#! /usr/bin/env python # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Convert a macro prototype to a LaTeX \newcommand # By Scott Pakin <scott+nc@pakin.org> # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2010 Scott Pakin, scott+nc@pakin.org # # This package may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions # of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this # license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of # this license is in: # # http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt # # and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version # 2006/05/20 or later. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- from spark import GenericScanner, GenericParser, GenericASTTraversal import re import copy class ParseError(Exception): "Represent any error that occurs during processing." pass class Token: "Represent a single lexed token." def __init__(self, type, charOffset, attr=None): self.type = type self.attr = attr self.charOffset = charOffset def __cmp__(self, o): return cmp(self.type, o) def __str__(self): return self.attr class AST: "Represent an abstract syntax tree." def __init__(self, type, charOffset, attr=None, kids=[]): self.type = type self.charOffset = charOffset self.attr = attr self.kids = kids def __getitem__(self, child): return self.kids[child] def __len__(self): return len(self.kids) class CmdScanner(GenericScanner): "Defines a lexer for macro prototypes." def __init__(self): GenericScanner.__init__(self) self.charOffset = 0 def tokenize(self, input): self.rv = [] GenericScanner.tokenize(self, input) return self.rv def t_whitespace(self, whiteSpace): r' [\s\r\n]+ ' self.charOffset = self.charOffset + len(whiteSpace) def t_command(self, cmd): r' MACRO ' self.rv.append(Token(type='command', attr=cmd, charOffset=self.charOffset)) self.charOffset = self.charOffset + len(cmd) def t_argument_type(self, arg): r' OPT ' self.rv.append(Token(type='argtype', attr=arg, charOffset=self.charOffset)) self.charOffset = self.charOffset + len(arg) def t_argument(self, arg): r' \#\d+ ' self.rv.append(Token(type='argument', attr=arg, charOffset=self.charOffset)) self.charOffset = self.charOffset + len(arg) def t_equal(self, equal): r' = ' self.rv.append(Token(type=equal, attr=equal, charOffset=self.charOffset)) self.charOffset = self.charOffset + len(equal) def t_quoted(self, quoted): r' \{[^\}]*\} ' self.rv.append(Token(type='quoted', attr=quoted, charOffset=self.charOffset)) self.charOffset = self.charOffset + len(quoted) def t_identifier(self, ident): r' [A-Za-z]+ ' self.rv.append(Token(type='ident', attr=ident, charOffset=self.charOffset)) self.charOffset = self.charOffset + len(ident) def t_delimiter(self, delim): r' [()\[\]] ' self.rv.append(Token(type='delim', attr=delim, charOffset=self.charOffset)) self.charOffset = self.charOffset + len(delim) def t_other(self, other): r' [^()\[\]\{\}\#\s\r\n]+ ' self.rv.append(Token(type='other', attr=other, charOffset=self.charOffset)) self.charOffset = self.charOffset + len(other) class CmdParser(GenericParser): "Defines a parser for macro prototypes." def __init__(self, start='decl'): GenericParser.__init__(self, start) def error(self, token): raise ParseError, \ ("Syntax error", 1+token.charOffset) def p_optarg(self, args): ' optarg ::= argtype delim defvals delim ' return AST(type='optarg', charOffset=args[0].charOffset, attr=(args[1].attr, args[3].attr), kids=[args[2]]) def p_rawtext(self, args): ' rawtext ::= other ' return AST(type='rawtext', charOffset=args[0].charOffset, attr=args[0].attr) def p_defval(self, args): ' defval ::= argument = quoted ' return AST(type='defval', charOffset=args[0].charOffset, attr=(args[0].attr, args[2].attr)) def p_defvals_1(self, args): ' defvals ::= defval ' return AST(type='defvals', charOffset=args[0].charOffset, kids=args) def p_defvals_2(self, args): ''' defvals ::= defval rawtext defvals defvals ::= defval ident defvals defvals ::= defval quoted defvals ''' return AST(type='defvals', charOffset=args[0].charOffset, attr=(args[1].type, args[1].attr, args[1].charOffset), kids=[args[0],args[2]]) # Top-level macro argument def p_arg_1(self, args): ''' arg ::= quoted arg ::= argument ''' return AST(type='arg', charOffset=args[0].charOffset, attr=[args[0].type]+[args[0].attr]) def p_arg_2(self, args): ' arg ::= optarg ' return AST(type='arg', charOffset=args[0].charOffset, attr=[args[0].type]+[args[0].attr], kids=args[0].kids) def p_arg_3(self, args): ' arg ::= rawtext ' if args[0].attr != "*": raise ParseError, \ ('Literal text must be quoted between "{" and "}"', args[0].charOffset + 1) return AST(type='arg', charOffset=args[0].charOffset, attr=[args[0].type]+[args[0].attr]) def p_arglist_1(self, args): ' arglist ::= arg ' return AST(type='arglist', charOffset=args[0].charOffset, kids=args) def p_arglist_2(self, args): ' arglist ::= arg arglist ' return AST(type='arglist', charOffset=args[0].charOffset, kids=args) def p_decl_1(self, args): ' decl ::= command ident ' return AST(type='decl', charOffset=args[0].charOffset, attr=(args[0].attr, args[1].attr), kids=[]) def p_decl_2(self, args): ' decl ::= command ident arglist ' return AST(type='decl', charOffset=args[0].charOffset, attr=(args[0].attr, args[1].attr), kids=[args[2]]) def flattenAST(ast): class FlattenAST(GenericASTTraversal): "Flatten an AST into a list of arguments." def __init__(self, ast): GenericASTTraversal.__init__(self, ast) self.postorder() self.argList = ast.argList def n_defval(self, node): node.argList = (node.attr[0], node.attr[1], node.charOffset) def n_defvals(self, node): node.argList = [node.kids[0].argList] if node.attr: node.argList = node.argList + [node.attr] + node.kids[1].argList def n_arg(self, node): if node.attr[0] == "optarg": node.argList = node.attr + node.kids[0].argList else: node.argList = tuple(node.attr + [node.charOffset]) def n_arglist(self, node): node.argList = [node.kids[0].argList] if len(node.kids) == 2: node.argList = node.argList + node.kids[1].argList def n_decl(self, node): node.argList = [(node.attr[0], node.attr[1], node.charOffset)] if node.kids != []: node.argList = node.argList + node.kids[0].argList def default(self, node): raise ParseError, \ ('Internal error -- node type "%s" was unexpected' % node.type, 1+node.charOffset) return FlattenAST(ast).argList def checkArgList(argList): "Raise an error if any problems are detected with the given argument list." def getFormals(sublist): "Return the formal-parameter numbers in the order in which they appear." if sublist == []: return [] head = sublist[0] headval = [] if head[0] == "argument": headval = [(int(head[1][1:]), head[2])] elif head[0][0] == "#": headval = [(int(head[0][1:]), head[2])] elif head[0] == "optarg": headval = getFormals(head[2:]) return headval + getFormals(sublist[1:]) # Ensure the formals appear in strict increasing order. formals = getFormals(argList) prevformal = 0 for form, pos in formals: if form != prevformal + 1: raise ParseError, \ ("Expected parameter %d but saw parameter %d" % (prevformal+1, form), 1+pos) prevformal = form # Ensure that "*" appears at most once at the top level. seenStar = False for arg in argList: if arg[0] == "rawtext" and arg[1] == "*": if seenStar: raise ParseError, \ ("Only one star parameter is allowed", arg[2]) seenStar = True # Ensure that no optional argument contains more than nine formals. for arg in argList: if arg[0] == "optarg": optFormals = 0 for oarg in arg[2:]: if oarg[0][0] == "#": optFormals += 1 if optFormals > 9: raise ParseError, \ ("An optional argument can contain at most nine formals", oarg[2]) # Ensure that "#" is used only where it's allowed. for arg in argList: if arg[0] in ["rawtext", "quoted"]: hashidx = string.find(arg[1], "#") if hashidx == 0 or (hashidx > 0 and arg[1][hashidx-1] != "\\"): if arg[0] == "quoted": hashidx += 1 raise ParseError, \ ('The "#" character cannot be used as a literal character unless escaped with "\\"', arg[2] + hashidx) elif arg[0] == "optarg": for oarg in arg[2:]: if oarg[0] in ["rawtext", "quoted"]: hashidx = string.find(oarg[1], "#") if hashidx == 0 or (hashidx > 0 and oarg[1][hashidx-1] != "\\"): if oarg[0] == "quoted": hashidx += 1 raise ParseError, \ ('The "#" character cannot be used as a literal character unless escaped with "\\"', oarg[2] + hashidx) class LaTeXgenerator(): "Generate LaTeX code from a list of arguments." def __init__(self): "Initialize all of LaTeXgenerator's instance variables." self.argList = [] # List of arguments provided to generate() self.topLevelName = "???" # Base macro name self.haveStar = False # True=need to define \ifNAME@star self.haveAt = False # True=need to use \makeatletter...\makeatother self.numFormals = 0 # Total number of formal arguments self.codeList = [] # List of lines of code to output def toRoman(self, num): "Convert a decimal number to roman." dec2rom = [("m", 1000), ("cm", 900), ("d", 500), ("cd", 400), ("c", 100), ("xc", 90), ("l", 50), ("xl", 40), ("x", 10), ("ix", 9), ("v", 5), ("iv", 4), ("i", 1)] romanStr = "" if num > 4000: raise ParseError, ("Too many arguments", 0) for rom, dec in dec2rom: while num >= dec: romanStr += rom num -= dec return romanStr def partitionArgList(self): "Group arguments, one per macro to generate." self.argGroups = [] argIdx = 1 # Specially handle the first group because it's limited by # \newcomand's semantics. group = [] if len(self.argList) == 1: # No arguments whatsoever self.argGroups.append(group) return arg = self.argList[argIdx] if arg[0] == "optarg" and arg[1] == ("[", "]") and len(arg) == 3: group.append(arg) argIdx += 1 while len(group) < 9 and argIdx < len(self.argList) and self.argList[argIdx][0] == "argument": group.append(self.argList[argIdx]) argIdx += 1 self.argGroups.append(group) # Handle the remaining groups, each ending before an optional # argument. group = [] numFormals = 0 for arg in self.argList[argIdx:]: if arg[0] == "rawtext": # Treat "*" as an optional argument. if arg[1] == "*": if group != []: self.argGroups.append(group) group = [] numFormals = 0 group.append(arg) elif arg[0] == "quoted": group.append(arg) elif arg[0] == "argument": group.append(arg) numFormals += 1 if numFormals == 9: if group != []: self.argGroups.append(group) group = [] numFormals = 0 elif arg[0] == "optarg": # Note that we know from checkArgList() that there are # no more than 10 formals specified within the # optional argument. if group != []: self.argGroups.append(group) group = [] numFormals = 0 optarg = arg[0:2] for oarg in arg[2:]: if oarg[0] in ["rawtext", "quoted"]: optarg.append(oarg) elif oarg[0][0] == "#": numFormals += 1 optarg.append(oarg) else: optarg.append(oarg) group.append(optarg) if group != []: self.argGroups.append(group) def argsToString(self, argList, mode, argSubtract=0): ''' Produce a string version of a list of arguments. mode is one of "define", "call", or "calldefault". argSubtract is subtracted from each argument number. ''' if mode not in ["define", "call", "calldefault"]: raise ParseError, ('Internal error (mode="%s")' % mode, argList[0][2]) argStr = "" findArgRE = re.compile('#(\d+)') for arg in argList: if arg[0] == "argument": if mode == "define": argStr += "#%d" % (int(arg[1][1:]) - argSubtract) else: argStr += "{#%d}" % (int(arg[1][1:]) - argSubtract) elif arg[0] == "rawtext": argStr += arg[1] elif arg[0] == "quoted": argStr += arg[1][1:-1] elif arg[0] == "optarg": argStr += arg[1][0] for oarg in arg[2:]: if oarg[0][0] == "#": if mode == "define": argStr += "#%d" % (int(oarg[0][1:]) - argSubtract) elif mode == "call": argStr += "{#%d}" % (int(oarg[0][1:]) - argSubtract) else: if self.numFormals > 9: argStr += findArgRE.sub(lambda a: "\\"+self.topLevelName+"@arg@"+self.toRoman(int(a.group(0)[1:])), oarg[1]) else: argStr += oarg[1] elif oarg[0] == "quoted": argStr += oarg[1][1:-1] elif oarg[0] == "rawtext": argStr += oarg[1] else: raise ParseError, ('Internal error ("%s")' % oarg[0], oarg[2]) argStr += arg[1][1] else: raise ParseError, ('Internal error ("%s")' % arg[0], arg[2]) return argStr def callMacro(self, macroNum): "Return an array of strings suitable for calling macro macroNum." if macroNum >= len(self.argGroups): # No more macros. return [] macroName = "\\%s@%s" % (self.topLevelName, self.toRoman(macroNum)) nextArg = self.argGroups[macroNum][0] callSeq = [] if self.numFormals > 9: # More than nine formal parameters if nextArg[0] == "optarg": callSeq.append(" \\@ifnextchar%s{%s}{%s%s}%%" % \ (nextArg[1][0], macroName, macroName, self.argsToString([nextArg], mode="calldefault"))) elif nextArg[0] == "rawtext" and nextArg[1] == "*": callSeq.append(" \\@ifstar{\\%s@startrue%s*}{\\%s@starfalse%s*}%%" % \ (self.topLevelName, macroName, self.topLevelName, macroName)) else: callSeq.append(" %s" % macroName) else: # Nine or fewer formal parameters argStr = "" for g in range(0, macroNum): argStr += self.argsToString(self.argGroups[g], mode="call") if nextArg[0] == "optarg": callSeq.append(" \\@ifnextchar%s{%s%s}{%s%s%s}%%" % \ (nextArg[1][0], macroName, argStr, macroName, argStr, self.argsToString([nextArg], mode="calldefault"))) elif nextArg[0] == "rawtext" and nextArg[1] == "*": callSeq.append(" \\@ifstar{\\%s@startrue%s%s*}{\\%s@starfalse%s%s*}%%" % \ (self.topLevelName, macroName, argStr, self.topLevelName, macroName, argStr)) else: callSeq.append(" %s%s%%" % (macroName, argStr)) return callSeq def putCodeHere(self): 'Return an array of strings representing "Put code here".' code = [] if self.haveStar: code.extend([" \\if%s@star" % self.topLevelName, ' % Put code for the "*" case here.', " \\else", ' % Put code for the non-"*" case here.', " \\fi", " %% Put code common to both cases here (and/or above the \\if%s@star)." % self.topLevelName]) else: code.append(" % Put your code here.") if self.numFormals == 0: return code if self.numFormals > 9: firstArgName = "\\%s@arg@i" % self.topLevelName lastArgName = "\\%s@arg@%s" % (self.topLevelName, self.toRoman(self.numFormals)) else: firstArgName = "#1" lastArgName = "#%d" % self.numFormals if self.numFormals == 1: code.append(" %% You can refer to the argument as %s." % firstArgName) elif self.numFormals == 2: code.append(" %% You can refer to the arguments as %s and %s." % (firstArgName, lastArgName)) else: code.append(" %% You can refer to the arguments as %s through %s." % (firstArgName, lastArgName)) return code def produceTopLevel(self): "Generate the code for the top-level macro definition." # Generate the macro definition. defStr = "\\newcommand{\\%s}" % self.topLevelName argList = self.argGroups[0] if argList != []: defStr += "[%d]" % len(argList) firstArg = argList[0] if firstArg[0] == "optarg": defVal = firstArg[2][1][1:-1] if string.find(defVal, "]") != -1: defVal = "{%s}" % defVal defStr += "[%s]" % defVal defStr += "{%" self.codeList.append(defStr) # Generate the macro body. if len(self.argGroups) == 1: # Single macro definition. self.codeList.extend(self.putCodeHere()) else: # More macros are forthcoming. if self.numFormals > 9: # More than nine formal parameters for f in range(1, len(argList)+1): self.codeList.append(" \\def\\%s@arg@%s{#%d}%%" % (self.topLevelName, self.toRoman(f), f)) self.codeList.extend(self.callMacro(1)) self.codeList.append("}") def produceRemainingMacros(self): "Generate code for all macros except the first." formalsSoFar = len(self.argGroups[0]) for groupNum in range(1, len(self.argGroups)): # Generate the macro header. self.codeList.append("") argList = self.argGroups[groupNum] defStr = "\\def\\%s@%s" % (self.topLevelName, self.toRoman(groupNum)) if self.numFormals > 9: defStr += self.argsToString(argList, mode="define", argSubtract=formalsSoFar) else: for g in range (0, groupNum+1): defStr += self.argsToString(self.argGroups[g], mode="define") self.codeList.append(defStr + "{%") # Generate the macro body. if self.numFormals > 9: # More than nine formal parameters for arg in argList: if arg[0] == "argument": formalNum = int(arg[1][1:]) self.codeList.append(" \\def\\%s@arg@%s{#%d}%%" % \ (self.topLevelName, self.toRoman(formalNum), formalNum - formalsSoFar)) elif arg[0] == "optarg": for oarg in arg[2:]: if oarg[0][0] == "#": formalNum = int(oarg[0][1:]) self.codeList.append(" \\def\\%s@arg@%s{#%d}%%" % \ (self.topLevelName, self.toRoman(formalNum), formalNum - formalsSoFar)) if groupNum == len(self.argGroups) - 1: self.codeList.extend(self.putCodeHere()) else: self.codeList.extend(self.callMacro(groupNum + 1)) else: # Nine or fewer formal parameters. if groupNum == len(self.argGroups) - 1: self.codeList.extend(self.putCodeHere()) else: self.codeList.extend(self.callMacro(groupNum + 1)) # Generate the macro trailer. self.codeList.append("}") # Increment the count of formals seen so far. for arg in argList: if arg[0] == "argument": formalsSoFar += 1 elif arg[0] == "optarg": formalsSoFar += len(filter(lambda o: o[0][0] == "#", arg[2:])) def generate(self, argList): "Generate LaTeX code from an argument list." # Group arguments and identify characteristics that affect the output. self.argList = argList self.partitionArgList() self.haveAt = len(self.argGroups) > 1 self.haveStar = filter(lambda arg: arg[0]=="rawtext" and arg[1]=="*", self.argList) != [] self.topLevelName = self.argList[0][1] for arg in self.argList: if arg[0] == "argument": self.numFormals += 1 elif arg[0] == "optarg": for oarg in arg[2:]: if oarg[0][0] == "#": self.numFormals += 1 # Output LaTeX code. if self.haveAt: self.codeList.append("\\makeatletter") if self.haveStar: self.codeList.append("\\newif\\if%s@star" % self.topLevelName) self.produceTopLevel() self.produceRemainingMacros() if self.haveAt: self.codeList.append("\\makeatother") for codeLine in self.codeList: print codeLine # The buck starts here. if __name__ == '__main__': import sys import string def processLine(): "Parses the current value of oneLine." global oneLine try: sys.stdout.softspace = 0 # Cancel the %$#@! space. oneLine = string.strip(oneLine) if oneLine=="" or oneLine[0]=="%": return if not isStdin: print prompt, oneLine scanner = CmdScanner() parser = CmdParser() tokens = scanner.tokenize(oneLine) ast = parser.parse(tokens) argList = flattenAST(ast) checkArgList(argList) gen = LaTeXgenerator() gen.generate(argList) except ParseError,(message, pos): sys.stderr.write((" "*(len(prompt)+pos)) + "^\n") sys.stderr.write("%s: %s.\n" % (sys.argv[0], message)) if isStdin: print "" sys.setrecursionlimit(5000) prompt = "% Prototype:" if len(sys.argv) <= 1: isStdin = 1 print prompt + " ", while 1: oneLine = sys.stdin.readline() if not oneLine: break processLine() print prompt + " ", else: isStdin = 0 oneLine = string.join(sys.argv[1:]) processLine()