libyui-qt-pkg16-4.5.3-150500.3.7.9<>,H$fjp9|?ĩHy'|h%;a5~ |[g@yW(%ymtɞ64d-L+pD;c!(cf#P2>wz*gh1*'~ScKx. "n*'+Z$27hjc[DЀ75#IΘ?Έd % B  28@\ j x   Hd$d$ $hl~(8u9`u:)u>@B&F>GXHtIɐXɘYɰZ[0\T]p^b<cdteyf|l~u̔v̰w`x|y͘z78<B΄Clibyui-qt-pkg164.5.3150500.3.7.9Libyui - Qt package selectorThis package contains the Qt package selector component for libyui.fjh02-armsrv3SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only큤fjfjfjfjfjfjfj5e07122b24441 @@    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/> bb?b@bX bX b0b ba aaaaqV@an@amaaim@af@a$@a $@``r`!@`8@````@`@`e@`x*`v@`u`n@`lM@`Q@`KW`Gc@`7@`3`*b@`*b@`*b@`*b@`*b@`*b@`%@`%@`#``@`@`@`@`@`@`@`@`@`@_@_0@_@___G@___@_@_@_#_@_F@_]@_"_9_9_9_P_P_P_P_P_P_P_P_~@_u_ts@_cO_a@_a@_H_G@_3_2@_2@_2@_2@_2@_2@_2@_2@_2@_$_c^(@^(@^(@^3^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^V@^^^^@^@^x^2^|@^y@^y@^y@^J@^J@^J@^J@^;^:@^*@^)^(9@^!^ P@^@]]f@]]q]q]}@]}@]@]]]]7@]7@]]]@]@]@]߶]߶]߶]*]A]A]@]M@]@]@]µ]]]@]W]c@]z@]z@]@]@]]m]@]@]@]{]z3@]z3@]z3@]rJ@]p]m@]@]@] ] ] ]@\"\@\s@\s@\s@\@\@\f\f\@\@\@\@\}\,@\,@\\\@\v{\eX@\73\@\@\@\@\\@\[[_[[[@[@[Ѱ@[ @[ @[@[:@[{[{[{[{[{[z@[^[[ 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Version bump to 4.5.3 to fix master branch accidentially having been submitted to SLE-15-SP5 by CI for some versions (master is now 4.6.0 already, so there is no version clash)- NCurses UI: Prevent buffer overflow when drawing very wide labels (bsc#1211354) - 4.4.12- Qt UI: Fixed regression for icon loading (bsc#1210712) - 4.4.11- Qt UI: Fixed loading icons from an absolute path (bsc#1210591) - 4.4.10- Fixed build with GCC13 (-Woverloaded-virtual) (bsc#1208238) - build-all: Don't build bindings with --small (-s) - More docs for YShortcutManager (FAQ for our QA) - Merged PR #88 from krai: libyui-ncurses: Replace off64_t with off_t and stat64 with stat - 4.4.9- NCurses REST API - fixed RunInTerminal behavior (bsc#1206929) Stop the REST API server during execution of the RunInTerminal() call. This allows the subprocess to open it's own REST API server using the same port. This is useful for the ncurses YaST control center which starts other YaST modules as subprocesses. - 4.4.8- YQPkg: Scroll patterns list by pixels, not by item to avoid problems caused by non-uniform item heights (bsc#1189550) - 4.4.7- Prevent antisocial focus grabbing in pkg list (bsc#1204429) - 4.4.6- Fixed build failure with gcc 13 (gh#libyui/libyui/#80) - Killed YCP zombies in log output and comments - 4.4.5- Fixed main window stacking order in YQMainWinDock to avoid unintentional transparency when QSS-styling YQDialogs (bsc#1199020, bsc#1191112) - 4.4.4- *-pkg plugins: fully qualify the _1 placeholder, libzypp will disable the global boost placeholders in the next release (bsc#1202058, gh#libyui/libyui#78) - 4.4.3- libyui-ncurses: replace the "glibc-locale" dependency with much smaller "glibc-locale-base" (bsc#1154405) - 4.4.2- Added a custom QTranslator for translations support for Qt Designer .ui files (bsc#1198097) - Renamed .ui files and toplevel classes in .ui files to conform to our naming standards (QY2*, YQ*) to avoid ambiguities with predefined Qt classes to work with our new custom QTranslator - Added TEXTDOMAIN file to support .ui files in y2makepot (@lslezak) - 4.4.1- Added dynamic property first-item to YQItemSelector and YQCustomStatusItemSelector for QSS styling (bsc#1196599) see also - 4.4.0- Reviewed and merged pending community PRs: - Perl bindings build error fix by Angelo Naselli - Ruby bindings with libyui-mga by Angelo Naselli - Typo fix in rest-api examples by George Gkioulis - Missing examples header fix by James.W - Fixed release notes dialog in YQWizard clearing content on click (bsc#1195158) - Documented the different ways of displaying release notes in the UI - 4.3.3- Update also the stylesheet (theme) for the RichText content when changing the UI theme (bsc#1196296) - 4.3.2- Made widget style sheet (theme) switching discoverable in the Qt UI: Added an icon button to YQWizard (jsc#SLE-20564, bsc#1195730) More info + screenshots: - Fixed Qt warning in y2log: QFrame '' already has a layout - 4.3.1- Added widget style sheet (theme) switching to Qt UI (jsc#SLE-20564) with the Shift-F3 key combination More info + screenshots: - Added UI built-in UI.AskForWidgetStyle() - Added UI capability HasWidgetStyleSupport (for UI.GetDisplayInfo()) - Bumped SO version to 16 - Fixed gcc 12 warnings (GitHub issue #63) (elevated to error by -Werror) - 4.3.0- Fix deprecated warning (elevated to error by -Werror) for libmicrohttpd's MHD_HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY in rest-api (bsc#1193956) - 4.2.24- Fixed YQPkg button redraw problem in dark SLE installation theme: Use centered button in dialogs with QSizeGrip (bsc#1193808) - 4.2.23- Send a proper notify event from the YMultiSelectionBox widget when checking a check box via the REST API (bsc#1192574) - 4.2.22- ncurses: Fix sorting tables by strings (jsc#SLE-17782) - 4.2.21- Use the C++17 standard in the *-pkg plugins (libzypp uses that standard by default) (related to bsc#1191829) - 4.2.20- Fixed crash in NCurses online update when retracted packages are present (bsc#1191130) - 4.2.19- Add debug_label as filter and improve error handling (bsc#1174390) - 4.2.18- Fixed empty entries in YQPackageSelector Zypp history window (bsc#1191430) - Added missing textdomain (bsc#1190805) - 4.2.17- Fixed using an uninitialized variable, in some situations the patch category could be missing in the Qt UI (bsc#1174390) - 4.2.16- Fixed displaying empty help text or empty release notes in ncurses UI (the real cause of bsc#972548) - 4.2.15- rest-api: When finding table items by cell value, ignore BiDi control chars (bsc#1128091) - 4.2.14- Fixed build failure with latest GCC 11.1: Added operator delete as counterpart to our custom operator new in YWidget (bsc#1186741) - 4.2.13- Greatly improved visual appearance of tab widgets in the Qt UI (bsc #1186705, GitHub issue #20) - 4.2.12- rest-api: fix crash when switching tabs (bsc#1185746) - 4.2.11- Added pkgconfig files for libyui-qt and libyui-ncurses for writing extensions of the Qt and NCurses plug-ins (GitHub issue #9 / bsc#1139747) - 4.2.10- Ignore ampersand when search item in YMenuWidget and YDumbTab with rest-api (bsc#1139747) - 4.2.9- Fixed license headers to use the correct license (LGPL) everywhere (bsc#1185443) - 4.2.8- Auto-publish C++ API docs (libyui base lib doxygen autodocs) as GitHub pages when a PR to master is merged (part of bsc#1181653) Doc URL: - 4.2.7- Moved CI scripts into new subdir scripts/ to unclutter toplevel dir (part of bsc#1181653) - Renamed ambiguously named script to - 4.2.6- Added reference to autodocs (C++ API doc) and more docs (part of bsc#1181653) - 4.2.5- Added support for $CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX for alternate installation dir either as -D on the cmake command line or in the environment (gh#14, part of bsc#1181653) - 4.2.4- Added toplevel build-all script (part of bsc#1181653) - Revamped toplevel - Create local include dirs at cmake time to avoid root ownership after "make install" - 4.2.3- Adjust documentation url in libyui-rest-api for the new project structure (bsc#1184363) - 4.2.2- Cleaned up cmake build environment (part of bsc#1181653): - Removed obsolete old .spec and .changes files in each subdir (now in toplevel package/ subdir) - Removed artificial "install-doc" make target now that the -doc subpackages are dropped - 4.2.1- Obsolete older -doc packages in all main packages that have them to prevent outdated -doc packages being installed (bsc#1184363) - 4.2.0- Remove background opacity from libyui-qt-pkg icons (bsc#1183519) - 4.1.2- Add the missing transparency to the folder-temp.svg icon (bsc#1183449). - 4.1.1- New packaging system. - From now on, libyui subpackages are built inside the libyui OBS package. - The affected packages are: libyui-qt, libyui-qt-graph, libyui-qt-pkg, libyui-ncurses, libyui-ncurses-pkg, libyui-rest-api, libyui-qt-rest-api, libyui-ncurses-rest-api, libyui-bindings. - 4.1.0- Removed dependency on Xlib (bsc#1182663) - 4.0.3- Fixed segfault in disk usage list: Removed code for disabled columns completely (bsc#1182555) - 4.0.2- Adapted to new libyui cmake build environment (bsc#1181653) - Renamed Makefile.cvs to Makefile.repo - 4.0.0- Require libyui-ncurses (bsc#1181653) - 4.0.1- Require libyui-ncurses (bsc#1181653) - 4.0.1- Require libyui-qt (bsc#1181653) - 4.0.1- Require libyui-qt (bsc#1181653) - 4.0.1- Require libyui-qt (bsc#1181653) - 4.0.1- Added `Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C` keyboard shortcuts for starting special configuration console (jsc#PM-1895, jsc#SLE-16263) - 4.0.1- Added keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl-D Shift-G - start the debugger Ctrl-D Shift-C - start the configuration console (jsc#PM-1895, jsc#SLE-16263) - CMake fix: do not create the include/yui symlink if it already exists - 4.0.2- Added YSpecialKeyEvent to allow sending a special keyboard shortcut for configuring the application (jsc#PM-1895, jsc#SLE-16263) - Added File->Close menu item in the dialog inspector (it was not possible to close the inspector when opened during installation) - Require newer cmake (3.17+, version 3.10 is not enough) - 4.0.1- In tables with nested items, only open/close branches with [Space], don't also send an "Activated" event (bsc#1181789) - 4.0.1- New CMake build environment (bsc#1181653) - Bumped SO version to 15 - 4.0.0- New CMake build environment (bsc#1181653) - Bumped SO version to 15 - 4.0.0- New CMake build environment (bsc#1181653) - Bumped SO version to 15 - 4.0.0- New CMake build environment (bsc#1181653) - Bumped SO version to 15 - 4.0.0- New CMake build environment (bsc#1181653) - Bumped SO version to 15 - 4.0.0- New CMake build environment (bsc#1181653) - Bumped SO version to 15 - 4.0.0- New CMake build environment (bsc#1181653) - Bumped SO version to 15 - 4.0.0- New CMake build environment (bsc#1181653) - Bumped SO version to 15 - 4.0.0- New CMake build environment (bsc#1181653) - Bumped SO version to 15 - 4.0.0- Block processing the idle loop after calling the closeUI() method (bsc#1181647) The terminal was actually still used by the UI after that call and there was a race condition if the started application after the call also used the terminal. - 2.57.3- Fixed build against the latest libmicrohttpd library (related to bsc#1173718) - 0.5.12- Add folder-temp icon (related to jsc#SLE-16313). - 2.56.4- Create structure to move handlers to separate classes (bsc#1132247) - 0.2.3- Add activation for YTable (bsc#1139747) - Create structure to move handlers to separate classes - 0.2.4- Add activation for YTable (bsc#1139747) - Create structure to move handlers to separate classes - 0.5.11- Fixed OBS-only changes by kkaempf vs. Git master conflicts - Removed kkaempf's libyui-bindings-2.0.2.patch (now included in mvidner's latest commits for 2.1.0) - 2.1.1- Add activation for Radiobutton (bsc#1139747) - 0.2.3- Add activation for Radiobutton (bsc#1139747) - 0.5.10- Fix text and icon overlapping in the pattern header (boo#1176530) - Improve layout of pattern headers - 2.48.5- Added new widgets: YMenuBar, YItemSelector (bsc#1175115) - 2.1.0- Add support for the child items in the table (bsc#1139747) - 0.5.9- Honor menu bar toplevel menu enabled/disabled and visibility state (boo#1178394 again) - 2.56.3- Higher priority for toplevel menu shortcuts (bsc#1175489) - Dropped support for openSUSE 13.2 (or earlier) builds in .spec file - 3.12.2- Honor menu item enabled/disabled state when rebuilding menu item tree (e.g. after keyboard shortcut change) (boo#1178394) - 2.56.2- Explicitly set item and line index in NCMultiSelectionBox and NCSelectionBox (bsc#1177982, bsc#1177985) - 2.57.2- Do not set json value to nullptr when YCheckBoxState is YCheckBox_dont_care (bsc#1139747) - 0.5.8- Fixed menu hotkeys (bsc#1177760) - 2.57.1- Added support for OpenItems property for (nested) tables (bsc#1176402) - 2.56.1- Added support for OpenItems property for (nested) tables (bsc#1176402) - 3.12.1- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1176402). - 0.2.2- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1176402). - 0.2.2- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1176402). - 0.5.7- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1176402). - 2.46.6- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1176402). - 2.48.4- Adapt code to changes for nested tables. - Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1176402). - 2.50.10- Resolve hotkeys conflicts for widgets with multiple hotkeys. - Activate the menu hotkeys without using the ALT key. - Close a menu by using BACKSPACE. - Allow to use hotkeys to jump between menus. - Related to bsc#1175489 - Allow to show/hide menus and menu items (related to manatools/libyui-mga#1). - Allow nested items in tables (bsc#1176402). - Bumped SO version to 14. - 2.57.0- Resolve hotkeys conflicts for widgets with multiple hotkeys (related to bsc#1175489). - Allow to show/hide menus and menu items (related to manatools/libyui-mga#1). - Allow nested items in tables (bsc#1176402). - Bumped SO version to 14. - 2.56.0- Resolve hotkeys conflicts for widgets with multiple hotkeys (related to bsc#1175489). - Allow to show/hide menus and menu items (related to manatools/libyui-mga#1). - Allow nested items in tables (bsc#1176402). - Bumped SO version to 14. - 3.12.0- Remove log component from YHttpWidgetsActionHandler header file bsc#1177159 - 0.5.6- fix Factory build, add libyui-bindings-2.0.2.patch - move to python3-only build- Add item selection in YMenuBar (bsc#1175115) - 0.5.5- Hide heading of the dialog when no title is defined. - Related to bsc#1175489. - 2.55.0- Fixed compilation in SLE15-SP2 (related to the previous fix bsc#1139747) - 0.5.4- Serialize value for YDateField and YTimeField (bsc#1139747) - 0.5.3- Fix changing a single cell in a sorted table (bsc#1165388, bsc#1174615) - 2.56.2- Handle hot-keys for top level menu options. - Related to bsc#1175115. - 2.56.1- Add MenuBar widget (bsc#1175115). - Bump SO version to 13. - 2.56.0- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1175115) - 0.2.1- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1175115) - 2.50.9- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1175115) - 0.2.1- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1175115) - 2.46.5- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1175115) - 2.48.3- Added MenuBar widget (bsc#1175115) - Bumped SO version to 13 - 2.54.0- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1175115) - 0.5.2- Added MenuBar widget (bsc#1175115) - Bumped SO version to 13 - 3.11.0- Fix build by porting NCURSES_CXX_IMPEXP from upstream (bsc#1174759). - 2.55.1- Handle MHD result as int or enum depending on libmicrohttpd version (libmicrohttpd>=0.9.71 uses enum) - 0.5.1- Trigger update on YCombobox, YSelectionBox, YInputField, YMultiSelectionBox (bsc#1139747) - Add support for YDateField and YTimeField - Allow setting text in editable YComboBox - Allow selecting row in the table by row id - Return json format consistently - Add support for YCheckBoxFrame widget - Allow reusing port if YUI_REUSE_PORT=1 - Add json serialization for YBarGraph - 0.5.0- Trigger update on YCombobox, YSelectionBox, YInputField, YMultiSelectionBox (bsc#1139747) - Add support for YDateField and YTimeField - Add support for YCheckBoxFrame - 0.2.0- Trigger update on YCombobox, YSelectionBox, YInputField, YMultiSelectionBox (bsc#1139747) - Add support for YDateField and YTimeField - Add support for YCheckBoxFrame - 0.2.0- Make itemAt method public for YSelectionWidget (bsc#1132247) - 3.10.1- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1172513) - 0.1.2- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1172513) - 0.1.2- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1172513) - 2.50.8- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1172513) - 2.46.4- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1172513) - 2.48.2- Use new parent lib SO version (bsc#1172513) - 0.4.1- Added autoWrap to label widget (bsc#1172513) - Bumped SO version to 12 - 2.55.0- Added autoWrap to label widget (bsc#1172513) - Bumped SO version to 12 - 2.53.0- Added autoWrap to label widget (bsc#1172513) - Bumped SO version to 12 - 3.10.0- Fix ruby bindings when build as non-gem (bsc#1172158) - 2.0.2- Modify spec file to build python3 package - 2.0.1- Fixed compatibility with older (pre-5.15) Qt versions (bsc#1165118) - 2.48.1- Fixed build failures with older Qt versions (pre-5.15) (bsc#1165118) - 2.52.4- Allow vendor change also for distribution upgrade (bsc#1170521) - 2.50.7- allow to move graph by dragging mouse (bsc#1171865) - 2.46.3- Allow vendor change also for distribution upgrade (bsc#1170521) - 2.48.0- handle multi-line labels (bsc#1171700) - 2.46.2- Fixed Qt 5.15-Beta2 deprecated warnings (bsc#1165118) - 2.47.5- Fixed Qt 5.15 deprecated warnings (bsc#1165118) - 2.46.1- Fixed Qt 5.15 deprecated warnings (bsc#1165118) - 2.47.4- Fixed Qt 5.15 deprecated warnings (bsc#1165118) - 2.52.3- Added missing gettext init (bsc#1163586) - 2.52.2- Removed obsolete old RPM group tags (bsc#1163594) - 3.9.3- Removed leftovers of dropping support for RPM group tags (bsc#1163594) - 2.50.6- Removed leftovers of dropping support for RPM group tags (bsc#1163594) - 2.47.3- Ask user for confirmation for retracted packages (bsc#1162145) - 2.50.5- Replace hard-coded HTML documentation with the url to the actual documentation in project repo - Add "/version" endpoint to access to API version - Use /v1/ prefix in URL path while accessing resources - 0.4.0- bsc#1154694 - do not crash UI when terminal window is too tight for table - 2.54.5- Add an option to include a "Search Online" option in the package selector (jsc#SLE-9109). - 2.50.4- Handle retracted packages (jsc#SLE-11211) - 2.50.3- Add an option to include a "Search Online" option in the package selector (jsc#SLE-9109). - 3.9.2- Add an Online Search option to the Extras menu (jsc#SLE-9109). - 2.47.2- Handle retracted packages (jsc#SLE-11211) - 2.47.1- handle new sort-key when sorting tables (bsc#1140018) - 2.52.1- handle new sort-key when sorting tables (bsc#1140018) - 2.54.4- added sort key to table cell (bsc#1140018) - 3.9.1- update selected item in table when changing sorting only if multiselection mode is off (bsc#1159098) - 2.54.3- sort new table content (unless keep-sorting flag is set) (part of bsc#1140018 and part of #1159177) - update selected item in table when changing sorting (bsc#1159098) - 2.54.2- adapted to changes in libyui-ncurses (needed for bsc#1159177) - 2.50.2- save flag for reverse sorting in SortStrategyBase (needed for bsc#1159177) - 2.54.1- Added multiversion package list to the package classification filter (related to the bsc#1155132) - 2.50.1- Increase SO version to 11 (bsc#1132247) - 2.46.0- Increase SO version to 11 (bsc#1132247) - 2.50.0- Increase SO version to 11 (bsc#1132247) - 2.47.0- Partially restore the "Package Groups" view, display only special package groups (orphaned, unneeded, multiversion,... packages) (bsc#1155132) - 2.46.11- Add support to operate on many widgets with rest-api (bsc#1132247) - Increase SO version to 11 - 2.52.0- Added a banner on the upper/right side of the YaST layout. The label can be set by the environment variable YAST_BANNER (jsc#SLE-9424). - 2.51.7- Do not require graphviz-devel for the doc package (bsc#1157916) - 2.45.5- Add support to operate on many widgets with rest-api (bsc#1132247) - Support column index when selecting a row - Update documentation - Increase SO version to 11 - 0.3.0- Add support to operate on many widgets with rest-api (bsc#1132247) - Increase SO version to 11 - 2.54.0- Add support to operate on many widgets with rest-api (bsc#1132247) - Increase SO version to 11 - 3.9.0- Respect backslashes (graphviz escString) in texts (bsc#1157916) - 2.45.4- Fixed Qt 5.14 deprecated warnings (bsc#1155550) - 2.46.10- Fixed Qt 5.14 deprecated warnings (bsc#1155550) - 2.51.6- Prevent crash on [PrintScreen] of a main window (bsc#1157170) - 2.51.5- Mirror layout direction in Farsi (bsc#1156437) - 2.51.4- Implemented CustomStatusItemSelector widget (bsc#1084674) - 2.53.2- Don't use tab in string literal (bsc#1084674) - 3.8.5- Switch to native rpm boolean dependency syntax (boo#1156428)- Support item status getting and setting for ItemSelector (bsc#1084674) - 3.8.4- Left-align ItemSelector toggle and icon if using custom status values, but items without description (bsc#1084674) - 2.51.3- do not complain about vendor change when switching repo (bsc#1149391,bsc#1065584) - 2.46.9- Support custom status values (int, not just boolean) in ItemSelector (bsc#1084674) - 2.51.2- Support custom status values (int, not just bool) in ItemSelector (bsc#1084674) - 3.8.3- Don't enforce an initial selection for SingleItemSelector (bsc#1084674) - 3.8.2- 2.46.8- Fix build failure with older boost (bsc#1084674) - 2.53.1- Try to sort out a bit the package using spec-cleaner - Use the distribution %cmake macros that define all the various compilation flags/etc. - Use %cmake_build that will allow us later to switch from make to ninja on distribution level- Remove Group view pane as it is based on the rpm group tag indirectly via packagekit (fate#326485).- Implemented ItemSelector widget (bsc#1084674) - 2.53.0- Icon support for ItemSelector widget (bsc#1084674) - 2.51.1- Added CurrentItem property to new ItemSelector widget for consistency (bsc#1084674) - 3.8.1- Added ItemSelector widget (bsc#1084674) - 3.8.0- Increase SO version to 11 (bsc#1132247) - 0.1.1- Increase SO version to 11 (bsc#1132247) - 0.1.1- Implemented ItemSelector widget (bsc#1084674) - 2.51.0- handle new libyui feature dealing with scrollbar position of RichText widget (bsc#1150498) - 2.52.1- Make scroll-up mean zoom-in (bsc#1149158) - 2.45.3- handle new libyui feature dealing with scrollbar position of RichText widget (bsc#1150498) - 2.50.6- Allow to get and set scrollbar position of RichText widget (bsc#1150498) - 3.7.0- Added a new generic dependency to force upgrade from all previous versions (e.g. from libyui-qt-pkg9 to libyui-qt-pkg10) (bsc#1148622) - 2.46.7- Added a new generic dependency to force upgrade from all previous versions (e.g. from libyui-ncurses-pkg9 to libyui-ncurses-pkg10) (bsc#1148622) - 2.49.1- pollEventInternal/UI.PollInput would produce no events (bsc#1139967) - 2.50.5- Split the libyui-rest-api plugin to separate Qt and Ncurses parts (bsc#1139747) - IPv6 support - HTTP Basic Auth support (set the user name and password via the YUI_AUTH_USER and YUI_AUTH_PASSWD environment variables) - 0.2.0- Send the notify events also when some widgets are changed via the REST API (CheckBox, RadioButton, InputField) (bsc#1139747) - 2.52.0- Initial version, split the libyui-rest-api plugin to separate Qt and Ncurses parts (bsc#1139747) - 0.1.0- Initial version, split the libyui-rest-api plugin to separate Qt and Ncurses parts (bsc#1139747) - 0.1.0- Split the libyui-rest-api plugin to separate Qt and Ncurses parts (bsc#1139747) - 3.6.0- Adding explanation for temporary menue options. (bsc#1137034) - 2.46.6- Clarify license to lgpl-2.1 and lgpl-3 (bsc#1136407). - 2.46.5- Allow for full customization of the steps (boo#1134575) - 2.50.4- Fixed empty labels in graph elements (bsc#1130502): Proper replacement for obsolete QPainter::initFrom() - 2.45.2- Check for correct Qt version to fix build with Qt 5.13 (bsc#1130502) - 2.46.4- Check for correct Qt version to fix build with Qt 5.13 (bsc#1130502) - 2.50.3- Fixed segfault in pkg changes dialog (bsc#1132980) - 2.46.3- Spec file cleanup, use %cmake macros- Backward compatibility fix to ensure it still compiles in Leap 15.0 (related to bsc#1130502) - 2.46.2- Backward compatibility fix to ensure it still compiles in Leap 15.0 (related to bsc#1130502) - 2.50.2- Fixed obsolete warnings when building against Qt 5.13 (bsc#1130502) - 2.45.1- Fixed obsolete warnings when building against Qt 5.13 (bsc#1130502) - 2.46.1- Adapt to the latest libyui base library (REST API extension) - Bump the .so version to 10 to be compatible with the other libyui packages (bsc#1132247) - 2.51.0- Fixed obsolete warnings when building against Qt 5.13 (bsc#1130502) - 2.50.1- Bump the .so version to 10 to be compatible with the other libyui packages (bsc#1132247) - 2.45.0- Bump the .so version to 10 to be compatible with the other libyui packages (bsc#1132247) - 2.46.0- Bump the .so version to 10 to be compatible with the other libyui packages (bsc#1132247) - 2.49.0- Add changes required for the libyui-testframework (bsc#1132247) - 2.50.0- Add icons for partitioner (boo#1118521) - 2.49.16- Revert to previous initial status column width (bsc#1127708) - 2.45.27- Use YQUI icon loader in YQImage whenever possible (bsc#1119688, bsc#1122174) - 2.49.15- Fix icon display to new libyui-qt function (boo#1125424) - 2.45.26- Fixed segfault in YQTableItem icon (bsc#1121083) - 2.49.14- Initial commit (bsc#1132247) - 0.1.0- Add changes required for the libyui-rest-api (bsc#1132247) - 3.5.0- YImage: Fall back to compiled-in Qt resources (bsc#1119688) - 2.49.13- log QIcon::themeName (for bsc#1119688) - 2.49.12- Make icons pop out from any background (boo#1115949) - 2.45.25- libyui-ncurses-tools conflicts with libyui-ncurses8 (related to bsc#1113291) - 2.50.4- Ship only primary icons with module to avoid conflicts (boo#1118521) - 2.49.11- Fix YQTree's icon loading function (boo#1116562) - Fix padding on the left caused by deprecated dialog icon (boo#1116278)- Destroy sidebar where necessary (boo#1115994)- Use native icon theme methods (boo#1109378) - 2.49.8- Require and link against libQt5Svg (bsc#1114654) - 2.45.24- Better error handling for missing icons (bsc#1114654): Error message in the y2log plus displaying a small red square for missing icons. - 2.45.23- New way of handling emblems with theming support (boo#1109382) - 2.45.22- Split off libyui-terminal into libyui-ncurses-tools (bsc#1113291) - 2.50.3- Remove the RPM Groups view (FATE#326485). - 2.48.9- Remove the RPM Groups view (FATE#326485). - 2.45.21- Fix style disappearing from sidebar (boo#1111720) - 2.49.7- Enable HiDPI (bsc#1089886) - 2.49.6- Changed dir of COPYING file.- Changed dir of COPYING file.- Changed dir of COPYING file.- Changed dir of COPYING file.- Changed dir of COPYING file.- Changed dir of COPYING file.- Update the version to match the other packages (improvement for handling big disks, bsc#991090) - 2.44.9- Fix for the new FSize class (avoid the 8EiB limit, bsc#991090) - Update the package version - 2.48.8- Update the version to match the other packages (improvement for handling big disks, bsc#991090) - 2.50.2- Fix for the new FSize class (avoid the 8EiB limit, bsc#991090) - Update the package version - 2.45.20- Fix for the new FSize class (avoid the 8EiB limit, bsc#991090) - Update the package version - 2.49.5- Improved the FSize class to handle arbitrary sizes, use the boost multiprecision library instead of `long long` which overflows for values > 8EiB (bsc#991090) - 3.4.2- Fixes for file systems >8EiB (bsc#991090): - Do not display "out of disk space" error at start when such a large disk is present in the system - Fixed displaying negative disk sizes in the disk usage dialog - 2.45.19- Fixes for file systems >8EiB (bsc#991090): - Do not display "out of disk space" error at start when such a large disk is present in the system - Fixed displaying negative disk sizes in the disk usage dialog - 2.48.7- Added new "Services" filter, displayed only when at least one repository service is present (FATE#321043)- Added new "Services" view, displayed only when at least one repository service is present (FATE#321043) - Display the busy cursor while package filtering is in progress- use long long instead of int for free disk space with MiB base - 2.45.18- use long long instead of int for free disk space with MiB base - 2.48.6- Drop code related to qt solver plugin which is dead for long time (bsc#1088759) - 2.45.17- Drop qt5_use_modules (related to bsc#1091286). - 2.44.8- Fix Gnome's display of titles/icons (boo#1092845) - 2.49.4- Fix GCC 8 warning: -Werror=catch-value (boo#1084636). - 3.4.1- Replace qt5_use_modules with target_link_libraries (bsc#1091286). - 2.45.16- Replace qt5_use_modules with target_link_libraries (bsc#1091286). - 2.44.7- Replace qt5_use_modules with target_link_libraries (bsc#1091286). - 2.49.3- Use QLibraryInfo to determine the path to Qt translations (bsc#1082569). - 2.49.2- fix translations for advanced help text (bsc#1083015) - 2.50.1- Contribution by LelCP: Add support for icon themes (boo#1081517) - 2.45.15- Prevent segfault if an open dialog is left over (bsc#1074596): Don't do anything widget related after the QApplication is destroyed, in particular not deleting other widgets, even if indirectly via YDialog::deleteAllDialogs() in YUI. [#] 2.49.1- Removed is_linetouched() function that clashes with a macro of the same name of newer NCurses libs (bsc#1074600) - 2.50.0- Don't probe X11 display, for better integration with Wayland (bsc#1072411) - 2.48.1- Send a widget ID with Shift-F6 for automated testing (fate#324098) - 2.48.0- Send a widget ID with Shift-F6 for automated testing (fate#324098) - 2.49.0- Support for sending a widget ID with Shift-F6 for automated testing (fate#324098) - 3.4.0- Removed an obsolete non-working Qt initialization hack (bsc#1053873) - 2.47.3- Adjusted to increased so version of the base library (bsc#1052217) - 2.44.6- Adjusted to increased so version of the base library (bsc#1052217) - Reduce build dependencies: Use individual libboost-*-devel packages instead of boost-devel (amajer) - 2.45.14- Adjusted to increased so version of the base library (bsc#1052217) - Reduce build dependencies: Use individual libboost-*-devel packages instead of boost-devel (amajer) - 2.48.5- Adjusted to increased so version of the base library (bsc#1052217) - 2.47.2- Adjusted to increased so version of the base library (bsc#1052217) - Reduce build dependencies: Use individual libboost-*-devel packages instead of boost-devel (amajer) - 2.48.4- CMake 3.9 warns about CMP0028 being obsolete - 3.3.3- bnc#1047145 - patch to make the package buildable by gcc7 (by - 2.48.3- Limit the number of displayed changes (the last 512 entries), rendering a huge change log might cause a freeze for long time (bsc#1044777) - 2.45.13- adjustments needed to work with latest ncurses update (bsc#1034922) - 2.48.2- Add option to enable MGA-Extensions - Patches from MGA (anaselli) to support external plugins - 2.0.0- Python3: YItem and YWidget pointers comparison does not work any more (gh#libyui/libyui-bindings#26, A. Naselli) - Python: Python binding missing constant values (gh#libyui/libyui-bindings#25, A. Naselli) - Python: Added an example to show how to fill a YTable using YItemCollection (gh#libyui/libyui-bindings#24, A. Naselli) - CMake: Fix handling of PerlLibs (boo#1113271) - 1.1.2- Add $(ENV:YUI_PREFERED_BACKEND) to set prefered UI-backend - Avoid several warnings from CMake - 3.3.2- Fix detection of Desktop Environments - 3.3.1- Add YSettings::loadedUI option (gh#libyui/libyui#35) - Prefer Gtk-UI on Gtk-based desktop enviroments - Bump SO-name and minor version for API-change - 3.3.0- Fix crash when shutting down the UI (gh#libyui-libyui-qt#41, bsc#931762) - Fix a problem with hanging UI - 2.47.1- Sort pkg list case-insensitively (bsc#1012294) - Prevent double sorting (widget sorts by itself) - 2.48.4- Treat RichText non-pair tag cases (gh#libyui-ncurses/issues#33). - 2.48.1- Sort pkg list case-insensitively (bsc#1012294) - 2.45.12- Made menu hotkey unique for QA (bsc#1012604) - 2.48.3- implement shortcut conflicts resolver for menu buttons (bsc#940817) - 3.2.9- Add hotkey for help about advanced hotkeys (bsc#1010039) - 2.48.0- Add handler for Shift-F1 to show advanced keyboard shortcuts (bsc#1010039) - 2.47.0- avoid duplicate entries in package groups view (bnc#852073) - 2.45.11- install qt-pkg if graphical control center and yast2-packager is used to prevent crash (bsc#999031) - 2.45.10- Add support for @import directive in QSS (related to bsc#768112 and bsc#780621) - 2.46.30- Rename Y2COLORMODE to Y2ALTSTYLE for consistency (related to bsc#768112 and bsc#780621) - 2.46.29- Fixed a Wmismatched-tags warning on clang/OSX (gh#libyui/libyui#33) - 3.2.8- Fix pre-selecting a tree item when adding it, in ncurses (gh#libyui/libyui#86, boo#1005889). The very first item would be selected, ignoring YTreeItem::setSelected. - Added ui test before loading extended widget plugin, to avoid a crash- Fix pre-selecting a tree item when adding it, in ncurses (gh#libyui-ncurses/issues#26, boo#1005889). The very first item would be selected, ignoring YTreeItem::setSelected. - 2.47.7- Adapt to the latest API change regarding QY2Styler, renaming usingHighContrastStyleSheet to usingAlternateStyleSheet (related to bsc#780621) - 2.45.9- Rename Y2HIGHCONTRAST environment variable to Y2COLORMODE - Use 'alternate' instead of 'high-contrast' - Load default style sheet if alternate style sheet does not exist - All these changes are related to bsc#768112 and bsc#780621 - 2.46.28- Use the new QY2Styler usingHighContrastStyleSheet instead of the old usingVisionImpairedPalette (related to bsc#780621) - 2.45.8- Fix high-contrast support (bsc#76811 and related to bsc#780621) - 2.46.27- Improve message shown when user want to quit without saving changes (bsc#849084) - 2.45.7- Fix compilation with Qt 5.7 by using non-deprecated classes (boo#1001141).- Force showing widgets that were added after opening a dialog (bsc#998593) - Deliver timeout events only if the delivering dialog is still the topmost (can only happen with Ctrl-Shift-Alt key combos) - 2.46.25- Added editing abilities to the spy dialog (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Y in the Qt UI) (bsc#998593) - 3.2.7- prevent double rendering of content causing segfault in qt and slow down elsewhere (bnc#989155) - 3.2.6- Do not append new line when content of log view do not change (bnc#989155) - 2.46.24- Now Yast requests the focus to the window manager when running fullscreen instead of relying on the window manager focus policy (bsc#974627) - 2.46.23- Show help in wizard widget upon F1 and Alt-H (bnc#973389) - 2.46.22- Fix 'Werror=nonnull-compare' for GCC 6 (bsc#964144) - Optimizations remove null pointer checks for 'this' - Clean-up trailing white-space - 3.2.5- Fixed a compilation error in YTableCell with GCC 6 (bsc#964144). - 3.2.4- replace deprecated auto_ptr by unique_ptr (bsc#962744) - 2.47.6- CSharp: fix a System.EntryPointNotFoundException (gh#libyui/libyui-bindings#18, M. Pasotti) - Perl, Python, Ruby: Fixed item identity comparison (gh#libyui/libyui-bindings#15, A. Naselli) - 1.1.1- Respect /etc/zypp/zypp.conf settings for options "Allow vendor change" and "Cleanup when deleting packages" (bsc#954117) - 2.45.6- Allow Ctrl-a and Ctrl-e key navigation for ComboBox, InputField and MultiLineEdit widgets (bsc#938814) - 2.47.5- Fix unselecting patterns for installation (unify behavior with qt packager) (bnc#916568) - 2.48.2- fixed styling for the release notes dialog content (bsc#947167) - 2.46.21- Better handling of secondary repository filters when there is no enough screen space (bnc#876540) - 2.45.5- Reorganized git for easier tarball creation: - RPM spec files are kept in git verbatim, not as templates - no longer call PREP_SPEC_FILES in CMakeLists.common - No functional change but version bumped to push the package down the pipeline (boo#946079).- Reorganized git for easier tarball creation: - RPM spec files are kept in git verbatim, not as templates - no longer call PREP_SPEC_FILES in CMakeLists.common - No functional change but version bumped to push the package down the pipeline (boo#946079).- Reorganized git for easier tarball creation: - RPM spec files are kept in git verbatim, not as templates - no longer call PREP_SPEC_FILES in CMakeLists.common - No functional change but version bumped to push the package down the pipeline (boo#946079).- Reorganized git for easier tarball creation: - RPM spec files are kept in git verbatim, not as templates - no longer call PREP_SPEC_FILES in CMakeLists.common - No functional change but version bumped to push the package down the pipeline (boo#946079).- Reorganized git for easier tarball creation: - RPM spec files are kept in git verbatim, not as templates - no longer call PREP_SPEC_FILES in CMakeLists.common - No functional change but version bumped to push the package down the pipeline (boo#946079). - 2.47.4- Reorganized git for easier tarball creation: - RPM spec files are kept in git verbatim, not as templates - no longer call PREP_SPEC_FILES in CMakeLists.common - No functional change but version bumped to push the package down the pipeline (boo#946079).- Handle QtInfoMsg value in switch; fixes build with Qt 5.5 (H Senjan, boo#942101). - so-version bumped to match the main library. - 2.46.19- fixed redirection of stderr and stdout to /dev/null (bnc#943757) - 2.47.3- Allow to delete single versions of multiversion packages (bsc#943870) - 2.45.3- bumped so version to match the base library (boo#937026). - 2.44.4- Handle mixed multiversion packages (fate#318778) - Allow to delete single versions of multiversion packages. (bsc#943870) - 2.48.0- Bump also the required yui_backend - 3.2.2- Fixed crash in conflict resolver dialog: No longer call libzypp function that always returns null pointer (bsc#941398) - 2.45.2- Handle mixed multiversion packages (fate#318778) - Fixed libzypp deprecated warning - 2.45.1- don't calculate height of an invisible widget (menu button) to prevent segfault (bnc#931154) - 2.47.2- API-changes imply so-name bump - 3.2.1- Added a libyui-terminal helper script (boo#937026). - 2.47.1- Added NCApplication::openUI/closeUI (boo#937026). - 2.47.0- Added YApplication::openUI/closeUI (boo#937026) - 3.2.0- Added option "Dependencies/Install Recommended Packages", (PKGMGR_RECOMMENDED) (boo#900853). - Changed "Dependencies/Install Recommeded Packages for Already Installed Packages" from an option to a command (boo#902394). - 2.47.0- Unified option handling with NCurses (FATE#318099) - "System verification mode" and "Dependencies/Autocheck" moved to /etc/sysconfig/yast2 (PKGMGR_VERIFY_SYSTEM, PKGMGR_AUTO_CHECK). - made "Cleanup when deleting packages" and "Allow vendor change" not persistent. - Added option Dependencies/Install Recommended Packages, (PKGMGR_RECOMMENDED) (boo#900853). - Changed "Options/Ignore Recommended Packages for Already Installed Packages" from an option to a command "Extras/Install All Matching Recommended Packages" (boo#902394). - 2.45.0- fixed styling for non-Wizard dialogues (bnc#925882) - allow styling of the YQMainWinDock object (the main non-Wizard window) - the stylesheet editor (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+s) also works for non-Wizard dialogues now - 2.46.18- NCTimeField input validity check - NCDateField input validity check - Implementation of optional widget YTimeField - Implementation of optional widget YDateField - new class NCInputText to share code between NCTimeField, NCDateField and NCInputField - 2.46.10- fix layout of Help and Release Notes buttons (bsc#916814) (credits to tgoettlicher) - 2.46.17- don't use internal ncurses (_nc_) functions (bnc #915945) - 2.46.9- include Help and Release notes buttons in keyboard shortcut resolution (bsc#880983) - 2.46.16- added keyboard shortcuts to Help and Release Notes buttons (bnc#880983) - 2.46.15- added QT-specific dialog for displaying release notes- Fixed building with cmake 3.1 (PREFIX in spec, boo#911875). - 2.44.3- Fixed building with cmake 3.1 (PREFIX in spec, boo#911875). - 2.46.14- Fixed building with cmake 3.1 (PREFIX in spec, boo#911875). - 2.46.2- Fixed building with cmake 3.1 (PREFIX in spec, boo#911875). - 2.46.8- Fix cmake also in the spec file, duh.- Fix cmake also in the spec file, duh.- Replace deprecated Config: with RbConfig: for Ruby 2.2 - Add bindings for Mono / CSharp thanks to Matteo Pasotti - Add CMake-switches to enable / disable languages thanks to Matteo Pasotti - Shapen-up Mono-bindings to work as expected - 1.1.0- Fixed building with cmake 3.1 (-fPIC, PREFIX, boo#911875). - 2.44.8- Fixed building with cmake 3.1 (-fPIC, PREFIX, boo#911875). - 1.0.6- Fixed building with cmake 3.1 (-fPIC, PREFIX, boo#911875). - 3.1.5- RichText hyperlinks: return as strings, like Qt and GTK do. (gh#libyui/libyui-ncurses#30) - 2.46.7/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfiglibqdialogsolver1libyui-qt-pkg-doclibyui-qt-pkg1libyui-qt-pkg10libyui-qt-pkg11libyui-qt-pkg12libyui-qt-pkg13libyui-qt-pkg14libyui-qt-pkg15libyui-qt-pkg2libyui-qt-pkg3libyui-qt-pkg4libyui-qt-pkg5libyui-qt-pkg6libyui-qt-pkg7libyui-qt-pkg8libyui-qt-pkg9yast2-qt-pkgh02-armsrv3 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=7fb0ba85d38264f9b29a6b9f152ad1d5e79ad674, strippedASCII textPRRRR RRRRRRRRRRR RRRR RRRRR R R/=* ]C(libyui-qt and yast2-packager)utf-8c87bbbf9bcf50849280c79495cad95519fea1f8ffd013973ea4029285256e5c9?p7zXZ !t/]"k%+P|?A G'))m-J9oDZzb`)S`aPAKlmje!z)zcQ!TyKUjt:NoQ^L꩗bgAL-֌?tqQ҉eZ Z-4G l-!帴cI@  | =(&1۫eBK#VmR$,z;i'2ԃS=F)Vj/Ā[stIr߆ȅ{ u"5- Ɋ{|K%}imo )ܮv@;%sipL ZO<]t'Yߵ\җ$B7y1.-;9Z._(noZhgZ bqXm0) ْvk?E%AeYܛ3XPvu_Jaz/? 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