2007-01-21  Willie Walker <william.walker@sun.com>

	* NEWS, configure.in, README: prep for v2.17.90.

	* RELEASE_HOWTO: update how to "tag" a release.

	* src/orca/util.py, src/orca/where_am_I.py,
	src/orca/orca_gui_prefs.py: pychecker linting.	
2007-01-20  Joanmarie Diggs <j-diggs@comcast.net>

	* bugs/bugs.html: Added some acroread bugs. Having read up
        on section 508, marked several acroread issues accordingly. :-)

2007-01-19  Willie Walker <william.walker@sun.com>

	* src/orca/Gecko.py: adjust how we grab focus of the object
	containing the paragraph object.  Basically, the idea is to find
	the first focusable object in the ancestry of the paragraph.  This
	typically ends up being the document frame.  Note that we're told
	this will not work in
	https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=363214, but the
	advice given there (grab focus on the parent of the document
	frame) doesn't work.  In any case, this fixes the problem with
	the missing caret.  
	* src/orca/Gecko.py: add option, "arrowToLineBeginning". If True,
	it tells us to position the caret at the beginning of a line when
	arrowing up and down.  If False, we'll try to position the caret
	directly above or below the current caret position.  The default
	value is True.  Note that the default value of True represents a
	new behavior.  The old behavior was to try to position the caret
	directly above or below the current caret position.  If you want
	to experiment, you can add the following lines to your
	~/.orca/user-settings.py or ~/.orca/orca-customizations.py files:
	import orca.Gecko
	orca.Gecko.arrowToLineBeginning = False
	* src/orca/orca_gui_prefs.py, src/orca/orca_console_prefs.py,
	src/orca/gnomespeechfactory.py: fix for bug 397797 to expose
	and use the language attribute for speech.
2007-01-18  Lynn Monsanto <lynn.monsanto@sun.com>

	* src/orca/scripts/Thunderbird.py: Temporary Braille workaround
	for not displaying a label that follows an editable text field.
	This is another temporary workaround for Thunderbird not assigning
	a LABEL_FOR relation to the label.

2007-01-18  Lynn Monsanto <lynn.monsanto@sun.com>

	* src/orca/scripts/Thunderbird.py: Filters out unrelated 
	labels that end with a colon. This is a temporary workaround 
	for a Thunderbird bug, where many (all?) unrelated labels 
	ending in a colon, do not have the LABEL_FOR relation set.

2007-01-18  Rich Burridge <rich.burridge@sun.com>

        * src/orca/bugs.html:
          Added in an entry for bug #397724 – Orca incorrect echo's 
          certain input in gnome-terminal when key echo is set to off 
          (on Ubuntu Feisty).

2007-01-18  Willie Walker <william.walker@sun.com>

	* src/orca/Gecko.py: speak blank lines.
	* src/orca/Gecko.py: provide a little better navigation around
	links that are images -- the attempt here is to reduce verbosity
	and to reduce the number of keystrokes to arrow over such a beast.
	* src/orca/Gecko.py: provide better braille cursor tracking in
	plain old 'static' text.
	* src/orca/Gecko.py: provide better braille cursor tracking in
	link text.
	* src/orca/Gecko.py: ignore empty table cells that appear to be
	there solely for layout purposes.  This helps a bit more with 
	* src/orca/Gecko.py: ignore useless images when navigating.  This
	seems to help with a number (but not all) of navigation problems.
	Still need to look at problems where we seem to get stuck on a
	line.  I suspect this has to do with small font sizes on a page.
	If you want to experiment, press Ctrl+Plus to increase the font
	size.  I've found it makes the current Orca logic work a little
	better, and I'll look to see what we can do to avoid requiring
	the user to manually increase the font size.
2007-01-17  Lynn Monsanto <lynn.monsanto@sun.com>

	* src/orca/scripts/Thunderbird.py: Added a speechgenerator
	to filter out unrelated text in the Account Settings dialog.
	Remove all static text except for text at the beginning
        of the dialog. This is what the user needs to hear when
        the dialog is first presented.

2007-01-17  Willie Walker <william.walker@sun.com>

	* src/orca/speechgenerator.py: add debug to
	_getSpeechForTableCellRow so we know it has been called.  Also
	do not read entire row if the table is for layout purposes
	only -- this helps reduce the repetitive speaking of lines.

	* src/orca/braillegenerator.py: add debug to
	_getBrailleRegionsForTableCellRow so we know it has been called.
	Also do not read entire row if the table is for layout purposes

	* src/orca/Gecko.py: rework combobox support as a result of
	fixed/changed combobox support in the Gecko AT-SPI implementation.
2007-01-16  Joanmarie Diggs <j-diggs@comcast.net>

	* bugs/bugs.html: Added an acroread section.

	* bugs/acroread_diag.py: A stand-alone python bug-reproducer.

2007-01-16  Willie Walker <william.walker@sun.com>

	* bugs/bugs.html: prioritize Firefox and Thunderbird bugs.

2007-01-14  Willie Walker <william.walker@sun.com>

	* src/orca/atspi.py, src/orca/default.py,
	src/orca/gnome-terminal.py: fix for bug 395749: make sure we
	reference any_data values when we get an event rather than waiting
	to work with them asynchronously.
2007-01-13  Willie Walker <william.walker@sun.com>

	* src/orca/Gecko.py: attempt to get rid of presentation of 
	"useless" images.  Note that you can still navigate to these
	useless images -- I'll work on fixing that later.
	* src/orca/Gecko.py: don't speak 'cell'.

	* src/orca/Gecko.py: clump speech utterances together by acss
	in an attempt to avoid choppiness in speech.
	* src/orca/Gecko.py: add in detection of images that are links.
	I'm not sure I like this since it only operates on images (I'd
	like for the script to handle *anything* that's in a link), 
	but it is much better now than it used to be.
	* src/orca/Gecko.py: move getLinkBasename to script instead of
	making it a module method (just to be a bit tidier).
2007-01-12  Willie Walker <william.walker@sun.com>

	* src/orca/Gecko.py: Add code to determine the speech and braille
	for a link from the URI for the link if no other text can be
	found.  Note that more work still needs to be done for braille
	and also when these beasts are navigated to in any way other
	than tabbing to them.  It's a work in progress.
2007-01-12  Lynn Monsanto <lynn.monsanto@sun.com>

	* src/orca/scripts/Thunderbird.py: Generalized Thunderbird 3
	dialog handling (Folder Properties, Account Settings, etc.)

2007-01-12  Willie Walker <william.walker@sun.com>

	* src/orca/util.py, src/orca/Gecko.py: hackndle (hack and handle)
	the case where things in the speech context are objects that are
	not our special objects that consist solely of a single
	EMBEDDED_OBJECT_CHARACTER.  I'm going to need to bite the bullet
	at some point and handle this whole EMBEDDED_OBJECT_CHARACTER
	business.  It isn't going to be pretty.
2007-01-12  Willie Walker <william.walker@sun.com>

	*  test/harness/runall.sh: add  info  at end  that  allows you  to
	determine  how long  the test  took (it  currently takes  about 33
	minutes on my laptop).
	* src/orca/default.py, src/orca/Gecko.py,
	src/orca/speechgenerator.py, src/orca/braillegenerator.py: add new
	isLayoutOnly method to default.py where isLayoutOnly returns True
	if the object is for layout/spacing purposes only. If so, don't
	add it to the speech or braille context.  The current logic looks
	for the Gecko "layout-guess" property as well as
	unlabelled/unnamed panels.  Refactor the
	get{Speech,Braille}Context methods to use this new method.  Note
	that the "layout-guess" property of Gecko is a built-in heuristic
	of Gecko and does not require specific markup in the HTML.  It
	seems to work OK and is what we seem to end up needing to use
	because I cannot figure out other ways to get things like border
	width and such out objects.
	* src/orca/at-spi.py: add 'attributes' field to Python Accessible
	and have it delegate to the getAttributes method of the AT-SPI
	Accessible object.
	* src/orca/util.py: additional fix for bug 394397: make sure
	local variables are set before being used.	
2007-01-12  Willie Walker <william.walker@sun.com>

	* src/orca/util.py: In getDisplayedText, genericize the expansion
	of accessible text when the accessible text is a single
	EMBEDDED_OBJECT_CHARACTER.  This provides a little better
	experience for Gecko.  The note from my EMBEDDED_OBJECT_CHARACTER
	commit on 2007-01-09 still applies, though.	

2007-01-11  Lynn Monsanto <lynn.monsanto@sun.com>

	* src/orca/scripts/Thunderbird.py: In the Account Settings
	dialog, speak the enclosing panel if it is named.

2007-01-11  Rich Burridge <rich.burridge@sun.com>

        * src/orca/util.py:
          Fix for bug #376791 – Orca does not provide access to the buddy 
          list in Gaim 2.0.0 beta 5.

2007-01-11  Willie Walker <william.walker@sun.com>

	* src/orca/util.py: fix for bug 394397 - handle arrowing to
	the end of a line and prevent the line from being spoken again.
	This is designed to work with the getTextAtOffset implementations
	provided by at least GEdit, Gecko, and OOo.
2007-01-11  Willie Walker <william.walker@sun.com>

	* test/harness/runall.sh: add "-s" option to require test
	runner to press "Return" to go from one keystroke file to
	the next.  This is useful in helping to analyze keystroke
	files -- you can more easily kill the test harness when
	you that a test has gone awry, and you have a better idea
	of which test when awry.
2007-01-10  Lynn Monsanto <lynn.monsanto@sun.com>

	* src/orca/scripts/Thunderbird.py: Handle preferences that 
	contain editable text fields.

2007-01-10  Willie Walker <william.walker@sun.com>

	* test/harness/runall.sh: update to ignore .svn directories

	* test/2007-01-10_07:19:11/*: new test results
2007-01-09  Rich Burridge <rich.burridge@sun.com>

        * src/orca/gnomespeechfactory.py:
          Fix for bug #392939 – "-" should be spoken when used as a 
          negative sign at "some" punctuation.

2007-01-09  Willie Walker <william.walker@sun.com>

	* src/orca/Gecko.py: some work on comboboxes inside HTML forms.
	Note that the the combobox AT-SPI implement seems a bit broken,
	so I could only take this so far (see my bugs.html entry from
	this same day).
	* src/orca/atspi.py: if we expect to find a child, but it doesn't
	exist, make sure we raise it as a warning.  This is not good
	behavior on part of the AT-SPI implementation and we need to make
	sure we know about it so we can log a bug with the appropriate
	AT-SPI implementation.
	* src/orca/util.py: in getDisplayedText, handle case where the
	text is a single EMBEDDED_OBJECT_CHARACTER.  In these cases,
	we'll defer to getDisplayedText on the child for the text.  The
	main driver for this is the Gecko toolkit, and this is a fix
	to handle the majority of the problems I've been seeing with
	labels in Gecko.  At some point, we may need to provide a more
	sophisticated algorithm to handle strings containing one or
	more EMBEDDED_OBJECT_CHARACTERs, but we'll cross that bridge
	when we get to it.
	* bugs/bugs.html: Add Firefox/Gecko bugs 366434 (crasher) and
	366435 (combobox children disappearing from hierarchy when
	activated from keyboard).

2007-01-08  Lynn Monsanto <lynn.monsanto@sun.com>

	* src/orca/Gecko.py: Don't use the structural navivation 
	model if the user is editing the document.

2007-01-08  Willie Walker <william.walker@sun.com>

	* bugs/bugs.html: add Gecko bug 366340 regarding incorrect 
	value of SHOWING state on hidden list items.
2007-01-07  Willie Walker <william.walker@sun.com>

	* svn+ssh://wwalker@svn.gnome.org/svn/orca/tags/ORCA_2_17_5:
	final prep for v2.17.5.  Everything below this line is included
	in v2.17.5 - many many thanks to all involved.