-- -- Copyright (c) 2021-2025 Zeping Lee -- Released under the MIT license. -- Repository: https://github.com/zepinglee/citeproc-lua -- local csl_yaml = {} local yaml local util local using_luatex, kpse = pcall(require, "kpse") if using_luatex then yaml = require("tinyyaml") util = require("citeproc-util") else yaml = require("tinyyaml") util = require("citeproc.util") end -- Convert CSL-YAML string to CSL-JSON ---@param str string ---@return CslData function csl_yaml.parse(str) -- lua-tinyyaml 0.4.2 doesn't support dots terminator. -- See <https://github.com/api7/lua-tinyyaml/issues/22>. str = string.gsub(str, "%.%.%.%s*$", "") local status, items = pcall(yaml.parse, str) if not status then local err = items util.error("Failed to parse the YAML contents:\n" .. err) return {} end -- The items exported from Better BibTeX has a {references = []} structure. if type(items) == 'table' and items.references then items = items.references end for _, item in ipairs(items) do for field, value in pairs(item) do if util.variable_types[field] == "date" then if type(value) == "number" then value = tostring(value) end if type(value) == "string" then -- "2005-11-22" -- EDTF is not supported until CSL v1.1. local date = util.parse_edtf(value) if not date then date = {literal = value} end item[field] = date elseif type(value) == "table" and not value["date-parts"] then local new_date = { ["date-parts"] = {} } if value.year then -- Generated by lua-tinyyaml parser new_date["date-parts"][1] = {} for j, part_name in ipairs({"year", "month", "day"}) do local date_part = value[part_name] if date_part then new_date["date-parts"][1][j] = date_part end end elseif #value >= 1 then -- Exported by Better BibTeX for i, range_part in ipairs(value) do new_date["date-parts"][i] = {} for _, part_name in ipairs({"year", "month", "day"}) do local date_part = range_part[part_name] if date_part then table.insert(new_date["date-parts"][i], date_part) end end end end item[field] = new_date end end end end return items end return csl_yaml