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@RAID-6 technical documentation paper

@Remove one more reference to AES.
@% -*- latex -*-
% $Id: raid6.latex,v 1.28 2011/12/20 23:41:54 hpa Exp hpa $
% amssymb required for modern notation for the standard fields, like hollow-Z
\def\g#1{{\tt \{#1\}}}
\def\GF{{\bf GF}}
\def\A{{\bf A}}
\def\B{{\bf B}}
\def\C{{\bf C}}
\def\P{{\bf P}}
\def\Pstar{{\bf P}^\star}
\def\Q{{\bf Q}}
\def\Qstar{{\bf Q}^\star}
\def\D{{\bf D}}
\def\V{{\bf V}}
\def\X{{\bf X}}
\def\z{{\bf z}}
\def\email#1{$<${\it #1}$>$}
\def\url#1{\tt #1}
\title{The mathematics of RAID-6}
\author{H. Peter Anvin \email{hpa@@zytor.com}}
\date{First version 20 January 2004 \\ Last updated 20 December 2011}

RAID-6 supports losing any two drives.  The way this is done is by
computing two syndromes, generally referred $\P$ and $\Q$.

\section{A quick summary of Galois field algebra}

The algebra used for this is the algebra of a Galois field, $\GF(2^8)$.
A smaller or larger field could also be used, however, a smaller field
would limit the number of drives possible, and a larger field would
require extremely large tables.

$\GF(2^8)$ allows for a maximum of 257 drives, 255 ($2^8-1$) of which
can be data drives; the reason for this is shown below.

The {\em representation} of $\GF(2^8)$ is called a {\em cyclic}
representation.  Earlier versions of this paper incorrectly stated
that it ``is the same one as used by the Rijndael (AES)
cryptosystem,'' however, that is not correct.\footnote{\g{02} is not a
generator of the AES representation of $\GF(2^8)$, and as such it is
not suitable.}

It has the following properties; this is not, however, an exhaustive
list nor a formal derivation of these properties; for more in-depth
coverage see any textbook on group and ring theory.

Note: A number in $\g{}$ is a Galois field element (i.e. a byte) in
hexadecimal representation; a number without $\g{}$ is a conventional

The {\em addition} field operator ($+$) is represented by bitwise XOR.
As a result, addition and subtraction are the same operation: $A + B = A - B$.
The additive identity element ($0$) is represented by $\g{00}$.
Thus, $A + A = A - A = \g{00}$.
{\em Multiplication} ($\cdot$) by $\g{02}$ is implemented by the following
bitwise relations:

(x \cdot \g{02})_7 & = & x_6 \\
(x \cdot \g{02})_6 & = & x_5 \\ 
(x \cdot \g{02})_5 & = & x_4 \\
(x \cdot \g{02})_4 & = & x_3 + x_7 \\
(x \cdot \g{02})_3 & = & x_2 + x_7 \\ 
(x \cdot \g{02})_2 & = & x_1 + x_7 \\ 
(x \cdot \g{02})_1 & = & x_0 \\ 
(x \cdot \g{02})_0 & = & x_7

Hardware engineers will recognize this as a linear feedback shift
register (LFSR), and matematicians as boolean polynomial
multiplication modulo the irreducible polynomial $x^8 + x^4 + x^3 +
x^2 + 1$.

The multiplicative identity element ($1$) is represented by $\g{01}$.
A \cdot \g{01} = \g{01} \cdot A = A

The following basic rules of algebra apply:
\hbox{Addition is commutative:} & A+B & = & B+A \\
\hbox{Addition is associative:} & (A+B)+C & = & A+(B+C) \\
\hbox{Multiplication is commutative:} &	A \cdot B & = & B \cdot A \\
\hbox{Multiplication is associative:} & (A \cdot B) \cdot C & = & A
\cdot (B \cdot C) \\
\hbox{Distributive law:} & (A+B)\cdot C & = & A \cdot C + B \cdot C

For every $A \not = \g{00}$, there exists an element $A^{-1}$ such
that $A \cdot A^{-1} = \g{01}$. $A^{-1}$ is called the {\em inverse}
(or {\em reciprocal}) of $A$.  $\g{01}$ is
its own inverse, $\g{00}$ lacks inverse, for all other $A$,
$A^{-1} \not = A$.

Division is defined as multiplication with an inverse:
A / B = A \cdot B^{-1}
Any nonzero element can uniquely divide any element:

If $A \cdot B = C$ then $C/B = A$ for any $B \not = \g{00}$.

In particular, $A/A = A \cdot A^{-1} = \g{01}$ for any $A \not = \g{00}$.

Multiplying by zero is zero:
A \cdot \g{00} = \g{00}

Any value can be multiplied by observing that bits decompose the same
as in ordinary arithmetric, and applying the distributive law:
\g{02}^2 & = & \g{02}\cdot\g{02} & = & \g{04} \\
\g{02}^3 & = & \g{04}\cdot\g{02} & = & \g{08} \\
\g{02}^4 & = & \g{08}\cdot\g{02} & = & \g{10} \\
\g{02}^5 & = & \g{10}\cdot\g{02} & = & \g{20} \\
\g{02}^6 & = & \g{20}\cdot\g{02} & = & \g{40} \\
\g{02}^7 & = & \g{40}\cdot\g{02} & = & \g{80}

(Note, however: $\g{02}^8 = \g{1d}$.)

For example:
\g{8d} & = & \g{80} + \g{08} + \g{04} + \g {01} \\
       & = & \g{02}^7 + \g{02}^3 + \g{02}^2 + \g{01}

A \cdot \g{8d} = A \cdot \g{02}^7 + A \cdot \g{02}^3 + A \cdot \g{02}^2 + A

or, equivalently,
A \cdot \g{8d} = (((A \cdot \g{02}^4)+A)\cdot\g{02}+A)\cdot\g{02}^2 + A

{\em Raising to a power} (repeated multiplication with the same value)
is congruent mod 255 (cardinality of all elements except
$\g{00}$). Also note that the exponent is an
{\em ordinary integer modulo 255} (an element in ${\mathbb Z}_{255}$)
as opposed to a Galois field element.

\left .
A^{256} & = & \g{01} \cdot A & = & A\\
A^{255} & = & \g{01} \\
A^{254} & = & A^{255}/A & = & \g{01}/A & = & A^{-1}
\right \} A \not = \g{00}

There are elements ($g$), called {\em generators}, of the field such that
$g^n$ doesn't repeat until they have exhausted all elements of the
field except $\g{00}$.  For the Linux RAID-6 field representation, $\g{02}$ is
such a generator -- as is $\g{02}^n$ for any $n$ which is
relative prime to 255.

Accordingly, any generator $g$ defines a function from the nonzero
elements in $\GF(2^8)$ to the elements in ${\mathbb Z}_{255}$
(the integers 0-254 modulo 255) called the {\em logarithm with
base $g$} and written $\log_g$.  For example, $\g{02}^4 = \g{10}$, so
$\log_\g{02} \g{10} = 4$.

For any nonzero Galois field elements $A$ and $B$:
A \cdot B = C & \Longleftrightarrow & \log_g A \oplus \log_g B =
\log_g C \\
A / B = C & \Longleftrightarrow & \log_g A \ominus \log_g B =
\log_g C
... where $\oplus$ and $\ominus$ represents conventional integer
addition and subtraction modulo 255.  Therefore:
A \cdot B = C & \Longleftrightarrow & C = g^{(\log_g A \oplus \log_g
  B)} \\
A / B = C & \Longleftrightarrow & C = g^{(\log_g A \ominus \log_g B)}

These relations can be used to do multiplication and division without
large tables, as long as $\g{00}$ is handled specially.


\section{Application to RAID-6}

We treat each disk block as a vector of bytes, and will perform the
same calculations on each byte in the vector.  Symbols in {\bf
boldface} represent vectors (where each byte has a different value);
constants, or symbols in {\it italics} represent scalars (same value
across every data byte.)

In order to be able to suffer the loss of any two disks, we need to
compute two {\em syndromes}, here referred to as $\P$ and $\Q$.

For $n$ data disks $\D_0$, $\D_1$, $\D_2$, ... $\D_{n-1}$ $(n \leq
255)$ compute:
\P & = & \D_0 + \D_1 + \D_2 + ... + \D_{n-1} \label{pdef} \\
\Q & = & g^0 \cdot \D_0 + g^1 \cdot \D_1 + g^2 \cdot \D_2 +
... + g^{n-1} \cdot \D_{n-1} \label{qdef}

where $g$ is any generator of the field (we use $g = \g{02}$.)

$\P$ is the ordinary XOR parity, since ``addition'' is XOR.  $\Q$ is
referred to as a Reed-Solomon code.

If we lose one data drive, we can use the normal XOR parity to recover
the failed drive data, just as we would do for RAID-5.  If we lose a
non-data drive, i.e. $\P$ or $\Q$, then we can just recompute.

If we lose one data drive plus the $\Q$ drive, we can recalculate the
data drive using the XOR parity, and then recompute the $\Q$ drive.

If we lose one data drive plus the $\P$ drive, we can recompute the
lost data drive ($\D_x$) from the $\Q$ drive by computing $\Q_x$ as if
$\D_x = \g{00}$, and observing:
\Q_x + g^x \cdot \D_x = \Q

Here, $x$, $\Q$ and $\Q_x$ are known.  Since addition and
subtraction is the same:
g^x \cdot \D_x = \Q + \Q_x

\D_x = (\Q + \Q_x)/g^x = (\Q + \Q_x) \cdot g^{-x} \label{recdp}

where, per the algebra rules, $g^{-x} = g^{255-x}$.

If we lose two data drives, $\D_x$ and $\D_y$, but still have the $\P$
and $\Q$ values, we compute $\P_{xy}$ and $\Q_{xy}$ by setting the
missing drives to $\g{00}$, and we get:

\P_{xy} + \D_x + \D_y & = & \P \\
\Q_{xy} + g^x \cdot \D_x + g^y \cdot \D_y &  = & \Q

$x$, $y$, $\P$, $\P_{xy}$, $\Q$ and $\Q_{xy}$ are known.

Divide the second equation by $g^x$:

g^{-x} \cdot \Q_{xy} + \D_x + g^{y-x} \cdot \D_y =

Remembering that addition equals subtraction in this algebra:

\D_x + g^{y-x}\cdot\D_y = g^{-x}\cdot\Q +

\D_x = g^{-x} \cdot (\Q + \Q_{xy}) + g^{y-x} \cdot \D_y

Substitute into the first equation, solve for $\D_y$:

\D_y = \P + \P_{xy} + \D_x

\D_x = g^{-x}\cdot(\Q + \Q_{xy}) + g^{y-x}\cdot(\P + \P_{xy} + \D_x)

\D_x = g^{-x}\cdot(\Q + \Q_{xy}) + g^{y-x}\cdot(\P + \P_{xy}) +
g^{y-x} \cdot \D_x

\D_x + g^{y-x}\cdot\D_x = g^{-x}\cdot(\Q + \Q_{xy}) + g^{y-x}\cdot(\P + \P_{xy})

(g^{y-x}+\g{01})\cdot\D_x = g^{-x}\cdot(\Q + \Q_{xy}) + g^{y-x}\cdot(\P + \P_{xy})

If $g^{y-x}+\g{01} \not = \g{00}$, we can divide by it.  This requires
$g^{y-x} \not = \g{01}$; this will be true as long as $y \not = x$,
mod 255.  Since we can have no more than 255 data disks, $0 \leq x,y
\leq n-1 < 255$, this implies the only constraint is $y \not = x$,
which is true by assumption.  Thus, we can divide:

\D_x = {{ g^{-x}\cdot(\Q + \Q_{xy}) + g^{y-x}\cdot(\P +  \P_{xy}) }
  \over {g^{y-x}+\g{01}}}

For any particular data reconstruction, we can simplify this by
precomputing a few multiplication tables:

A & = & { g^{y-x} \over g^{y-x}+\g{01} } = g^{y-x} \cdot  (g^{y-x}+\g{01})^{-1} \\
B & = & { g^{-x} \over g^{y-x}+\g{01} } = g^{-x} \cdot  (g^{y-x}+\g{01})^{-1}

... which only depend on $x$ and $y$ as opposed to on the data bytes.

The expression then becomes:
\D_x = A \cdot(\P + \P_{xy}) + B \cdot(\Q + \Q_{xy}) \label{recdd}

We can then get $\D_y$ from the previous expression:
\D_y = (\P + \P_{xy}) + \D_x

\section{Making it go fast}

The biggest problem with RAID-6 has historically been the high CPU
cost of computing the $\Q$ syndrome.  The biggest cost is related to
the cost of Galois field multiplication, which doesn't map
conveniently onto standard CPU hardware, and therefore has typically
been done by table lookup.

Table lookups, however, are inherently serializing; it would be
desirable to make use of the wide datapaths of current CPUs.

In order to do this, we factor equation \ref{qdef} as such:

\Q = ((...\D_{n-1} ...)\cdot g + \D_2)\cdot g + \D_1)\cdot g + \D_0

The only operations in this is addition, i.e. XOR, and multiplication
by $g = \g{02}$.  Thus, we only need an efficient way to implement
multiplication by $\g{02}$ in order to compute $\Q$ quickly, not
arbitrary multiplication.

Multiplication by $\g{02}$ for a single byte can be implemeted using
the C code:

uint8_t c, cc;
cc = (c << 1) ^ ((c & 0x80) ? 0x1d : 0);

Now, we want to do this on multiple bytes in parallel.  Assume for the
moment we are on a 32-bit machine (the extension to 64 bits should be
obvious), and separate these into two parts:

uint32_t v, vv;

vv  = (v << 1) & 0xfefefefe;
vv ^= ((v & 0x00000080) ? 0x0000001d : 0) +
      ((v & 0x00008000) ? 0x00001d00 : 0) +
      ((v & 0x00800000) ? 0x001d0000 : 0) +
      ((v & 0x80000000) ? 0x1d000000 : 0);

The {\tt 0xfefefefe} of the first statement masks any bits that get
shifted into the next byte.  The second statement is clearly too
complex to be efficiently executed, however.  If we can produce a
mask based on the top bit in each byte, we could just do:

uint32_t v, vv;

vv  = (v << 1) & 0xfefefefe;
vv ^= MASK(v) & 0x1d1d1d1d;

In standard portable C, one implemenation of this {\tt MASK()}
function looks like:

uint32_t MASK(uint32_t v)
  v &= 0x80808080;              /* Extract the top bits */
  return (v << 1) - (v >> 7);   /* Overflow on the top bit is OK */

The result is {\tt 0x00} for any byte with the top bit clear, {\tt
0xff} for any byte with the top bit set.  This is the algorithm used
in the file {\tt raid6int.uc}.

For additional speed improvements, it is desirable to use any integer
vector instruction set that happens to be available on the machine,
such as MMX or SSE-2 on x86, AltiVec on PowerPC, etc.  These
instruction sets typically have quirks that may make them easier or
harder to use than the integer implementation, but usually easier.
For example, the MMX/SSE-2 instruction {\tt PCMPGTB} conveniently
implements the {\tt MASK()} function when comparing against zero, and
the {\tt PADDB} instruction implements the shift and mask in the first
line of the operations on {\tt vv} when added with itself.

Note that none of this will avoid the arbitrary multiplications of
equations \ref{recdp} and \ref{recdd}.  Thus, in 2-disk-degraded mode,
performance will be very slow.  However, it is expected that that will
be a rare occurrence, and that performance will not matter
significantly in that case.

\subsection{Special notes on PowerPC AltiVec and x86 SSSE3}

The Altivec SIMD vector instruction set for PowerPC has a special
instruction, {\tt vperm}, which does a parallel table lookup using the
bottom five bits of each byte in a vector.

This can be used to handle arbitrary scalar\ $\cdot$\ vector
multiplication (as in equations \ref{recdp} and \ref{recdd}) quickly,
by decomposing the vector.

This decomposition is simply a matter of observing that, from the
distributive law:
\V & = & \V_a + \V_b \\
A \cdot \V & = & A \cdot \V_a + A \cdot \V_b

For the decomposition to work, there can only be 32 possible values
for each byte in $\V_a$ or $\V_b$; the easiest such decomposition is
simply $\V_a$ being the low four bits and $\V_b$ being the high four
bits; since addition is XOR this is a valid decomposition, and there
are only 16 possible values of each.

Thus, for each multiplication (i.e. value of $A$) we need to set up a
pair of vector registers, one which contains ($A\cdot\g{00}$,
$A\cdot\g{01}$, $A\cdot\g{02}$, ... $A\cdot\g{0f}$) and one which
contains ($A\cdot\g{00}$, $A\cdot\g{10}$, $A\cdot\g{20}$,
... $A\cdot\g{f0}$).

If these vectors are in {\tt v12} and {\tt v13} respectively, and {\tt
v14} set up to contain (\g{04}, \g{04}, ...), we can compute
${\tt v1} \leftarrow A\cdot{\tt v0}$ this way:

        vsrb  v1, v0, v14
        vperm v2, v12, v12, v0
        vperm v1, v13, v13, v1
        vxor  v1, v2, v1

On most Altivec processors, this will execute in three cycles.  Note
that we don't actually need to mask the top bits for the first
{\tt vperm}; since we repeat {\tt v12} twice we effectively ignore
bit\ 4, and bits\ 5-7 are ignored by the hardware anyway.

The SSSE3 (Supplemental SSE3) extensions to the x86 instruction set
includes a {\tt PSHUFB} instruction, which can be used in a similar
way.  {\tt PSHUFB} uses bit\ 7 as a control bit, which means that the
lower half operation has to be masked; simply replicating the inputs
will not help.  Furthermore, since no {\tt PSRAB} instruction exists,
one also has to mask the high half.  Thus, as above, with {\tt xmm14}
having the scalar constant \g{0f}:

        movdqa  xmm2, xmm0
        psraw   xmm0, 4
        movdqa  xmm1, xmm12
        movdqa  xmm3, xmm13
        pand    xmm0, xmm14
        pand    xmm2, xmm14
        pshufb  xmm1, xmm0
        pshufb  xmm3, xmm2
        pxor    xmm1, xmm3

\section{Single-disk corruption recovery}

It is possible to use the RAID-6 syndrome set to recover from a single
disk {\em corruption}, as opposed to one or two known failed drives
(called {\em erasures}.)

This requires recomputation of the syndrome set on read.  This can of
course also be done as a periodic integrity check, or as recovery if
corruption is known or believed.

To consider the case of a single corrupt disk, we first consider the
case where the failed disk ($z$) is one of the data drives ($\D_z$).
We will represent the corrupt data on that drive with $\X_z$.
Obviously, the value $z$ is unknown, although of course, by definition,
$0 \leq z < n \leq 255$.

We compute the standard syndrome set over the corrupt disk set:
\P' & = & \D_0 + \D_1 + \dots + \X_z + \dots + \D_{n-1} \\
\Q' & = & g^0\cdot\D_0 + g^1\cdot\D_1 + \dots + g^z\cdot\X_z + \dots + g^{n-1}\cdot\D_{n-1}

It obviously follows that:
\Pstar & = & \P + \P' = \D_z + \X_z \\
\Qstar & = & \Q + \Q' = g^z\cdot\D_z + g^z\cdot\X_z = g^z\cdot(\D_z + \X_z) =

By assumption, $\X_z \not= \D_z$ and thus $\Pstar \not= \g{00}$.
Furthermore, since  $g^z \not= \g{00}$ for any $z$, $\Qstar \not= \g{00}$.

Thus it it valid to state:

\Qstar / \Pstar = g^z

Since $0 \leq z < n \leq 255$, it then follows:

z = \log_g (\Qstar / \Pstar) = \log_g \Qstar \ominus \log_g \Pstar \label{cdrive}

... which will be a well-defined relation for all possible values that
fit the required assumptions.

As noted above, for the case of a corrupt data drive, $\Pstar \not=
\g{00}$, and $\Qstar \not= \g{00}$.  The {\em other} possible cases
can be trivially shown to result in various combinations which involve
$\Pstar$ and/or $\Qstar$ being zero:

\begin{tabular}{l|c|c|} \cline{2-3}
& $\Pstar$ & $\Qstar$ \\ \hline
\tmp{No corruption} & $= \g{00}$ & $= \g{00}$ \\ \hline
\tmp{$\P$ drive corruption} & $\not= \g{00}$ & $= \g{00}$ \\ \hline
\tmp{$\Q$ drive corruption} & $= \g{00}$ & $\not= \g{00}$ \\ \hline
\tmp{Data drive corruption} & $\not= \g{00}$ & $\not= \g{00}$ \\ \hline

or, equivalently:

\begin{tabular}{l|c|c|} \cline{2-3}
& $\P'$ & $\Q'$ \\ \hline
\tmp{No corruption} & $\P = \P'$ & $\Q = \Q'$ \\ \hline
\tmp{$\P$ drive corruption} & $\P \not= \P'$ & $\Q = \Q'$ \\ \hline
\tmp{$\Q$ drive corruption} & $\P = \P'$ & $\Q \not= \Q'$ \\ \hline
\tmp{Data drive corruption} & $\P \not= \P'$ & $\Q \not= \Q'$ \\ \hline

Obviously, for the cases of $\P$ or $\Q$ drive corruption, just
replace the corrupt data with the recomputed $\P'$ or $\Q'$,
respectively.  In the case of data drive corruption, once the faulty
drive has been identified, recover using the $\P$ drive in the same
way as a one-disk erasure failure.

It should be noted that although we have used scalar notation for the
corrupt drive, data corruption is actually detected on a {\em byte by
byte} basis.  Thus, the zeroness tests should be done for each byte,
and $z$ in equation \ref{cdrive} really should be a vector result,
$\z$.  It it, of course, a quality of implementation issue whether or
not it is possible to recover from multiple drives having
non-overlapping corruption in corresponding sectors or blocks.

Finally, as a word of caution it should be noted that RAID-6 by itself
cannot (in the general case) even detect, never mind recover from,
dual-disk corruption.  If two disks are corrupt in the same byte
positions, the above algorithm will (again, in the general case)
introduce {\em additional} data corruption by corrupting a third
drive.  However, the following probabilistic patterns are likely to be
indicative of such multidisk corruption, and a quality implementation
should take appropriate action, such as aborting rather than further
corrupting data:

\item $z$ values inconsistent with the number of disks, for example
$z = 136$ when $n = 20$.
\item Inconsistent $z$ values within a single hardware sector or
block. This does not apply to occasional bytes with no corruption
($\P^\star = \Q^\star = \g{00}$) -- after all, even a standing clock
is correct once every 12 hours.

\section{Beyond RAID-6}

Reed-Solomon coding can be exploited further to allow for any
combination of $n$ data disks plus $m$ redundancy disks allowing for
any $m$ failures to be recovered.  However, with increasing amount of
redundancy, the higher the overhead both in CPU time and I/O.  The
Linux RAID-6 work has been focused on handling the case of $m = 2$
efficiently in order for it to be practically useful.

An excellent paper on implementing arbitrarily complex recovery sets
using Reed-Solomon coding can be found at:


@1.5in margins are okay
@d2 1
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field except $\g{00}$.  For the AES field representation, $\g{02}$ is

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\date{First version 20 January 2004 \\ Last updated 10 January 2009}
d41 10
a50 5
The {\em representation} of $\GF(2^8)$ used is the same one as used by
the Rijndael (AES) cryptosystem.  It has the following properties;
this is not, however, an exhaustive list nor a formal derivation of
these properties; for more in-depth coverage see any textbook on group
and ring theory.
d441 1
a441 1
\subsection{Special notes on AltiVec and AMD SSE5}
d488 3
a490 3
AMD has announced the SSE5 extension to the x86 instruction set, which
has a similar instruction, {\tt PPERM}.  {\tt PPERM}, unlike
{\tt vperm}, uses bits\ 5-7 as control bits, which means that the
d492 3
a494 2
will not help.  Thus, as above, with {\tt xmm14} and {\tt xmm15}
having the scalar constants \g{fc} and \g{0f}, respectively:
d497 9
a505 5
        pshlb xmm1, xmm0, xmm14
        pand  xmm0, xmm15
        pperm xmm0, xmm12, xmm12, xmm0
        pperm xmm1, xmm13, xmm13, xmm1
        pxor  xmm1, xmm0

@Add original date
@d2 1
a2 1
% $Id: raid6.latex,v 1.24 2008/07/03 03:15:45 hpa Exp hpa $
d22 1
a22 1
\date{First version 20 January 2004, last updated 2 July 2008}

@Using Intel style x86 assembly; don't use % in text either
@d2 1
a2 1
% $Id: raid6.latex,v 1.23 2008/07/03 03:14:13 hpa Exp hpa $
d22 1
a22 1
\date{Last updated 2 July 2008}

@Consistently use lower case for Galois field elements
@d2 1
a2 1
% $Id: raid6.latex,v 1.22 2008/07/03 03:09:02 hpa Exp hpa $
d485 1
a485 1
will not help.  Thus, as above, with {\tt \%xmm14} and {\tt \%xmm15}

@Explain that {02} is not the *only* generator.
@d2 1
a2 1
% $Id: raid6.latex,v 1.21 2008/04/25 23:54:41 hpa Exp hpa $
d461 1
a461 1
$A\cdot\g{01}$, $A\cdot\g{02}$, ... $A\cdot\g{0F}$) and one which
d463 1
a463 1
... $A\cdot\g{F0}$).
d486 1
a486 1
having the scalar constants \g{FC} and \g{0F}, respectively:

@Slightly clean up the section on Galois field algebra
@d2 1
a2 1
% $Id: raid6.latex,v 1.20 2008/04/12 00:23:38 hpa Exp hpa $
d22 1
a22 1
\date{Last updated 25 April 2008}
d179 2
a180 1
such a generator.

@Fix minor formatting issues
@d2 1
a2 1
% $Id: raid6.latex,v 1.19 2008/01/04 22:50:50 hpa Exp hpa $
d22 1
a22 1
\date{Last updated 14 December 2007}
d100 12
a111 1
Any nonzero element can uniquely divide an element:
d115 1
a115 1
In particular, $A/A = \g{01}$ for any $A \not = \g{00}$.
d161 1
a161 1
{\em ordinary integer}\footnote{Formally, an element in ${\mathbb Z}_{255}$.}
a173 6
$A^{-1}$ is called the {\em inverse} (or {\em reciprocal}) of $A$.  $\g{01}$ is
its own inverse, $\g{00}$ lacks inverse, for all other elements
$A^{-1} \not = A$.

For any $A$, any $B \not = \g{00}$, $A/B = A \cdot B^{-1}$.
Accordingly, $A/A = A \cdot A^{-1} = \g{01}$ for any $A \not = \g{00}$.
d184 1
a184 1
(i.e. the integers 0-254, modulo 255) called the {\em logarithm with

@Fix typo
@d2 1
a2 1
% $Id: raid6.latex,v 1.18 2007/12/15 01:34:58 hpa Exp hpa $
d204 1
a204 1
large tables, as long as \g{00} is handled specially.
d298 1
a298 1
\D_x = g^{-x}\cdot(\Q + \Q_{xy}) + g^{y-x}ยท(\P + \P_{xy}) +

@Clarify lack of recovery *in general*, since people seem incapable
of understanding the concept.
@d2 1
a2 1
% $Id: raid6.latex,v 1.17 2007/10/24 19:46:02 hpa Exp hpa $
d594 1
a594 1
block. This does not apply to occational bytes with no corruption

@Document SSE5 use of pperm
@d2 1
a2 1
% $Id: raid6.latex,v 1.16 2007/03/13 23:46:16 hpa Exp hpa $
d22 1
a22 1
\date{Last updated 24 October 2007}
d581 17
a597 4
cannot even detect, never mind recover from, dual-disk corruption.  If
two disks are corrupt in the same byte positions, the above algorithm
will in general introduce {\em additional} data corruption by
corrupting a third drive.

@Update date
@d2 1
a2 1
% $Id: raid6.latex,v 1.15 2007/03/13 23:45:52 hpa Exp hpa $
d22 1
a22 1
\date{Last updated 13 March 2007}
d428 1
a428 1
\subsection{Special notes on AltiVec}
d475 15

@Fix: Xz != Dz, not Xz != Dn (Dn doesn't exist.)
@d2 1
a2 1
% $Id: raid6.latex,v 1.14 2007/03/11 21:36:54 hpa Exp hpa $
d22 1
a22 1
\date{Last updated 11 March 2007}

@Expand the section explaining logarithms.
@d2 1
a2 1
% $Id: raid6.latex,v 1.13 2007/03/08 09:00:15 hpa Exp hpa $
d504 1
a504 1
By assumption, $\X_z \not= \D_n$ and thus $\Pstar \not= \g{00}$.

@Avoid annoying repeat
@d2 1
a2 1
% $Id: raid6.latex,v 1.12 2007/03/08 08:58:51 hpa Exp hpa $
d17 1
d22 1
a22 1
\date{7 March 2007}
d183 1
d186 6
a191 1
A \cdot B = C \Longleftrightarrow \log_g A \oplus \log_g B = \log_g C
d193 2
a194 2
... where $\oplus$ represents conventional integer addition modulo
255.  Therefore:
d196 5
a200 1
C = g^{(\log_g A \oplus \log_g B)}
d203 3
d516 1
a516 1
z = \log_g (\Qstar / \Pstar)
d557 8

@Be consistent in style; add missing g^{n-1} factor
@d2 1
a2 1
% $Id: raid6.latex,v 1.11 2007/03/08 08:12:35 hpa Exp hpa $
d499 1
a499 1
Since $0 \leq z < n \leq 255$, it is thus valid to state:

@Add section on corruption recovery
@d2 1
a2 1
% $Id: raid6.latex,v 1.10 2005/03/01 21:47:07 hpa Exp hpa $
d480 1
a480 1
\Q' & = & g^0 \D_0 + g^1 \D_1 + \dots + g^z \X_z + \dots + \D_{n-1}
d486 2
a487 2
\Qstar & = & \Q + \Q' = g^z \D_z + g^z \X_z = g^z (\D_z + \X_z) =
g^z \P^\star

@Use \em for definitions.
@d2 1
a2 1
% $Id: raid6.latex,v 1.9 2004/12/01 08:55:38 hpa Exp hpa $
d11 1
d13 1
d16 1
d21 1
a21 1
\date{1 December 2004}
d461 88

@SIMD usually helps.
@d2 1
a2 1
% $Id: raid6.latex,v 1.8 2004/12/01 08:53:02 hpa Exp hpa $
d167 1
a167 1
There are elements ($g$), called generators, of the field such that

@Use v2 as a temporary, to be more strict.
@d2 1
a2 1
% $Id: raid6.latex,v 1.7 2004/12/01 08:51:50 hpa Exp hpa $
d399 5
a403 5
harder to use than the integer implementation.  In particular, the
MMX/SSE-2 instruction {\tt PCMPGTB} conveniently implements the {\tt
MASK()} function when comparing against zero, and the {\tt PADDB}
instruction implements the shift and mask in the first line of the
operations on {\tt vv} when added with itself.

@Even more sensical register assignment
@d2 1
a2 1
% $Id: raid6.latex,v 1.6 2004/12/01 08:51:01 hpa Exp hpa $
d448 1
a448 1
        vperm v0, v12, v12, v0
d450 1
a450 1
        vxor  v1, v0, v1

@Make the Altivec register naming consistent
@d2 1
a2 1
% $Id: raid6.latex,v 1.5 2004/12/01 08:50:10 hpa Exp hpa $
d444 1
a444 1
$A\cdot{\tt v0}$ this way:
d450 1
a450 1
        vxor  v0, v0, v1

@vand isn't necessary, explain why.
@d2 1
a2 1
% $Id: raid6.latex,v 1.4 2004/12/01 08:45:23 hpa Exp hpa $
d447 4
a450 4
        vsrb  v2, v0, v14
        vperm v1, v12, v12, v1
        vperm v2, v13, v13, v2
        vxor  v0, v1, v2

@"reciprocal" is a definition; italicize
@d2 1
a2 1
% $Id: raid6.latex,v 1.3 2004/12/01 08:38:55 hpa Exp hpa $
d443 2
a444 3
v15} set up to contain (\g{0F}, \g{0F} ...), and {\tt v14} set up to
contain (\g{04}, \g{04}, ...), we can compute $A\cdot{\tt v0}$ this
a446 1
        vand  v1, v0, v15
d453 4
a456 1
On most Altivec processors, this will execute in four cycles.

@Correct the Altivec hack
@d2 1
a2 1
% $Id: raid6.latex,v 1.2 2004/12/01 08:37:21 hpa Exp hpa $
d159 1
a159 1
$A^{-1}$ is called the {\em inverse} (or reciprocal) of $A$.  $\g{01}$ is

@Correct maximum disks; add notes on Altivec
@d2 1
a2 1
% $Id: raid6.latex,v 1.1 2004/01/21 05:13:27 hpa Exp hpa $
d451 1
a451 1
        vperm v2, v12, v12, v1

@Initial revision
@d2 1
a2 1
% $Id$
d13 1
d18 1
a18 1
\date{20 January 2004 \- DRAFT}
d32 2
a33 2
$\GF(2^8)$ allows for a maximum of $2^8 = 256$ drives, 254 of which can
be data drives; the reason for this is shown below.
d203 1
a203 1
254)$ compute:
d295 2
a296 2
mod 255.  Since we can have no more than 254 data disks, $0 \leq x,y
\leq n-1 < 254$, this implies the only constraint is $y \not = x$,
d411 46