#!/usr/bin/env python # default options; feel free to change! defaultCompiler = "pdflatex" defaultArguments = "-synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode" defaultSpeechSetting = "never" # # texliveonfly.py (formerly lualatexonfly.py) - "Downloading on the fly" # (similar to miktex) for texlive. # # Given a .tex file, runs lualatex (by default) repeatedly, using error messages # to install missing packages. # # # Version 1.2 ; October 4, 2011 # # Written on Ubuntu 10.04 with TexLive 2011 # Python 2.6+ or 3 # Should work on Linux and OS X # # Copyright (C) 2011 Saitulaa Naranong # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. import re, subprocess, os, time, optparse, sys, shlex scriptName = os.path.basename(__file__) #the name of this script file py3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3 #functions to support python3's usage of bytes in some places where 2 uses strings tobytesifpy3 = lambda s = None : s.encode() if py3 and s != None else s frombytesifpy3 = lambda b = None : b.decode("UTF-8") if py3 and b != None else b #version of Popen.communicate that always takes and returns strings #regardless of py version def communicateStr ( process, s = None ): (a,b) = process.communicate( tobytesifpy3(s) ) return ( frombytesifpy3(a), frombytesifpy3(b) ) subprocess.Popen.communicateStr = communicateStr #global variables (necessary in py2; for py3 should use nonlocal) installation_initialized = False installing = False def generateSudoer(this_terminal_only = False, tempDirectory = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), ".texliveonfly") ): lockfilePath = os.path.join(tempDirectory, "newterminal_lock") #NOTE: double-escaping \\ is neccessary for a slash to appear in the bash command # in particular, double quotations in the command need to be written \\" def spawnInNewTerminal(bashCommand): #makes sure the temp directory exists try: os.mkdir(tempDirectory) except OSError: print("\n" + scriptName + ": Our temp directory " + tempDirectory + " already exists; good.") #creates lock file lockfile = open(lockfilePath, 'w') lockfile.write( "Terminal privilege escalator running.") lockfile.close() #adds intro and line to remove lock bashCommand = '''echo \\"The graphical privilege escalator failed for some reason; we'll try asking for your administrator password here instead.\\n{0}\\n\\";{1}; rm \\"{2}\\"'''.format("-"*18, bashCommand, lockfilePath) #runs the bash command in a new terminal try: subprocess.Popen ( ['x-terminal-emulator', '-e', 'sh -c "{0}"'.format(bashCommand) ] ) except OSError: try: subprocess.Popen ( ['xterm', '-e', 'sh -c "{0}"'.format(bashCommand) ] ) except OSError: os.remove(lockfilePath) raise #doesn't let us proceed until the lock file has been removed by the bash command while os.path.exists(lockfilePath): time.sleep(0.1) def runSudoCommand(bashCommand): if this_terminal_only: process = subprocess.Popen( ['sudo'] + shlex.split(bashCommand) ) process.wait() elif os.name == "mac": process = subprocess.Popen(['osascript'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE ) process.communicateStr( '''do shell script "{0}" with administrator privileges'''.format(bashCommand) ) else: #raises OSError if neither exist try: process = subprocess.Popen( ['gksudo', bashCommand] ) except OSError: process = subprocess.Popen( ['kdesudo', bashCommand] ) process.wait() # First tries one-liner graphical/terminal sudo, then opens extended command in new terminal # raises OSError if both do def attemptSudo(oneLiner, newTerminalCommand = ""): try: runSudoCommand(oneLiner) except OSError: if this_terminal_only: print("The sudo command has failed and we can't launch any more terminals.") raise else: print("Default graphical priviledge escalator has failed for some reason.") print("A new terminal will open and you may be prompted for your sudo password.") spawnInNewTerminal(newTerminalCommand) return attemptSudo #speech_setting = "never" prioritized over all others: "always", "install", "fail" def generateSpeakers(speech_setting): speech_setting = speech_setting.lower() doNothing = lambda x, failure = None : None #most general inputs, always speaks generalSpeaker = lambda expression, failure = False : speakerFunc(expression) if "never" in speech_setting: return (doNothing, doNothing) try: if os.name == "mac": speaker = subprocess.Popen(['say'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE ) else: speaker = subprocess.Popen(['espeak'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE ) except: return (doNothing, doNothing) def speakerFunc(expression): if not expression.endswith("\n"): expression += "\n" try: speaker.stdin.write(tobytesifpy3(expression)) speaker.stdin.flush() except: #very tolerant of errors here print("An error has occurred when using the speech synthesizer.") #if this is called, we're definitely installing. def installationSpeaker(expression): global installing installing = True #permanantly sets installing (for the endSpeaker) if "install" in speech_setting: speakerFunc(expression) def endSpeaker(expression, failure = False): if installing and "install" in speech_setting or failure and "fail" in speech_setting: speakerFunc(expression) if "always" in speech_setting: return (generalSpeaker, generalSpeaker) else: return (installationSpeaker, endSpeaker) #generates speaker for installing packages and an exit function def generateSpeakerFuncs(speech_setting): (installspeaker, exitspeaker) = generateSpeakers(speech_setting) def exiter(code = 0): exitspeaker("Compilation{0}successful.".format(", un" if code != 0 else " "), failure = code != 0 ) sys.exit(code) return (installspeaker, exiter) def generateTLMGRFuncs(tlmgr, speaker, sudoFunc): #checks that tlmgr is installed, raises OSError otherwise #also checks whether we need to escalate permissions, using fake remove command process = subprocess.Popen( [ tlmgr, "remove" ], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) (tlmgr_out, tlmgr_err) = process.communicateStr() #does our default user have update permissions? default_permission = "don't have permission" not in tlmgr_err #always call on first update; updates tlmgr and checks permissions def initializeInstallation(): updateInfo = "Updating tlmgr prior to installing packages\n(this is necessary to avoid complaints from itself)." print( scriptName + ": " + updateInfo) if default_permission: process = subprocess.Popen( [tlmgr, "update", "--self" ] ) process.wait() else: print( "\n{0}: Default user doesn't have permission to modify the TeX Live distribution; upgrading to superuser for installation mode.\n".format(scriptName) ) basicCommand = ''''{0}' update --self'''.format(tlmgr) sudoFunc( basicCommand, '''echo \\"This is {0}'s 'install packages on the fly' feature.\\n\\n{1}\\n\\" ; sudo {2}'''.format(scriptName, updateInfo, basicCommand ) ) def installPackages(packages): if len(packages) == 0: return global installation_initialized if not installation_initialized: initializeInstallation() installation_initialized = True packagesString = " ".join(packages) print("{0}: Attempting to install LaTex package(s): {1}".format( scriptName, packagesString ) ) if default_permission: process = subprocess.Popen( [ tlmgr, "install"] + packages , stdin=subprocess.PIPE ) process.wait() else: basicCommand = ''''{0}' install {1}'''.format(tlmgr, packagesString) bashCommand='''echo \\"This is {0}'s 'install packages on the fly' feature.\\n\\nAttempting to install LaTeX package(s): {1} \\" echo \\"(Some of them might not be real.)\\n\\" sudo {2}'''.format(scriptName, packagesString, basicCommand) sudoFunc(basicCommand, bashCommand) #strictmatch requires an entire /file match in the search results def getSearchResults(preamble, term, strictMatch): fontOrFile = "font" if "font" in preamble else "file" speaker("Searching for missing {0}: {1} ".format(fontOrFile, term)) print( "{0}: Searching repositories for missing {1} {2}".format(scriptName, fontOrFile, term) ) process = subprocess.Popen([ tlmgr, "search", "--global", "--file", term], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) ( output , stderrdata ) = process.communicateStr() outList = output.split("\n") results = ["latex"] #latex 'result' for removal later for line in outList: line = line.strip() if line.startswith(preamble) and (not strictMatch or line.endswith("/" + term)): #filters out the package in: # texmf-dist/.../package/file #and adds it to packages results.append(line.split("/")[-2].strip()) results.append(line.split("/")[-3].strip()) #occasionally the package is one more slash before results = list(set(results)) #removes duplicates results.remove("latex") #removes most common fake result if len(results) == 0: speaker("File not found.") print("{0}: No results found for {1}".format( scriptName, term ) ) else: speaker("Installing.") return results def searchFilePackage(file): return getSearchResults("texmf-dist/", file, True) def searchFontPackage(font): font = re.sub(r"\((.*)\)", "", font) #gets rid of parentheses results = getSearchResults("texmf-dist/fonts/", font , False) #allow for possibility of lowercase if len(results) == 0: return [] if font.islower() else searchFontPackage(font.lower()) else: return results def searchAndInstall(searcher, entry): installPackages(searcher(entry)) return entry #returns the entry just installed return ( lambda entry : searchAndInstall(searchFilePackage, entry), lambda entry : searchAndInstall(searchFontPackage, entry) ) def generateCompiler(compiler, arguments, texDoc, exiter): def compileTexDoc(): try: process = subprocess.Popen( [compiler] + shlex.split(arguments) + [texDoc], stdin=sys.stdin, stdout = subprocess.PIPE ) return readFromProcess(process) except OSError: print( "{0}: Unable to start {1}; are you sure it is installed?{2}".format(scriptName, compiler, " \n\n(Or run " + scriptName + " --help for info on how to choose a different compiler.)" if compiler == defaultCompiler else "" ) ) exiter(1) def readFromProcess(process): getProcessLine = lambda : frombytesifpy3(process.stdout.readline()) output = "" line = getProcessLine() while line != '': output += line sys.stdout.write(line) line = getProcessLine() returnCode = None while returnCode == None: returnCode = process.poll() return (output, returnCode) return compileTexDoc ### MAIN PROGRAM ### if __name__ == '__main__': # Parse command line parser = optparse.OptionParser( usage="\n\n\t%prog [options] file.tex\n\nUse option --help for more info.", description = 'This program downloads TeX Live packages "on the fly" while compiling .tex documents. ' + 'Some of its default options can be directly changed in {0}. For example, the default compiler can be edited on line 4.'.format(scriptName) , version='1.2', epilog = 'Copyright (C) 2011 Saitulaa Naranong. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see the GNU General Public License v3 for more info.' , conflict_handler='resolve' ) parser.add_option('-h', '--help', action='help', help='print this help text and exit') parser.add_option('-c', '--compiler', dest='compiler', metavar='COMPILER', help='your LaTeX compiler; defaults to {0}'.format(defaultCompiler), default=defaultCompiler) parser.add_option('-a', '--arguments', dest='arguments', metavar='ARGS', help='arguments to pass to compiler; default is: "{0}"'.format(defaultArguments) , default=defaultArguments) parser.add_option('--texlive_bin', dest='texlive_bin', metavar='LOCATION', help='Custom location for the TeX Live bin folder', default="") parser.add_option('--terminal_only', action = "store_true" , dest='terminal_only', default=False, help="Forces us to assume we can run only in this terminal. Permission escalators will appear here rather than graphically or in a new terminal.") parser.add_option('-s', '--speech_when' , dest='speech_setting', metavar="OPTION", default=defaultSpeechSetting , help='Toggles speech-synthesized notifications (where supported). OPTION can be "always", "never", "installing", "failed", or some combination.') parser.add_option('-f', '--fail_silently', action = "store_true" , dest='fail_silently', help="If tlmgr cannot be found, compile document anyway.", default=False) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) == 0: parser.error( "{0}: You must specify a .tex file to compile.".format(scriptName) ) texDoc = args[0] compiler_path = os.path.join( options.texlive_bin, options.compiler) (installSpeaker, exitScript) = generateSpeakerFuncs(options.speech_setting) compileTex = generateCompiler( compiler_path, options.arguments, texDoc, exitScript) #initializes tlmgr, responds if the program not found try: tlmgr_path = os.path.join(options.texlive_bin, "tlmgr") (installFile, installFont) = generateTLMGRFuncs(tlmgr_path, installSpeaker, generateSudoer(options.terminal_only)) except OSError: if options.fail_silently: (output, returnCode) = compileTex() exitScript(returnCode) else: parser.error( "{0}: It appears {1} is not installed. {2}".format(scriptName, tlmgr_path, "Are you sure you have TeX Live 2010 or later?" if tlmgr_path == "tlmgr" else "" ) ) #loop constraints done = False previousFile = "" previousFontFile = "" previousFont ="" #keeps running until all missing font/file errors are gone, or the same ones persist in all categories while not done: (output, returnCode) = compileTex() #most reliable: searches for missing file filesSearch = re.findall(r"! LaTeX Error: File `([^`']*)' not found" , output) + re.findall(r"! I can't find file `([^`']*)'." , output) filesSearch = [ name for name in filesSearch if name != texDoc ] #strips our .tex doc from list of files #next most reliable: infers filename from font error fontsFileSearch = [ name + ".tfm" for name in re.findall(r"! Font \\[^=]*=([^\s]*)\s", output) ] #brute force search for font name in files fontsSearch = re.findall(r"! Font [^\n]*file\:([^\:\n]*)\:", output) + re.findall(r"! Font \\[^/]*/([^/]*)/", output) try: if len(filesSearch) > 0 and filesSearch[0] != previousFile: previousFile = installFile(filesSearch[0] ) elif len(fontsFileSearch) > 0 and fontsFileSearch[0] != previousFontFile: previousFontFile = installFile(fontsFileSearch[0]) elif len(fontsSearch) > 0 and fontsSearch[0] != previousFont: previousFont = installFont(fontsSearch[0]) else: done = True except OSError: print("\n{0}: Unable to update; all privilege escalation attempts have failed!".format(scriptName) ) print("We've already compiled the .tex document, so there's nothing else to do.\n Exiting..") exitScript(returnCode) exitScript(returnCode)