2.17.5 - 07-Jan-2007 * Brand new script for Adobe Acrobat Reader from Joanie Diggs (Thanks Joanie!!!). NOTE: there are still some accessibility issues to be worked out with the team at Adobe, but this script helps provide some level of access to PDF documents via Reader. * Much more work on Gecko.py script for Firefox 3.0. There's still much more work to do in the Firefox 3.0 internals as well as the Gecko.py script. We're still working feverishly on it. * Update to outloud.py to add more voices and prevent crash when ViaVoice is used (thanks to community member Bart Bunting!!!) * Adjusted bleeding edge Orca code to work with bleeding edge BrlAPI code. We expect there to be one more change in BrlAPI 0.5.0 before it stabilizes, but it wasn't ready at the time of this release. * Work on bug 350233 (actually an RFE): New script for the Liferea application from community member Francisco Javier Dorado MartÃnez (thanks Javier!!!). * Work on bug 376517: Orca now speaks the unit of measure (pixels) after the left-margin and/or right-margin text attributes if they differ from the norm. * Work on bug 347124: Added feature to allow user to tell gksu to disable keyboard grabs. This is just one of the several pieces of the puzzle to help prevent hangs when launching sysadmin apps from the desktop of a non-root user. * Fix for bug 393074: Repeated characters are now correctly read. (Thanks to Juan Ramon Jimenez for this fix!!!). * Fix for bug 362546: Fixed problem speaking status bar contents (Insert+KP_Enter) when the status bar is a single component (e.g., text field), rather than a container with multiple sub-components. * Moved the keyboard layout to the first tab in the preferences dialog. * Fix for bug 388620: Fixed wording of "not not" string. * Fix for bug 388317: Prevent crash in Adobe Acrobat Reader (thanks Joanie!!!). * Fix for bug 387556: Make arrowing to end of line in OOo consistent with what happens in gedit (thanks Joanie!!!). * Fix for bug 388039: prevent stack trace when running orca -t. * Fix for bug 386267: In Evolution, Orca now speaks/brailles the unread status instead of the read status in the message summary list. * Fix for bug 382890: Extended dynamic row and column header support to OOo Writer tables. * New and updated translations (THANKS EVERYONE!!!): ar Arabic Djihed Afifi en_GB English/British David Lodge es Spanish Francisco Javier F. Serrador nb Norwegian BokmÃ¥l Kjartan Maraas sv Swedish Daniel Nylander ==========