-java-17-openjdk.1.gzjmod-java-17-openjdk.1.gzjpackage-java-17-openjdk.1.gzjps-java-17-openjdk.1.gzjrunscript-java-17-openjdk.1.gzjshell-java-17-openjdk.1.gzjstack-java-17-openjdk.1.gzjstat-java-17-openjdk.1.gzjstatd-java-17-openjdk.1.gzserialver-java-17-openjdk.1.gzsystemtaptapsets390xhotspot-17.stphotspot_gc-17.stphotspot_jni-17.stpjstack-17.stp/usr/lib64/jvm//usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk-17//usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk-17/bin//usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk-17/include//usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk-17/include/linux//usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk-17/lib//usr/lib64/jvm/java-17-openjdk-17/tapset//usr/share/man/man1//usr/share//usr/share/systemtap//usr/share/systemtap/tapset//usr/share/systemtap/tapset/s390x/-fmessage-length=0 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// directoryELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=8768cca58ec81cdd432f0c78dbd4bde4096d1897, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=b67ada4a153713a95b3e2f019662c67240109a31, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=e0bc15d6bceb7ac8bd13c59627b5001a392ac3c6, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=d0af32b3f9e3a37966b9a447be1f73c0fa9af3c6, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=da0b587477aed3b1361ae85b76e942870f7b9074, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=3dbf6c555f20fbdff9c4018c2b7dd04fec0caef2, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=7a54b66119955c84bc96c87ec86133bc330e38ab, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=e8cbb0ae0bf2036be6684302b3f59e3c5810a71a, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=3e9c7bdc8cd0bf940632fd236869bdd9695714f1, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=b77b55243d21f7dc481bfc68ad2aca945f8deb06, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=bd161ba802d49f12f98f2a5ceacd98e858f20b05, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=6246309dc8333bc2d784e4d5949e964eb7d5c0f0, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=a96695dfd0161e97cf034ab54fa90c54b18db906, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=07cb574f0249322fb1a8722180de356aea926cdd, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=a2e04916e957d09c2c5d2f0a03bed0f690081840, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=bb666c1581ff40fab0a3e336b0d4a8f461301d68, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=11161e558558d36c4f3b8c1d5fac7760cd960ee9, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=fab41afe40a717f348dfe5d4fa9f172cee76a27c, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=29bdafebd131f30d4801ff37bde170b7e6db9d28, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=cd5924092c626f472f08e2cc8235e5280bb0b26f, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=ae1ad30eb6b3b4e12836047d3027f54df5a87c66, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=92b18d2b68a7d968b2bfb5a98543b118c7455d17, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=c1b022f106e936d1902328450b08104a8f00b7da, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedC source, ASCII textC++ source, ASCII textgzip ERROR: Stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored (Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract)ELF 64-bit MSB shared object, IBM S/390, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=58587d16d20be635752912e83ccaf4f3e8904491, strippedASCII texttroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix) !$'*-0369<?BERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRP RRRŔYYy( \utf-8b022e457ca8be9343136f78c30c60dcbd5e9026268ea52c0bee9df204d6af99f?7zXZ 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