READLINE PATCH REPORT ===================== Readline-Release: 6.0 Patch-ID: readline60-005 Bug-Reported-by: Jerome Reybert <> Bug-Reference-ID: <> Bug-Reference-URL: Bug-Description: Under some circumstances, menu-complete is unable to complete filenames. Patch: *** ../readline-6.0-patched/complete.c 2009-01-22 15:15:14.000000000 -0500 --- complete.c 2009-08-26 17:15:59.000000000 -0400 *************** *** 2209,2213 **** /* The first time through, we generate the list of matches and set things up to insert them. */ ! if (rl_last_func != rl_menu_complete) { /* Clean up from previous call, if any. */ --- 2252,2256 ---- /* The first time through, we generate the list of matches and set things up to insert them. */ ! if (rl_last_func != rl_old_menu_complete) { /* Clean up from previous call, if any. */ *************** *** 2221,2224 **** --- 2264,2269 ---- rl_completion_invoking_key = invoking_key; + RL_SETSTATE(RL_STATE_COMPLETING); + /* Only the completion entry function can change these. */ set_completion_defaults ('%'); *************** *** 2260,2266 **** --- 2305,2314 ---- orig_text = (char *)0; completion_changed_buffer = 0; + RL_UNSETSTATE(RL_STATE_COMPLETING); return (0); } + RL_UNSETSTATE(RL_STATE_COMPLETING); + for (match_list_size = 0; matches[match_list_size]; match_list_size++) ; *************** *** 2338,2341 **** --- 2386,2391 ---- full_completion = 0; + RL_SETSTATE(RL_STATE_COMPLETING); + /* Only the completion entry function can change these. */ set_completion_defaults ('%'); *************** *** 2379,2385 **** --- 2429,2438 ---- orig_text = (char *)0; completion_changed_buffer = 0; + RL_UNSETSTATE(RL_STATE_COMPLETING); return (0); } + RL_UNSETSTATE(RL_STATE_COMPLETING); + for (match_list_size = 0; matches[match_list_size]; match_list_size++) ; *** ../readline-6.0/patchlevel 2008-11-18 11:01:14.000000000 -0500 --- patchlevel 2009-05-09 12:01:06.000000000 -0400 *************** *** 1,3 **** # Do not edit -- exists only for use by patch ! 4 --- 1,3 ---- # Do not edit -- exists only for use by patch ! 5