 * $Id:$
 * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU
 * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or
 * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be
 * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the
 * above mentioned GPL option does not apply.
 * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV.
 * All rights reserved.
 * The Original Code is: all of this file.
 * Contributor(s): none yet.

#include "imbuf.h"

#define OBJECTBLOK "readimage"

int IB_verbose = TRUE;

extern ImBuf * ibJpegImageFromMemory(uchar *, int, int);
extern ImBuf * ibJpegImageFromFilename(char *, int);

ImBuf *ibImageFromMemory(int *mem, int size, int flags) {
	int len,maxlen;
	struct ImBuf *ibuf;

	if (mem == NULL) {
		printf("Error in ibImageFromMemory: NULL pointer\n");
	} else {
		maxlen= (GET_BIG_LONG(mem+1) + 1) & ~1;
		if (GET_ID(mem) == CAT){
			mem += 3;
			maxlen -= 4;
			while (maxlen > 0){
				if (GET_ID(mem) == FORM){
					len = ((GET_BIG_LONG(mem+1) + 1) & ~1) + 8;
					if ((GET_ID(mem+2) == ILBM) | (GET_ID(mem+2) == IMAG)
					    | (GET_ID(mem+2) == ANIM)) break;
					mem = (int *)((uchar *)mem +len);
					maxlen -= len;
				} else return(0);
		if (maxlen > 0){
			if (GET_ID(mem) == FORM){
				if (GET_ID(mem+2) == ILBM){
					return (loadamiga(mem, flags));
				} else if (GET_ID(mem+5) == ILBM){			/* animaties */
					return (loadamiga(mem+3, flags));
				} else if (GET_ID(mem+2) == IMAG){
					return (loadcdi(mem, flags));
				} else if (GET_ID(mem+2) == ANIM){
					return (loadanim(mem, flags));
			} else if ((BIG_LONG(mem[0]) == 0x10000000) && 
			    ((BIG_LONG(mem[1]) & 0xf0ffffff) == 0)) {
				return(loadtim((ushort *) mem, flags));
			} else if (GS(mem) == IMAGIC | GSS(mem) == IMAGIC){
				return (loadiris((uchar *) mem, flags));
			} else if ((BIG_LONG(mem[0]) & 0xfffffff0) == 0xffd8ffe0) {
				return (ibJpegImageFromMemory((uchar *)mem, size, flags));
		ibuf = loadtarga((uchar *) mem,flags);
		if (ibuf) return(ibuf);
		if (IB_verbose) fprintf(stderr,"Unknown fileformat\n");
	return (0);

struct ImBuf *loadiffmem(int *mem, int flags) {
	int len,maxlen;
	struct ImBuf *ibuf;

	// loadiffmem shouldn't be used anymore in new development
	// it's still here to be backwards compatible...

	maxlen= (GET_BIG_LONG(mem+1) + 1) & ~1;

	if (GET_ID(mem) == CAT){
		mem += 3;
		maxlen -= 4;
		while(maxlen > 0){
			if (GET_ID(mem) == FORM){
				len = ((GET_BIG_LONG(mem+1) + 1) & ~1) + 8;
				if ((GET_ID(mem+2) == ILBM) | (GET_ID(mem+2) == IMAG)
				    | (GET_ID(mem+2) == ANIM)) break;
				mem = (int *)((uchar *)mem +len);
				maxlen -= len;
			} else return(0);

	if (maxlen > 0){
		if (GET_ID(mem) == FORM){
			if (GET_ID(mem+2) == ILBM){
				return (loadamiga(mem, flags));
			} else if (GET_ID(mem+5) == ILBM){			/* animaties */
				return (loadamiga(mem+3, flags));
			} else if (GET_ID(mem+2) == IMAG){
				return (loadcdi(mem, flags));
			} else if (GET_ID(mem+2) == ANIM){
				return (loadanim(mem, flags));
		} else if ((BIG_LONG(mem[0]) == 0x10000000) && 
		    ((BIG_LONG(mem[1]) & 0xf0ffffff) == 0)) {
			return(loadtim((ushort *) mem, flags));
		} else if (GS(mem) == IMAGIC | GSS(mem) == IMAGIC){
			return (loadiris((uchar *) mem,flags));
		} else if ((BIG_LONG(mem[0]) & 0xfffffff0) == 0xffd8ffe0) {
			return (0);

	ibuf = loadtarga((uchar *) mem,flags);
	if (ibuf) return(ibuf);

	if (IB_verbose) fprintf(stderr,"Unknown fileformat\n");
	return (0);

struct ImBuf *loadifffile(int file, int flags) {
	struct ImBuf *ibuf;
	int size, *mem;

	if (file == -1) return (0);

	size = filesize(file);

#if defined(AMIGA) || defined(__BeOS) || defined(__WIN32)
	mem= (int *)malloc(size);
	if (mem==0) {
		printf("Out of mem\n");
		return (0);

	if (read(file, mem, size)!=size){
		printf("Read Error\n");
		return (0);

	ibuf = ibImageFromMemory(mem, size, flags);

	/* for jpeg read */
	lseek(file, 0L, SEEK_SET);

	mem= (int *)mmap(0,size,PROT_READ,MAP_SHARED,file,0);
	if (mem==(int *)-1){
		printf("Couldn't get mapping\n");
		return (0);

	ibuf = ibImageFromMemory(mem, size, flags);

	if (munmap( (void *) mem, size)){
		printf("Couldn't unmap file.\n");

struct ImBuf *loadiffname(char *naam, int flags) {
	int file;
	struct ImBuf *ibuf;
	int buf[1], rt;

	file = open(naam, O_BINARY|O_RDONLY);

	if (file == -1) return (0);

	ibuf= loadifffile(file, flags);

	if (ibuf == 0) {
		if (rt=read(file, buf, 4) != 4) buf[0] = 0;
		if ((BIG_LONG(buf[0]) & 0xfffffff0) == 0xffd8ffe0)
			ibuf = ibJpegImageFromFilename(naam, flags);			

	if (ibuf) {
		strncpy(ibuf->name, naam, sizeof(ibuf->name));
		if (flags & IB_fields) de_interlace(ibuf);

struct ImBuf *testiffname(char *naam,int flags) {
	int file;
	struct ImBuf *ibuf;

	flags |= IB_test;
	file = open(naam,O_BINARY|O_RDONLY);

	if (file<=0) return (0);

	if (ibuf) {
		strncpy(ibuf->name, naam, sizeof(ibuf->name));