% Produce verbatim listings of various sorts
\def\uncatcodespecials{\def\do##1{\catcode`##1=12 } \dospecials}
    \par \TT \spaceskip=0pt	% Make sure we get fixed tt spacing
% This macro turns on verbatim mode until ?endverbatim is seen.
\def\verbatim{\begingroup \setupverbatim
  \parskip=0pt plus .05\baselineskip \parindent=0pt
   \catcode`\ =13 \catcode`\^^M=13 \catcode`\?=0
{\catcode`\^^M=13{\catcode`\ =13\gdef\verbatimdefs{\def^^M{\ \par}\let =\ }}
% This defines ?endverbatim to end the group which begins with \verbatim
% Input a file in verbatim mode.  Sometimes useful for including
% real-life examples into a paper.
    \parskip=0pt plus .05\baselineskip \parindent=0pt
    \input#1 \endgroup

              \hbox{\strut\kern2pt{\tt ESC C-#1 C-#2}\kern2pt}}
              \hrule}\vrule}} % used to have a \kern2pt between the last }'s
              \hbox{\strut\kern2pt{\tt C-#1 C-#2}\kern2pt}}

\def\Web{{\tt WEB}}
\def\Command#1#2#3#4{$$\line{{\hskip\parindent\tt #1}\hfil
                       \ifnum #4>2
                          \ifnum #4=1
\parskip=10pt plus2pt minus2pt
\def\MF{{\logofont META}\-{\logofont FONT}}
\let\mc=\ninerm % medium caps for names like UNIX
\def\Unix{{\mc UNIX}}  \let\unix=\Unix
\font\BF=cmbx10 scaled \magstep2
\font\Bf=cmbx10 scaled \magstep1
\font\Tt=cmtt10 scaled \magstep1
\centerline{\BF A User's Manual for}
\centerline{\BF GNU Emacs' WEB-MODE}
\centerline{\Bf Mark Motl}
\centerline{\bf Department of Computer Science}
\centerline{\bf \TeX{}as A\&M University}
\centerline{\tt motl@cs.tamu.edu}
This document is a companion to {\tt web-mode.el}, a collection of GNU
Emacs Lisp functions designed to customize GNU Emacs so that it is
sensitive to a \Web\ document. Appendix A is a complete list of the

You should receive two files: {\tt web-mode.el \rm and \tt
limbo.material}. The first is the source {\tt web-mode.el}\null. The
second is statements that commonly appear in the limbo portion of a
\Web. This `limbo' code is borrowed from some of Knuth's \Web{}s.

Throughout this document, I will use the symbology used by Emacs. For
example, the {\tt find-file} command can be entered two different ways
\Command{M-x find-file}{x}{f}{1}
The first way of entering the command is to actually type the command as
shown above. Press the {\tt META} key (on some terminals this may be the
{\tt ESC} key); next press the {\tt x} key; finally, enter the
characters {\tt find-file} followed by a carriage return. An alternate
way of issuing this command is to use its associated keybinding as shown
in the box to the right of the command above. In this keybinding {\tt
C-} refers to the {\tt CTRL} key. Press and hold down the {\tt CTRL} key
and then press the {\tt x} key followed by holding down the {\tt CTRL}
key and then pressing the {\tt f} key.  For all commands mentioned
throughout this manual, both forms of invoking the command will be shown
if they exist. Some commands, such as
\Command{M-x what-line}{}{}{0}
do not have a keybinding and hence must be entered by typing in the
command name. All commands that are \Web{} extensions have been prefixed
with ``{\tt web-}''.

I strongly encourage all users of {\tt web-mode.el} to {\it
byte-compile\/} it. The byte-compiled code runs considerably faster
than interpreted code. To byte-compile {\tt web-mode.el}, start GNU
Emacs.  Issue the command 
\Command{M-x byte-compile-file}{}{}{0}
The user will be prompted for the name of the file. Respond with {\tt
web-mode.el}\null. This will create a new file named {\tt


To get {\tt web-mode} automatically loaded, add the following
lines of code to the file that configures your Emacs. This file is
usually ``{\tt .emacs}'' on \Unix{} systems.
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.web\$" . web-mode) auto-mode-alist))
(autoload 'web-mode "web-mode.elc" "Major mode for editing WEB-based documents" t)

\noindent You can also enter {\tt web-mode} manually by loading the
file that contains the {\tt web-mode} functions and then invoking the
function {\tt web-mode}\null. The commands to do this are:
$$\leftline{\hskip\parindent\tt M-x load-file\quad
  {\it Respond with\/} {\tt web-mode.el} {\it or\/} {\tt web-mode.elc}\hfil}$$
\Command{M-x web-mode}{}{}{0}
 \centerline{{\bf NOTICE}}

 The rest of this document will assume that either of the above means which
 invoke {\tt web-mode} has been executed.

 \centerline{{\bf CAVEAT}}

 Some of these functions may seem to be trivial and slow at first. We 
 believe they will pay big dividends for larger \Web{}s.
\leftline{\Bf Getting Started}

{\tt Web-mode} assists in creating and/or editing \Web{}s.
\leftline{\SS Creating a New \Web}

If a \Web\ is being created, Emacs will need to be started with an empty
file.  For example, if the name of the new \Web\ is {\tt my.web}, you
would probably enter the \Unix\ command 
\Command{\% emacs my.web}{}{}{0}
The function {\tt web-mode} (see NOTICE on previous page) will prompt
the user for the name of the file that contains the limbo portion of the
\Web\null. To accept the default file ({\tt limbo.material}), the user
need only press the return key.  If, on the other hand, the user wishes
to enter the name of another file, that can be done by answering with
another file name.  If the default is selected, the contents of the file
{\tt limbo.material} are inserted and the user is asked to enter a title
for the \Web\null.
\leftline{\SS Editing a \Web}

If you wish to use {\tt web-mode} on an existing \Web, say {\tt
primes.web}, you would begin by invoking Emacs with the \Unix\ command
\Command{\% emacs primes.web}{}{}{0}
When the function {\tt web-mode} is executed, it will perform some
initialization of various data structures.  A list of the module names
is collected. If {\tt web-mode} detects that a module name has been used
but never defined, a ``stub'' module is inserted at the {\bf end of the
major section} in which it was first used. The form of the stub module

{\vskip2pt\parskip0sp\tt\obeylines\def\SP{{\tt\char`\ }}
  @\char`\^ Stub@\char`>
  @\char`< Name of undefined module@\char`>=
{\tt Web-mode} also reads in the {\tt CHange} file that accompanies the
\Web\ currently being edited.  If there is no {\tt CHange} file, one is
created; however, this file is ``saved'' only if it is modified.
\leftline{\Bf Movement Within The \Tt{WEB}}

Several commands facilitate movement within the \Web\ document. The user
can switch to the buffer containing the {\tt CHange} file by issuing the
\Command{M-x web-change-file}{c}{f}{3} 
Similarly, the user can switch to the buffer containing the \Web{} file
at any time with the command
\Command{M-x web-file}{w}{f}{3}
If the \Web{} being edited is a {\tt CWEB}, the user can switch to any
of the include files with the command
\Command{M-x web-include-file}{i}{f}{3}
This command takes a numeric argument.  For example, giving the function
an argument of 1 would cause the buffer containing the contents of the
first include file command ({\tt @i}) encountered in the {\tt CWEB} to
become the current buffer.

The user can {\tt goto} any module or section at any time by issuing
\Command{M-x web-goto-module}{g}{m}{6}
\Command{M-x web-goto-section}{g}{s}{6}
respectively. The user is then prompted for the module or section
number. If a nonpositive number or a number greater than the number of
modules or sections in the \Web\ is entered, an appropriate error
message is displayed in the minibuffer. If a valid module or section
number is entered, point moves to the beginning of that module or
section in the \Web\null. The command can also be entered with a numeric
argument which represents the destination module or section number. For
example, if the user wants to {\tt goto} module 163, the command could
be entered as
$$\line{\hskip\parindent\tt C-u 163 M-x web-goto-module\hfil
                       \hbox{\strut\kern2pt{\tt C-u 163 ESC C-g C-m}\kern2pt}}
If the destination module has been changed, a message is printed in the
minibuffer stating that the destination module has been changed.

The user can also {\tt goto} the next or previous module by entering
\Command{M-x web-next-module}{n}{m}{3}
\Command{M-x web-previous-module}{p}{m}{6}
respectively. If there is no next or previous module, an appropriate
message is displayed in the minibuffer; otherwise, point moves to the
beginning of the next or previous module, whichever is appropriate.

The user can also {\tt goto} the next or previous major section in the
\Web\ document by entering either 
\Command{M-x web-next-section}{n}{s}{3}
\Command{M-x web-previous-section}{p}{s}{6}
respectively. If there is no next or previous section, an appropriate
message is displayed in the minibuffer; otherwise, point moves to the
beginning of the next or previous section, whichever is appropriate.  It
should be noted that these commands move point to the beginning of the
next or previous section and not to the beginning of the current

The user can determine the exact module number and major section point
is positioned in at any time with the commands 
\Command{M-x web-what-module}{w}{m}{3}
\Command{M-x web-what-section}{w}{s}{3}

If you are already an experienced \Web er, you might want to ask about
the {\tt change} file. Please wait until you've read that section.
\leftline{\Bf Inserting A Module Name}
Whenever the {\tt \char`<} key is pressed in the buffer containing the
\Web\ document, the function {\tt web-insert-module-name} is invoked. This
function must determine whether this is the beginning of a module name
or not. The function examines the preceding characters. If an odd
number of {\tt @}'s precede the {\tt \char`<}, then it is the
beginning of a module name and the function {\tt
web-options-for-module-name-insertion} is automatically invoked;
otherwise, the {\tt \char`<} is inserted and the user can continue

If the function determines that it is the beginning of a module name,
the user is switched to another buffer with the following options:

  \itemitem{A.} Abort
  \itemitem{C.} Create New Module Name
  \itemitem{L.} List All Modules Beginning with Letter
  \itemitem{N.} Next Screen
  \itemitem{P.} Previous Screen
  \itemitem{S.} Select Existing Module Name\par }
\noindent The user must then select one of the above options. A sample
screen is shown in Figure~1. The \Web\ used for the figures is {\tt
primes.web} contained in [1]\null.

Option  Action
------  -------------------------------------------
   A    Abort
   C    Create a New Module Name
   L    List all Module Names Beginning with Letter
   N    Next Screen
   P    Previous Screen
   S    Select Existing Module Name
Number  Name
   1    Fill table |p| with the first |m| prime numbers
   2    Give to |j_prime| the meaning: |j|~is a prime number
   3    If |p[n]| is a factor of~|j|, set |j_prime:=false|
   4    Increase |j| until it is the next prime number
   5    Initialize the data structures
   6    Other constants of the program
   7    Output a line of answers
   8    Output a page of answers
   9    Print table |p|
  10    Print the first |m| prime numbers
  11    Program to print the first thousand prime numbers
                       Displaying 11 Module Names of 14
--**-Emacs: *Module Names*        (Web)----All---------------------------------
\centerline{{\bf Figure 1.}}

{\parskip4pt plus2pt minus1pt

\item{{\tt A.}} If this option is selected, the user is switched back
to the buffer containing the \Web\ document and the two characters
preceding point ({\tt @\char`<}) are deleted.

The remaining options involve the list of module names. The
module names are displayed below the menu choices. The module names
are displayed in alphabetical order and are retrieved from the list
that was created when {\tt web-mode} was invoked at the beginning of
the editing session. The module names are displayed with a number to
their left. The modules are numbered sequentially beginning with

\item{{\tt C.}} If the option is chosen, the user is prompted for the
name of the new module. Once entered, the user is switched back to the
buffer containing the \Web\ document, the new module name is inserted,
and the ending module delimiter (either {\tt @\char`>\ \rm or \tt
@\char`> =}) is determined automatically and inserted. A check against
the existing module names is conducted to ensure that the entered
module name is indeed new. If the module name is new, a determination
of whether a stub module needs to be appended is made and the new
module name is added to the list of module names.

\item{{\tt L.}} This causes all module names that begin with a
particular letter to be displayed. The user is prompted for the letter.
If no module names begin with the desired letter, an appropriate
message is displayed in the minibuffer.

\item{{\tt N.}} This causes the next screen of module names to be
displayed. For example, if the screen is capable of displaying 21
module names and currently module names 1 through 21 are displayed,
choosing {\tt N} would cause module names 22 through 42 to be

\item{{\tt P.}} This causes the previous screen of module names to be
displayed. For example, if the screen is capable of displaying 21
module names and currently module names 30 through 50 are displayed,
choosing {\tt P} would cause module names 9 through 29 to be

\item{{\tt S.}} This option asks the user to enter the number
associated with the module name that he wishes to insert in the \Web\
document. The ending module name delimiter (either {\tt @\char`>\ \rm
or \tt @\char`> =}) is determined automatically and inserted.\par}

{\it This might seem like a severe interruption of the coding
process. However, getting the ``named modules'' spelled and spaced
correctly is critical.}
\leftline{\BF Viewing the Index, Module Names, and}
\leftline{\BF Section Names}
{\tt Web-mode} allows a programmer to view the index as created by
{\tt WEAVE}\null. A user can also display the list of module names
that is maintained by {\tt web-mode}\null.  It is also possible to
view the names of the major sections of the \Web{} and the module
number where each major section begins.
\leftline{\SS Viewing the Index}

The user can view the contents of the index created by {\tt WEAVE} by
issuing the command 
\Command{M-x web-view-index}{v}{i}{3}
The user is first asked whether the \Web\ is a Pascal or C \Web\null.
After the language has been determined, the function creates an
asynchronous process which invokes the {\tt WEAVE} processor on the
\Web\ in the current buffer.  At Texas A\&M we have modified {\tt WEAVE}
so that it writes the index to the file {\tt INDEX.tex} and the list of
module names to the file {\tt MODULE\_NAMES.tex}\null. (The changes that
must be made to {\tt WEAVE} to accomplish this are contained in Appendix
C.)\ \ Once this process has completed, the contents of {\tt INDEX.tex}
are inserted into another buffer. Some reformatting is done for a better
presentation. The user can traverse the list of module numbers for a
particular index entry by positioning the cursor anywhere on the line(s)
where the index entry of interest is located and issuing the command
\Command{M-x web-next-index}{n}{i}{3}
\Command{M-x web-previous-index}{p}{i}{6}
These commands can be issued from the buffer where the index is
displayed or they can be issued from the buffer that contains the \Web\
document. If the commands are issued from the former, the user is
switched back to the buffer that contains the \Web\ document, and point
is positioned at the beginning of the module where the most recently
selected index entry was next or previously referenced from point's
current position.

Once the user is back in the buffer that contains the \Web\ document,
the list of modules associated with the most recently selected index
entry can be traversed with the commands 
\Command{M-x web-next-index}{n}{i}{3}
\Command{M-x web-previous-index}{p}{i}{6}
These commands work as expected and print an error message if the user
attempts to run off of either end of the list. A portion of the index
created for Knuth's {\tt primes.web} is shown in Figure~2\null.

Bertrand, Joseph, postulate: 21.
boolean: 15.
c: 7.
cc: 5, 7, 8, 10.
Dijkstra, Edsger: 1, 15.
Eratosthenes, sieve of: 24.
false: 13, 26.
integer: 4, 7, 12, 17, 24.
j: 12.
j\_prime: 13, 14, 15, 22, 26.
k: 12.
Knuth, Donald E.: 15.
m: 2.
mult: 24, 25, 26.
n: 23.
new\_line: 6*, 9, 10.
new\_page: 6*, 9.
ord: 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25.
ord\_max: 17, 19, 23, 24.
output: 2, 6*.
output format: 5, 9.
p: 4.
--**-Emacs: *INDEX for primes.web*    (Web)----Top-----------------------------
\centerline{{\bf Figure 2.}}

***{\bf Important}***\ \ It may be necessary for the {\tt web-view-index}
source to be changed if the {\tt WEAVE} processor for Pascal \Web s is
called something other than ``{\tt weave}'' or the {\tt WEAVE}
processor for C \Web s is called something other than ``{\tt cweave}''
on your computer system. The {\tt web-view-index} has calls to the Emacs'
function {\tt call-process}\null.  The first argument to this function
is the name of the program that is to be run as a separate process. If
the program names of the {\tt WEAVE} processors differ on your system,
these lines will need to be changed accordingly in the function {\tt

\leftline{\SS Viewing the Module Names}

The user can also view the contents of the list of module names that
is maintained by {\tt web-mode}\null. When the command 
\Command{M-x web-view-module-names-list}{v}{m}{3} 
is issued, the list is displayed in another buffer.  Some reformatting
is necessary. The user is free to peruse the list as much as he likes.
The results of issuing this command on Knuth's {\tt primes.web} is shown
in Figure~3\null.

Fill table |p| with the first |m| prime numbers (11) (3)
Give to |j_prime| the meaning: |j|~is a prime number (22) (14)
If |p[n]| is a factor of~|j|, set |j_prime:=false| (26) (22)
Increase |j| until it is the next prime number (14) (11)
Initialize the data structures (16 18) (11)
Other constants of the program (5 19) (2)
Output a line of answers (10) (9)
Output a page of answers (9) (8)
Print table |p| (8) (3)
Print the first |m| prime numbers (3) (2)
Program to print the first thousand prime numbers (2) (1)
Update variables that depend on~|j| (20) (14)
Update variables that depend on~|ord| (21 25) (20)
Variables of the program (4 7 12 15 17 23 24) (2)
--**-Emacs: *Module Name (Defined In) (Used In)*   (Web)--All------------------
\centerline{{\bf Figure 3.}}

The commands 
\Command{M-x web-next-define}{n}{d}{3}
\Command{M-x web-next-use}{n}{u}{3}
\Command{M-x web-previous-define}{p}{d}{6}
\Command{M-x web-previous-use}{p}{u}{6}
can be invoked from the buffer where the module names are displayed or
they can be invoked from the buffer containing the \Web\ document.  If
they are invoked from the former, the user selects a module name by
positioning the cursor anywhere on the line(s) where the module name of
interest is located.  Once a module name has been selected, the user is
switched back to the buffer containing the \Web\ document at the module
where the most recently selected module name was next/previously defined
or used, whichever is appropriate, from point's current position.

While in the \Web{} document, the ``Defined In'' and ``Used In'' lists
can be traversed with the commands 
\Command{M-x web-next-define}{n}{d}{3}
which positions point at the beginning of the module where the most
recently selected module name was next defined, 
\Command{M-x web-previous-define}{p}{d}{6}
which positions point at the beginning of the module where the most
recently selected module name was previously defined, 
\Command{M-x web-next-use}{n}{u}{3}
which positions point at the beginning of the module where the most
recently selected module name was next used, and
\Command{M-x web-previous-use}{p}{u}{6}
which positions point at the beginning of the module where the most
recently selected module name was previously used.

It should be noted that these commands prevent the user from running
off either end of either list.

{\tt Web-mode} maintains a list of the form
  (Defined In Modules)\quad(Used In Modules))\hfil\cr
  (&1\cr &2\cr &\omit$\ldots$\hfil\cr &n\cr )\cr
This list is collected automatically by {\tt web-mode} as well as
maintained. If the user feels that this list is in error at any time
during an editing session, the list can be recollected with the
\Command{M-x web-collect-module-names}{}{}{0}
\leftline{\SS Viewing the Major Section Names}

The user can also view a list of the names of the major sections in
the \Web\ document and the module number where each major section
begins. The command 
\Command{M-x web-view-section-names-list}{v}{s}{3}
collects the names of the major sections along with their module numbers
and displays them in another buffer.  The user is switched over to this
buffer. The result of issuing this command on Knuth's {\tt primes.web}
is shown in Figure~4\null.

Module#  Section Name
   1     Printing primes: An example of \WEB
   3     Plan of the program
   5     The output phase
  11     Generating the primes
  22     The inner loop
  27     Index
--**-Emacs: *Section Names*    (Web)----All------------------------------------
\centerline{{\bf Figure 4.}}

\leftline{\Bf Support for Change Files}
{\tt Web-mode} also provides support for {\tt change} files. The
\Command{M-x web-view-changed-modules-list}{v}{c}{3}
can be invoked in either the buffer containing the \Web\ document or the
buffer containing the {\tt change} file. It displays a list of modules
that have been changed in a separate window.

The command 
\Command{M-x web-edit-module}{e}{m}{3}
will insert the contents of the module that point is positioned in when
the command is invoked in the {\tt change} file in its proper position.
The entire module's contents are copied twice---once between {\tt @x @y}
and once between {\tt @y @z}. The user is positioned at the first line
after the {\tt @y}\null. This command is only available in the buffer
containing the \Web\ document.

The command 
\Command{M-x web-what-change}{w}{c}{3}
can only be invoked in the buffer containing the {\tt change} file. This
function displays a descriptive message informing the user of what
module in the \Web\ the change that point is positioned in corresponds

Movement within the {\tt change} file is accomplished with the commands:
\Command{M-x web-goto-change-corresponding-to-module}{g}{c}{6}
If a numeric argument is not provided, the user is prompted.  Point is
positioned at the beginning of the change in the {\tt change} buffer
that corresponds to the module number given as an argument.
\Command{M-x web-next-change}{n}{c}{3}
This command positions point at the beginning of the next change in the
{\tt change} buffer.
\Command{M-x web-previous-change}{p}{c}{6}
This command positions point at the beginning of the previous change in
the {\tt change} buffer.

The command \Command{M-x web-count-changes}{c}{c}{3}
will display the number of modules that have been changed.

\leftline{\Bf Miscellaneous Functions}

The function 
\Command{M-x web-count-modules}{c}{m}{3}
displays in the minibuffer the total number of modules in the \Web\
document that is currently being edited.

The function 
\Command{M-x web-count-sections}{c}{s}{3}
displays in the minibuffer the total number of sections in the \Web\
document that is currently being edited.

The command 
\Command{M-x web-delimiter-match-check}{d}{m}{3}
looks at the entire
\Web\ document module by module. It determines if the delimiters
surrounding module names, namely, {\tt@\char`<} and {\tt@\char`>}, are
matched. If the delimiters do not match properly, a descriptive message
is printed in a temporary buffer.

The function 
\Command{M-x web-determine-characteristics}{d}{c}{3}
creates a table that shows the number of lines of commentary,
definition/format macros, and code in each module in the \Web\ document.
A message is displayed in the minibuffer indicating to the user which
module the function is currently working on. Once completed, the user is
switched to a buffer where the characteristics have been written. The
user is free to peruse this buffer using regular Emacs commands.

{\tt Web-mode} also makes it easier to enter index entries. When
the function 
\Command{M-x web-insert-index-entry}{i}{i}{3}
is issued, the user is prompted for two things:
  \item{1.} The type of font to be used (Roman, typewriter, or
user-defined). This determines the opening delimiter to the index
entry (either {\tt @\char`\^\rm , \tt @\char`.\rm , or \tt @\char`:}) and
  \item{2.} The text of the index entry.

\noindent The complete index entry is then placed on a new line.


The command 
\Command{M-x web-rename-module}{r}{m}{3}
allows the user to rename a module. Point should be positioned on the
name that the user wishes to rename. The user is prompted for the new
name.  The user is then given the option of renaming a single
occurrence, all occurrences, or is queried if each of the remaining
occurrences should be renamed.

There are several functions in {\tt web-mode} that are invoked
automatically whenever a particular key is pressed. These functions
\Command{M-x web-is-this-a-new-module-beginning}{}{}{0}
which is invoked whenever the {\tt @} key is pressed. The function
checks to see if the {\tt @} is at the beginning of a line. If it is,
the next character is read. If this next character is either a space,
newline, tab, or asterisk, then the {\tt @} in combination with the next
character constitutes the beginning of a new module.

Another useful function that is invoked automatically is
\Command{M-x web-newline} {}{}{0}
which is invoked whenever the newline character is pressed. This
function positions point so that the next line has the same indentation
as the current line that is being terminated.

One keybinding that Emacs' users are familiar with has been rebound to
another function. The keybinding {\tt C-x C-c} has been bound to
the {\tt web-mode} function 
\Command{M-x web-mode-save-buffers-kill-emacs}{x}{c}{1}
Before this function makes a call to Emacs' {\tt
save-buffers-kill-emacs}, it completes the journal file that is
maintained by {\tt web-mode}. This journal file keeps track of what file
is being edited, who is editing it, when the editing began, when the
editing stopped, and a count of the number of times each of {\tt
web-mode}'s interactive functions were used.
\leftline{\Bf A Final Note}
Any suggestions for enhancements, problems with the existing
functions, or criticisms can be submitted to 
\item{$\bullet$} the author ({\tt motl@cs.tamu.edu}) or 
\item{$\bullet$} Bart Childs ({\tt bart@cs.tamu.edu})\null.
\leftline{\Bf References}
{\parskip2pt plus1pt minus1pt
\item{1.} Donald E.~Knuth, ``Literate Programming,'' {\it The Computer
Journal}, vol.~27, no.~2, May\ 1984, pp.~97--111.

\item{2.} Bill Lewis, Dan LaLiberte, and the GNU Manual Group, {\it
The GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual}, Emacs Version 18 for \Unix\ Users,
Edition 1.01, Cambridge, MA: Free Software Foundation, Apr.~1990.

\item{3.} Richard Stallman, {\it GNU Emacs Manual}, Fifth Edition,
Version 18 for \Unix\ Users, Cambridge, MA: Free Software Foundation,

\leftline{\Bf Supplementary Sources}
\bigskip\newcount\Itemno \Itemno=0 
\def\Item#1\Enditem{\global\advance \Itemno by 1 \item{\the\Itemno.} #1}

{Adrian Avenarius and Siegfried Oppermann,
 ``FWEB: A Literate Programming System for Fortran8x,''
 {\it SIGPLAN Notices,}
 vol.~25, no.~1, Jan.~1990, pp.~52--58.

{Jon Bentley,
 ``Programming Pearls: Literate Programming,''
 {\it Communications of the ACM},
 vol.~29, no.~5, May~1986, pp.~364--369.

{Jon Bentley and David Gries, 
 ``Programming Pearls: Abstract Data Types,''
 {\it Communications of the ACM},
 vol.~30, no.~4, Apr.~1987, pp.~284--290.

{Jon Bentley, Donald E.~Knuth, and Doug McIlroy, 
 ``Programming Pearls: A Literate Program,''
 {\it Communications of the ACM},
 vol.~29, no.~6, Jun.~1986, pp.~471--483.

{Marcus E.~Brown,
 ``An Interactive Environment for Literate Programming,''
 Ph.D.\ Dissertation, Dept.\ of Computer Science, Texas A\&M University,
 College Station, TX, Aug.~1988.

{Marcus E.~Brown and Bart Childs,
 ``An Interactive Environment for Literate Programming,''
{\it Structured Programming}, vol.~11, no.~1, Jan.~1990, pp.~11--25.

{Peter J.~Denning, 
 ``Announcing Literate Programming,''
 {\it Communications of the ACM},
 vol.~30, no.~7, Jul.~1987, p.~593.

{Klaus Guntermann and Joachim Schrod, 
 ``\Web\ Adapted to C,''
 {\it TUGboat},
 vol.~7, no.~3, Oct.~1986, pp.~134--137.

{Eric Hamilton,
 ``Literate Programming: Expanding Generalized Regular Expressions,''
 {\it Communications of the ACM},
 vol.~31, no.~12, Dec.~1988, pp.~1376--1385.

{David R.~Hanson,
 ``Literate Programming: Printing Common Words,''
 {\it Communications of the ACM},
 vol.~30, no.~7, Jul.~1987, pp.~594--599.

{Michael A.~Jackson,
 ``Literate Programming: Processing Transactions,''
 {\it Communications of the ACM},
 vol.~30, no.~12, Dec.~1987, pp.~1000--1010.

{Donald E.~Knuth,
 {\it \MF: The Program},
 vol.~D of {\it Computers \& Typesetting},
 Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.,

{Donald E.~Knuth,
 {\it \TeX: The Program},
 vol.~B of {\it Computers \& Typesetting},
 Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.,

{Donald E.~Knuth,
 ``The \Web\ System of Structured Documentation,''
 Stanford Computer Science Report STAN-CS-980,
 Dept.\ of Computer Science, 
 Stanford University, Stanford, CA,

{John A.~Krommes,
 ``The \Web{} System of Structured Software Design and Documentation for
 Fortran, Ratfor, and C,''
 Technical Report, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ,
 Nov.~1989. Available by anonymous {\tt ftp} from
 {\tt ss01.pppl.gov} in directory {\tt/pub/fweb}.

{Silvio Levy, 
 ``\Web\ Adapted to C, Another Approach,''
 {\it TUGboat},
 vol.~8, no.~1,
 Apr.~1987, pp.~12--13.

{Donald C.~Lindsay,
 ``Literate Programming: A File Difference Program,''
 {\it Communications of the ACM},
 vol.~32, no.~6, Jun.~1989, pp.~740--752.

{Charles Lins, 
 ``A First Look at Literate Programming,''
 {\it Structured Programming},
 vol.~10, no.~1, 1989, pp.~60--62.

{Charles Lins,
 ``An Introduction to Literate Programming,''
 {\it Structured Programming},
 vol.~10, no.~2, 1989, pp.~107--112.

{Norman Ramsey,
 ``Literate Programming: Weaving a Language-Independent \Web,''
 {\it Communications of the ACM},
 vol.~32, no.~9, Sep.~1989, pp.~1051--1055.

 ``How to\/ {\tt MANGLE} Your Software: The\/ \Web\ System for
 {\it TUGboat},
 vol.~8, no.~2, Jul.~1987, pp.~118--122.

 {\it Weaving a Program: Literate Programming in WEB},
 New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1989.

{Richard M.~Stallman,
 ``EMACS: The Extensible, Customizable, Self-Doc\-u\-men\-ting Display 
 in {\it Interactive Programming Environments},
 David R.~Barstow,
 Howard E.~Shroke, and Erik Sandewall, Eds.,
 New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1984, pp.~300--325.

 ``Experiences of `Literate Programming' using {\tt cweb} (a variant
   of Knuth's \Web),''
 {\it The Computer Journal},
 vol.~29, no.~3, Jun.~1986, pp.~201--211.

{Sho-Huan Tung,
 ``A Structured Method for Literate Programming,''
 {\it Structured Programming},
 vol.~10, no.~2, 1989, pp.~113--120.

{Christopher J.~Van Wyk,
 ``Literate Programming: An Assessment,''
 {\it Communications of the ACM},
 vol.~33, no.~3, Mar.~1990, pp.~361 and 365.

}% end reduced parskip for references.
\centerline{\BF Glossary}
{\bf buffer} --- A buffer is the basic editing unit. In Emacs, a user can
have many buffers, however, only one can be edited at any one time.

{\bf change file} --- This file contains information that is used to
override portions of the \Web{} file. Each ``change'' consists of
repeating the lines from the \Web{} file that require modification and
the new lines that are to replace the old ones. The {\tt TANGLE} and
{\tt WEAVE} processors have the ability to scan both the \Web{} and
change files so that the new lines replace the old lines at the
appropriate places in the resulting high-level language and \TeX{} codes.

{\bf major section} --- A major section is a ``starred'' module; that is,
it is a module that begins with the symbols `{\tt@*}'.

{\bf minibuffer} --- The bottom line of the screen when using Emacs.
This area is used to display arguments to commands, commands that are
typed in from the keyboard, and messages to the user. For commands that
require arguments, the minibuffer area can be used for prompting as well.

{\bf module} --- A module begins with the pair of symbols `{\tt@*}',
`{\tt@\char`<}', `{\tt@\BS t}', `{\tt@\BS n}', or `{\tt@\char`\ }'. A 
module ends when the next module begins or the end of the file, whichever
comes first.

{\bf numeric argument} --- A number which is specified before a command
to alter the effect of the command.

{\bf section} --- A section is the same as a major section.

{\bf web file} --- contains the source of the \Web\null. The file
consists of the limbo portion and the individual units that comprise the
\Web{} called modules. A module consists of a commentary, definition, and
code parts, any two of which can be empty.


\centerline{\BF Appendix A} 
% SLIDES can be prepared using TeX without resorting to SliTeX.
% SliTeX is an excellent way to do many things that will not show
% in this macro package.
% To use this you should start off with:
% \magnification=\magstep5 or  6. Try it and pick one.
% Look at the other parameters in the slides.tex sample.
% Now tex away!
% The following is taken from the first 120 lines of MANMAC.TeX.
% A few lines have been deleted.
% This is MANMAC.TEX in text format, as of Mar 31, 1986.
% Macros for The TeXbook

\catcode`@=11 % borrow the private macros of PLAIN (with care)



\skewchar\ninei='177 \skewchar\eighti='177 \skewchar\sixi='177

\skewchar\ninesy='60 \skewchar\eightsy='60 \skewchar\sixsy='60



\hyphenchar\tentt=-1 % inhibit hyphenation in typewriter type



\font\tenss=lcmss8 scaled 1440
\font\niness=lcmss8 scaled 1200

\def\X {\def\rm{\fam0\tenrm}% look at tenpoint in the TeXbook
  \textfont0=\tenrm \scriptfont0=\sevenrm \scriptscriptfont0=\fiverm
  \textfont1=\teni \scriptfont1=\seveni \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei
  \textfont2=\tensy \scriptfont2=\sevensy \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy
  \textfont3=\tenex \scriptfont3=\tenex \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
  \textfont\bffam=\tenbf \scriptfont\bffam=\sevenbf
  \tt \ttglue=.5em plus.25em minus.15em
  \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height8.5pt depth3.5pt width\z@}%
  \normalbaselines \parskip=\normalbaselineskip	\rm}

\def\IX {\def\rm{\fam0\ninerm}% look at ninepoint in the TeXbook
  \textfont0=\ninerm \scriptfont0=\sixrm \scriptscriptfont0=\fiverm
  \textfont1=\ninei \scriptfont1=\sixi \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei
  \textfont2=\ninesy \scriptfont2=\sixsy \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy
  \textfont3=\tenex \scriptfont3=\tenex \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
  \textfont\bffam=\ninebf \scriptfont\bffam=\sixbf
  \tt \ttglue=.5em plus.25em minus.15em
  \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height8pt depth3pt width\z@}%
  \normalbaselines \parskip=\normalbaselineskip	\rm}

\def\VIII {\def\rm{\fam0\eightrm}% look at eightpoint in the TeXbook
  \textfont0=\eightrm \scriptfont0=\sixrm \scriptscriptfont0=\fiverm
  \textfont1=\eighti \scriptfont1=\sixi \scriptscriptfont1=\fivei
  \textfont2=\eightsy \scriptfont2=\sixsy \scriptscriptfont2=\fivesy
  \textfont3=\tenex \scriptfont3=\tenex \scriptscriptfont3=\tenex
  \textfont\bffam=\eightbf \scriptfont\bffam=\sixbf
  \tt \ttglue=.5em plus.25em minus.15em
  \setbox\strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height7pt depth2pt width\z@}%
  \normalbaselines \parskip=\normalbaselineskip	\rm}
% This is borrowed and extended from plain.tex
%                         0       1       2       3       4       5
\def\magstep#1{\ifcase#1 \@m\or 1200\or 1440\or 1728\or 2074\or 2488\or
  2986\or 3583\or 4300\or 5160 \fi\relax}
%   6       7       8       9
\message{I suggest you set eight point, VIII}
\message{It also sets raggedright}

   \multispan5\hfil Alphabetized Listing of {\tt web-mode} Commands\hfil\cr
   &\bf Command&&\bf\hidewidth Key Binding\hidewidth&\cr
   &web-change-file&&ESC C-c C-f&\cr\tablerule
   &web-count-changes&&ESC C-c C-c&\cr\tablerule
   &web-count-modules&&ESC C-c C-m&\cr\tablerule
   &web-count-sections&&ESC C-c C-s&\cr\tablerule
   &web-delimiter-match-check&&ESC C-d C-m&\cr\tablerule
   &web-determine-characteristics&&ESC C-d C-c&\cr\tablerule
   &web-edit-module&&ESC C-e C-m&\cr\tablerule
   &web-file&&ESC C-w C-f&\cr\tablerule
   &web-goto-change-corresponding-to-module&&ESC C-g C-c&\cr\tablerule
   &web-goto-module&&ESC C-g C-m&\cr\tablerule
   &web-goto-section&&ESC C-g C-s&\cr\tablerule
   &web-include-file&&ESC C-i C-f&\cr\tablerule
   &web-insert-index-entry&&ESC C-i C-i&\cr\tablerule
   &web-mode-save-buffers-kill-emacs&&C-x C-c&\cr\tablerule
   &web-next-change&&ESC C-n C-c&\cr\tablerule
   &web-next-define&&ESC C-n C-d&\cr\tablerule
   &web-next-index&&ESC C-n C-i&\cr\tablerule
   &web-next-module&&ESC C-n C-m&\cr\tablerule
   &web-next-section&&ESC C-n C-s&\cr\tablerule
   &web-next-use&&ESC C-n C-u&\cr\tablerule
   &web-previous-change&&ESC C-p C-c&\cr\tablerule
   &web-previous-define&&ESC C-p C-d&\cr\tablerule
   &web-previous-index&&ESC C-p C-i&\cr\tablerule
   &web-previous-module&&ESC C-p C-m&\cr\tablerule
   &web-previous-section&&ESC C-p C-s&\cr\tablerule
   &web-previous-use&&ESC C-p C-u&\cr\tablerule
   &web-rename-module&&ESC C-r C-m&\cr\tablerule
   &web-view-changed-modules-list&&ESC C-v C-c&\cr\tablerule
   &web-view-index&&ESC C-v C-i&\cr\tablerule
   &web-view-module-names-list&&ESC C-v C-m&\cr\tablerule
   &web-view-section-names-list&&ESC C-v C-s&\cr\tablerule
   &web-what-change&&ESC C-w C-c&\cr\tablerule
   &web-what-module&&ESC C-w C-m&\cr\tablerule
   &web-what-section&&ESC C-w C-s&\cr\tablerule
   \multispan5\rm${}^1$ No keybinding for this function.\hfil\cr
   \multispan5\rm${}^2$ Invoked whenever {\tt\char`<} is pressed.\hfil\cr
   \multispan5\rm${}^3$ Invoked whenever {\tt\char`@} is pressed.\hfil\cr
     Invoked whenever the newline character is pressed.
     Suggested by Donald Knuth.\hidewidth\hfil\cr


With the exception of two functions
\item{$\bullet$} {\tt web-file} and 
\item{$\bullet$} {\tt web-mode-save-buffers-kill-emacs}

\noindent  notice that all keybindings have a similar form that consists
of three parts. Each command is prefaced with the escape key. The next
part of the keybinding is the control key followed by the first letter
of the second word of the function name.  The second part of the
keybinding is the control key followed by the first letter of the third
word of the function name.

 \setbox\Files=\vbox{\hbox to 103truept{\hfil Movement Among\hfil}
                     \hbox to 103truept{\hfil Files\hfil}
 \ht\Files=0sp \wd\Files=0sp

 \setbox\Modules=\vbox{\hbox to 103truept{\hfil Movement Among\hfil}
                     \hbox to 103truept{\hfil Modules\hfil}
 \ht\Modules=0sp \wd\Modules=0sp

 \setbox\Sections=\vbox{\hbox to 103truept{\hfil Interactive Access to\hfil}
                     \hbox to 103truept{\hfil and\hfil}
                     \hbox to 103truept{\hfil Movement Among\hfil}
                     \hbox to 103truept{\hfil Sections\hfil}
 \ht\Sections=0sp \wd\Sections=0sp

 \setbox\Index=\vbox{\hbox to 103truept{\hfil Interactive Access to\hfil}
                     \hbox to 103truept{\hfil Index\hfil}

 \ht\Index=0sp \wd\Index=0sp

 \setbox\ModNames=\vbox{\hbox to 103truept{\hfil Interactive Access\hfil}
                        \hbox to 103truept{\hfil to Modules\hfil}

 \ht\ModNames=0sp \wd\ModNames=0sp \dp\ModNames=0sp

 \setbox\Change=\vbox{\hbox to 103truept{\hfil Change File\hfil}
                      \hbox to 103truept{\hfil Editing and Movement\hfil}
 \ht\Change=0sp \wd\Change=0sp

 \setbox\Structure=\vbox{\hbox to 103truept{\hfil{\tt Web}\hfil}
                         \hbox to 103truept{\hfil Structure\hfil}
                         \hbox to 103truept{\hfil Information\hfil}
 \ht\Structure=0sp \wd\Structure=0sp

 \setbox\Misc=\vbox{\hbox to 103truept{\hfil Miscellaneous\hfil}}
 \ht\Misc=0sp \wd\Misc=0sp

             &\quad\hbox to 103truept{\hfil#\hfil}\quad%
             &\quad\hbox to 200truept{\tt#\hfil}\quad%
   \multispan7\hfil Alphabetized Listing of {\tt web-mode} Commands by 
   &\strut\bf\hfil Functionality\hfil
     &&\bf Command&&\bf\hidewidth Key Binding\hidewidth&\cr
   &\omit\quad\strut\box\Files&&web-change-file&&ESC C-c C-f&\cr
   &&&\strut web-file&&ESC C-w C-f&\cr
   &&&\strut web-include-file&&ESC C-i C-f&\cr\tablerule
   &\omit\quad\strut\box\Modules&&web-goto-module&&ESC C-g C-m&\cr
   &&&\strut web-next-module&&ESC C-n C-m&\cr
   &&&\strut web-previous-module&&ESC C-p C-m&\cr\tablerule
     &&web-goto-section&&ESC C-g C-s&\cr
   &&&\strut web-next-section&&ESC C-n C-s&\cr
   &&&\strut web-previous-section&&ESC C-p C-s&\cr
   &&&\strut web-view-section-names-list&&ESC C-v C-s&\cr\tablerule
   &\strut Inserting a Module&&web-insert-module-name%
   &\omit\quad\strut\box\Index&&web-next-index&&ESC C-n C-i&\cr
   &&&\strut web-previous-index&&ESC C-p C-i&\cr
   &&&\strut web-view-index&&ESC C-v C-i&\cr\tablerule
   &&&\strut web-collect-module-names&&n/a${}^{2\mathstrut}$&\cr
   &&&\strut web-next-define&&ESC C-n C-d&\cr
   &\omit\quad\strut\raise6truept\box\ModNames&&web-next-use&&ESC C-n C-u&\cr
   &&&\strut web-previous-define&&ESC C-p C-d&\cr
   &&&\strut web-previous-use&&ESC C-p C-u&\cr
   &&&\strut web-view-module-names-list&&ESC C-v C-m&\cr\tablerule
   &&&\strut web-edit-module&&ESC C-e C-m&\cr
     &&web-goto-change-corresponding-to-module&&ESC C-g C-c&\cr
   &&&\strut web-next-change&&ESC C-n C-c&\cr
   &&&\strut web-previous-change&&ESC C-p C-c&\cr\tablerule
   &&&\strut web-count-changes&&ESC C-c C-c&\cr
   &&&\strut web-count-modules&&ESC C-c C-m&\cr
   &&&\strut web-count-sections&&ESC C-c C-s&\cr
     &&web-delimiter-match-check&&ESC C-d C-m&\cr
   &&&\strut web-determine-characteristics&&ESC C-d C-c&\cr
   &&&\strut web-view-changed-modules-list&&ESC C-v C-c&\cr
   &&&\strut web-what-change&&ESC C-w C-c&\cr
   &&&\strut web-what-module&&ESC C-w C-m&\cr
   &&&\strut web-what-section&&ESC C-w C-s&\cr\tablerule
   &&&\strut web-insert-index-entry&&ESC C-i C-i&\cr
   &&&\strut web-is-this-a-new-module-beginning&&n/a${}^3$&\cr
   &&&\strut web-mode-save-buffers-kill-emacs&&C-x C-c&\cr
   &&&\strut web-newline&&n/a${}^4$&\cr
   &&&\strut web-rename-module&&ESC C-r C-m&\cr\tablerule
   \multispan7\rm${}^1$ Invoked whenever {\tt\char`<} is pressed.\hfil\cr
   \multispan7\rm${}^2$ No keybinding for this function.\hfil\cr
   \multispan7\rm${}^3$ Invoked whenever {\tt\char`@} is pressed.\hfil\cr
     Invoked whenever the newline character is pressed. 
     Suggested by Donald Knuth\hfil\cr

The non-interactive functions in {\tt web-mode} are:
\centerline{\BF Appendix B}
The global variables used in {\tt web-mode} are:

The documentation for the above can be viewed at any time by issuing
the command 
$$\line{\hskip\parindent\tt M-x describe-variable\hfil
                 \hbox{\strut\kern2pt{\tt C-h v}\kern2pt}}
At the prompt, the name of the variable of interest should be entered.


\centerline{\BF Appendix C}
In order to get {\tt WEAVE} to create a separate file containing the
index and module names, the following changes were made to module 239:

@* Phase three processing.
We are nearly finished! \.{WEAVE}'s only remaining task is to write out the
index, after sorting the identifiers and index entries.
@<Phase III: Output the cross-reference index@>=
phase_three:=true; print_nl('Writing the index...');
if change_exists then
  begin finish_line; @<Tell about changed modules@>;
finish_line; out4("\")("i")("n")("x"); finish_line;
@<Do the first pass of sorting@>;
@<Sort and output the index@>;
out4("\")("f")("i")("n"); finish_line;
@<Output all the module names@>;
out4("\")("c")("o")("n"); finish_line;
@* Phase three processing.
We are nearly finished! \.{WEAVE}'s only remaining task is to write out the
index, after sorting the identifiers and index entries.

If the user has set the |no_xref| flag (the -x option on the command line),
just finish off the page, omitting the index, module name list, and table of

@<Phase III: Output the cross-reference index@>=
if no_xref then begin
        out("\"); out5("v")("f")("i")("l")("l");
else begin
phase_three:=true; print_nl('Writing the index...');
out("\"); out5("i")("n")("p")("u")("t"); out(" ");
out("\"); out5("i")("n")("p")("u")("t"); out5(" ")("M")("O")("D")("U");
out5("L")("E")("_")("N")("A"); out3("M")("E")("S");
if change_exists then
  begin @<Tell about changed modules@>;
finish_line; finish_line; out4("\")("i")("n")("x"); finish_line;
@<Do the first pass of sorting@>;
@<Sort and output the index@>;
out4("\")("f")("i")("n"); finish_line;
@<Output all the module names@>;
out4("\")("c")("o")("n"); finish_line;

Similarly, module 181 had to be changed in the {\tt WEAVE} for \Web s
written in C\null. The changes are:

@ @c phase_three() {
if (no_xref) {
else {
  phase=3; printf("\nWriting the index...");
  if (change_exists) {
    finish_line(); @<Tell about changed modules@>;
  finish_line(); out_str("\\inx"); finish_line();
  @<Do the first pass of sorting@>;
  @<Sort and output the index@>;
  out_str("\\fin"); finish_line();
  @<Output all the module names@>;
  out_str("\\con"); finish_line();
check_complete(); /* was all of the change file used? */
@ @c phase_three() {
if (no_xref) {
else {
  phase=3; printf("\nWriting the index...");
  out_str("\\input INDEX"); finish_line(); finish_line();
  out_str("\\input MODULE_NAMES"); finish_line(); fclose(tex_file);
  if ((tex_file=fopen("INDEX.tex","w"))==NULL)
    fatal("! Cannot open ouput file ","INDEX.tex");  
  if (change_exists) { @<Tell about changed modules@>;
    finish_line(); finish_line(); }
  out_str("\\inx"); finish_line();
  @<Do the first pass of sorting@>;
  @<Sort and output the index@>;
  out_str("\\fin"); finish_line(); fclose(tex_file);
  if ((tex_file=fopen("MODULE_NAMES.tex","w"))==NULL)
    fatal("! Cannot open ouput file ","MODULE_NAMES.tex");  
  @<Output all the module names@>;
  out_str("\\con"); finish_line(); fclose(tex_file);
check_complete(); /* was all of the change file used? */
