-- -- Copyright (c) 2021-2025 Zeping Lee -- Released under the MIT license. -- Repository: https://github.com/zepinglee/citeproc-lua -- local date_module = {} local element local ir_node local output local util local using_luatex, kpse = pcall(require, "kpse") if using_luatex then element = require("citeproc-element") ir_node = require("citeproc-ir-node") output = require("citeproc-output") util = require("citeproc-util") else element = require("citeproc.element") ir_node = require("citeproc.ir-node") output = require("citeproc.output") util = require("citeproc.util") end local Element = element.Element local IrNode = ir_node.IrNode local Rendered = ir_node.Rendered local SeqIr = ir_node.SeqIr local GroupVar = ir_node.GroupVar local PlainText = output.PlainText -- [Date](https://docs.citationstyles.org/en/stable/specification.html#date) ---@class Date: Element ---@field children DatePart[]? ---@field variable string ---@field form string? ---@field date_parts string? ---@field delimiter string? ---@field prefix string? ---@field suffix string? ---@field text_case string? local Date = Element:derive("date") function Date:from_node(node) local o = Date:new() o:set_attribute(node, "variable") o:set_attribute(node, "form") o:set_attribute(node, "date-parts") if o.form and not o.date_parts then o.date_parts = "year-month-day" end o:get_delimiter_attribute(node) o:set_formatting_attributes(node) o:set_affixes_attributes(node) o:set_display_attribute(node) o:set_text_case_attribute(node) o.children = {} o:process_children_nodes(node) for _, date_part in ipairs(o.children) do o[date_part.name] = date_part end return o end function Date:build_ir(engine, state, context) local variable if not state.suppressed[self.variable] then ---@type DateVariable? variable = context:get_variable(self.variable) end if not variable then local ir = Rendered:new({}, self) ir.group_var = GroupVar.Missing return ir end local ir if variable["date-parts"] and #variable["date-parts"] > 0 then -- TODO: move input normlization in one place for i = 1, 2 do if variable["date-parts"][i] then for j = 1, 3 do local variabel_part = variable["date-parts"][i][j] if variabel_part == 0 or variabel_part == "" then variable["date-parts"][i][j] = nil else variable["date-parts"][i][j] = tonumber(variabel_part) end end end end if variable["season"] and not variable["date-parts"][1][2] then variable["date-parts"][1][2] = 20 + tonumber(variable["season"]) end variable = variable["date-parts"] if self.form then ir = self:build_localized_date_ir(variable, engine, state, context) else ir = self:build_independent_date_ir(variable, engine, state, context) end ir.affixes = self.affixes elseif variable["literal"] then local inlines = self:render_text_inlines(variable["literal"], context) ir = Rendered:new(inlines, self) ir.group_var = GroupVar.Important elseif variable["raw"] then local inlines = self:render_text_inlines(variable["raw"], context) ir = Rendered:new(inlines, self) ir.group_var = GroupVar.Important end if not ir then -- date_LiteralFailGracefullyIfNoValue.txt ir = Rendered:new({}, self) if context.sort_key then ir.sort_key = false end ir.group_var = GroupVar.Missing return ir end if ir.group_var == GroupVar.Important then -- Suppress substituted name variable if state.name_override and not context.sort_key then state.suppressed[self.variable] = true end end if context.sort_key then ir.sort_key = self:render_sort_key(engine, state, context) end return ir end function Date:build_independent_date_ir(variable, engine, state, context) -- else -- local literal = variable["literal"] -- if literal then -- res = literal -- else -- local raw = variable["raw"] -- if raw then -- res = raw -- end -- end return self:build_date_parts(self.children, variable, self.delimiter, engine, state, context) end function Date:build_localized_date_ir(variable, engine, state, context) local date_part_mask = {} for _, part in ipairs(util.split(self.date_parts or "year-month-day", "%-")) do date_part_mask[part] = true end -- local date_parts = {} -- for _, date_part in ipairs(self.children) do -- date_parts[date_part.name] = date_part -- end local localized_date = context:get_localized_date(self.form) local date_parts = {} for _, date_part in ipairs(localized_date.children) do if date_part_mask[date_part.name] then date_part = date_part:copy() local local_date_part = self[date_part.name] if local_date_part then local_date_part:override(date_part) end table.insert(date_parts, date_part) end end return self:build_date_parts(date_parts, variable, localized_date.delimiter, engine, state, context) end function Date:build_date_parts(date_parts, variable, delimiter, engine, state, context) if #variable >= 2 then return self:build_date_range(date_parts, variable, delimiter, engine, state, context) elseif #variable == 1 then return self:build_single_date(date_parts, variable[1], delimiter, engine, state, context) end end function Date:build_single_date(date_parts, single_date, delimiter, engine, state, context) local irs = {} for _, date_part in ipairs(date_parts) do local part_ir = date_part:build_ir(single_date, engine, state, context) table.insert(irs, part_ir) end local ir = SeqIr:new(irs, self) ir.delimiter = self.delimiter -- return Rendered:new(inlines, self) return ir end local date_part_index = { year = 1, month = 2, day = 3, } function Date:build_date_range(date_parts, variable, delimiter, engine, state, context) local first, second = variable[1], variable[2] local diff_level = 4 for _, date_part in ipairs(date_parts) do local part_index = date_part_index[date_part.name] if first[part_index] and first[part_index] ~= second[part_index] then if part_index < diff_level then diff_level = part_index end end end local irs = {} local range_part_queue = {} local range_delimiter for i, date_part in ipairs(date_parts) do local part_index = date_part_index[date_part.name] if part_index == diff_level then range_delimiter = date_part.range_delimiter or util.unicode["en dash"] end if first[part_index] then if part_index >= diff_level then table.insert(range_part_queue, date_part) else if #range_part_queue > 0 then table.insert(irs, self:build_date_range_parts(range_part_queue, variable, delimiter, engine, state, context, range_delimiter)) range_part_queue = {} end table.insert(irs, date_part:build_ir(first, engine, state, context)) end end end if #range_part_queue > 0 then table.insert(irs, self:build_date_range_parts(range_part_queue, variable, delimiter, engine, state, context, range_delimiter)) end local ir = SeqIr:new(irs, self) ir.delimiter = delimiter return ir end function Date:build_date_range_parts(range_part_queue, variable, delimiter, engine, state, context, range_delimiter) local irs = {} local first, second = variable[1], variable[2] local date_part_irs = {} for i, diff_part in ipairs(range_part_queue) do -- if delimiter and i > 1 then -- table.insert(date_part_irs, PlainText:new(delimiter)) -- end if i == #range_part_queue then table.insert(date_part_irs, diff_part:build_ir(first, engine, state, context, "suffix")) else table.insert(date_part_irs, diff_part:build_ir(first, engine, state, context)) end end local range_part_ir = SeqIr:new(date_part_irs, self) range_part_ir.delimiter = delimiter table.insert(irs, range_part_ir) table.insert(irs, Rendered:new({PlainText:new(range_delimiter)}, self)) date_part_irs = {} for i, diff_part in ipairs(range_part_queue) do if i == 1 then table.insert(date_part_irs, diff_part:build_ir(second, engine, state, context, "prefix")) else table.insert(date_part_irs, diff_part:build_ir(second, engine, state, context)) end end range_part_ir = SeqIr:new(date_part_irs, self) range_part_ir.delimiter = delimiter table.insert(irs, range_part_ir) local ir = SeqIr:new(irs, self) return ir end function Date:render_sort_key(engine, state, context) local date = context:get_variable(self.variable) if not date then return false end if not date["date-parts"] then if date.literal then return "1" .. date.literal else return false end end local show_parts = { year = false, month = false, day = false, } if self.form then for _, dp_name in ipairs(util.split(self.date_parts, "%-")) do show_parts[dp_name] = true end else for _, date_part in ipairs(self.children) do show_parts[date_part.name] = true end end local res = "" for _, range_part in ipairs(date["date-parts"]) do if res ~= "" then res = res .. "/" end for i, dp_name in ipairs({"year", "month", "day"}) do local value = 0 if show_parts[dp_name] and range_part[i] then value = range_part[i] end if i == 1 then res = res .. string.format("%05d", value + 10000) else res = res .. "-" .. string.format("%02d", value) end end end return res end -- [Date-part](https://docs.citationstyles.org/en/stable/specification.html#date-part) ---@class DatePart: Element ---@field name string ---@field form string? ---@field text_case string? ---@field range_delimiter string? local DatePart = Element:derive("date-part") function DatePart:from_node(node) local o = DatePart:new() o:set_attribute(node, "name") o:set_attribute(node, "form") if o.name == "month" then o:set_strip_periods_attribute(node) end o:set_formatting_attributes(node) o:set_text_case_attribute(node) o:set_attribute(node, "range-delimiter") o:set_affixes_attributes(node) return o end function DatePart:build_ir(single_date, engine, state, context, suppressed_affix) local text if self.name == "year" then text = self:render_year(single_date[1], engine, state, context) elseif self.name == "month" then text = self:render_month(single_date[2], engine, state, context) elseif self.name == "day" then text = self:render_day(single_date[3], single_date[2], engine, state, context) end if not text then local ir = Rendered:new({}, self) ir.group_var = GroupVar.Missing return ir end local inlines = {PlainText:new(text)} local output_format = context.format -- if not context.is_english then -- print(debug.traceback()) -- end local is_english = context:is_english() output_format:apply_text_case(inlines, self.text_case, is_english) inlines = output_format:with_format(inlines, self.formatting) local ir = Rendered:new(inlines, self) ir.group_var = GroupVar.Important if self.name == "year" then ir = SeqIr:new({ir}, self) ir.is_year = true end ir.affixes = util.clone(self.affixes) if ir.affixes and suppressed_affix then ir.affixes[suppressed_affix] = nil end return ir end function DatePart:render_day(day, month, engine, state, context) if not day or day == "" then return nil end day = tonumber(day) if day < 1 or day > 31 then return nil end local form = self.form or "numeric" if form == "ordinal" then local limit_day_1 = context.locale.style_options.limit_day_ordinals_to_day_1 if limit_day_1 and day > 1 then form = "numeric" end end if form == "numeric-leading-zeros" then return string.format("%02d", day) elseif form == "ordinal" then -- When the “day†date-part is rendered in the “ordinal†form, the ordinal -- gender is matched against that of the month term. local gender = context.locale:get_number_gender(string.format("month-%02d", month)) local suffix = context.locale:get_ordinal_term(day, gender) return tostring(day) .. suffix else -- numeric return tostring(day) end end function DatePart:render_month(month, engine, state, context) if not month or month == "" then return nil end month = tonumber(month) if not month or month < 1 or month > 24 then return nil end local form = self.form or "long" local res if form == "long" or form == "short" then if month >= 1 and month <= 12 then res = context:get_simple_term(string.format("month-%02d", month), form) else local season = month % 4 if season == 0 then season = 4 end res = context:get_simple_term(string.format("season-%02d", season)) end elseif form == "numeric-leading-zeros" then res = string.format("%02d", month) else res = tostring(month) end return self:apply_strip_periods(res) end function DatePart:render_year(year, engine, state, context) if not year or year == "" then return nil end year = tonumber(year) if year == 0 then return nil end local form = self.form or "long" if form == "long" then if year < 0 then return tostring(-year) .. context:get_simple_term("bc") elseif year < 1000 then return tostring(year) .. context:get_simple_term("ad") else return tostring(year) end elseif form == "short" then return string.sub(tostring(year), -2) end end function DatePart:copy() local o = {} for key, value in pairs(self) do if type(value) == "table" then o[key] = {} for k, v in pairs(value) do o[key][k] = v end else o[key] = value end end setmetatable(o, DatePart) return o end function DatePart:override(localized_date_part) for key, value in pairs(self) do if type(value) == "table" and localized_date_part[key] then for k, v in pairs(value) do localized_date_part[key][k] = v end else localized_date_part[key] = value end end end date_module.Date = Date date_module.DatePart = DatePart return date_module