%% Project:     Documentation Tools
%% Descr:       Latex -->  MAN-page (groff -man), LaTeX package
%% Author:      Dr. Jürgen Vollmer, Juergen.Vollmer@informatik-vollmer.de
%% $Id: latex2man.sty,v 1.93 2018/11/25 13:05:37 vollmer Exp $
%% VERSION: 1.29
%% `latex2man' package to use with LaTeX2e.
%% Latex2man is a tool to translate UNIX manual pages written with LaTeX into a
%% format understood by the UNIX man(1)-command.
%% Alternatively HTML or TexInfo code can be produced too.
%% Output of parts of the text may be supressed using the conditional text
%% feature.
%% There is LaTeX package (latex2man.sty) used for writing the Man-page
%% and a PERL script (latex2man) doing the actual translation.
%% Copyright (C) 1998, Dr. Juergen Vollmer
%%                     Am Rennbuckel 21, D-76185 Karlsruhe, Germany
%%                     Juergen.Vollmer@informatik-vollmer.de
%% License:
%%   This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
%%   of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
%%   archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
%%   version 1 of the License, or any later version.
%% If you find this software useful, please send me a postcard.

\ProvidesPackage{latex2man}[2018/11/25 v1.29]





\newcommand{\Opt}[1]{\@LM@Opt{#1}}                      % Option
\newcommand{\Arg}[1]{\@LM@Arg{#1}}                      % Argument
\newcommand{\OptArg}[2]{\Opt{#1}\Arg{#2}}               % Option with Argument
\newcommand{\OptoArg}[2]{\Opt{#1}[\Arg{#2}]}            % Option with optinal
                                                        % Argument

\newcommand{\oArg}[1]{[\Arg{#1}]}                       % optional Argument
\newcommand{\oOpt}[1]{[\Opt{#1}]}                       % optional Option
\newcommand{\oOptArg}[2]{[\OptArg{#1}{#2}]}             % optional Option with Argument
\newcommand{\oOptoArg}[2]{[\OptoArg{#1}{#2}]}           % optional Option with
                                                        % optional Argument

\newcommand{\Prog}[1]{\textit{#1}}                      % Program name
\newcommand{\Cmd}[2]{\textit{#1}(#2)}                   % Command with number

\newcommand{\File}[1]{\@LM@File{#1}}                    % File name






% #1 Chapter
% #2 Name
% #3 Author
% #4 Tool
\gdef\@LM@Foot{\emph{\@LM@VersionWord\ \@LM@Version, \@LM@Date}}
\rfoot[\fancyplain{#2 (#1)}{#2 (#1)}]{\fancyplain{\@LM@Foot}{\@LM@Foot}}
\lfoot[\fancyplain{\@LM@Foot}{\@LM@Foot}]{\fancyplain{#2 (#1)}{#2 (#1)}}
\gdef\@LM@Foot{\emph{\@LM@VersionWord\ \@LM@Version, \@LM@Date}}
\rfoot[\fancyplain{#2 (#1)}{#2 (#1)}]{\fancyplain{\@LM@Foot}{\@LM@Foot}}
\lfoot[\fancyplain{\@LM@Foot}{\@LM@Foot}]{\fancyplain{#2 (#1)}{#2 (#1)}}
\date{\@LM@Date\\{\small Version \@LM@Version}}

% first optional argument specifies width of last column
% second argrtment specifies number of columns
  \ifcase#2 1\or 1\or 1\or 2\or 3\or 4\or 5\or 6\or 7\or 8\or 9\else 10\fi%

   % optional argument not given
     \labelwidth\z@ \itemindent-\leftmargin
   % optional argument given

