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Re: Banner ads

Having been involved in many public projects, I would have no problems
with an acknowledgement on the logo page for a sponsorship and to footnote
the page with logos.  Primarily, sponsorship gives a corporation the perk
of mentioning the sponsorship in their annual report, and that has more
cash value than the worth of the prize.  Display advertising in the 
appropriate space (like the bottom of the contest page) coupled with the
mention of the sponsor in any PR announcements, on the other hand, is
acceptable but should not be given away lightly.  A banner showing is
worth at least $35/1000 page impressions, and at that rate, the logo
prize should be at least travel and hotel accomodations at a fine
hotel in Montreal ;)

There is another issue which may not have political correctness, but it
is very true nonetheless: All of the publishers *owe* the LDP and should
be the first people we contact for sponsorship.  Yes, we do specify they
may use our material without obligation, but we are not demanding they
support us, it is just asking someone you've helped to help you with a
favour, making it clear they can refuse.  For the large publishers, to
the PR they'd gain through the grapevine is worth more than the donation.

Gary Lawrence Murphy <garym@linux.ca>: office voice/fax: 01 519 4222723
TCI - Business Innovations through Open Source : http://www.teledyn.com
Canadian Co-ordinators for Bynari International : http://ca.bynari.net/
Moderator, Linux Education Group: http://www.egroups.com/group/linux-ed

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