GraphBase samples generated by test_sample:

12 vertices, 96 arcs, format ZZZIIIIZZZZZZZ
V4: "(1,0;1,1)"[1][0][1]
   ->"(1,2;1,0)"[1][2][0], 1[16]
   ->"(1,1;1,2)"[1][1][2], 1[17]
   ->"(0,2;1,0)"[0][2][0], 1[18]
   ->"(1,1;0,1)"[1][1][3], 1[19]
   ->"(2,0;1,2)"[2][0][2], 1[20]
   ->"(1,0;0,1)"[1][0][3], 1[21]
   ->"(0,2;1,1)"[0][2][1], 1[22]
   ->"(2,1;1,1)"[2][1][1], 1[23]

2048 vertices, 14336 arcs, format ZZZIIIZZZZZZZZ
V2000: ""[0][0][1]
   ->""[0][0][1], 1
   ->""[0][0][1], 1
   ->""[0][0][1], 1
   ->""[0][0][1], 1
   ->""[0][0][1], 1
   ->""[0][0][1], 1

3 vertices, 2 arcs, format ZZZIIIZZZZZZZZ
V1: "17.15"[17][15][0]
   ->"18.14"[18][14][0], 1

3 vertices, 30 arcs, format ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
V2: "2"
   ->"1", 1
   ->"1", 1
   ->"1", 1
   ->"1", 10
   ->"0", 1
   ->"0", 11

1702 vertices, 3796 arcs, format ZZZIIVZZZZZZZA[->"Z1508"[0][38]]
V79: "R10:10"[0][76]["Z898"[0][38]]

100 vertices, 4 arcs, format IZZIISIZZZZZZZ
V81: "Eetion"[90][2][1][" king of Cilicia, father of AH"]
   ->"Andromache"[377][2][1][" wife of HT"], 1[6]

40 vertices, 512 arcs, format ZZZZIAIZZZZZZZ
V11: "Printing and publishing"[69451][->NULL]
   ->"Food, liquor, and candy"[300724], 1[1863]
   ->"Cigarettes, cigars, tobacco"[24445], 1[195]
   ->"Printing and publishing"[69451], 1[6089]
   ->"Business support services"[463594], 1[8369]
   ->"Personal services"[827615], 1[9073]
   ->"Users"[3999362], 1[30676]

60 vertices, 114 arcs, format IIIISSIIZZZZZZ
V14: "Maryland"[42][2][0][0]["Terps"]["Atlantic Coast"]
   ->"Louisiana Tech"[0][0][0][0]["Bulldogs"]["(null)"], 34[2][111]
   ->"Virginia"[1005][272][188][65]["Cavaliers"]["Atlantic Coast"], 35[1][83]

50 vertices, 164 arcs, format ZZIIIIZZZZZZZZ
V20: "Saint Louis, MO"[453085][3293][1785][24]
   ->"Tupelo, MS"[23905][3441][1131][86], 364
   ->"Springfield, MO"[133116][2983][1575][62], 235

3158 vertices, 13888 arcs, format ZZZIIIZZIIZZZZ[100][100]
V1294: "1294"[7][2676][2776]
   ->"1416"[6][2876][2876], 1
   ->"1359"[1][2777][2777], 1
   ->"1358"[23][2775][2775], 1
   ->"1295"[2][2677][2677], 1
   ->"1293"[19][2675][2675], 1
   ->"1236"[4][2576][2576], 1

51 vertices, 96 arcs, format ZZIIIIZZZZZZZZ
V14: "Saint Louis, MO"[453085][3293][1785][24]
   ->"Waterloo, IA"[75985][3078][2367][103], 373
   ->"South Bend, IN"[109727][3687][2244][58], 358
   ->"San Diego, CA"[875538][597][898][35], 1875

303 vertices, 1138 arcs, format ZZZZZZZZIZZZZZ[300]
V3: "3"
   ->"300", -377
   ->"302", 39

1000 vertices, 3573 arcs, format IZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
V40: "thought"[461]
   ->"imagination"[527], 1
   ->"memory"[517], 1
   ->"inquiry"[471], 1
   ->"inattention"[468], 1
   ->"attention"[467], 1

Ooops, we just ran into panic code 30!

90 vertices, 38 arcs, format IZZZZZIZZZZZZZ
V5: "would"[590131605]
   ->"world"[150515830], 1[2]
   ->"could"[438944820], 1[0]