Oct 19, 2017 - signed SHA256SUMS file with new key - 094C5620

This is Devuan-Live jessie desktop edition. It contains the same package selection as the default desktop in the regular installer isos, with the addition of a few packages for the live system, wireless firmware, a live-cd installer and remastering tool to make your own live-CD/DVD image.

You can burn the iso to DVD or use dd to image a USB thumb drive.

User name: devuan		Password: devuan
Admin name: root		Password: toor 

maintained by fsmithred (key id A73823D3094C5620 on
built with the Devuan SDK, live-sdk module

	1. Set language/locale at boot.
	2. Wireless (non-free) firmware
	3. Install to hard drive
	4. Remastering
	5. Bug reports and support links.


Choose the "Other language" option from the boot menu.
Press TAB to edit the boot command.
Backspace to erase "it_IT.UTF-8"  (Ignore the repeating lines. Bug or misconfigured?)
Type your locale code in its place and then ENTER.
Note: When you install the system, your chosen language will be the default in the installed system.


To set up wireless networking, use wicd network manager or run from a root terminal (or with sudo).

Wireless firmware is already installed. Most of the firmware packages come from the non-free repository, however the non-free and contrib repositories are not enabled. If you want to install packages from non-free or contrib, you need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list or add them through Synaptic Package Manager in the System menu.

You can remove all the non-free firmware after you reboot into the new installation by running (as root or with sudo):

If you need to reinstall a firmware package, they are located in /firmware and can be installed with:
    dpkg -i <package-name>

Here is the full list of non-free packages installed:

b43-fwcutter firmware-atheros firmware-b43-installer firmware-b43legacy-installer firmware-bnx2 firmware-bnx2x firmware-brcm80211 firmware-intelwimax  firmware-iwlwifi firmware-libertas firmware-linux-nonfree firmware-myricom firmware-netxen firmware-qlogic firmware-ralink firmware-realtek firmware-ti-connectivity firmware-zd1211

NOTE: firmware-ipw2x00 requires an end-user agreement and is therefore not installed.
The deb package can be found in /firmware with the rest of the non-free firmware packages.


This Devuan live-iso comes with Refracta Installer, which will copy the running system to hard drive and install the GRUB bootloader. Any changes you make to the running system will be copied to the installation. This includes desktop configuration, software added or removed, language/locale settings and other changes in system configuration.

The installer will allow you to create a separate /home partition and/or a separate /boot partition if needed. 
There is no automatic partitioning. You can create the partitions before you start the installer or from within the installer. Gparted, cfdisk and cgdisk are all installed and available. For a legacy bios install, the minimum needed is a single partition for the system. For a uefi install, you must also have an EFI partition. Refer to the uefi installer help document. (See /usr/lib/refractainstaller/uefi_install.readme or press Help from within the uefi installer.)

Note that the uefi installer is still considered experimental. UEFI implementations in motherboards vary in their adherence to standards from one manufacturer to the next. Read the Help in the installer, read the additional links in the help, and be prepared to do some manual fixing of your bootloader. That said, you should not be surprised if it all works perfectly.

HP WARNING!!! If your computer was made by Hewlett-Packard and uses UEFI, read these before installing!

When you select the installer from the menu or the desktop icon, it will detect if you booted on uefi or bios hardware, and it will start the correct installer script. The bios installer has a choice of Simple or Expert Install. Expert is the recommended choice. If you make no changes in the options window, it's almost identical to the Simple Install.

You can also start the installer from a root terminal (or with sudo):
	refractainstaller			# Starts the text-only installer. (no uefi support)
	refractainstaller-yad		# Starts the installer for legacy bios systems.
	refractainstaller-uefi		# Starts the installer for uefi systems.

You can encrypt the filesystem if desired. (root filesystem and /home).
The installer will use an existing swap partition. If there is no swap partition or if you un-check that option, the installer will create a swapfile in the root of the filesystem. The default size is 256MB, but this can be changed by editing the config file. (/etc/refractainstaller.conf)  This installer will not let you encrypt a swap partition; use a swapfile on an encrypted partition instead. 

If you want automatic partitioning, LVM or RAID, you must use one of the regular installer isos.
If you want to install on uefi hardware with an installer that has had more extensive testing, use one of the regular installer isos.

REMASTERING (Make your own live-CD/DVD/USB)

Run Refracta Snapshot from the applications menu or refractasnapshot-gui in a root terminal for the graphical version.
Run refractasnapshot from a root terminal for the text-only version. 

The program will copy your installed system and pack it into a bootable iso that can be burned to optical disk or imaged to a usb stick. See /usr/share/doc/refractasnapshot-base/README.gz for details.


Comments, suggestions, criticisms, and bug reports are welcome.
Please report bugs on the official Devuan Bug Tracking System:

Full list of community links can be found at:

IRC Channel on #devuan
Support forum: