What to download:

MX-23.5 is the current release.

MX-23.5_x64.iso is 64bit closely aligning with debian stable.

MX-23.5_i386.iso is a 32bit iso closely aligning with debians stable.

MX-23.5_fluxbox_x64.iso is 64bit closely aligning with debian stable featuring fluxbox desktop

MX-23.5_fluxbox_i386.iso is a 32bit iso closely aligning with debian stable eaturing fluxbox desktop

MX-23.5_ahs_x64.iso is a special 64bit version of MX with newer firmware and graphics drivers than what is found in our standard releases.  Use this is your hardware is relatively new (10th generation intel, amd ryzen graphics, etc...)

MX-23.5_kde_x64.iso is a "ahs" based release featuring the KDE dekstop.

The files that end in .iso are big and are the main installation media, and are what most people will want to download.

The .zsync files allow you to download the .iso files via zsync, which if you don't know what that is don't worry about it.  Download the iso.

The .delta files are binary patches. They are smaller than the .iso files. If you have already downloaded the rc1 iso file then you can use the .delta patch to convert it to the final iso file using the xdelta3 program.  If you don't know what that is don't worry about it.  Download the iso.

The .md5 and .sha256 files are "checksums" that let you verify every bit in the .iso file is correct. 

The .sig files are digital signatures that prove the .iso files came from us and not an imposter.